Table of Contents s. i


Table of Contents s. i
Global Media Journal—Polish Edition
No 1 (4), 2008
Special Spring 2008 issue on the political process in Central and Eastern European
countries and its impact on the democratic performance of the media
Issue Editor: Karol Jakubowicz
Table of Contents
1. Karol Jakubowicz: Introduction
2. Jan Jirák, Barbara Köpplová: The Reality Show Called Democratization:
Transformation of the Czech media after 1989
pp. 7-23
3. Karol Jakubowicz: Going To Extremes?
Two Polish Governments Deal With The Media
pp. 24-50
4. Peter Gross: Back to the (Uncertain) Future:
Politics, Business and the Media in Romania
pp. 51-68
5. Lilia Raycheva: The Patchwork of the Bulgarian Media
pp. 69-89
6. Péter Molnár: Law and the Creation of Free Speech Rights – The Impact
of International Regulations in Central and Eastern Europe
pp. 90-109
7. Tarik Jusić and L. Kendall Palmer: The Media and Power-Sharing:
Towards an Analytical Framework for Understanding Media
Policies in Post-Conflict Societies. Public Broadcasting in Bosnia
and Herzegovina
pp. 110-139
8. Oleg Manaev: Foreign Media Influence on Belarusians
pp. 140-152