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Convert Curriculum vitae of Karol Wojtyła to PDF
Curriculum vitae of Karol Wojtyła
Author Karol Wojtyła Date of production April 8, 1951 Place of creation Kraków, Poland Dimensions height: 30 cm, width: 22 cm Museum Family Home of John Paul II Museum in Wadowice Subjects daily life, famous people , written Technique handwriting Material paper, ink Object copyright Museum Family House of Holy Father John Paul II Digital images copyright Museum Family House of Holy Father John Paul II Digitalisation RDW MIC, Małopolska's Virtual Museums project Tags rękopis, Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, 2D, Uniwersytet Jagielloński Życiorys napisany piórem własnoręcznie przez ks. Karola Wojtyłę w Krakowie 8 kwietnia 1951 roku, załączony do wniosku o asystenturę na wydziale teologii UJ.
Elaborated by the Museum Family House of Holy Father John Paul II, © all rights reserved
The Pope’s different faces
Andrzej Jawień, A.J., Stanisław Andrzej Gruda, Piotr Jasień – what do these names have to do with Karol Wojtyła? Karol was a young priest, but also a poet and a playwright. He wrote often, but kept his writings in a drawer and published them rarely under the selected pseudonyms.
Marek Skwarnicki wrote initially in the preface to Poezje, dramaty i szkice (Poems, Dramas and Literary Sketches) (Kraków 2004) that the novel Niebo w płomieniach (Sky on Fire), written by Jan Parandowski, with Jawień as the main character, was the source of his first assumed name.
Later it was discovered that Jawień was the family name of one of the parishioners of Niegowić, where Karol Wojtyła performed pastoral ministry as a vicar after his ordination.
Stanisław Andrzej Gruda appeared in Karol Wojtyła’s cardinal period when he handed over a manuscript of Promienowanie ojcostwa (The Radiation of Fatherhood ) to the Znak Publishing House.
After he was elected pope, his writings appeared in print and were translated into numerous languages; however, he himself remained silent as a poet for the next twenty four years. In 2003 he finally published Tryptyk rzymski (Roman Triptych, Meditations).
Elaborated by Anna Berestecka (Editorial team of Małopolska’s Virtual Museum), CC­BY 3.0 PL
See also:
Diary with notes by Karol Wojtyła
Tags: Family Home of John Paul II Museum in Wadowice, John Paul II, Karol Wojtyła 

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