english high flier 2011


english high flier 2011
Łowcy Talentów – JERSZ
ul. Dębowa 2, WILCZYN, 55-120 OBORNIKI ŚLĄSKIE
tel./fax (71) 310 48 17
tel.kom. 505-138-588; 501-101-866
e-mail:[email protected]
7 grudnia 2011
JERZYK - klas V szkoły podstawowej
Czas trwania konkursu: 45 min.
Do każdego pytania jest dokładnie jedna poprawna odpowiedź. Za brak odpowiedzi dostajesz 0 punktów. Za
odpowiedź błędną otrzymujesz punkty ujemne równe ¼ liczby punktów przewidzianych dla danego zadania.
Życzymy przyjemnej pracy. Zapraszamy do konkursu ENGLISH ACE 2012. Informacje na naszej stronie
Pytania za 3 punkty
1. She is very rich. She has got ……… money.
A) much
B) no
C) a lot of
D) many
E) little
2. I hate vegetables, I ……. eat them.
A) sometimes
B) always
C) seldom
D) often
E) never
3. What is Tom doing?
He ……. for the test.
A) studying
B) studies
C) is studying
D) is studied
E) study
4. Is Fiona ………… Kate?
No, she is much taller.
A) taller as
B) as taller as
C) as tall than
D) tall as
E) as tall as
5. . …… did you buy this dress?
I bought it for 10 euros in my favourite shop.
A) When
B) Where
C) What
D) Why
E) How much
6. What does she do?
She is ….. teacher.
A) an
B) this
C) a
D) -
E) the
7. Which month is before June?
A) February
B) May
C) July
D) April
E) August
8. Tom is fourteen and Max is thirteen years old. Max is ….. Tom.
A) younger
B) older than
C) the oldest
D) younger than
E) older
9. Whose pen is this?
It’s ……. .
A) mine
B) our
E) your
C) she
D) my
10. Jackie always gives some of her sweets to her friends. She is very ….
A) helpful
B) sharing
C) generous
D) clever
E) adventurous
Pytania za 4 punkty
11. My mother has got a sister called Jane. Jane is my ……. .
A) cousin
B) stepsister
C) aunt
E) grandmother
D) uncle
12. Miss Smith is ….. . She works in a restaurant and serves food to people.
A) a waiter
B) a server
C) a secretary
D) a waitress
E) a nurse
13. We didn’t have a picnic yesterday because it ……. .
A) was rained
B) was raining
C) is raining
D) were raining
E) rains
14. Where do people usually keep food so it stays fresh?
A) In a fridge
B) In a wardrobe
C) In a cupboard
D) On a shelf
E) In an oven
15. Which word rhymes with night?
A) day
B) play
D) eight
E) headache
16. You …….. swim here, it’s dangerous!
A) mustn’t
B) have to
C) must
D) don’t have to
E) can
17. Which of these would a boy not usually wear?
A) a tracksuit
B) a shirt
C) a dress
D) trousers
E) socks
18. Which vegetable is the smallest?
A) a cabbage
B) a pumpkin
D) garlic
E) a pea
19. Which of these is not a part of the body?
A) a chin
B) a chest
C) a thumb
D) a scarf
E) skin
20. It’s a quarter to seven p.m. = It’s …… .
A) 7:45
B) 6:45
C) 18:45
D) 19:45
E) 17:45
C) kite
C) an onion
Ptania za 5 punktów
21. When I …… TV my mother ….. back home.
A) watched/was coming
B) was watching/came
D) was watching/was coming
E) was watching/come
22. The printer is not working.
Let me see. Did you …… ?
A) unplug it
B) plug it in
C) switch it
C) watched/came
D) plug in it
E) take it out
23. When I was a child I …… be fat, but now I am very slim.
A) used
B) use to
C) didn’t use to
D) used to
E) didn’t used to
24. Our family meets every year … Easter.
A) at
B) on
C) in
D) in the
E) on the
25. I don’t want to watch this film anymore. It’s not interesting at all and I’m ….. .
A) bored
B) boring
C) interested
D) uninteresting
E) interesting
26. To get to the railway station you need to go ….. the bridge.
A) between
B) down
C) along
D) through
E) across
27. I’m going to tell you a secret but please don’t tell …….
A) no one
B) anybody
C) nobody
D) people
E) the one
28. Which country is not a part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain?
A) Wales
B) England
C) Northern Ireland D) Ireland
E) Scotland
29. Who tried to blow up the British Houses of Parliament?
A) Queen Elizabeth B) Henry VIII
C) Guy Fawkes
D) Oliver Cromwell E) William Wallace
30. Which is the smallest state in the USA?
A) Maine
B) Washington
C) New York
D) Hawaii
E) Rhode Island
© Copyright by ŁOWCY TALENTÓW – JERSZ & FunEnglish.pl sp. z o.o., Wrocław 2011