english high flier 2009


english high flier 2009
Łowcy Talentów – JERSZ
ul. Dębowa 2, WILCZYN, 55-120 OBORNIKI ŚLĄSKIE
tel./fax (071) 310 48 17
tel.kom. 0-505-138-588; 0-501-101-866
e-mail:[email protected]
2 grudnia 2009
JERZYK - klas V szkoły podstawowej
Czas trwania konkursu: 45 min.
Do każdego pytania jest dokładnie jedna poprawna odpowiedź. Za brak odpowiedzi dostajesz 0 punktów. Za
odpowiedź błędną otrzymujesz punkty ujemne równe ¼ liczby punktów przewidzianych dla danego zadania.
Życzymy przyjemnej pracy. Zapraszamy do konkursu ENGLISH ACE 2010. Informacje na naszej stronie
Pytania za 3 punkty
1. Today … Tuesday.
A) is
B) am
C) are
D) were
E) weren't
Teacher: Are you feeling well, Sarah?
Sarah: Yes, I … .
A) are
B) am
C) is
D) do
E) does
3. Robert Kubica is a famous … racing driver.
A) polish
B) Polish
C) pole
D) Poland
E) Polen
4. How much grass can a …. eat?
A) ship
B) sheep
D) shop
E) shirt
5. Don't go alone into the forest. … many wolves there.
A) Here are
B) Is
C) There are
D) There is
E) It is
6. What do trees lose in autumn?
A) trunks
B) birds
C) flowers
D) leaves
E) roots
7. To eat a bowl of soup you need … .
A) a fork
B) knives
C) a cup
D) a slice
E) a spoon
D) deliverer
E) delivery boy
Karen: … in your class is taller than Bill?
Laura: I'm sure Lee is.
A) Who
B) Whom
C) What
D) Which
E) When
10. Look! There's Trinny … in a balloon!
A) fly
B) fies
D) is flying
E) to fly
D) Does/ digging
E) Do/ digs
D) but no
E) of course
C) shark
8. Mr Tonkins is a … . He delivers letters and parcels.
A) postman
B) post office
C) letter man
C) flying
Pytania za 4 punkty
11. … your grandma always … in her garden in the afternoon?
A) Is/ digging
B) Is/ digs
C) Does/ dig
Gillian: Can you lend me your ruler?
Monica: Yes, … .
A) I cannot
B) I can't
C) sorry
13. Which word rhymes with ham?
A) ten
B) send
C) game
D) there is no right answer
14. Which one is the biggest?
A) a watermelon
B) a mango
C) a pea
D) a coconut
E) a pineapple
15. We are meeting at five o'clock on Friday. Don't …. !
A) come
B) forget
C) bring
D) late
E) repeat
16. I … eat breakfast, so I'm never hungry at school.
A) always
B) often
C) sometimes
D) rarely
E) never
17. Where does a tidy person put clothes?
A) under the desk
B) under the table
D) behind the shelf
E) in the wardrobe
C) on the drawer
E) plan
18. I don't like places full of people. Let's meet … instead.
A) at home
B) in a pub
C) at the cinema
D) in the market square
E) in a shopping mall
19. I … the dress you bought me! It makes me look fat!
A) love
B) like
C) adore
D) dislove
E) hate
20. When you eat too much food you get a … .
A) headache
B) stomachache
C) stomach hurt
D) cough
E) sore throat
Pytania za 5 punktów
21. Which words are in alphabetical order?
A) one-two-three
B) four-six-seven
C) seven-eight-nine D) eight-five-four
E) seven-six-four
22. … can't help you stay fit.
A) Collecting stamps B) Skipping
D) Cycling
E) Playing soccer
D) are/ were
E) were/ was
C) Skating
23. What … you like when you ... six years old?
A) was/ was
B) were/ were
C) were/ are
24. In hospital you … be quiet. Patients need a lot of sleep to get better.
A) must
B) mustn't
C) don't have to
D) shouldn't
E) can
25. My brother is … me. He's sixteen and I'm only twelve.
A) younger
B) younger than
C) older
D) older than
E) the oldest
D) take it on
E) take it off
27. … I go, I see people dressed up as clowns! Is there a circus in town?
A) Where
B) Everywhere
C) Somewhere
D) Everyone
E) Anybody
28. Which USA state is the nearest to Russia?
A) Alaska
B) Hawaii
C) Florida
E) Texas
Tommy: I don't like this scarf! The wool annoys me.
Dad: Then you should … .
A) put it on
B) put it off
C) turn it off
D) California
29. Which fact about New Zealand is not true?
A) It's near Australia
B) Its official language is English
C) Its native people are Māori
D) It's an island country
30. How shouldn't you use a pumpkin for Halloween?
A) fill it with sweets B) make a jack-o'-lantern
C) wear it
D) make soup
© Copyright by ŁOWCY TALENTÓW – JERSZ, Wrocław 2009
E) Its capital is Toronto.
E) bake a pie