Małgorzata Rękosiewicz, PhD


Małgorzata Rękosiewicz, PhD
Małgorzata Rękosiewicz, PhD
Insitute of Psychology
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland
1. Rękosiewicz, M. (2012). W drodze do dorosłości. Tożsamość osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną [On
the road to adulthood. Identity of people with intellectual disability]. Wielichowo: TIPI.
Abstract: The publication presents current knowledge about the development of identity among people with
intellectual disabilities. It focuses on both biological and social determinants of identity shaping. The first two
chapters present the nature of intellectual disability and describe, how, to psychological current knowledge, the
identity develops during childhood and adolescence, but also during adulthood. There have been discussed three
social environments in which young persons develop: family – with parents and other members, school with
teachers and peers, and larger social and cultural environment.
Keywords: identity, intellectual disability, adolescence, childhood, educational context
Available at:
Scientifical papers
In English
1. Brzezińska, A. I., Czub, T., Hejmanowski, Sz., Rękosiewicz, M., Kaczan, R., Piotrowski, K.
(2012). Determinants of identity formation during the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Culture and
Education, 5 (91), 5-27.
Reprint in Polish: Brzezińska, A. I., Czub, T., Hejmanowski, Sz., Kaczan, R., Piotrowski, K.,
Rękosiewicz, M. (2012).Uwarunkowania procesu kształtowania się tożsamości w okresie przejścia z
adolescencji do dorosłości. Kultura i Edukacja, 3 (89), 23-50.
The process of identity formation during the transition from adolescence to adulthood and its determinants are
currently a central issue in the social sciences. On the one hand, the huge variety of offers creates the opportunity
to expand the fields of exploration and to tailor commitments to individual aspirations and preferences. On the other
hand, increasing instability and Bauman’s liquidity of the social environment of development may create threats
that impede the making of decisions, engaging in their realization, and identifying with the choices made. James
Marcia’s two-stage model of identity formation no longer adequately describes and accounts for paths of identity
development. The dynamic dual-cycle model of identity formation developed by Koen Luyckx and collaborators is
much more accurate. Although identity continues to form throughout the life course, childhood, and particularly
adolescence seem to be pivotal from the point of view of what developmental trajectory the individual is on at the
moment of entry into adulthood. From this point of view the factors which we regard as crucial for identity formation
are shame proneness and shame regulation strategies on the one hand, and the system of personal beliefs about
one’s life and related key social experiences which define the quality of social participation of adolescents on the
other hand.
Key words: adolescence, emerging adulthood, early adulthood, sense of adulthood, adult social roles, dimensions
of identity, identity status, developmental trajectories, shame proneness, shame regulation, sense of punctuality of
life events, social participation type
2. Brzezińska, A. I., Czub, T., Nowotnik, A., Rękosiewicz, M. (2012). Supporting Polish youth in entering into
adulthood. Discussion on the margins of the Youth of 2011 Report. Culture and Education,5 (91), 244-257.
Reprint in Polish: Brzezińska, A. I., Czub, T., Nowotnik, A., Rękosiewicz, M. (2012). Wspomaganie
polskiej młodzieży we wkraczaniu w dorosłość. Dyskusja na marginesie Raportu Młodzi 2011’. Kultura i
Edukacja, 3 (89), 258-272.
Overcoming developmental threshold of the transition from childhood to adulthood is a particularly important time
because it involves making important life choices and commitments. Not only the level of individual’s resources, but
also the historical context and the quality of socio-cultural environment does affect its course. The debate over the
condition of the young generation in Poland that is just entering adulthood found its expression in the Youth of 2011
Report, published by the Office of the Prime Minister. The main aim of our paper is to enrich the attempts to
diagnose and analyze the condition of contemporary Polish youth contained in the Report with the psychological
reflection on the relevance of the findings, particularly those that indicate the existence of problems and disturbing
phenomena in the functioning of young people. At the same time we try to outline a direction of change aimed at
providing young Polish people support in the implementation of development challenges, therefore in finding their
own position and way of life. We believe that such reflection will enable the best use of the potential of the material
collected in the report and will be a stimulus to improve the social situation of young people in Poland.
Key words: adolescence, psycho-wave effect, Report Youth of 2011, self-determination, identity, transition into
adulthood, emerging adulthood
3. Brzezińska A. I., Rękosiewicz M. (2015). Early childhood development support from the developmental
psychology perspective. International Forum for Education, 8, 15-28.
Providing development support at early stages of life creates an opportunity for proper psychological development
for every child, regardless of its state at birth. Approaching this topic from the perspective of developmental
psychology implies focusing on: (1) coordinating the functioning of both biological and social clock, as well as
needs that are both universal and specific to the particular gender and age, (2) the necessity to apply a wide time
perspective (integrating the perspective of the past with the short- and long-term perspectives) in designing actions
that are meant to endorse development, and (3) supporting the development of key competences, which in the
period of early childhood provide a sense of security and autonomy. The basic rule that governs the initiatives on
the part of the environment/caregivers in order to endorse development has its roots in the concept of actual and
proximal development zones proposed by Lev S. Vygotsky. Under this theory, actions that are performed by
parents should focus on supporting their children in the process of coping with external requirements, instead of
simply removing obstacles and difficulties or being overly protective.
Key words: early childhood development support, ECDS, sense of security, sense of autonomy, time perspective,
actual and proximal development zones, key competences
4. Jankowski, P., Rękosiewicz, M. (2013). Type of social participation and regulation of emotion among upper
secondary school students. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 3, 196-204. doi: 10.2478/ppb-2013-0035
The article presents the results of research on relationships between types of social participation and emotion
regulation. In the study, Gratz’ and Roemer’s (2004) perspective on emotion regulation and Reinders’ and Butz’s
(2001) concept of types of social participation were applied. Participants were 1151 students from three types of
vocational schools: basic vocational school (n=266), technical upper secondary school (n=644), and specialized
upper secondary school (n=241). The results of studies conducted with the use of Difficulties in Emotion Regulation
Scale (DERS) and Social Participation Questionnaire (SPQ-S 1) indicate that there are small, however, significant,
differences in the levels of social participation dimensions and the frequency of particular types of social
participation between students from the three investigated types of vocational schools. The level of transitive
orientation turned out to be higher among students from the basic vocational schools than among students from the
specialized upper secondary schools and the technical upper secondary schools. In each educational group, the
level of transitive orientation was significantly higher than the level of moratorium orientation. The hypothesis about
the relationship between dimensions of emotion regulation and types of social participation, particularly with
respect to the dimension of “lack of emotional awareness”, was confirmed. The most effective style in terms of
emotion regulation turned out to be the assimilation type. The highest level of emotion dysregulation proved to be
connected with the segregation type.
Key words: adolescence, educational context, moratorium, emotion regulation, social participation, transition
5. Piotrowski, K., Kaczan, R., Rękosiewicz, M. (2013). Unpunctuality of higher education as a risk
factor of identity formation. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 3, 173-183. doi: 10.2478/ppb-2013-0033
One of the important determinants of development during the transition to adulthood is the undertaking of social
roles characteristic of adults, also in the area of finishing formal education, which usually coincides with beginning
full-time employment. In the study discussed in this paper, it has been hypothesized that continuing full-time
education above the age of 26, a phenomenon rarely observed in Poland, can be considered as an unpunctual
event that may be connected with difficulties in the process of identity formation. Relationships between identity
dimensions and identity statuses, and age and educational context were analyzed. 693 individuals aged 19-35 took
part in the study. The participants attended three types of educational institutions: (1) full-time university studies
(BA or MA level), (2) part-time university studies (BA or MA level), and (3) full-time post-secondary school
(certificate courses such as: medical rescue, massage therapy, cosmetology, occupational therapy). Among the
students of full-time university studies predictable dependencies, also in respect of highlevels of indicators of
identity crisis and a high frequency of diffused identity occurrence, were observed. Such dependencies were not
found in the group of full-time post-secondary school students.
Key words: commitment, educational context, exploration, identity, off-time education, unpunctuality
6. Rękosiewicz, M. (2013). Type of social participation and identity formation in adolescence and emerging
adulthood. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 3, 151-161. doi: 10.2478/ppb-2013-0031
This paper presents the results of empirical research that explores the links between types of social participation
and identity. The author availed herself of the neo-eriksonian approach to identity by Luyckx et al. (2006) and the
concept of social participation types (Reinders, Butz, 2001). The study involved 1,665 students from six types of
schools: lower secondary school (n=505), general upper secondary school (n=171), technical upper secondary
school (n=187), specialized upper secondary school (n=214), university (n=252), and post-secondary school
(medical rescue, massage therapy, cosmetology, occupational therapy) (n=336). The results of the research,
conducted with the use of Dimensions of Identity Development Scale (DIDS) and Social Participation Questionnaire
(SPQ-S 1 and SPQ-S 2), indicate that transitive orientation increases with age and that, consequently, the
frequency of assimilation and integration types of social participation tends to be higher in emerging adulthood in
comparison with adolescence. The study showed that general upper secondary school students, contrary to their
colleagues from technical and specialized upper secondary schools, did not differ in terms of transitive and
moratorium orientation levels from lower secondary school students. The hypothesis about the relationship
between transitive orientation and commitment scales was confirmed, whereas the hypotheses concerning the
links between exploration scales and both dimensions of social participation were not validated.
Key words: adolescence, commitment, educational context, emerging adulthood, exploration, identity, moratorium,
social participation, transition
Rękosiewicz, M. (2015). Konstrukcja zmodyfikowanej Skali Rozwoju Wymiarów Tożsamości (DIDS/PL-1)
dla osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. Studia Psychologiczne, 53(3), 19-31. doi: 10.2478/V1067-0100122-3
Reprint in Polish: Rękosiewicz, M. (2015). The construction of the modified Dimensions of Identity
Development Scale (DIDS/PL-1) for people with intellectual disability. Studia Psychologiczne, 53(3), 1931. doi: 10.2478/V1067-010-0137-8
The article addresses the issue of assessing identity dimensions as conceptualized by K. Luyckx et al. (2006) in
people with mild intellectual disability using the modified Polish version of the Dimensions of Identity Development
Scale (DIDS/PL-1). The author presents the steps followed in the modification of the questionnaire as well as its
psychometric properties. Two studies were conducted in order to test the reliability and validity of the measure. The
participants in Study 1 were people within the intellectual norm (n = 100), and the measures used were DIDS/PL as
well as its modified version, DIDS/PL-1. The modified version turned out to be an instrument with a reliability
comparable to that of DIDS/PL. The analysis of correlations yielded positive relations between the same scales in
the two measures as well as the same direction and similar strength of relations between the variables within each
measure. The participants in Study 2 were people with mild intellectual disability (n = 67) and within the intellectual
norm (n = 60). Both groups completed the modified scale, DIDS/PL-1. The modified version proved to be a reliable
instrument; the analysis of correlations found the relations between variables that are observed in other studies
using the original DIDS and the Polish version, DIDS/PL. The modified version, DIDS/PL-1, can be used
successfully among young people with a mild degree of intellectual disability.
Key words: exploration, mild intellectual disability, Dimensions of Identity Development Scale (DIDS), identity,
In Chinese
7. Czub, T., Brzezińska, A. I., Czub, M., Piotrowski, K., Rękosiewicz, M. (2012).
羞愧感在同一性发展中的调节作用 [Regulative role of shame in the process of identity
formation]. Culture and Education – Chinese Edition, 7 (93), 38-51.
Reprint in Polish: Czub, T., Brzezińska, A. I., Czub, M., Piotrowski, K., Rękosiewicz, M. (2013 – in
press). Regulacyjna rola wstydu w procesie kształtowania się tożsamości. Psychologia Rozwojowa.
In the paper we present the draft of model discussing relationship between shame and identity development
process. We discuss two main concepts of shame: shame as adaptive emotion according to evolutionary approach
and as maladaptive (in contrast to guilt) emotion according to cognitive attribution theory. Our main thesis states
that shame has essential, both constructive and maladaptive importance for identity development, and this effect is
indirect, through the mechanisms of emotion regulation. Destructive and disrupting value of shame is not an
immanent feature of this emotion, but it is a consequence of malfunctioning mechanisms of shame regulation.
Association of shame with the identity formation relates to the exploration dimensions – exploration in breadth,
exploration in depth and ruminative exploration as well as to commitment making and identification with
commitment. People with high level of shame proneness are more sensitive to the information and assessment
arising from significant others from their nearest social environment and are more self-critical. This may contribute
to increasing discrepancy or dissonance between the possessed and desired or socially expected identity. This
may also run mechanisms of identity changing and decide about its more or less stability.
Key words: adolescence, early adulthood, exploration, commitment, identity status, identity development,
experience of the shame, shame proneness, social environment
In Polish
1. Brzezińska, A. I., Czub, T., Kaczan, R., Piotrowski, K., Rękosiewicz, M. (2013). Tożsamość i jej
osobowościowy kontekst: charakterystyka psychologiczna uczniów zespołów szkół zawodowych [Identity
and its personal context: psychological characteristics of vocational school students]. Ruch Pedagogiczny, 4,
The article presents the research results of 271 students in grades I–III of vocational schools, 448 students in
grades I–III of technical schools and 253 students in grades I–III of specialised secondary school. The study was
held in Poznań in the winter semester of the school year 2012/2013. Battery of questionnaires was used: four
adapted – DIDS/PL – dimensions of identity, PFQ-2/PL – feelings of shame and guilt, DERS/PL – diffi culties in
emotion regulation and ISI-4/PL – identity problems processing style and one original polish KPS – Social
Participation Questionnaire. The results indicate both signifi cant, though small, differences between vocational and
technical students on the one hand and between them and specialised secondary school students on the other
hand, as well as differences between men and women. Among students from I-III grades from all of the three types
of vocational schools there is similar structure of relationships between examined personal variables (level of guilt
and shame, diffi culties in emotion regulation, two social orientations) and fi ve identity dimensions (exploration in
breadth, exploration in depth, ruminative exploration, commitment making, identifi cation with commitment) and
identity styles (normative, informative, diffused). The most adaptive structure of examined factors characterizes
technical students.
Key words: feeling of guilt, feeling of shame, identity dimensions, identity status, identity style, regulation of
emotion, social participation
Available at:
2. Brzezińska, A. I., Kaczan, R., Piotrowski, K., Rękosiewicz, M. (2011). Odroczona dorosłość: fakt czy
artefakt? [Postponed adulthood: fact or artefact?] Nauka, 4, 67-107.
The article presents the findings of the research concerning the period of emerging adulthood, in other words the
transition phase between adolescence and early adulthood, conducted in the years 2010-2011. It has been
demonstrated that becoming an adult, both in the objective dimension (taking on adult social roles – family and
vocational ones) and subjective dimension (feeling of adulthood, identity characteristics and identity status, feeling
of being on-time and off-time) is closely related to factors external to the individual as well as to the individual’s
psychological profiles. A crucial point in entering adulthood is the completion of education. Non studying individuals
assume more social roles related to adulthood, consider themselves to be more adult and to a greater extent
undertake identity commitments than studying persons. People with various levels and kinds of physical disability
not only take on fewer roles related to adulthood than non-disabled persons but they also hold a stronger
conviction that the roles are undertaken “off time” in comparison with their non-disabled peers. On the other hand,
intellectual disability is linked to lower intensity of exploration and more tenuous commitments than in the group of
people without disabilities. The analysis of research results is located in the context of delaying and/or postponing
the process of entering adulthood which can be observed currently not only in Poland.
Key words: commitment, developmental tasks, disability, early adulthood, emerging adulthood, exploration, feeling
of being on-time and off-time, identity status, late adolescence, life events
Available at:
3. Brzezińska, A. I., Rękosiewicz, M., Piotrowski, K. (2016). Plany edukacyjne i zawodowe uczniów ostatnich
klas szkół ponadgimnazjalnych a wymiary rozwoju ich tożsamości [Educational and vocational plans and
dimensions of identity development of students in the last year of upper secondary schools]. Edukacja,
1(136), 75-89.
This study analysed the relationship of educational and vocational plans and dimensions of identity development,
of students in the last year of upper secondary school. The study was conducted in semester I of 2014/2015. 585
students participated from three types of school: basic vocational schools (n = 74), vocational upper secondary
schools (n = 186) and general upper secondary schools (n = 325). Two questionnaires were used in this study: the
Dimensions of Identity Development Scale – DIDS/PL and a short questionnaire on educational and vocational
plans. The results showed that individuals with no further educational plans had a lower level of ruminative
exploration and higher level of commitment making than other students and higher level of identification with
commitment than those, who had not made any decision yet. Students who had decided to start a full-time work
after graduating secondary school had a lower level of exploration in breadth than students who had not any
vocational plans as well as they had a lower level of ruminative exploration and a higher level of identification with
commitment than the others. An interaction effect of school type and educational/vocation plans, in the process of
identity formation was not observed.
Key words: dimensions of identity development, educational plans, vocational plans, late adolescence, upper
secondary schools.
4. Gołaska, P., Rękosiewicz, M. (2012). Dzieci i młodzież z niepełnosprawnością – przegląd światowych
badań psychologicznych [Children and youth with disabilities – psychological research response to the issue
of disability]. Człowiek – Niepełnosprawność – Społeczeństwo, 4(18), 7–34.
The paper presents a review of selected global research on children and youth with different types of disability. The
results of the query show the interest of researchers both in many kinds of children’s disabilities, and in
developmental and psychosocial problems. On the other hand, the number of research tools and specific
therapeutic methods is still insufficient. Studies seem not to keep up with rare genetic diseases, which are
occurring at an alarming rate. There is a clear difference in access to therapeutic methods and reliable and valid
diagnostic tools in Poland and other European countries.
Key words: adolescence, empirical studies, disability, infancy, early childhood, preschool age, school age
5. Matejczuk, J., Nowotnik, A., Rękosiewicz, M. (2013). 6-latek jako pierwszoklasista w szkole. Zróżnicowanie
kodów językowych dziecka, rodziny i szkoły – dla kogo szansa, dla kogo zagrożenie? [Six-year-olds in the fi
rst grade of elementary school. A diversity of language codes of the child, family and school – an opportunity
or a risk?] Studia Edukacyjne, 27, 129-142.
The article offers another view in the discourse concerning the lowering of school age. We take into consideration
the consequences of children’s diversity in terms of the language functioning for their needs, opportunities, and
ways to deal with school reality. Our analysis is based on Basil Bernstein’s concept of linguistic codes (1980a and
1980b). Such an interpretation of the phenomenon aims to help to identify the role of the school’s effi ciency of
language codes management targeted at six-year-olds. Our aim is to identify the key challenges and tasks facing
the school in dealing with the admission and teaching of children with diverse linguistic skills.
Key words: child-school goodness of fi t, early school education, readiness for school, language code, orientation
to person and to program, system of communication
Available at:
6. Rękosiewicz, M. (2012). Właściwości tożsamości młodzieży z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną
[Characteristics and identity status of young people with intellectual disability]. Studia Psychologiczne,3, 4962. doi: 10.2478/v10167-010-0059-8
The paper presents the results of a research into the formation of identity of people with intellectual disability during
the periods of late adolescence and emerging adulthood. The study involved 12 individuals with mild intellectual
disability. As a research tool there was used an individual in-depth interview based on the idea of five dimensions
of identity by the Dimensions of Identity Development Scale (DIDS), by K. Luyckx et al (2008). Results show the
dependence of the dimensions of identity and the statuses of identity on the age. Results also show that in spite of
intellectual disability there is a possibility to develop the achieved identity.
Key words: commitment, emerging adulthood, exploration, identity status, intellectual disability, late adolescence
Available at:
7. Rękosiewicz, M. (2013). Kwestionariusz Partycypacji Społecznej (KPS): konstrukcja i analiza właściwości
The paper presents construction of Social Participation Questionnaire in its 4 versions (SPQ-S 1, SPQS 2, SPQ-P
1, SPQ-P 2) for people aged 13-19 years – SPQ 1 and 20-35 years – SPQ 2 and in full and shortened version. The
questionnaire is used for diagnosing types and dimensions of social participation: moratorium orientation and
transitive orientation and is based on theoretical framework by Heinz Reinders et al. (Reinders, Bergs-Winkels,
Butz, and Claßen, 2001). Several steps of constructing the questionnaire as well as its psychometric
characteristics have been presented. The questionnaire, designed for people in early and late adolescence and
emerging and early adulthood, obtained satisfactory results during factor analysis as well as reliability analysis
using Cronbach’s and spli-half method.
Available at:
7. Rękosiewicz, M. (2014). Orientacja życiowa i typ partycypacji społecznej w okresie wczesnej i późnej
adolescencji oraz wyłaniającej się dorosłości: kontekst edukacyjny [Life orientation and type of social
participation in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Educational context]. Psychologia Rozwojowa,4, 7385. doi: 10.4467/20843879PR.14.025.2964
The article presents the results of research on relationship between life orientation and types of social participation
(based on theoretical framework by Reinders, 2006) and age and educational context. The participants were 1675
individuals in early adolescence (n = 513), late adolescence (n = 594) and emerging adulthood (n = 568) attending
six types of schools: gymnasium, high school, technical school, basic vocational school, university, and postsecondary school. Social Participation Questionnaire (SPQ) by Brzezińska, Hejmanowska and Rękosiewicz
(Rękosiewicz, 2013b) has been used. Research results confirmed the increase of transitive orientation and the
decrease of moratorium orientation and hence – a change in the frequency of occurrence of different types of
social participation with age. Detailed analysis revealed significant differences between participants of the same
age but attending other types of schools.
Key words: adolescence, educational context, emerging adulthood, moratorium orientation,
social participation, transitive orientation
Available at:
8. Rękosiewicz, M., Brzezińska, A. I. (2011). Kształtowanie się tożsamości w okresie dzieciństwa i dorastania
u osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną: rola rodziny i szkoły [Identity formation in childhood and
adolescence in individuals with intellectual disability: the role of family and school]. Studia Edukacyjne, 18,
Identity is mainly formed in adolescence, but preparing for that process begins much earlier. From early childhood
man gets the skills that determine the formation of identity (Erikson, 1950). The study of identity in Poland (eg.
Brzezińska, Piotrowski, Garbarek-Sawicka, Karowska, Muszyńska, 2010) and around the world (eg. Luyckx,
Soenens, Vansteenkiste, Goossens, Berzonsky, 2007) indicate the specific factors influencing its development,
including contextual factors. The paper aims to identify the role of family and school in forming identity among
young people with intellectual disability – to identify the factors that support or hinder optimal development of
Key words: commitment, education, exploration, family, identity, intellectual disability
Available at:
9. Rękosiewicz, M., Wysota, M. (2014). Kwestionariusz Percepcji Stylów Wychowawczych (KPSW):
konstrukcja i analiza właściwości psychometrycznych [Construction and use of Perceptron of Parenting
Styles Questionnaire (PPSQ)]. Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 19(4), 495-504. doi: 10.14656/PFP20140405
The paper presents construction of Perceptions of Parenting Styles Questionnaire in its two versions: PPSQ-M
(perception of mother’s parenting style) and PPSQ-F (perception of father’s parenting style). The questionnaire is
used for diagnosis of parenting style (delegating, selling, participating, telling) and the flexibility in the use of
parenting style of parents in the perception of their children (children in school age to emerging adulthood). The
questionnaire is based on the theoretical framework of Hersey and Campbell (1999) and the questionnaire for
parents – Parenting Styles by Hersey and Campbell in Polish adaptation by Hornowska (2007). Several steps of
constructing the questionnaire as well as its psychometric characteristics have been presented. The questionnaire
obtained satisfactory results during reliability analysis using Cronbach’s method.
Key words: situational parenting, Perceptions of Parenting Styles Questionnaire (PPSQ), parenting style
Available at:
Monography edition
1. Brzezińska, A. I., Matejczuk, J., Jankowski, P., Rękosiewicz, M. (red.). (2014). Sześciolatki w szkole: rozwój
i wspomaganie rozwoju [6-year olds at school: development and development support]. Poznań:
Wydawnictwo Humaniora.
Chapters in books
In English
1. Brzezińska, A. I., Czub, T., Czub, M., Kaczan, R., Piotrowski, K., Rękosiewicz, M. (2012). Postponed or
delayed adulthood? In: E. Nowak, D. E. Schrader, B. Zizek (ed.), Educating competencies for
democracy (pp. 103-125). NY, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag (ISBN 978-3-631-62472-2).
We present research findings concerning the transitional phase between late adolescence and early adulthood
from the study conducted in the years 2010–2011. As demonstrated below, becoming adult in objective (taking on
adult social roles – family and vocational ones) and the subjective sense (identity characteristics and identity
status, feeling of being on-time or off-time) is closely related to the external factors around the individual as well as
to her or his psychological profile. The completion of education seems to be crucial to enter adulthood. Following
the analysis of our research findings, one can state, a delayed and/or postponed adulthood phenomena occurs in
the research participants.
Keywords: late adolescence, emerging adulthood, early adulthood, developmental tasks, life events, identity
status, feeling of being on-time / off-time
2. Rękosiewicz, M. (2015). Ten facts about emerging adulthood. W: K. Adamczyk, M. Wysota (red.), Various
aspects of young adults’ functioning (s. 15-30). Kraków: Wydawnictwo LIBRON.
The chapter Ten facts about emerging adulthood by Małgorzata Rękosiewicz discusses a new phase of the
development of individuals in developed countries – emerging adulthood, described by Jeffrey. J. Arnett. Ten facts
about this phase of the development suggested by the author of this chapter are based on five traits distinguished
by Arnett. Apart from that, the author discusses the results of studies conducted both in Poland and abroad. The
author also presents the concept of identity development created by Koen Luyckx et al. and the theory of social
participation types developed by Heinz Reinders.
Available at:
In Polish
1. Rękosiewicz, M. (2016). Typy partycypacji społecznej na przełomie dorastania i dorosłości [Types of social
participation in adolescence and adulthood]. W: A. I. Brzezińska, W. Syska (red.), Ścieżki wkraczania w
dorosłość (s. 309-322). Poznań: Wydawnictwo Wydziału Nauk Społecznych UAM.
Popular-science articles
1. Bąkowska, K., Rękosiewicz, M. (2012). Kulturowa tożsamość osób z niepełnosprawnością
intelektualną cz. I [Cultural identity of people with intellectual disability. Part I], Remedium, 6(232),
2. Bąkowska, K., Rękosiewicz, M. (2012). Kulturowa tożsamość osób z niepełnosprawnością
intelektualną cz. II [Cultural identity of people with intellectual disability. Part II], Remedium, 78(233), 42-43.
3. Brzezińska, A., Rękosiewicz, M. (2011). Jak zmienia się dziecko w wieku przedszkolnym? [How
does the child develop in middle adulthood?] Remedium, 5 (219), 4-5.
4. Lewandowska, K., Mlejnek, D., Rękosiewicz, M. (2012). Uczę się współpracy! Rozwój społeczny w
wieku przedszkolnym [I’m learning co-working! Social development in middle adulthood],
Remedium, 4 (230), 4-5.
5. Ożadowicz, N., Rękosiewicz, M. (2011). Pobawmy się! Aktywność zabawowa w wieku
przedszkolnym [Let’s play! Play activity in middle adulthood], Remedium, 6 (220), 4 – 5.
6. Rękosiewicz, M. (2011). Droga do dorosłości - rola nauczycieli [Path to adulthood – the role of
teachers], Remedium, 11 (225), 24-25.
7. Rękosiewicz, M. (2011). Droga do samodzielności - rola rodziców [Path to independence – the role
of parents], Remedium, 10 (224), 24-25.
8. Rękosiewicz, M. (2011). „Kim jestem?” Tożsamość nastolatków z niepełnosprawnością
intelektualną [„Who am I?” Identity of youth with intellectual disability]., Remedium, 4 (218), 6-7.
9. Rękosiewicz, M. (2011). Pierwotne i wtórne skutki niepełnosprawności intelektualnej [Primary and
secondary effects of intellectual disability]. Remedium, 6 (220), 28 – 29.
10. Rękosiewicz, M. (2013). Edukacja osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną poza granicami Polski
Education of people with intellectual disability in foreign countries]. Remedium, 10, 22-23.
11. Rękosiewicz, M. (2013). Osoby z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w społeczeństwie [People
with intellectual disability in society]. Remedium, 5, 26-27.
12. Rękosiewicz, M. (2014). Dzieci autystyczne i z zespołem Aspergera w przedszkolu [Children with autism
and Asperger syndrome in kindergartens]. Przed Szkołą, 3(15), 8-10.
13. Rękosiewicz, M. (2014). Dzieci niepełnosprawne w przedszkolu [Children with disabilities in kindergartens].
Przed Szkołą, 1(13), 12-14.
14. Rękosiewicz, M. (2014). Dzieci z astmą oskrzelową w przedszkolu [Children with asthma in kindergartens].
Przed Szkołą, 4(16), 11-13.
15. Rękosiewicz, M. (2014). Dzieci z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w przedszkolu [Children with
intellectual disability in kindergartens]. Przed Szkołą, 2(14), 10-12.

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