Wymagania 2011 - The Warsaw Voice


Wymagania 2011 - The Warsaw Voice
Specification of technical requirements
for publication in The Warsaw Voice.
All materials for publication should be prepared using the specified applications, and delivered on
a CD, e-mail (up to 15 MB) or FTP.
Address: ftp://ftp.warsawvoice.pl
Login: warsawvoice\ftp
Password: ftp2004
Photoshop CS2
Resolution – 300 dpi, CMYK;
- tif, jpg, eps.
Illustrator CS2
- eps – all fonts converted to curves & illustrations included within the file.
PDF – with added fonts (font inclusion – All) and illustrations (high quality).
Advertising Department:
e-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]
tel.: +48 22 335 97 34; fax +48 22 335 97 30
Specyfikacja przygotowanie materia∏ów reklamowych
do The Warsaw Voice.
Materia∏y do publikacji, przygotowane wed∏ug poni˝szej specyfikacji prosz´ przesy∏aç nagrane na
CD, przes∏ane e-mailem (do 15 MB) lub FTP.
Adres: ftp://ftp.warsawvoice.pl
Login: warsawvoice\ftp
Has∏o: ftp2004
Photoshop CS2
RozdzielczeÊç – 300 dpi, CMYK;
Formaty: tif, jpg, eps lub psd.
Illustrator CS2
Format eps – fonty zamienione na krzywe, ilustracje zawarte w pliku.
PDF – do∏àczone fonty i ilustracje.
Dzia∏ Reklamy:
e-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]
tel.: +48 22 335 97 34; fax +48 22 335 97 30