Akcja 1 - Erasmus Mundus


Akcja 1 - Erasmus Mundus
Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji
Narodowa Agencja Programu „Uczenie się przez całe życie”
Program Erasmus
Akcja 1 programu Erasmus Mundus jako
inicjatywa wspierająca ideę wspólnego
kształcenia – sposób przygotowania i realizacji
wspólnych studiów.
Beata Skibińska, FRSE
Plan prezentacji
 Ogólna charakterystyka wspólnych studiów
magisterskich zgodnych z zasadami programu
Erasmus Mundus;
 Ogólna charakterystyka wspólnych studiów
doktoranckich zgodnych z zasadami programu
Erasmus Mundus;
 Kryteria oceny wspólnych studiów w programie
Erasmus Mundus
EMMC charakterystyka ogólna
An EM Masters Course must:
 Have a duration of one to two years (60 to 120
ECTS) in PL – 90-120 ECTS
 be coordinated by an HEI located in a European
 Be implemented by a consortium of European and,
where relevant, third-country HEI; minimum eligible
consortium = full partners from 3 different European
countries (at least 1 – EU Member State)
 provide high-quality education to European and
third-country students and reserve a number of
places for Erasmus Mundus scholarship holders;
EMMC charakterystyka ogólna
An EM Masters Course must:
 be an integrated programme in all its aspects
 be based on consortium agreement signed by the
governing bodies of the partner HEIs (signed
before signature of specific grant agreement)
 include a mandatory mobility component
 be fully developed at the time of the application
and ready to run for 5 consecutive editions as
from 2012/13
 be fully recognised by first students enrolment
EMJD charakterystyka ogólna
An EM Joint Doctorate programme must:
 Be designed as training and research programme
lasting for a maximum period of 4 years;
 Involve doctoral candidates from Europe and third
countries and reserve every year a certain
number of places for EM fellowships holders;
 Have a joint governance structure with joint
admission, selection, supervision, monitoring and
assessment procedures,
 Have a transparent fee policy
EMJD charakterystyka ogólna
An EM Joint Doctorate programme must:
 Include training/research periods in at least 2 of
the European countries;
 Ensure that candidates spend at least 2/3 of their
programme in Europe for the period covered by
 Offer „employment contract” to EM fellowship
 Be based on EMJD agreement
 Provide for the use of at least 2 European
Finansowanie wspólnych studiów, jeżeli zaakceptowane
do finansowania w programie EM
 Zasoby własne uczelni (kadra, infrastruktura)
 Kwota ryczałtowa – dofinansowanie kosztów
zarządzania dla całego konsorcjum (EMMC – 30.000 €
na jedną edycję; EMJD – 50.000 € na jedną edycję)
 Czesne pobierane od studentów w wysokości nie
przekraczającej dopuszczanej przez KE wysokości
 EMMC – 4.000 € (A) lub 2.000 € (B) / semestr
 EMJD – 300 € non-laboratory; 600 € laboratory
courses/ month
 Dofinansowanie z innych źródeł
Erasmus Mundus selection process
Action 1
EACEA: Exclusion, eligibility and selection criteria
National Structures:
Eligibility EU HEIs
Recognition degrees
EU Delegations:
Eligibility 3C HEIs
External experts: Assessment of proposals
Selection Board
Evaluation Committee
Selection Decision
Kryteria oceny jakości projektów Akcji 1 w
programie Erasmus Mundus
Erasmus Mundus Master Courses
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
Programmes (EMJDs)
Academic quality – course content
Academic and research quality (25%)
Course integration (25%)
Partnership experience and
composition (25%)
Course management, visibility and
sustainability measures (20%)
European integration and functioning
of the programme (20%)
Students’ services and facilities (15%) Provisions for EMJD candidates and
fellowships holders (15%)
Quality assurance and evaluation
Programme management and quality
assurance (15%)
Kryteria decydujące o jakości – AWARD CRITERIA
Europejskie Studia Magisterskie Erasmus Mundus
Erasmus Mundus Master Courses
A.1 Academic quality – course content
 Describe the EMMC objectives (including in socio-economic terms) in
relation to the needs analysis in the field(s) concerned.
 Justify – using concrete evidence - the EMMC's added value compared
with existing masters’ courses in the same field at national,
European and international level.
 Present the structure and content of the EMMC and justify the
added value and relevance of the mandatory mobility component.
 Justify the learning outcomes relevance in view of the students' future
academic opportunities (e.g. at doctorate level) and employability.
 Justify the relevance of the consortium composition and the
expertise of the key academic staff involved to achieve the EMMC
 Explain the EMMC interaction with the professional socioeconomic/scientific/cultural sectors concerned.
A.2 Course integration
 Justify the extent to which the EMMC is organised in a truly
integrated way.
 Justify the extent to which the EMMC is recognised in participating
countries and leads to the award of an official degree by each of
the partner institutions. Describe the type of degree(s) that will be
awarded to successful students.
 Describe the consortium joint student application, selection and
admission procedure.
 Describe the joint examination methods and mechanisms in place
between the consortium partners to assess the students'
A.3 Course management, visibility and sustainability measures
 Describe the organisation of the cooperation mechanisms within
the consortium.
 Explain how the students' participation costs to the EMMC have been
calculated and agreed upon by the consortium.
 Describe the way the EMMC will be managed from a financial point of
 Describe how the consortium development and sustainability plan is
designed in order to ensure the proper implementation and
continuity of the joint programme beyond the period of Community
funding and present the Consortium’s proposed actions for
complementary funding.
 Describe the course promotion measures taken by the consortium to
increase the course's (and the EM programme's) visibility and
A.4 Student services and facilities
 Describe the nature of the information (/support) provided to
students prior to their enrolment and the way this information will
be delivered.
 Describe the content (and, if available, provide a model) of the
Student Agreement defining the rights and obligations of the two
signing parties.
 Present the services that will be provided by the partner institutions
to host students / scholars including the nature and coverage of the
mandatory insurance scheme.
 Describe the consortium language policy.
 Indicate the measures taken to facilitate networking among the
Erasmus Mundus students and between these students and other
students from the partner institutions.
A.5 Quality assurance and evaluation
 Describe the internal evaluation strategy and
mechanisms in place.
 Describe the external quality assurance
Kryteria decydujące o jakości – AWARD CRITERIA
Europejskie Wspólne Studia Doktoranckie
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
B.1 Academic and Research quality
 Describe the EMJD objectives (including in scientific and socioeconomic terms) in relation with the needs analysis in the
field(s) concerned.
 Justify –using concrete evidence - the joint programme's added
value and distinctiveness compared with existing programmes at
national, European and international level.
 Present the education, training and research programme,
including its originality, innovative aspects and scientific
quality notably as regards research methodologies and
 To what extent does the programme include inter-sectorial and
inter-organisational collaboration
 Describe the nature and quality of the expected outcomes from
the innovative, educational, scientific and technological points of
view, including in terms of skills and competences acquired
B.2 Partnership experience and composition
 Justify the relevance of the consortium composition and the
expertise of the key academic and research staff involved to
achieve the EMJD objectives
 Describe the complementarity (in terms of education, training,
research or dissemination/valorisation activities) of the
consortium members and their diversity (in terms of countries /
regions, types of organisation, etc.).
 Present the partnership track records in terms of networking and
cooperation activities (through their joint involvement in
EU/international research and/or education projects).
 Where applicable, justify the role and appropriateness of the
professional/non-academic (/economic/scientific/cultural)
sector participation in terms of activities and responsibilities.
B.3 European integration and functioning of
the programme
 Describe the extent to which the EMJD programme is organised in
a structured and integrated way.
 Justify the relevance and appropriate organisation of the
mandatory mobility periods of the candidates in the participating
 Describe the common standards and mechanisms developed by
the consortium for the application, selection, admission and
review of doctoral candidates (European and third-country).
 Justify the appropriateness and the quality of joint supervision
and monitoring of the candidate activities (including the exams
for the taught part and the assessment and defence of the thesis)
to ensure the highest quality of the outcomes.
 What is the kind and nature of the degree(s) awarded? If
applicable, what are the measures taken or envisaged by the
consortium to deliver a fully accredited and recognised joint
B.4 Provisions for EMJD candidates and fellowship
 Present the information and promotion strategy envisaged by
the consortium to reach out potentially interested candidates, in
particular those from third countries?
 Present the services that will be provided by the partner
institutions to host doctoral candidatesDescribe the extent to
which the EMJD programme is organised in a structured and
integrated way.
 Describe the language policy of the consortium.
 What administrative arrangements are foreseen for the award of
the fellowships (including health care, social security and
pension rights) and the distribution of the fellowship holders
among the EMJD partners?
 Describe the measures taken by the consortium to ensure the
candidate’s career prospects and to monitor his/her career
development once graduated.
 Describe the nature and comprehensiveness of the Doctoral
Candidate Agreement.
B.5 Programme managmeent and quality assurance
 Describe the quality of the organisational arrangements and
cooperation mechanisms within the consortium and the specific
role played by each of its members.
 Describe the way the EMJD will be managed from a financial
point of view and explain how the participations costs in the
joint programme have been calculated; if differences exist
between third-country and European candidates, what are the
reasons for such differences?
 Describe how the consortium's development and sustainability
plan is designed in order to ensure the proper implementation
and continuity of the joint programme beyond Community
funding and present the Consortium's proposed actions for
complementary funding
 Describe the nature of the internal evaluation (by the
institutions themselves? through candidates/scholars feed-back
systems? etc.) and external quality assessment (by e.g. national,
international or professional bodies) envisaged.
Przygotowanie wspólnych studiów
Grupa realizująca (konsorcjum)
Szkic programu kształcenia i propozycja jego wykonawców
Sprawdzenie poprawności „pomysłu” z regulacjami uczelnianymi i
krajowymi (JM Rektor, Dziekan, Dział Kształcenia/ Toku Studiów –
sprawdzenie poprawności programu kształcenia oraz sposobu jego
 Przygotowanie szczegółowego programu kształcenia (na
podstawie ustaleń z konsorcjum) do zatwierdzenia przez
odpowiednie władze uczelni
 REALIZACJA (przy stałej współpracy z działami
odpowiedzialnymi za tok studiów i jego udokumentowanie)
Polecane regulacje prawne (1)
 Ustawa „Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym” – tekst jednolity po
wejściu w życie wszystkich przepisów ustawy z dnia 18 marca
2011 r. – Dział IV (studia i studenci), rozdział 1 – organizacja
studiów, rozdział 3 – studia doktoranckie.
 Rozporządzenie MNiSW z 5 października 2011 r. w sprawie
warunków prowadzenia studiów na określonym kierunku i
poziomie kształcenia
 Rozporządzenie MNiSW z dnia 1 września 2011 r. w sprawie
kształcenia na studiach doktoranckich w uczelniach i jednostkach
 Rozporządzenie MNiSW z 14 września 2011 r. w sprawie
dokumentacji przebiegu studiów
Polecane regulacje prawne (2)
 Rozporządzenie MNiSW z dnia 8 sierpnia 2011 r. w sprawie
obszarów wiedzy, dziedzin nauki i sztuki oraz dyscyplin
naukowych i artystycznych
 Rozporządzenie MNiSW z dnia 1 września w sprawie tytułów
zawodowych nadawanych absolwentom studiów, warunków
wydawania oraz niezbędnych elementów dyplomów ukończenia
studiów i świadectw ukończenia studiów podyplomowych oraz
wzoru suplementu do dyplomu.
 Rozporządzenie MNiSW z dnia 29 września 2011 r. w sprawie
warunków oceny programowej i oceny instytucjonalnej
Polecane publikacje
 „Jak przygotować programy kształcenia zgodnie z wymaganiami
krajowych ram kwalifikacji dla szkolnictwa wyższego?” Autor prof.
Andrzej Kraśniewski, wydawca MNiSW
 „Tuning Eucational Structures in Europe. A guide top formulating
degree programme profiles including programme competences
and programme learning outcomes”. (Tuning association)
 „Salzburg II recommendations. European Universities’
achievements since 2005 in implementing the Salzburg
prionciples”. - Euroean University Association
 Handbook of excellent higher-education practice - interactive tool
to assess your own course http://www.emqa.eu
Seminaria „Wspólne studia jako skuteczna forma
umiędzynarodowienia i uatrakcyjnienia kształcenia”.
Przygotowanie i realizacja wspólnych studiów na
przykładzie programu Erasmus Mundus. 8 i 29 lutego
2012 r.
Dalsze pytania, potrzeba konsultacji?
Agencja Wykonawcza w Brukseli:
Krajowe biuro programu Erasmus Mudnus
Dziękuję za uwagę 

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