

Tajemnica konkursu do dnia 14.12.2012r. do godziny 14.00
Click On 3
wojewódzki konkurs z języka angielskiego
dla szkół podstawowych, gimnazjalnych oraz ponadgimnazjalnych
etap I szkolny
VIII edycja – 2012 / 2013
Termin: 14.12.2012r.
Godzina: 14.00
Czas: 60min
Imię nazwisko
Ilość punktów możliwych do zdobycia: 50p
Wynik ucznia:
Minimum do zakwalifikowania do II etapu: 40p
Zadanie1 odp-1p max-4p
Przeczytaj tekst, połącz nagłówki A-E z odpowiednimi paragrafami 1-4. Jeden nagłówek podano
A Used by the Army
B Ancient traditions live on
C Home to royalty
D A lot to see
E A national symbol
Edinburgh Castle
1…….. Edinburgh Castle, situated high above the city on Castle Rock, was once the home of the kings
and queens of Scotland. The 700-year-old Crown of Scotland is still on display there, and the Royal
apartments include a tiny room where the future king of England, James I, was born in1566.
2…….. The castle was the site of many battles with the English. Over the centuries it survived many
attempts to destroy it, which is why many Scots see it as a symbol of their own survival.
3……… Visitors to the castle will see a military guard at the gate, because the castle is still the
headquarters of the army’s Scottish Division. The famous Military Tattoo is also held here every August.
This is a spectacular three-week festival of bagpipe and band music, marching and displays by Scottish
2012/2013 – Click on 3 – I etap – zestaw opracowała Monika Kaznowska
4…….. Edinburgh Castle houses exhibitions of Scottish history and a collection of armour and
weapons. As well as what there is to see inside, the castle’s hilltop position offers
the best views of the city.
Prepared by Monika Kaznowska(Adapted from Click on3)
Zadanie 2 odp-1p max-20p
Uzupełnij luki wyrazami z nawiasów w ODPOWIEDNIEJ formie.
The shadows were growing longer and the sky was getting dark as we walked through the jungle. My
two friends and I felt hot and (1)………………. (EXHAUST). We were heading for a small village in
(2)……….……. (NORTH) India. The (3)………….…. (VILLAGE) were expecting us, but we were
already four hours late. As the last of the daylight (4)………………. (APPEAR), we began to feel very
(5)……….……. (ALONE) and afraid.
We tried to find our way to the village, but it was hard to tell which path we should follow in the
(6)……………. (DARK). All around us, strange (7)……….……. (CREATE) made (8)………….….
(TERRIFY) noises as they woke up and began to hunt for food. We hoped they wouldn't want to eat us!
Then George, who was in front, stopped (9)………….…. (SUDDEN) in his tracks. “Tiger!” he whispered
(10)……….……. (URGE), pointing at a large, dark shape moving through the trees. We froze in horror.
George was right. We could see the black stripes and shining yellow eyes of the most (11)…………….
(DANGER) animal in the jungle. We stared at the tiger, too (12)………………. (SCARY) to move.
After a few seconds that fell like hours, there was the sound of branches breaking, and the tiger leapt at
us, roaring (13)………………. (LOUD). We screamed, because we were sure it would kill us.
(14)…………..…. (STRANGE), though, the tiger stopped – and then I noticed that it had six legs, two of
them human! The ‘tiger’ stood up, and a young man took off the striped skin covering his head and
shoulders. "Hello!" he said, smiling (15)………….…. (BROAD). "I'm Abi, from the village. When you
didn't arrive, we were (16)………….…. (WORRY), so I came to look for you," he explained. "It's
(17)……………. (TRADITION) for us to wear the tiger skin to greet new guests and I couldn't resist
playing a trick on you! I hope you don't mind." Recovering from the shock, we began to laugh with
(18)…………….…. (RELIEVED).
We followed Abi to his village, where everybody gave us a warm welcome. After a delicious meal we sat
around the fire, listening to our new friend's (19)……………. (FASCINATE) stories about the real tigers
in the jungle. It was a great end to a day (20)………………. (FILL) of adventure.
Prepared by Marcin Paśnikowski (adapted from Click on 3)
2012/2013 – Click on 3 – I etap – zestaw opracowała Monika Kaznowska
Zadanie 3 odp-1p max-10p
Wstaw odpowiedni przyimek.
1. If you want to pass the test you must study .............. least 2 hours a day.
2. It is ................ the law to smoke in the hospital.
3. Why are you angry ........... James?
4. Betty was late at school because she caught the wrong train ........... mistake.
5. Parrots are capable ....... learning to speak.
6. Kate disapproves ............ students who cheat at the tests.
7. Teachers should be friendly ............. their students.
8. Last year there was a considerable increase ............. the number of people who participated in
local food festival.
9. Jack has been married ........... Betty for 10 years.
10. I was surprised to see my neighbour ............ the news.
Prepared by Urszula Burda (Click on 3)
Zadanie 4 odp-1p max-6p
Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika złożonego BREAK.
Burglars broke ..................... the Smiths’ home yesterday night and stole their hi-fi equipment.
They weren’t happy together so they decided to break ....................... .
Beth broke ....................... in tears when she heard about the accident.
His car broke ....................... while he was driving to work.
The police officer grabbed the robber, but he managed to break ....................... .
If you don`t know the meaning of the word, look it ……… the dictionary.
Prepared by Monika Kaznowska(Adapted from Access3)
Zadanie 5 odp-1p max-5p
Zareaguj w poniższych sytuacjach.
1. Podczas rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej zapytaj, czy pracodawca zapewnia szkolenie.
2. Zapytaj koleżankę z Anglii, kiedy rozpoczyna pracę.
3. Poproś swojego gościa z zagranicy aby usiadł.
2012/2013 – Click on 3 – I etap – zestaw opracowała Monika Kaznowska
4. Jesteś w Londynie. Zapytaj swoją gospodynię, czy możesz wyjść do kina.
5. Poproś kolegę z zagranicy, aby pożyczył Ci swoją książkę.
Prepared by Monika Kaznowska(Adapted from Access3)
Zadanie 6 odp-1p max-5p
Do każdej sytuacji 1-5 dobierz odpowiednią reakcję, wybierz literę A, B lub C.
1. Zapytaj kolegę z Londynu, czy podobał mu się prezent, który dostał od Ciebie.
A Is this your present?
B Did you like my present?
C Where is the present I gave you?
2. Zaproś kolegę z zagranicy na urodziny.
A Guess what? It’s my birthday next week!
B Are you coming to his birthday party?
C I’d like to invite you to my birthday party.
3. Udziel koleżance z Anglii rady na temat robienia zakupów.
A Could you bring me the shopping, please?
B Why don’t you sell it?
C You should only buy what you really need.
4. Powiedz przyjacielowi z USA, że nie możesz się doczekać spotkania z nim.
A I’ll see you soon.
B See you later.
C Looking forward to seeing you.
5. Poinformuj kolegę z zagranicy, że organizujesz tematyczne przyjęcie urodzinowe.
A Look! Hard rock night!
B You must wear clothes like that.
C My party will have a Hard Rock theme.
Prepared by Monika Kaznowska(Adapted from Access3)
2012/2013 – Click on 3 – I etap – zestaw opracowała Monika Kaznowska

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