Mass Intentions from Monday, February 1st to Sunday, February 7th


Mass Intentions from Monday, February 1st to Sunday, February 7th
Mass Intentions
for Monday, October 10 to Sunday, October 16
Mon, Oct. 10
8 AM
Mass in English
Tues, Oct. 11
Wed., Oct. 12
Thur. Oct. 13
7 PM
8 AM
8 AM
3 PM
8 AM
5 PM
Mass in Polish
Health & Blessing for Marysia Brown - Friends
Mass in English
+ Philip Machado - Louis & Meena Machado
Mass in English
+ Rick Harris - Bert & Agnes Giffels
C ha p le t o f Di vi ne Me rc y a nd Ex p o s it io n
Health & Blessing for Polish Rosary Group - Marysia
Mass in Polish
Mass in English
+ Ida Fais - KofK St. Peter’s Council
Mass in English
+ Eva Jurilj - Mary Jurilj
Mass in English
+ William Feil - Mary Feil
11 AM
Mass in Polish
For Parishioners.
Fri, Oct. 14
Sat, Oct. 15
Sun, Oct. 16
7 PM
+ Rick Harris - George & Helen Szober
There are two sides to Sunday’s readings. One theme is “Do not get tired when you are praying.” The
other is, when you do, there will be support.
Jesus is the one who announces the non-tiredness rule. “Pray always without becoming weary,” he says
in the Gospel. Yet most of us experience drowsiness when we try to pray.
Even Moses gets fatigued as he is doing the equivalent of prayer in the First Reading. He stands on top
of a hill where he can see his men fighting below. In order to give his general, Joshua, victory over
enemy forces, he holds out what our reading calls “the staff of God” over the battle. He has to continue
holding it out, straight-armed, until the combat is completely done because whenever he lowers his arms
the enemy starts to win.
So, in the Gospel, in order to illustrate why we should keep praying and not grow tired, Jesus tells a
parable about the unjust judge and a widow who will not stop asking. With very little to lose, a widow
comes to public court every single day and demands justice from the admittedly bored judge. After a
while the judge thinks to himself, if I don’t do something this woman will humiliate me in front of
everyone. I give up. I will rule in her favor.
The point we are given for this parable is this: how much more God - who certainly is not bored - will
make sure we have what we need if we will just keep asking. The widow’s persistence is therefore an
example for all of us. Jesus on the cross had come to the same place to which he called Mother Teresa.
He was weary unto death and no longer able to sense any presence of God whatsoever, but he still prayed
without ceasing. “Father, why have you abandoned me?” is one of the most terrifying prayers ever
uttered. But it set the stage for Mother Teresa’s persistence and fortitude throughout a life devoid of
God’s love was strong enough to maintain Jesus when every assurance had been taken away. Jesus
stretched out his arms in prayer, he opened his arms to us so that we can fall into them when we
ourselves are so very weary and discouraged.
Queen of Peace Roman Catholic Church
Kościół Matki Bożej Królowej Pokoju
566 Rosedale Avenue (at Ellwood), Sarnia, ON N7V 1Z4
Fr. Zbigniew Rodzinka CSMA
Secretary/Bookkeeper: Mrs. Bronisława De Araujo Viana
Tel: 519.337.7943; Fax: 519. 491.1831; E-mail: [email protected]
October 16, 2016 – 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time
The Sacrament of Reconciliation: On Saturdays from 4:15 to 4:45 PM and 30 minutes
before weekday Mass’.
The Sacrament of Baptism: By Appointment
The Sacrament of Marriage: Should be arranged at least 6 months in advance.
The month of November is a reminder for us to pray for our
deceased loved ones. If you wish to include them during the
weekday Masses in November please use the “All Souls”
envelopes and drop them off in the collection basket.
Last Weekend Collection $4,899.00
Praying the Rosary
The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary, one of the best known of all Catholic devotions. This is a
reminder that we pray the Holy Rosary a half hour before every Mass except the 5pm Vigil Mass on Saturday. All are
Just a reminder, the Annual Mass attendance count will be Oct.15/16 to Nov. 5/16. Please try to attend the Sunday
The Knights of Columbus Pasta Dinner will be on October 29 at 6:30pm in the church hall basement. Tickets are
$10 and there are only 80 tickets available. The meal includes Lasagne, salad, bun and cake for dessert.
Knights of Columbus Elimination Draw. The council of Our Lady Queen of Peace, OLM and St. Benedict’s will be
selling tickets for the draw. There are 200 tickets at $20/ ticket. $4000 total, $1800 cash prizes, $200 for license and
printing and $2000 profit which will go to St. Joseph Hospice. See Dan Thomas for tickets. Please help the K of C
and St. Joes Hospice.
Members of Branch 14 of the Polish Alliance of Canada in Sarnia are celebrating their 80th anniversary of its
existence. On October 30th there will be a dinner and the price of the tickets is $15.00/adult. Please contact Helen
(519-312-9024) or Kristine (519-337-5708) no later than October 23rd if you are interested in attending. Group
pictures of members will be taken for the archives.
The month of November is a reminder for us to pray for our deceased loved ones. If you wish to include them
during the weekday Masses in November please use the “All Souls” envelopes and drop them off in the collection
Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday. This is a special day on which we unite with Catholics around the world to
pray for and offer financial support to Missionaries. Missionaries are priests, brothers, sisters and some lay people
who follow our baptismal call to serve others by travelling to other countries to live with and help those in need so
that they may come to know and love Jesus. They choose this vocation out of kindness and love for others.
Earlier this month there was a very positive response to the Extraordinary Form Holy Mass. Bishop Fabbro
has given his blessing to have another Low Mass on the First Friday of November (4th) at 7 pm at St. Joseph's
Church, 293 Stuart St., Sarnia. The Extraordinary Form is offered according to the Rites of 1962 Roman Missal.
That is the Holy Mass as before Vatican II in Latin and with both priest and people facing the same way. All are
Lambton Right to Life's annual Dinner and Silent Auction will be held on Monday, November 7, 2016 at The
Sarnia Christian School. Doors are open at 6p.m. for bidding, and dinner will be served at 6:30. This year we
welcome Ann Baker, who will speak to us on the topic "Physician-Assisted Dying is Not the Answer". Ann is a
founding member of St. Joseph's Hospice in Sarnia. She has served there in many roles, including Board
Chairperson. She has been active at regional and provincial levels, sharing her expertise on palliative care. Tickets
are $25 per person and can be purchased from Lou Billett (519-344-9395) or Elizabeth Van Den Assem (519-4660972) by October 30.
Quality Auction Items are needed - such as gift cards, decorative items, tools, homemade baking and woodworking.
Please call Lou or Elizabeth or the LRTL office (519-542-1132) as soon as possible if you wish to donate an item.
Grupa 14 ZPwK obchdzi w tym roku 80 rocznice istnienia. Z tej okazji odbedzie sie obiad w dniu 30 pazdziernika
br. O godz. 13.00 w Pollskiej Hali. Goscie czlonkow mile widziani. Cena biletow $ 15.00 0d osoby. Potwierdzenie
swojej lub goscia obecnosci prosimy zglaszac do dnia 23 pazdziernika pod numerem Helen 519-312-9024 Lub
Kristine 519-337-5708 P.S. Dla upamietnienia tej rocznicy bedzie zrobione zdjecie grupowe wszystkich czlonkow.
Zebranie Grupy 14 ZPwK odbedzie sie w dniu 16 pazdziernika Br. O godzine 14.00 w Domu Zwiazkowym. Chentni
do wstapienia w szeregi tej organizacji mile widziani.
Miesiac listopad przypomina nam o modlitwach za naszych zmarlych. Jezeli kos chce polecic swych zmarlych
naszym modlitwom mozna uzyc kopert ktore sa wystawione przy wejsciu do kosciola.
Coraz częściej można usłyszeć, że nasza epoka utraciła wiarę, ponieważ ludzie rzadziej chodzą do kościoła, mało się
spowiadają, a w codziennym życiu są coraz bardziej krytyczni wobec Kościoła. Jest w tym jakaś prawda. Ale tylko
„jakaś", nie cała.
Gdy, zamiast ulegać stereotypom i powierzchownym ocenom, rzucimy okiem wokół siebie, zobaczymy nasze
parafialne kościoły i ludzi, których dobrze znamy, okazuje się, że blisko nas rzeczywistość wygląda zupełnie inaczej.
Na pewno nie jest idealna, ale jednak daleka od skandali i obrazów z gazetowych i telewizyjnych statystyk.
„Czy Syn Człowieczy znajdzie wiarę na ziemi, gdy przyjdzie?" To, jakby mimochodem rzucone pytanie, brzmi
może trochę przerażająco. Pobrzmiewa w nim jakaś nuta beznadziei. Nie o to jednak chodzi, by przestraszać i
dołować. Trzeba je usłyszeć, jako zaproszenie i zachętę do każdego z nas. „Pytanie Jezusa, zamykające przypowieść,
która mówi o tym, że trzeba «zawsze się modlić i nie ustawać», porusza nasze sumienia. Po tym pytaniu nie następuje
odpowiedź - ma ono bowiem pobudzić do myślenia każdą osobę, każdą wspólnotę kościelną, każde pokolenie. Każdy
z nas sam musi znaleźć na nie odpowiedź. Chrystus chce nam przypomnieć, że celem życia człowieka jest spotkanie z
Bogiem, i w tym kontekście pyta, czy kiedy On powróci, znajdzie dusze gotowe Go przyjąć, aby razem z Nim wejść
do domu Ojca" (Jan Paweł II, Rzym, 21.10.2001).
Kiedy w taki właśnie, bardzo osobisty sposób, odczytamy dzisiejszą Ewangelię, pojawi się już nie nuta
beznadziejności, ale autentycznej nadziei. Dopiero, bowiem wtedy, gdy każdy poczuje na sobie wzrok Jezusa i
usłyszy, że nie jest to jakieś abstrakcyjne pytanie, ale wezwanie skierowane do każdego z osobna, nabierze ono
zupełnie innego, nowego znaczenia.
„Czy znajdzie wiarę na ziemi?" - to pytanie o moją wiarę i poczucie odpowiedzialności za ten dar u każdego
pojedynczego człowieka. Jak długo z całą odpowiedzialnością będziemy zaczynali od siebie, zamiast rozglądać się
wokoło i szukać tej wiary w otoczeniu, tak długo pytanie Jezusa nie będzie nas smucić i przerażać, lecz może pomóc
rozbudzić jeszcze większą gorliwość i umocnić nadzieję.
Pope Francis’ 10 Secrets to Happiness
#8 Stop being negative. "Needing to talk badly about others indicates low self-esteem. That means, 'I feel so low that
instead of picking myself up I have to cut others down.’ "Letting go of negative things quickly is healthy."

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