Curriculum Vitae 2008 Wojciech Rogowski short


Curriculum Vitae 2008 Wojciech Rogowski short
Curriculum Vitae
Personal data:
Economic Institute, National Bank of Poland (NBP), ul. Swietokrzyska 11/21,
00-919 Warsaw, Poland
Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) , Collegium of Business Administration,
al.Niepodległości 164, 02-554 Warsaw, Poland
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
web page:
Date of Birth: June 6, 1962 in Warsaw, Poland
Nationality: Polish
Languages: Polish, English, German
Ph.D in economics, doctoral dissertation: „Władanie korporacyjne w kształtowaniu
stabilności finansowej na przykładzie sektora bankowego” (eng. Regulatory and
Corporate Governance in the Maintenance of Financial Stability - The Case of Banking
Sector), tutor: Włodzimierz Szpringer, degree obtained at the Warsaw School of
Economics (SGH), September 2006.
Diplom for civil servant, granted at National School of Public Administration (KSAP),
Warsaw, April 1994
MSc in geography, degree earned at the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies,
University of Warsaw (UW), June 1986.
Positions held (last one in period):
2008 – ….. : Assistant Professor, Business Law Division (Law & Economics Studies),
Collegium of Business Administration, Warsaw School of Economics,
2006 - …. : Deputy Managing Editor of Czasopismo Kwartalne HUK (Quarterly
Journal for the Entire Commercial, Insolvency and Capital Market Law),
CH Beck, Warsaw,
2000 – .... : Expert, Head of Research Unit, Economic Institute, National Bank of
Poland, Warsaw
2000 – 2000: Director, Bank PKO BP S.A., Warsaw
1998 – 2000: Director, National Investment Fund, Warsaw
1994 – 1998: Head of Financial Market Division, Department of Banking and Financial
Institution, Ministry of Finance, Warsaw
Wojciech ROGOWSKI Curriculum Vitae
1988 – 1992: Research Assistant, Institute of Agriculture and Water Management,
Ministry of Agriculture, Falenty near Warsaw
Research carried on:
law & economics (better regulation, administrative burdens),
corporate governance (boards, regulatory governance, whistleblowing,)
economics (institutions and regulations, business demography, banking)
Selected Publications:
Rogowski W. (2008) Notatki o skandalu korupcyjnym w Siemens AG (eng. Notes on a
Scandal of Corruption at Siemens AG. Case Study), Przegląd Corporate
Governance, 1 (13), p.37-76;
Rogowski W., J.Socha (2007) Demography of Enterprises in Poland: Entry and Exit
Rate in Manufacturing Sector [in:] Entrepreneurship, Industrial Location and
Economic Growth eds. J.M.Arauzo-Carod, M.C.Manjón-Antolin, Edward
Elgar, Cheltenham, s. 61-80.
Szpringer W., W.Rogowski (eds.) (2007) Ocena skutków regulacji – poradnik OSR,
doświadczenia, perspektywy, CH.Beck, Warszawa; (eng. Regulatory Impact
Assessment – the Guidebook, Experience and Prospects)
Rogowski W. (2007) Prawo pomaga przerwać milczenie. Prawne uwarunkowania
whistleblowing’u w spółkach (eng. The Legal Foundations for Corporate
Whistleblowing), Przegląd Corporate Governance, 3 (11);
Paczocha J., P. Kłosiewicz, W. Rogowski (2007), Koszty obowiązków administracyjnych
ponoszonych przez banki w wyniku przestrzegania Prawa bankowego (eng.
Administrative Burdens related to Banking Law), Przegląd Ustawodawstwa
Gospodarczego, 5,
Rogowski W., J.Socha (2005) Stopy wejścia i wyjścia w polskim przetwórstwie przemysłowym
na tle innych krajów. Badania demografii przedsiębiorstw (eng. Demography of
Firms. Entry and Exit Rate in Polish Manufacturing), Materiały i Studia NBP, 190,
Paczocha J., W. Rogowski (2005), Reglamentacja gospodarki polskiej w latach 1989 2003 (eng. Regulatory Restrictions of Doing Business in the Polish Law in
1989-2003 ), Materiały i Studia NBP, 187, Warszawa;
Mesjasz Cz., W.Rogowski (2005) A Survey of Definitions of Financial Stability, [in:]
General Accounting Theory - Toward Balanced Development, eds. M.Dobija,
S.Martin, Wyd. AE w Krakowie,
Rogowski W., Szpringer (2004), Integracja instytucji nadzorczych w systemie
finansowym na przykładzie Niemiec (eng. Integration of Supervisions in
German Financial System), EKONOMIA, 16;
Rogowski W., M.Pawłowska, T.Kopczewski (2003) Podstawowe formy i efekty
władania korporacyjnego (corporate governance) w bankowości (eng. The
Corporate Governance in Banking – the Basic Forms and Effects) , cz.I. Bank
i Kredyt, 3, s.4-13,
and more 50 others published in Polish scholar journals, books, proceedings, journals
and newspapers. List on demand.
Wojciech ROGOWSKI Curriculum Vitae