the conference on the scientitic achievement of mordchaj wajsberg


the conference on the scientitic achievement of mordchaj wajsberg
Bulletin of the Section of Logic
Volume 2/2 (1973), pp. 87–89
reedition 2013 [original edition, pp. 87–90]
Stanislaw Surma
On 27-29 April 1973, in Cracow, took place XIX Conference of the
History of Logic organized every year by the Section of Logic of the Wroclaw
branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences and by the Department of Logic
of the Jagiellonian University, Cracow.
The Section of the History of Mathematical Logic of the XX Century,
working during the Conference, was devoted this year to the review of the
M. Wajsberg’s scientific achievement.
Wajsberg’s published works are as follows:
[1 ] Aksjomatyzacja trójwartościowego rachunku zdań. Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Varsovie, Cl. III, 24 (1931), 126–148. (Presented by Jan Lukasiewicz on
19th February 1931). The English translation: Axiomatization of
the three-valued propositional calculus. In: Polish Logic 1920–1939,
edited by Storrs McCall, Oxford 1967.
Reprinting of the German summary: Ein Axiomensystem des dreiwertigen Aussagenkalküls. In: Logik – Texte. Kommentierte Auswahl
zur Gesichte der modernen Logik. Edited by K. Berka and L. Kreiser,
Berlin 1971.
[2 ] Über Axiomensysteme des Aussagenkalküls. Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik, 39(1932), 149–156. (Accepted by the editors on
31st July, 1931). Errata: Ibid, 40(1933), 126.
[3 ] Ein neues Axiom des Aussagenkalküls in der Symbolik von Sheffer.
Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik, 39(1932), 259–262. (Accepted by the editors on 11th July, 1931).
Stanislaw J. Surma
[4 ] Untersuchungen über den Funktionenkalkül für endliche Individuenbereiche.
Mathematische Annalen, 108(1933), 218–228. (Accepted by the editors on 20th, June 1932).
[5 ] Ein erweiterter Klassenkalkül.
Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik, 40(1933), 113–126. (Accepted by the editors on 18th March, 1932).
Errata: Ibid, 42(1935), 242.
[6 ] Beitrag zur Metamathematik.
Mathematische Annalen, 109(1933-4), 200–229. (Accepted by the
editors on 28th March, 1933). The Polish translation: Przyczynek
do metamatematyki. In: Wiadomości Matematyczne, 41(1935), 43–
[7 ] Beiträge zum Metaaussagenkalkül. I.
Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik, 42(1935), 221–242. (Accepted by the editors on 6th October, 1933). The repetition of the
proof of the main theorem in: Axiomatizatonand matrix satisfiability,
by R. Ackermann. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 12(1971),
[8 ] Untersuchungen über Unabhängiskeitsbeweise nach Matrizenmethode.
Wiadomości Matematyczne, 41(1936), 33–70. (Accepted by the editors on 1st October, 1934).
Errata: Ibid, 43(1937), 166.
A. A. Bennet’s review in Journal of Symbolic Logic, 1(1936), 75–76.
[9 ] Untersuchungen übe den Aussagenkalkül von A. Heyting. Wiadomości
Matematyczne, 46(1938), 45–101. (Accepted by the editors on 3rd
September, 1937).
Errata: Ibid, 47(139), 139.
B. Rosser’s review in Journal of Symbolic Logic, 3(1938), 169.
A. Heyting’s review in Zentralblatt für Mathematik und Ihre Grenzegebite, 19(1939), 385.
An important reference in: Introduction to mathematical logic, by
A. Church, Princeton 1956, p. 337.
[10 ] Metalogische Beiträge.
Wiadomości Matematyczne, 43(1937), 131–168. (Accepted by the
editors on 2nd Nvember, 1935).
The Conference on the Scientitic Achievement of Mordchaj Wajsberg
Errata: Ibid, 46(1938), 100–101.
C. H. Langford’s review in Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2(1937), 93.
The English translation: Contributions to metalogic. In: Polish Logic
1920–1939, edited by Storrs McCall, Oxford 1967.
[11 ] Metalogische Beiträge. II
Wiadomości Matematyczne, 47(1939), 119–139. (Accepted by the
editors on 19th November 1938).
J. C. C. McKinsey’s review in Journal of Symbolic Logic, 5(1940),
The English translation: Contribution to metalogic. II. In: Polish
[12 ] The review of Eugene Gh. Mihailescu’s work: Recherches sur les
formes normales par l’equivalence et la disjonction dans le calcul des
propositions. Annales Scientifiques de l’Université de Jassy, Premiere
Partie, 25(1939), 73–152, published in Journal of Symbolic Logic,
4(1939), 91–92.
This year during the sittings of the Section of the History of Mathematical logic were delivered the following reports:
(1) Stanislaw J. Surma’s on Wajsberg’s life and works,
(2) Ewa Żarnecka-Bialy’s on work [2] and partly on work [10],
(3) Teodor Stȩpień on works [3], [10] and [11],
(4) Jan Wolński’s on work [4],
(5) Stanislaw Zachorowski’s on work [5]
(6) Wladyslaw Szczȩch’s on work [7]
(7) Wojciech Suchoń’s on work [8],
(8) Jacek Kabziński’s on work [9].
As can be seen Wajsberg’s works [1] and [6] were out of range of this
years discussion, on the understanding that work [1] was discussed in detail
at the XVIIth Conference in 1972.
The summaries of all the reports delivered this year are enclosed.
Stanislaw Surma