

Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2009/2010
Klucz odpowiedzi do konkursu przedmiotowego z języka angielskiego
dla szkół podstawowych
*Wszystkie inne wersje logiczne, stylistyczne i gramatycznie poprawne mogą zostać uznane.
Zad. 1 (12 pkt)
1. means
2. commuting
3. improvements
4. modern
5. international
6. affluent
7. several
8. unethical
9. disaster
10. emergency
11. adventure
12. rafting
Zad. 2 (15pkt) proponowane odpowiedzi
1. ’ve been
2. ’ve ever visited
3. are
4. spent
5. had
6. forgot
7. were leaving
8. stole
9. ’ve taken
10. ’ll probably go
11. is
12. ’ll stroll
13. ’ll definitely visit
14. ’re also thinking
15. ’ll write/’m going to write
Strona 1 z 3
Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2009/2010
Zad. 3 (10 pkt) proponowane odpowiedzi
1. He doesn’t like swimming in the sea, does he?
2. We’re going to meet in the hotel where we saw each other for the first time.
3. If she were older, she would stay at home alone.
4. The most difficult task for me was to sing in public.
5. Late in the evening she noticed that she ran out of milk.
6. The mobile phone I lost yesterday was new and modern.
7. If you give me a ring tomorrow, I’ll tell you where to go.
8. The last thing I would tell you about him is that he is a liar.
9. Why don’t you give him all the money back?
10. I want to know why you have sold this beautiful black leather skirt.
Zad. 4 (10 pkt)
1. polite
2. immature
3. merciful
4. reduction
5. unusual
1. shades
2. thief
3. cagey
4. stop
5. respect
Zad.5 (9 pkt - 0.5 pkt za słowo)
Health: ache, diarrhoea, sore
Weather: gale, hail, flash
Camera: viewfinder, lens, digital
Man: calf, palm, sole
Nature: breed, species, herd
Travelling: ferry, destination, delay
Strona 2 z 3
Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2009/2010
Zad. 6 (6 pkt)
1. true
2. true
3. false
4. false
5. true
6. false
Zad. 7 (10 pkt)
1. c
2. e
3. a
4. f
5. b
6. j
7. i
8. d
9. g
10. h
Zad. 8 (10 pkt)
1. B
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. A
Strona 3 z 3

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