Wizyta wolontariuszki z Grecji


Wizyta wolontariuszki z Grecji
I LO we Włocławku
Wizyta wolontariuszki z Grecji
W dniach 27-28 .05.2013 gościła w naszej szkole wolontariuszka z fundacji im. Roberta Schumanna
Tonia Asimakopoulou z Grecji. Młoda studentka politologii przedstawiła kraj swojego pochodzenia oraz
założenia programu europejskiego, dzięki któremu może podróżować po całej UE.
Lekcje odbyły się w języku angielskim, co absolutnie nie stanowiło problemu w kontaktach i rozumieniu
przekazu informacji. Program spotkania obejmował prezentacje Tonii, konkurs na najlepsze przebranie
oraz warsztaty. W trakcje zajęć uczniowie naszej szkoły mogli przyrządzić pod jej kierunkiem jedną z
narodowych potraw greckich : Tzatziki. Ostatnim etapem serii spotkań była debata z panem Witoldem
Jankowiakiem pracownikiem Regionalnego Centrum Informacji Europejskiej, gdzie młodzież miała okazję
obserwować zderzenie dwóch wizji europejskiego kryzysu: wersji oficjalnej oraz tej wyrażonej ustami
obywatela państwa, które zostało nim najbardziej dotknięte. Młodzież miała także okazję bliższego
poznania naszego gościa podczas wędrówki ulicami naszego miasta.
Tonia Asimakopoulou swoje wrażenia z pobytu we Włocławku opisała na stronie fundacji. Oto treść:
“In the land of the best Polish ketchup Tonia Asimakopoulou One might know Włocławek for the famous Vistula dam, I knew it though for its spicy and very tasty
ketchup! After the 4 days visit at the best high school of the Voivodeship, I LO im Ziemi Kujawskiej, with
Agata Kurzepa, the teacher or more precisely, the Pedagogue who invited me and along with her
students I got to know and discover their beautiful area too.
For 3 days in a row I made presentations and workshops about Greece. Everybody, the teachers, the
director and the students were more than warm and eager to learn as much as they could about Greece.
Agata has prepared so many things for me, like competition of the best Ancient Greek costume(!)in
which I was holding the role of the judge! Although the competition was a tough one, a student dressed
as 'Hermes' won. He said that he was dressed as the Messenger because he hopes that he can bring
some good news about the financial condition of Greece! The other highlight of the same day was a
culinary workshop! The students under my supervision, made the famous Greek sauce, tzatziki
(τζατζŻκι!). Τzatziki and meat usually pair together, but due
to obvious difficulties we dipped bread and vegetables in the tzatziki. The director, Pani Irena, surprised
us positively by offering us homemade (by her!) ham and sausage. As a Polish wedliny lover I have to
admit that the sausage was one of the best that I have tried during these 8 months of my EVS in
At the last day there was another surprise waiting for me. Agata, the teacher, invited the representative
of the RCIE in Torun, Mr. Witold Jankowiak, who made 2 presentations on the European Crisis, focusing
on the Greek example. Mr. Jankowiak explained to the students in a very understandable way, some
difficult financial terms and also the causes of the crisis. Then it was my turn to say my opinion as a
Greek citizen and of course as a young person affected by the crisis. The truth is that Mr. Jankowiak and
me had totally different opinions but the debate was very interesting. What was more interesting though,
is that in an attempt to understand Polish (young) society's opinion I made a short inquiry. I asked
everybody who was present (pupils and few teachers as well) to vote in favor or against the Euro and
whether they prefer as their currency Euro instead of Zloty. Out of 50 people, only 2 answered that they
would prefer to use Euro as they are afraid that they will end up like Greece.. That's what they said.
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Utworzono 8 March, 2017, 04:49
I LO we Włocławku
Overall, Włocławek was a compilation of things that are very basic for our lives: food, fun and money!
Thank you Włocławek!
Dziękuję bardzo /EυχαριστÎ πολÍ!”
Pełną wersję opisu można znaleźć na stronie fundacji pod adresem:
Dziękuję Sylwii Rybowskiej oraz jej rodzicom za pomoc w realizacji tej wizyty.
Agata Kurzępa opiekun klubu europejskiego LZK.
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Utworzono 8 March, 2017, 04:49

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