Creating a Business Plan, Business Crises, Planning for


Creating a Business Plan, Business Crises, Planning for
I webinarium 18.02.2015
Projekt „Zrównoważona działalność gospodarcza“
nr PL.3.22/2.1.00/13.03940
Współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu
Operacyjnego Współpracy Transgranicznej Republika Czeska - Rzeczpospolita Polska 2007-2013.
Creating a Business Plan
◦ Determine Market
◦ Create Customer Profile
◦ Potential Sales
Business Crises
◦ Start-up Costs, and Funding
◦ Financial Planning and Forecasting
Planning for Future
◦ Growth plans
◦ Breakeven Analysis
Projekt „Zrównoważona działalność gospodarcza“
nr PL.3.22/2.1.00/13.03940
State of Florida Economic Development Agency public/private
Responsible for Business: Recruitment, Retention, and
Responsible for International Trade Development and
Exporting for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s)
Projekt „Zrównoważona działalność gospodarcza“
nr PL.3.22/2.1.00/13.03940
Can this
be a
Is there a real
need for the
What am I
putting at risk?
Can I afford to
do this business
Is there
How will buy?
How much? How
Executive Summary
Company Profile
◦ Product/Service
◦ Audience or ideal client
◦ Future of industry
Company Description
◦ Key employees
◦ Mission Statement
◦ Details about product and service
◦ Qualities that will make your business a success
Projekt „Zrównoważona działalność gospodarcza“
nr PL.3.22/2.1.00/13.03940
Define your Target Market
People you will actively solicit, target, and pursue to sell your
products or services
What do you need to know about them?
Projekt „Zrównoważona działalność gospodarcza“
nr PL.3.22/2.1.00/13.03940
Customer Profile
Projekt „Zrównoważona działalność gospodarcza“
nr PL.3.22/2.1.00/13.03940
Market Research your Competition
Sales and Revenue
Industry segment held
Privately owned or publicly owned
Purchasing Power
Licenses and Certifications
Health of Business Sector
Number of employees
How long have they been in business
What credit terms do they offer
What do their customers like or dislike about them
◦ (Facebook, Twitter, Yelp)
Projekt „Zrównoważona działalność gospodarcza“
nr PL.3.22/2.1.00/13.03940
Potential Sales
Cost Basis
◦ Material, Labor, Delivery
◦ Rent/Utilities, Insurance, Office Space
Market Basis
◦ Current Shelf Price, Alternative Price, Competitors Price
Projekt „Zrównoważona działalność gospodarcza“
nr PL.3.22/2.1.00/13.03940
Start-Up Costs and Funding
Start up Costs
◦ Registration, Inventory, Equipment, Website, Networking, Salary
◦ The #1 problem for start up businesses
◦ Private funding (family), Private Investors, Stockholders, Venture
Capital, Banks
 Alternatives: (Microlenders, Speciality, Brokers)
Projekt „Zrównoważona działalność gospodarcza“
nr PL.3.22/2.1.00/13.03940
Financing Planning and Forecasting
Accounting System
 Simple
 Easy to Understand
 Reliable
 Accurate
 Consistent
- Quickbooks, Shopify, and Sage
(great basic programs)
 Industry Predictions, market analysis, number of business start-ups,
cost of materials in future, customers discretionary spending
Projekt „Zrównoważona działalność gospodarcza“
nr PL.3.22/2.1.00/13.03940
Break-even Analysis
Determine the number of units sold to cover Overhead
BE = +Price x Units – Overhead
Projekt „Zrównoważona działalność gospodarcza“
nr PL.3.22/2.1.00/13.03940
Growth Plans
 Can you scale production fast, do you need more machinery
to accomplish this?
 Is there a shelf life of your product, are there warranties and
returns to account for?
Complimentary Products to purchase
 Facebook buying Instagram, Google buying Youtube
Projekt „Zrównoważona działalność gospodarcza“
nr PL.3.22/2.1.00/13.03940
Customer Service is 90% of your business
Unless it is a consumer able good (food, etc) selling online (as
well as in-store) is key to success
Word of mouth (or word of website) is key to growing more
Planning for success vs Planning for the future (what part
comes first)
Projekt „Zrównoważona działalność gospodarcza“
nr PL.3.22/2.1.00/13.03940
Projekt „Zrównoważona działalność gospodarcza“
nr PL.3.22/2.1.00/13.03940

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