19 February 2017


19 February 2017
Refren Psalmu:
Pan jest łaskawy, pełen miłosierdzia
Rozważania Niedzielne
Stać się synem Bożym
Talmud mówi, że dar deszczu jest większy niż dar
Tory, gdyż ona została dana jedynie Izraelowi,
natomiast deszcz swoim zasięgiem ogarnia
wszystkich ludzi. Jeśli zdamy sobie sprawę z tego,
jak ważna dla Żydów jest Tora, pierwszych pięć
ksiąg Pisma Świętego, to zrozumiemy znaczenie
tych słów. W doskonały sposób oddają one
wezwanie Jezusa z dzisiejszej Ewangelii do tego,
aby miłować wszystkich ludzi. Bóg jest dobry i
swoją miłością ogarnia całe stworzenie. My
wezwani jesteśmy do tego, aby naśladować Go w
tej Jego miłości. Jezus nie mówi, że będzie to
proste, ale zapewnia nas, że w ten sposób
będziemy synami Ojca, który jest w niebie.
Pamiętajmy o tym wezwaniu do miłości za każdym
razem, gdy wypowiadamy słowa Modlitwy Pańskiej.
Panie Jezu, Ty pragniesz, abyśmy naśladowali
Ciebie w miłości. Pomóż nam przezwyciężać
wszystko to, co nas na nią zamyka.
Your gift to God and our Parish
February 12, 2017
Sunday Offerings:
Heating of the Church:
$ 865
$ 590
Heartfelt thank you for your generous support
of the Church.
God bless! Bóg zapłać!
Ogłoszenia / Announcements
What happens when you mix heavenly intervention
with a 1930’s Toronto dance hall? The Francis de
Sales Centre and Mary, Mother of God School
present Sister Marie’s Miracle, the story of a
devout Dominican sister whose miracle leads to
unforeseen complications. Join us on February 23
and 24, 7:30 p.m., 1515A Queen St. West, for
thought-provoking, faith-filled fun for all ages.
Admission by donation.
Regis College, the Jesuit Faculty of Theology at
the University of Toronto, is hosting an Open House
on Saturday March 11, 2017 from 10:00am –
3:00pm. All are invited to learn about the College’s
programs in lay formation, spiritual direction, biblical
studies and general theological education. The day
includes a free mini-lecture series and a light lunch.
[email protected], or telephone
Come and See Weekend at St. Augustine’s
We are hosting a Come and See Weekend for men
18 years and older at St. Augustine’s Seminary
from Friday, March 17 at 7 p.m. to Sunday, March
19 at 1:30 p.m. This weekend offers a way for men
to discern a possible call to priesthood at our
seminary. For more information, please call 416968-0997 or email [email protected].
The Government of Canada passed legislation in
June 2016, legalizing euthanasia/assisted suicide.
Despite wording intended to protect doctors and
facilities, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Ontario is forcing health care workers to arrange for
the killing of their patients. No other country does
this. Provinces across Canada do not do this. Yet,
Ontario refuses to protect doctors who object to
ending the life of their patients. Please visit
www.CanadiansforConsicence.ca to learn more
and write directly to your elected Member of
Provincial Parliament.
Psalm Refrain:
The Lord is merciful and gracious
Reflection .....
The last two antitheses offered in the
Sermon on the Mount deal with love of enemies.
We should not look at “an eye for an eye” as an
inordinately strict punishment. It is actually meant
to limit acts of revenge by making sure the
punishment is not excessive but fits the crime.
However, Jesus asks his followers to take a
different approach by resisting retaliation
altogether. The response to a stronger person who
slaps us on the cheek, takes us to court, or
demands a service of us is not to resist. Similarly,
for a weaker person, such as a beggar or
borrower, we are to give him or her what he or she
asks for. Those who are called to the Kingdom of
Heaven are to go beyond the way the world usually
works and serve God’s kingdom here on earth.
Intencja Rodziny Żywego Różańca na miesiąc luty:
„O zjednoczenie wszystkich Chrześcijan w
Kościele Katolickim”
The other difficult demand of those who are
called to the kingdom is to embrace the enemy.
There is no command in the Old Testament to hate
individuals in a personal or vindictive way. But
there is a religious stance that calls one to hate evil
and to distance oneself from those who participate
in evil. In contrast, Matthew emphasizes that love
of God and love of neighbor are the fundamental
commands on which all else depend. Because
God’s love is unconditional, we are to strive to love
as God does, though, of course, it is challenging. Is
it even possible?
The key is in the final verse. We are to be
perfect as our heavenly father is perfect. Matthew
uses the Greek word telos, which is probably better
translated here as “complete.” We are not to be
perfect as in doing everything correctly, that is, as
in being absolutely morally correct. We are to be
perfect as in striving to reach the completeness we
are called to in the Kingdom of Heaven. Attempting
to love our enemies is part of striving for that
Sunday, February 19, 2017
9:00 am
For the repose of the soul of Elisabeth Bristol
11:00 am
Za † Władysława Skica w 6 rocznicę śmierci –
Od córki Elżbiety z rodziną
Za † Józefa Hryciuka
Za † Tomasza Armatowicz w 2 rocznicę śmierci
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
7:00 pm
Dziękczynna z prośbą o dalsze łaski w 25
rocznicę ślubu – dla Ani i Mijo Kozelj
Friday, February 24, 2017
7:00 pm
Dziękczynna za dar życia i otrzymania łask z
prośbą o błogosławieństwo Boże dla Jacka
Saturday, February 25, 2017
9:00 am
Dziękczynna z prośbą o dalszą opiekę Bożą dla
Michałka w pierwszą rocznicę urodzin
Sunday, February 26, 2017
9:00 am
For all parishioners
11:00 am
Za † rodziców Jana i Elżbietę i braci Jana i
Za † Lucjana Sanigórskiego
O Boże błogosławieństwo dla Marianny
Domańskiej – Od przyjaciół
Za † Zofię Kulig i zmarłych z rodziny

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