Zaproszenie na Speed Business Mixer


Zaproszenie na Speed Business Mixer
Zaproszenie na Speed Business
Mixer - Hotel Angelo Katowice 4.11
2015-10-16 09:10:29
Zapraszamy na Speed Business Mixer, który odbędzie się 4 listopada br. w Katowicach. Jest to spotkanie w
formule szybkiej wymiany ofert i wizytówek przy okrągłych stołach. Przewidywana frekwencja to 100-120 firm
zarówno ze Śląska jak i z Małopolski, reprezentujących wszystkie branże. Każdy uczestnik ma możliwość
porozmawiania z każdą firmą biorącą udział w wydarzeniu.
Ze względów organizacyjnych w spotkaniu może brać udział tylko 1 osoba z danej firmy. W przypadku
zainteresowania udziałem Proszę uprzejmie o wewnętrzne zdecydowanie kto może reprezentować Państwa firmę
oraz o przesłanie zgłoszenia zawierającego załączony wypełniony formularz. Wskazanie branż dla Państwa
atrakcyjnych znacznie ułatwi nam efektywne usadzenie gości przy stołach.
Serdecznie pozdrawiam i zachęcam do nieodkładania dokonania rejestracji, gdyż zainteresowanie wydarzeniem
jest duże.
The British Polish Chamber of Commerce (BPCC) in partnership with The
Belgian Business Chamber, French-Polish Chamber of Commerce (CCIFP),
Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce (SPCC), Polish-Swiss Chamber of
Commerce is pleased to invite you to attend:
1st Speed Business Mixer in Katowice
sponsored by Ipsen Logistics
Wednesday, 4th November
17:00 – 21:00
Hotel Angelo
Sokolska 24, Katowice
Speed Business Meeting is a unique formula in which participants take part in a
series of direct meetings at round tables during which you will have a chance to
present your company, exchange business cards, make new contacts and find
new customers, suppliers, distributors and investors.
16:45 – 17:15 Registration & Welcome drink
17:15 – 17:30 Official Opening, Representatives of all Chambers
17:30 – 18:00 Presentations of Sponsors
19:00 – 21:00 BUSINESS MIXER
The Speed Business Meeting will consist of 3 sessions lasting for 20 minutes each.
We will try to organise the event in the way which best meets your needs.
Therefore, when registering (form attached) please provide us with some
additional information about whom you wish to meet (and what topic/line of
business/industry you are mostly interested in).
Following the structured networking sessions, all guests will be invited to a
cocktail mixer enabling further informal networking with all delegates.
Please note: At the Speed Business Meeting we can accept only 1
representative from each member company. Other company representatives
are welcome to join the Business Mixer starting at 19.00, after Speed Business
The meeting will be held in English.
Cost of participation: The event is free of charge to members of the BPCC. The
participation for non-members is possible at a cost of 200 zł + 23% VAT per
Attention! Due to the limited number of seats for each Chamber, registrations are
accepted on a first come - first served basis. When the pool of seats for BPCC is
full, we will still be able to register you with a fee. Therefore it is recommended
that you make your reservation promptly.
Please be informed, registration is binding, if you fail to give 48 hrs cancellation
notice, you will be invoiced on 200 PLN + VAT.
RSVP by 28th of October to [email protected] by filling in the attached
form. The participants who reserve a paid seat are kindly asked to send a full
registration including your name and address with NIP number for sending the
Please remember to take a large number of business cards with you to the
Kind regards,