Worksheet 4: PreSim, PreCont, PaSim, PaCont, FutSim


Worksheet 4: PreSim, PreCont, PaSim, PaCont, FutSim
TENSES: Present Simple - Present Continuous - Past Simple - Past Continuous – Future Simple
A. Use the verbs in the right tense. Remember about the correct word order if there are more words given.
1. Where (she/work) ____________ now?
2. How often (they/buy) ____________ newspapers?
3. She (go) ____________ out in a few minutes because now she (put) ____________ on her shoes.
4. (you/see) ____________ that bird a moment ago when it (fly) ____________ over our heads?
5. She (not/sell) ____________ meat because she is not a butcher.
6. When (he/buy) ____________ this car? It (look) ____________ like brand new.
7. Last week I (plan) ____________ to give a party at my place but I (fall) ____________ ill.
8. We (not/take) ____________ a quiz last Monday because our teacher (forget) ____________ to bring it.
9. (the phone/break) ____________ while (you/charge) ____________ it?
10. When (you/be) ____________ there?
11. We (wait) ____________ for you yesterday at 6 p.m. but you (not/come) ____________.
12. Why (he/shave) ____________ now, at 11 a.m.?
13. We (not/be) ____________ in this town in 6 years.
14. (he/be) ____________ in the gym every afternoon?
15. Oh, no. I have a hole in the left shoe. I (buy) ____________ a new pair after work.
16. What (you/watch) ____________ on TV today? I (not/know) ____________. I (decide) ____________ later.
17. We (not/work) ____________ next Saturday.
18. (they/stop) ____________ at our hotel next year?
19. Do you think our team (win) ____________ tomorrow in Romania?
20. (you/not/speak/often) ____________ French at work?
(adapted from Piotr Przybylak Testy z wybranych zagadnień języka angielskiego)
B. Translate the sentences below.
1. Tutaj masz kontrakt. W przyszłym miesiącu lecisz do Paryża. ___________________________________________
2. Jak Trump zarobił pierwszy milion dolarów? ________________________________________________________
3. Pożyczysz mi swoją parasolkę? Moja się rozpada. ____________________________________________________
4. Kto zaglądnął do pokoju, gdy myłeś okno? __________________________________________________________
5. Poranki stają się coraz mroźniejsze. _______________________________________________________________
6. Dokąd odlatują ptaki, gdy nadchodzi zima? _________________________________________________________
7. Nie zawsze w listopadzie pada śnieg. ______________________________________________________________
8. Co się dzieje, gdy firma traci kontrolę nad inwestycjami? ______________________________________________
9. Gdzie spędzasz letnie wakacje? ___________________________________________________________________
10. Gdzie spędzasz wakacje w przyszłym roku? _________________________________________________________