Reference projects in the field of LLG


Reference projects in the field of LLG
Reference projects
in the field of LLG
Reference project in the field of
"Lifelong Guidance"
Transnational Vocational Counselling (TVC) - PT01/PP/03/36/347, pilot project
Short term
(Name of the project)
The main aim of the project is the development and improvement of education system
for vocational counsellors, standardisation of some forms of education provided for
the counsellors at the international level. Mainly it is concerned with:
according. EU-Policy
Handbook (P01-P14)
Character of Activity
Contact person
Ensuring to obtain the proper equipment in the workshops for
vocational counsellors,
Training and preparation for the staff of vocational counsellors so called
Euro-counsellors who will be then able to provide the proper service at the
European level within international co-operation
Principal field of politics
As the case may be possible other
field of politics
P10, P13
Reference to
organisational unit
Guarantee the proper database with full vocational information on the
European level,
Training and qualifications
Fields of politics
Present State
Expansion of the base of education of advisors based
on knowledge of
personality, abstract and practical
Principal reference
As the case may be possible other
Structural change
Change of general conditions
Start of planning:
Effective since:
- Start of planning the measure
- Start (of the expected) realisation
- expected end (for projectsn)
Ministry of Economy and Labour, promoter
Jagiellonian University, partner, scientific coordination
Agnieszka Łukaszewska, [email protected]
Czeslaw Noworol, [email protected]
This project receives funding from the European Community
119372 - JA - 1 - 2004 - 1 - AT - JOINT CALL - LLG
Reference projects
in the field of LLG
Towards the way of achieving the above aims the more particular objectives were
introduced and realised:
Analysis and settlement of the qualifications demands for vocational
counsellors who provide their services in the European guidance scale,
Elaboration of the professional profile of the eurocounsellor,
Designation the frame of post-graduate education / training programme for
vocational counsellors in European guidance,
Elaborating the particular detailed programme (curriculum)
o Detailed post-graduate education programme for counsellors in the
field of European guidance with accompanying materials and
handbooks for lecturers
Elaborating the lecturer's material,
o Transnational Vocational Counselling. A Modular Post-Graduate
Education Programme for Vocational Cousellors in the Field of
Eurocounselling. 2005 Warszawa: Ministry of Economy and Labour
o Transnacjonalne poradnictwo zawodowe. Modułowy program
podyplomowego kształcenia doradców zawodowych w zakresie
Eurodoradztwa, 2005. Warszawa, Ministerstwo Ekonomii i Pracy
Elaborating Students' guide-book,
o Transnational Vocational Counselling. A Guide for Students of PostGraduate Education Programme in the Field of Eurocounselling,
2005. Warszawa: Ministry of Economy and Labour
o Transnacjonalne poradnictwo zawodowe. Przewodnik dla studentów
podyplomowego kształcenia w zakresie Eurodoradztwa, 2005.
Warszawa, Ministerstwo Ekonomii i Pracy
The agreement signed between higher schools of particular partner countries
concerning the implementation of the curriculum developed under the project,
Promotion of the idea of training Eurocounsellors
o Materials promoting post-graduate education in the field of the
European guidance
Assumptions of post-graduate educational programme for transnational
vocational counselling
Information in the
- Przygotowanie doradców zawodowych do świadczenia usług w kontekście
integracji z Unią Europejską, (w:) Rozwój niepublicznego poradnictwa
zawodowego – Nieodzowna potrzeba czy podążanie za modą? (s.5-18),
Materiały na seminarium w Goniądzu, 18-20 września 2002. Warszawa:
Narodowe Obserwatorium Kształcenia i Szkolenia Zawodowego.
Other publications
- Transnacjonalne Poradnictwo Zawodowe - Rynek Pracy nr 9/10 z 2002 roku –
wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Gospodarki i Pracy adresowane do pracowników
służby zatrudnienia.
- Transnational career counseling as a profession, passion and mission in the
context of changes in Europe, In: Kalinowska, E., Kargulowa, A., Wojtasik, B.
(Ed.)(2003). Counsellor – Profession, Passion, Calling? Proceedings of
This project receives funding from the European Community
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Reference projects
in the field of LLG
IAEVG – AIOSP World Congress 2002 at Warsaw. (pp.59-78) (2003).
Transnacjolnalne poradnictwo zawodowe a zmiany w przygotowaniu
młodzieży do życia zawodowego, w: Nowe trendy w poradnictwie zawodowym
u progu XXI wieku (Vol.23) (35-54). Warszawa: Departament Rynku Pracy
Ministerstwa Gospodarki, Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (2003).
Jak wykorzystywać teorie naukowe we współczesnym doradztwie karier.
Aktualizacja teorii osobowości, rozwoju człowieka i karier z perspektywy
integracji transkulturowej. (w:) Poradnictwo zawodowe w przededniu
przystąpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej (s.7-32). Warszawa: Biuro
Koordynacji Kształcenia Kadr (2003).
Theory into practice of school to work transition: Promises and challenges for
transnational vocational counseling. In: Härtel, P., Noworol, C., Bańka, A.,
Kremser, R. (Ed.) Transition from the world of education to the world of work.
SAB-MTW. Kraków-Graz: Uniwersytet Jagielloński. (2004).
Transnational Vocational Counselling – artykuł w NEWS letter nr 23/2004.
„Transnacjonalne Poradnictwo Zawodowe – komunikat z międzynarodowego
seminarium ewaluacyjnego” Rynek Pracy 4 (142)/2004 (s.106-110).
This project receives funding from the European Community
119372 - JA - 1 - 2004 - 1 - AT - JOINT CALL - LLG

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