The Czartoryski Museum in Puławy


The Czartoryski Museum in Puławy
The Czartoryski Museum in Puławy
The Czartoryski Museum in Puławy was opened on the 6th of October, 2009 and its first
exhibition bears the symbolic title The Czartoryski Family. The Return to Puławy.
The Czartoryski Family, bearing the coat of arms Pogoń Litewska (Chaser), was one of the
most prominent and influential noble families of their time, when Poland was known as the
the Rzeczypospolita Obojga Narodów (Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1569-1795). In
the 18th century they played a dominant role in the political, social and cultural scenes of the
country. After Poland lost its independence they concentrated their efforts on supporting
national freedom movements and maintaining the patriotic spirit amongst the peoples.
Puławy is a place that shall forever hold a special position in the history of the noble family.
On the brink of the 18th century the city became the dominant cultural centre of Poland, where
literature, art, music and theatre all flourished, and where the traditions of the nation were
cultivated, protecting the memories of the glory of the former Rzeczypospolita. Today, these
ideals still pertain amongst the descendants of the family. The Czartoryski Museum in Puław,
which was created under the auspices of the noble family, is in some way a symbol of this
grand tradition. It is closely bound with the activities undertook by Izabela Czartoryska born
Flemming – the spiritus movens of the first Polish museum (The Temple of Sybilla, 1801,
The Gothic House, 1809).
The exhibitions aims at presenting the most important aspects of the history and the cultural
heritage of the Czartoryski family. It has been divided into two sections. The first section
shows the life and the achievements of the people directly involved in the activities that took
place in Puławy between the 18th century and the 19th century. First, it presents the political,
educational and literary activities of Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski and the passion of his wife,
Izabela Czartoryska, for collecting, gathering fine art and gardening. Then, the exhibition
portrays the lives and achievements of their offspring: Teresa, Maria Wirtemberg, Adam
Jerzy, Konstanty and Zofia Zamoyska. The second section is devoted to the history of the
Czartoryski family after 1831, when its members were forced to leave their old home and
emigrate. This part of the exhibition underlines the importance of the fact that the family
continued and developed the traditions stemming from Puławy and also tells the story of the
Great Emigration, especially the initiatives undertaken by the political formation known as
Hotel Lambert. Finally, it closes with the grandchildren of Izabela – Władysław Czartoryski
and Iza Działyńska, who further continued the family tradition of collecting and gathering
fine art, and in the case of Iza Działyńska, gardening as well.
We hope you enjoy your visit!