Opisy prezentacji z/OS


Opisy prezentacji z/OS
Paweł Hryb - PKO BP - „Raportowanie Omegamon dla każdego”
Poświęciłem prezentację tematyce monitorowania działania podsystemu DB2 za pomocą
standardowych raportów Omegamon.Przedstawiłem jeszcze raz w jakich sytuacjach jakie raporty
stosujemy, ze szczegółami zadań, komend wejściowych dla raportów, opisami poszczególnych
pożytecznych opcji raportów.Pokazana standardowa ścieżka analizy, zaczynając od poziomu
ogólnego i schodząc do poziomu najniższego, najbardziej szczegółowego.
Steve Thomas – CA Technologies – „Cloning DB2 for z/OS objects”
Being asked to Clone or create an exact copy of a database or set of DB2 for z/OS objects is a very
common requirement. This session will provide a set of detailed hints, tips and examples which
will allow you to accomplish this task quickly and efficiently. We’ll cover things you can do when
creating the DDL for the target object which can significantly improve the speed of the data
copying process, as well as a range of options for handling the data itself, ranging from using
Service Aids such as DSN1COPY through various Utilities though to more advanced hardware
based techniques such as Flashcopy and equivalents. We’ll also touch on other topics that may
need to be considered including compliance requirements such as Masking, Referential Integrity,
Versioning, Row formats, Storage requirements, DB2 CLONE objects and more.
Ramon Menendez - BMC
ACCESS PATH REPOSITORY: The new Hints in DB2 10 and What is new in DB2 11 (Developed and
presented by Ramon Menendez at IDUG 2014)
Abstract: Optimization Hints have been available in DB2 since version 6, but its complex and
weak implementation has caused using them not being very popular and not widely used. Since
V10, DB2 gives a new push to make the optimization hints more useable, with the introduction of
a new access path repository, which introduces new functionality and is the framework for future
RECOVERY TALES FROM EXPERIENCE (developed and presented by Ken McDonald at IDUG 2015)
Abstract: BMC R&D professionals have a unique position that has allowed them to be involved in
many real life DB2 Recovery situations over the years. We will discuss a few anonymous events
BMC R&D helped to diagnose and solve, including what caused the Recovery Event, problems
encountered, and lessons learned that may have made things go more smoothly.
SPEAKER BIO: Ramon Menendez is Principal Technical Software Consultant from BMC Software in
Spain. Specialized in the DB2 family of products, he worked for several years for IBM in the DB2
arena, mainly in implementation and performance evaluation projects, before joining BMC in
1996. He has presented at IDUG, SQLAdria, SpDUG, BMC Technical conferences, BMC Mainframe
Days and DB2 user groups. He also run a series of Webinars in Spanish.
Philippe Dubost & Denis Tronin – CA Technologies – „What Application
Developers need to know about SQL in DB2 for z/OS?”
Applications often rely on a Database to manipulate data, typically using SQL statements. DB2
for z/OS is one of those databases; one of the most robust, reliable and secure for that matter.
However, Application Developers need to keep in mind that DB2 for z/OS has its SQL specificities.
For instance, the SQL available in DB2 for z/OS is compliant with SQL:2003 standard. What does
it exactly mean? What IBM is doing to raise the level of the DB2 SQL to later standards? How
does this affect Application Developers – ever heard of APPLCOMPAT? What are the new SQL
capabilities introduced in DB2 over the years? Is there something new in this area when using
DB2 10 or DB2 11?
In this session, you will learn about :
Incompatible SQL changes in DB2 for z/OS
How to address incompatible SQL changes
New SQL capabilities in DB2 for z/OS
Piotr Kolasiński – Vctl, Kamosft - "Podręczna torba narzędziowa
ubogiego admina czyli jak zaprząc JVM do pomocy w administracji
DB2/zOS "
Tematem wystąpienia jest użycie dedykowanych dla prac administracyjnych procedur
składowanych w DB2 /zOS w połączeniu z językiem programowania Java. Od kilku wersji baza
umożliwia wywoływanie komend (np. DISPLAY)i uruchamianiu narzędzi (np. DSNUTILB), bez
korzystania z terminala 3270 i jawnego budowania JCL. Metody te wymagają jednak
zastosowania konkretnych mechanizmów i posiadają swoje ograniczenia. Język Java jest tylko
jednym z mechanizmów, analogiczne zasady można zastosować np. w połączeniu z językiem
Piotr Kolasiński - Z/OS System programmer and DB2 for z/OS Administrator (Contractor) w Vctl,
Patryk Wojtowicz – IBM – „Enklawy w DB2”
Zapewne większość użytkowników DB2 for z/OS słyszała o enklawach. Chociaż znajomość
implementacji enklaw nie jest niezbędna, to wiedza na ten temat pozwala na zrozumienie
mechanizmów działania oraz znaczenie enklaw, co z kolei może pomóc w lepszym zarządzaniu
wydajnością DB2.
W prezentacji zostanie przedstawiona implementacja enklaw w systemie z/OS, w tym struktur
systemowych takich jak TCB i SRB, wykorzystanie enklaw w DB2, definicje w WLM oraz podgląd
enklaw w SDSF i RMF.
Gareth Jones - IBM - "DB2 11 Migration Planning Workshop"
DB2 10 set the stage to “give back”. DB2 11 does this again with more out of the box
performance improvements, greater migration flexibility, many optimization's, administration,
and application features. .
Versioning of information expands beyond temporal management into archiving of data.
Online schema evolution continues to provide more ways to enhance database designs
while maintaining information availability.
The DB2 11 optimizer provides insights into the statistics it needs to make the best
The DPSI is back with enhanced optimization and parallelism.
The Native SQL Procedures Language keeps getting better. Have you been looking for an
array? Look at DB2 11.
DB2 for z/OS SQL, aided by industry leading optimization, continues to push transactional
performance and expands native analytical capability with new Group By options and
integration with Big Data via Hadoop.
Distributed communications are a blast. Literally. Learn about this new communication
Do you use external security? It now communicates with DB2.
DB2 11 provides flexible paths to expand RBA / LRSNs, assisting Data Sharing high volume
insert processing and eliminating logging restrictions.
What is the Migration Planning Workshop (MPW)?
One-day, comprehensive review of the capabilities, considerations, preparations, and
project planning for DB2 11.
This offering enables customers to understand the breadth of features delivered in DB2
for z/OS versions.
The enhanced migration process is explained.
Leave the session with materials that you can use to start your installation / migration
immediately, or in the future.
For more information download the DB2 11 Migration Planning Workshop trifold.
Bio: Gareth Jones has worked in IT since 1985, when he worked for an IBM customer in the UK
retail sector. His first real contact with DB2 was when, working as an IMS Systems Programmer
and DBA, he took on the job of migrating DB2 from V1.3 to V2.1, and he hasn't looked back since.
In the 1990s, he spent eight years as a contractor, in France, the Netherlands and the UK, before
joining IBM as a permanent employee in 2000. Gareth worked for several years in IBM's Strategic
Outsourcing division, and then in BetaWorks, before joining the DB2 for z/OS SWAT Team, under
the leadership of John Campbell. He has worked with many customers around the world with
the SWAT Team. He has written a number of technical papers as well as presenting at several
conferences including Insight, and many user group meetings.

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