2002 - Instytut Fizyki PAN


2002 - Instytut Fizyki PAN
Publications in 2002
Adamus Z., Wasik D., Baj M., Wojtowicz T., Janik E., Cywiński G., "Effect of multiple cooling-heating
temperature cycles on degradation of CdTe/CdMgTe heterostructures", KONF, (2002).
Akimov A.V., Scherbakov A.V., Yakovlev D.R., Ossau W., Molenkamp L.W., Wojtowicz T., Kossut J.,
Tatarenko S., Cibert J., "Spin-phonon dynamics in doped magnetic quantum wells", Physica B, vol. 316317, 41-47, (2002).
Andrearczyk T., Jaroszyński J., Karczewski G., Wróbel J., Wojtowicz T., Dietl T., Papis E., Kamińska E.,
Piotrowska A., "Quantum Hall Ferromagnets in Magnetic Quantum Well", KONF, (2002).
Andrearczyk T., Jaroszyński J., Karczewski G., Wróbel J., Wojtowicz T., Dietl T., Papis E., Kamińska E.,
Piotrowska A., "Effects of spin polarization on electron transport in modulation-doped Cd1-xMnxTeCd1yMgyTe: I heterostructures", Physica E, vol. 12(1-4), 361-365, (2002).
Andrearczyk T., Jaroszyński J., Karczewski G., Wróbel J., Wojtowicz T., Papis E., Kamińska E.,
Piotrowska A., Popović D., Dietl T., "Quantum Hall Ferromagnet in Magnetically-Doped Quantum Wells",
KONF, (2002).
Andrearczyk T., Jaroszyński J., Karczewski G., Wróbel J., Wojtowicz T., Popović D., Dietl T., Papis E.,
KONF, , 9, (2002).
Andrearczyk T., Jaroszyński J., Karczewski G., Wróbel J., Wojtowicz T., Popović D., Dietl T., Papis E.,
Kamińska E., Piotrowska A., "Effect of Spin Polarization and Landau Levels Crossing in Modulation
Doped Cd1-xMnxTe/Cd1-yMgyTe: I Heterostructures", KONF, (2002).
Astakhov G.V., Kochereshko V., Yakovlev D.R., Ossau W., Nurnberger J., Faschinger W., Landwehr G.,
Wojtowicz T., Karczewski G., Kossut J., "Optical method for the determination of carrier density in
modulation-doped quantum wells", Phys. Rev. B, vol. 65, 115310-1-9, (2002).
Blinowski J., Kacman P., Yu K.M., Walukiewicz W., Wojtowicz T., Furdyna J.K., "Effect of interstitial Mn
on the magnetic properties of GaMnAs", KONF, (2002).
Blinowski J., Kacman P., Yu K.M., Walukiewicz W., Wojtowicz T., Liu X., Furdyna J.K., "Effect of
Interstitial Mn on the Magnetic Properties of GaMnAs", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, C11(1-8), (2003).
Bogusławski P., "Struktura atomowa powierzchni półprzewodników", Encyklopedia Fizyki PWN, (rok=?).
Bogusławski P., Bernholc J., "Surface Segregation of Ge at SiGe(001) by Concerted Exchange Pathways",
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 88 No 16, 166101-1-4, (2002).
Brazis R., Kossut J., "Role of magnetic fluctuations in the luminescence line width of small systems", Solid
State Commun., vol. 122, 73-77, (2002).
Brazis R., Narkowicz R., Safonova L., Kossut J., "Light reflection band between the zeeman lines in diluted
magnetic semiconductors", Mater. Sci. Forum, vol. 384, 305-308, (2002).
Chen C., Teran F.J., Potemski M., Hawrylak P., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., "Inter-band optical studies
of II-VI modulation doped quantum wells", KONF, vol. 171 (2002).
Chen X., Na M., Cheon M., Wang S., Luo H., McCombe B.D., Liu X., Sasaki Y., Wojtowicz T., Furdyna
J.K., Potashnik S.J., Schiffer P., "Above-room-temperature ferromagnetism in GaSb/Mn digital alloys",
Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 81, 511-513, (2002).
Chen Y., Teran F.J., Potemski M., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., "Mixing of spin levels in the limit of
vanishing Zeeman gap in CdMnTe/CdMgTe modulation doped quantum well", KONF, (2002).
Chizhik A.B., Gnatchenko S.L., Baran M., Fronc K., Szymczak R., Żuberek R., "Noncollinear magnetic
structures in an Fe/Si/Fe film with ferromagnetic interlayer exchange interaction", Fiz. Nizk. Temp. (Low
Temp. Phys.), vol. 28 (8/9), 639-641, (2002).
Chizhik A.B., Gnatchenko S.L., Baran M., Fronc K., Szymczak R., Żuberek R., "Spontaneous and fieldinduced magnetic configurations in a Fe/Si/Fe trilayer with ferromagnetic interlayer exchange", J. Phys.,
Condens. Matter., vol. 14, 8969-8977, (2002).
Chizhik A.B., Gnatchenko S.L., Baran M., Fronc K., Szymczak R., Żuberek R., "Magnetic field induced
phase transitions in Fe/Si/Fe sandwich with ferromagnetic interlayer exchange", KONF, , 45, (2002).
Chizhik A.B., Gnatchenko S.L., Baran M., Fronc K., Szymczak R., Żuberek R., "Magnetization reversal in
Fe/Si/Fe film with ferromagnetic interlayer exchange", KONF, , 60, (2002).
Christensen N.E., Gorczyca I., Svane A., Gonzalez Szwacki N., Bogusławski P., "Theoretical studies of
semiconductors, with and without defects, under pressure.", Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 235 (2), 374-383,
Ciulin V., Kossacki P., Kutrowski M., Ganiere J.D., Wojtowicz T., Deveaud B., "Spin relaxation of
negatively charged excitons in CdTe quantum wells", Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 229, 627-631, (2002).
Cywiński G., "Domieszkowanie na typ p tellurków w technologii MBE", KONF, (2002).
Cywiński G., Butkute R., Ghali M., Guziewicz E., Jakieła R., Barcz A., Kossut J., "Nitrogen doped II-VI
structures grown by MBE", KONF, (2002).
Cywiński G., Czeczott M., Wróbel J., Fronc K., Aleszkiewicz M., Maćkowski S., Wojtowicz T., Kossut J.,
"Mu-Luminescence study of hybrid ferromagnet/diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum structures",
Physica E, vol. 13, 560-563, (2002).
Dietl T., Sawicki M., Le Van K., Jaroszyński J., Kossacki P., Cibert J., Ferrand D., Tatarenko S., Wasiela
A., "Ferromagnetism in II-VI Compounds", Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 229 (2), 665-672, (2002).
Fronc K., Szuszkiewicz W., Ott F., Hennion B., Baran M., Dynowska E., Kostrzeńska D., Paszkowicz W.,
Pełka J., Szymczak R., "Strong biquadratic magnetic coupling for Fe/Si multilayers: direct evidence by
means of neutron scattering", KONF, , 112, (2002).
Ghali M., Kossut J., Heiss W., Potemski M., "Spin injection through magnetic/nonmagnetic heterointerfaces
using trions for spin detection", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, P297(1-8), (2003).
Ghali M., Kossut J., Janik E., Kutrowski M., Kłopotowski Ł., Potemski M., Teran F.J., "Trions as a probe
of spin injection through II-VI magnetic / non-magnetic heterointerface", Thin Solid Films, vol. 412, 30-33,
Ghali M., Kossut J., Janik E., Regiński K., Kłopotowski Ł., Dłużewski P., Potemski M., Teran F.J.,
"Effective spin diffusion across hugely lattice mismatched heterointerfaces", Physica E, vol. 13, 547-551,
Godlewski M., Ivanov V.Y., Bergman J.P., Monemar B., Gołacki Z., Karczewski G., "Mn2+ intra-shell
recombination in bulk and quantum dots of II-VI compounds", J. Alloys Comp., vol. 341, 8-11, (2002).
Gonzalez Szwacki N., Bogusławski P., Gorczyca I., Christensen N.E., Svane A., "Electronic structure and
optical properties of GaAs1-xNx and Ga1-xBxAs alloys", Acta Phys. Pol. A, vol. 102, 633-641, (2002).
Gonzalez Szwacki N., Bogusławski P., Gorczyca I., Christensen N.E., Svane A., "Electronic structure and
optical properties of GaAs(1-x)N(x) and Ga(1-x)B(x)As alloys.", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, G1.3 (18), (2003).
Gourdon C., Jeudy V., Ivchenko E.L., Karczewski G., "Diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum bragg
structures for faraday microscopy of superconductors", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, P267 (1-8), (2003).
Gourdon C., Jeudy V., Menant M., Roditchev D., Tu Le A., Ivchenko E.L., Karczewski G., "Magnetooptical imaging with diluted semiconductor quantum wells.", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 82 (2), 230-232,
Gourdon C., Lazard G., Jeudy V., Testelin C., Ivchenko E.L., Karczewski G., "Enhanced Faraday rotation
in CdMnTe quantum wells embedded in an optical cavity", Solid State Commun., vol. 123, 299-304,
Gourdon C., Lazard G., Testelin C., Ivchenko E.L., Aaviksoo J., Karczewski G., "Enhanced MagnetoOptical Kerr Rotation in CdMnTe Quantum Wells Embedded in an Optical Cavity", Phys. Status Solidi A,
vol. 190 (2), 431-434, (2002).
Grabecki G., Wróbel J., Fronc K., Aleszkiewicz M., Czeczott M., Dietl T., Papis E., Kamińska E.,
Piotrowska A., Shrinkmann H., "Determination of fringe magnetic fields in hybrid ferromagnetsemiconductor structures", KONF, (2002).
Hawrylak P., Teran F.J., Potemski M., Karczewski G., "Band-gap renormalization and photoluminescence
from an interacting two-dimensional electron gas in a magnetic field", Physica E, vol. 12, 495-498, (2002).
Heiss W., Prechtl G., Maćkowski S., Janik E., "Correlation between exciton decay time and Stokes shift in
digital magnetic heterostructures", Phys. Rev. B, vol. 65, 125306, (2002).
Heiss W., Prechtl G., Maćkowski S., Janik E., "Correlation between exciton-decay time and Stokes shift in
digital magnetic heterostructures", Phys. Rev. B, vol. 65, 125306, (2001).
Hennion B., Szuszkiewicz W., Dynowska E., Janik E., Wojtowicz T., "Magnetic characteristics of zincblende MnTe: results of a spin-waves analysis", J. Supercond., vol. 16 (1), 151-154, (2003).
Hennion B., Szuszkiewicz W., Dynowska E., Janik E., Wojtowicz T., "Inelastic neutron scattering studies
of spin waves on MBE-grown, zinc blende MnTe", KONF, (2002).
Hennion B., Szuszkiewicz W., Dynowska E., Janik E., Wojtowicz T., "Spin-wave measurements on MBEgrown zinc-blende structure MnTe by inelastic neutron scattering", Phys. Rev. B, vol. 66, 224426, (2002).
46. Hirayama Y., Yamamoto H., Mino H., Takeyama S., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Kossut J., "Spin
sensitive dynamics of two-dimensional charged excitons in magnetic fields", KONF, (2002).
47. Ikeda K., Fletcher R., Maan J.C., Kossut J., "Thermopower, entropy, and the Mott relation in HgSe:Fe",
Phys. Rev. B, vol. 65, 035201, (2002).
48. Imanaka Y., Takamasu T., Kido G., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Kossut J., "Anomalous magneto
luminescence for CdMnTe/CdMgTe quantum wells under small Zeeman splitting around v=1", Inst. Phys.
Conf. Ser., vol. 171, H74 (1-7), (2003).
49. Imanaka Y., Takamasu T., Kido G., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Kossut J., "Luminescence properties of
II-VI quantum Hall systems at high magnetic fields", Microelectron. Eng., vol. 63, 69-73, (2002).
50. Imanaka Y., Takamasu T., Kido G., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Kossut J., "Singularity in the magnetoluminescence of II-VI quantum Hall systems around v=1", Physica E, vol. 12(1-4), 374-378, (2002).
51. Imanaka Y., Takamasu T., Kido G., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Kossut J., "Luminescence spectra in IIVI quantum Hall systems at high magnetic fields up to 35 T", Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 229, 745-749,
52. Ivanov V.Y., Godlewski M., Omelchuk A., Khachapuridze A., Klik M., Gregorkiewicz T., Molenkamp
L.W., Karczewski G., "Excitation mechanism of near infra red emission in ZnSe:Cr", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser.,
vol. 171, H23 (1-8), (2003).
53. Jaroszyński J., Andrearczyk T., Karczewski G., Wróbel J., Wojtowicz T., Papis E., Kamińska E.,
Piotrowska A., Popović D., Dietl T., "Quantum Hall ferromagnet in magnetically-doped quantum wells",
Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, E2.4 (1-8), (2003).
54. Jaroszyński J., Andrearczyk T., Karczewski G., Wróbel J., Wojtowicz T., Papis E., Kamińska E.,
Piotrowska A., Popović D., Dietl T., "Ising Quantum Hall Ferromagnet in Magnetically Doped Quantum
Wells", Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 89, 266802, (2002).
55. Jaroszyński J., Popović D., Klapwijk T.M., "Low-frequency resistance noise studies across the metalinsulator transition in silicon MOSFETs", Physica E, vol. 12 (1-4), 612-615, (2002).
56. Jaroszyński J., Popović D., Klapwijk T.M., "Universal Behavior of the Resistance Noise across the MetalInsulator Transition in Silicon Inversion Layers", Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 89, 276401-1-4, (2002).
57. Jeudy V., Gourdon C., Karczewski G., Tu Le A., "Transformation from flux tube to Labyrinthine stripe
pattern in the intermediate state of superconducting Indium", Physica C, vol. 388, 775-776, (2003).
58. Jeukens C.R., Christianen P.C., Maan J.C., Yakovlev D.R., Ossau W., Kochereshko V., Wojtowicz T.,
Karczewski G., Kossut J., "Dynamical equilibrium between excitons and trions in CdTe quantum wells in
high magnetic fields", Phys. Rev. B, vol. 66, 235318-1-11, (2002).
59. Jeukens C.R., Christianen P.C., Maan J.C., Yakovlev D.R., Ossau W., Wojtowicz T., Karczewski G.,
Kossut J., "Dynamical equilibrium between excitons and trions in CdTe quantum well structures", Phys.
Status Solidi A, vol. 190 (3), 813-816, (2002).
60. Karczewski G., Sawicki A., Grabecki G., Matsukura F., Molenkamp L.W., Dietl T., "Ferromagnetism in
(Zn,Cr)Se layers grown by molekular beam epitaxy", KONF, (2002).
61. Karczewski G., Sawicki M., Ivanov M.I., Ruester C., Grabecki G., Matsukura F., Molenkamp L.W., Dietl
T., "Ferromagnetism in (Zn,Cr)Se layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy", J. Supercond., vol. 16 (1), 5558, (2003).
62. Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Wang Y.J., Wu X.-., Peeters F.M., "Electron effective mass and resonant
polaron effect in CdTe/CdMgTe quantum wells", Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 229, 597-600, (2002).
63. Khachapuridze A., Ivanov V.Y., Godlewski M., Karczewski G., "Spin relaxation processes in quantum well
srtuctures of Cd1-xMnxTe/Cd1-xMgxTe", Acta Phys. Pol. A, vol. 102, 643-648, (2002).
64. Kinukawa T., Abc K., Mino H., Takeyama S., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Kossut J., "Spin transfer
mechanism on formation of excitons and biexcitons in (Cd,Mg)Te/CdTe/(Cd,Mn)Te asymmetric quantum
wells", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, P290(1-6), (2003).
65. Kłopotowski Ł., Nawrocki M., Maćkowski S., Janik E., "Spin conserving tunneling in asymmetric double
quantum well structures", Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 229, 769-774, (2002).
66. Kłopotowski Ł., Nawrocki M., Suffczyński J.., Janik E., "Exciton spin manipulation in asymmetric double
quantum well structures", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, P93 (1-7), (2003).
67. Kłopotowski Ł., Suffczyński J.., Maćkowski S., Janik E., "Exciton and charged exciton absorption in
asymmetric double quantum well structures", Phys. Status Solidi A, vol. 190 (3), 793-798, (2002).
68. Kłopotowski Ł., Suffczyński J.., Nawrocki M., Janik E., "Hanle Effect of Charged and neutral Excitons in
Quantum Wells", J. Supercond., vol. 16 (2), 435-437, (2003).
69. Kochereshko V., Astakhov G.V., Yakovlev D.R., Nurnberger J., Faschinger W., Ossau W., Landwehr G.,
Wojtowicz T., Karczewski G., Kossut J., "Combined exciton-electron optical processes in modulated doped
QWs", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, E1.6(1-8), (2003).
Kossacki P., Ciulin V., Cibert J., Kutrowski M., Maślana W., Ferrand D., Tatarenko S., Wojtowicz T.,
Deveaud B., Gaj J.A., "Optical studies of charged excitons in II-VI semiconductor quantum wells", Inst.
Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, R4.5 (133-143), (2003).
Kossacki P., Ciulin V., Kutrowski M., Ganiere J.D., Wojtowicz T., Deveaud B., "Formation time of
negatively charged excitons in CdTe-based quantum wells", Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 229, 659-663,
Kossut J., "Hybrid structures containing diluted magnetic semiconductors", KONF, (2002).
Kossut J., "Hybrid structures containing diluted magnetic semiconductors", KONF, (2002).
Kossut J., "Hybrid structures of diluted magnetic semiconductors", KONF, (2002).
Kossut J., "Novel structures involving diluted magnetic semiconductors", KONF, (2002).
Kossut J., "Physics of low dimensional structures made of diluted magnetic (semimagnetic)
semiconductors", KONF, (2002).
Kossut J., "ZnTe/Cd/MnTe:diluted magnetic semiconductor self-assebled quantum dots", KONF, (2002).
Kowalik K., Kudelski A., Gaj J.A., Wojtowicz T., "In-plane anisotropy of parabolic and half- parabolic
Cd1-xMnxTe quantum wells", KONF, (2002).
Kowalik K., Kudelski A., Gaj J.A., Wojtowicz T., Krebs O., Voisin P., "Anizotropia w plaszczyźnie
parabolicznych i półparabolicznych studni kwantowych z CdTe/CdTe1-xMnxTe", KONF, (2002).
Kudelski A., Krebs O., Kasprzak J., Golnik A., Cywiński G., Voisin P., Gaj J.A., "Giant in-plane optical
anisotropy induced by longitudinal magnetic field in semimagnetic Cd1-xMnxTe quantum wells", Inst.
Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, E1.2 (1-8), (2003).
Kuryliszyn I., Stachow-Wójcik A., Twardowski A., Janik E., Dynowska E., Bąk-Misiuk J., "Magnetooptical
study of s,p-d exchange interaction in zinc blende Mg(1-x)Mn(x)Te", Solid State Commun., vol. 122, 213216, (2002).
Kuryliszyn I., Wojtowicz T., Liu X., Dobrowolska M., Furdyna J.K., "Obróbka termiczna warstw Ga1xMnxAs", KONF, (2002).
Kuryliszyn I., Wojtowicz T., Liu X., Furdyna J.K., Dobrowolski W., Broto J.M., Goiran M., Portugall O.,
Rakoto H., Raquet H., "Transport and magnetic properties of low temperarure annealed Ga1-xMnxAs",
Acta Phys. Pol. A, vol. 102, 659-665, (2002).
Kuryliszyn I., Wojtowicz T., Liu X., Furdyna J.K., Dobrowolski W., Broto J.M., Portugall O., Rakoto H.,
Raquet H., "Low temperature annealing studies of Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As", J. Supercond., vol. 16 (1), 63-66,
Kusrayev Y.G., Koudinov A.V., Wolverson D., Kossut J., "Anisotropy of spin-flip Raman scattering in
CdTe/CdMnTe quantum wells", Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 229, 741-744, (2002).
Kutrowski M., Wojtowicz T., Kossacki P., Ciulin V., Kossut J., "Neutral and charged exciton
photoluminescence in magnetic field studied for different electron concentrations and g-factors", Phys.
Status Solidi B, vol. 229, 791-795, (2002).
Kyrychenko F., "Półmagnetyczne kropki kwantowe:zależność rozszczepienia spinowego od geometrii
potencjału", KONF, (2002).
Kyrychenko F., Kossut J., "Diluted magneyic semiconductor quantum dots:an extreme sensitiviti of hole
Zeeman splitting on the aspect ratio of the confinng potential", KONF, (2002).
Kyrychenko F., Kossut J., "Self-Consistent Calculations of Excitonic States in T-Shaped Quantum Wires",
Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 229, 557-561, (2002).
Le Van K., Kossut J., Gałązka R.R., "Auger quenching of Mn2+ luminescence in phosphorus doped Zn1xMnxTecrystals for the application to red-green avalanche light emitting devices", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser.,
vol. 171, P57(1-6), (2003).
Le Van K., Kossut J., Gałązka R.R., "Carrier-Concentration and Magnetic-Field Effect on Mn2+
luminescence in Bulk Zn1-xMnxTe Crystals", J. Supercond., vol. 16 (2), 427-429, (2003).
Le Van K., Kossut J., Gałązka R.R., "Optical identification of impurity levels in strongly phosphorus-doped
wide-gap II-VI bulk semimagnetic semiconductors", Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 235 (1), 44-47, (2003).
Le Van K., Sawicki A., Dybko K., Story T., Dietl T., Kossut J., Gałązka R.R., "Electrical and Magnetic
Properties of Phosphorus Doped Bulk Zn1-xMnxTe", Moldavian J. Phys. Sciences, vol. 1, 11-14, (2002).
Le Van K., Sawicki M., Dybko K., Domukhovski V., Story T., Dietl T., Jędrzejczak A., Kossut J., Gałązka
R.R., "Annealing-induced changes in electrical, optical, and magnetic properties of phosphorus doped bulk
Zn1-xMnxTe", Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 229, 53-56, (2002).
95. Lee S., Shin D.Y., Titova L.V., Kutrowski M., Furdyna J.K., Dobrowolska M., "Magneto-optical study of
multiple layers of self-assembled quantum dots involving diluted magnetic semiconductors.", J. Supercond.,
vol. 16 (2), 453-456, (2003).
96. Łusakowski J., Cywiński G., Korona K., Knap W., Kossut J., "Mixing of impurity levels by a built-in
electric field in CdMgTe/CdZnTe heterostructures", Phys. Status Solidi C, vol. 0 (2), 605-608, (2003).
97. Maćkowski S., "CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots - growth and optical properties", Thin Solid Films, vol. 412, 96106, (2002).
98. Maćkowski S., Karczewski G., Kossut J., Sęk G., Misiewicz J., Prechtl G., Heiss W., "Optical properties of
CdTe/ZnTe quantum dot superlattices", Physica E, vol. 12, 503-506, (2002).
99. Maćkowski S., Lee S., Furdyna J.K., Dobrowolska M., Prechtl G., Heiss W., Kossut J., Karczewski G.,
"Growth and optical properties of Mn-containing II-VI quantum dots", Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 229, 469472, (2002).
100. Maćkowski S., Nguyen T.A., Jackson H.E., Smith L.M., Kossut J., Karczewski G., Heiss W., "Optical
properties of semimagnetic quantum dots", Mat.. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Series, vol. 737, E9.1.1, (2003).
101. Maćkowski S., Sobczak E., Nietubyć R., Goerigk G., Kret S., Dłużewski P., Szczepańska A., Janik E.,
Kossut J., Karczewski G., "Three-dimensional quantum dot "crystal" formation in CdTe/ZnTe
superlattices", Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 229 (1), 445-448, (2002).
102. Maćkowski S., Wróbel J., Fronc K., Kossut J., Pulizzi F., Christianen P.C., Maan J.C., Karczewski G.,
"Exciton Spectroscopy of Single CdTe and CdMnTe Quantum Dots", Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 229, 493496, (2002).
103. Mino H., Kobayashi N., Shi J.M., Takeyama S., Adachi S., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Kossut J.,
"Biexciton formation at high magnetic field in (Cd,Mn)Te/CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te asymmetric quantum wells",
Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, C19 (1-7), (2003).
104. Negre N., Crooker S.A., Wois A., Karczewski G., "High magnetic field optical studies of charged exciton in
CdTe 2D electron gases", Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, vol. 16, 2972-2972, (2002).
105. Nguyen T.A., Maćkowski S., Rho H., Jackson H.E., Smith L.M., Wróbel J., Fronc K., Kossut J.,
Karczewski G., Dobrowolska M., Furdyna J.K., "Resonant photoluminescence and excitation spectroscopy
of CdSe/ZnSe and CdTe/ZnTe self-assembled quantum dots", Mat.. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Series, vol. 737,
E9.2.1, (2003).
106. Nguyen T.A., Maćkowski S., Robinson L.M., Rho H., Jackson H.E., Smith L.M., Dobrowolska M.,
Furdyna J.K., Karczewski G., "Resonant and non-resonant PL and PLE spectra of CdSe/ZnSe and
CdTe/ZnTe self-assembled quantum dots", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, H157 (1-4), (2003).
107. Nguyen T.A., Mukolobwicz N., Jackson H.E., Smith L.M., Lee S., Dobrowolska M., Furdyna J.K.,
Maćkowski S., Karczewski G., "Probing the internal structure of CdTe/ZnTe and CdSe self-assembled
quantum dots using excitation spectroscopy", KONF, (2002).
108. Portella-Oberli M.T., Ciulin V., Ganiere J.D., Kutrowski M., Wojtowicz T., Deveaud B., "Transport and
coherence properties of trions and excitons in CdTe quantum wells", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, P90
(1-8), (2003).
109. Portella-Oberli M.T., Ciulin V., Haacke S., Ganiere J.D., Kossacki P., Kutrowski M., Wojtowicz T.,
Deveaud B., "Trions and excitons in CdTe quantum wells: Lifetimes, coherence, diffusion and localization",
Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 234, 294-303, (2002).
110. Portella-Oberli M.T., Ciulin V., Haacke S., Ganiere J.D., Kossacki P., Kutrowski M., Wojtowicz T.,
Deveaud B., "Diffusion, localization, and dephasing of trions and excitons in CdTe quantum wells", Phys.
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