Szkolenie SUSE 8256 Optimizing and Troubleshooting SUSE Linux


Szkolenie SUSE 8256 Optimizing and Troubleshooting SUSE Linux
Szkolenie SUSE
8256 Optimizing and Troubleshooting SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 11 (Advanced Technical Training)
Cel szkolenia
In this course the student will learn how to optimize the performance of the SUSE Enterprise
Linux Server 11. They will understand the concept of System Optimization and
methodologies that are used to monitor, analyse and tune SLES 11 systems. They will be
exposed to the general troubleshooting techniques and recovery techniques.
Czas trwania
4 dni
Cena szkolenia
2700 EUR netto
1. Introduction to System Optimization
2. CPU Subsystem Optimization
3. Memory Subsystem Optimization
4. Storage Subsystem Optimization
5. Network Subsystem Optimization
6. Application Subsystem Optimization
7. Troubleshooting Methodology
8. Troubleshooting Tools
9. Troubleshooting System Startup and Shutdown
10. Troubleshooting Kernel Configuration
11. Troubleshooting Kernel Panic Dumps
12. Introduction to Configuration Backups
13. Configuration Backup Fundamentals
14. Rapid Recovery
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Najbliższe terminy
2014-06-09, Warszawa
Zarezerwuj online
Zapytaj o szczegóły:
tel. 12 29 84 777
[email protected]
Students be familiar with SUSE Linux (of any variety) to get maximum value from this
training. CLP 9/10/11 certification is STRONGLYadvised, as the pace of the course labs and
lecture is very fast and both presume the studentsa are experienced with the Linux
command line, YaST, and system hardware configurations.
Although scripting experience is not required, it is also strongly recommended.
The participants will obtain certificates signed by Novell.
Kraków - ul. Tatarska 5, II piętro, godz. 9:00 - 16:00
Warszawa - ul. Bielska 17, godz. 9:00 - 16:00
Certified Novell Trainer (CNI).
Cena szkolenia
2700 EUR netto
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Compendium - Centrum Edukacyjne Sp. z o.o. | ul. Tatarska 5 | 30-103 Kraków | tel. (+48 12) 29 28 500
Sąd Rejonowy dla Krakowa-Śródmieścia w Krakowie XI Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego
KRS 0000039600, Kapitał zakładowy 450 000,00 zł, NIP: 676-21-71-482, Regon: 357260753 | [email protected] | (c) Copyright Compendium
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