konkurs języka angielskiego dla uczniów gimnazjum 2010/2011


konkurs języka angielskiego dla uczniów gimnazjum 2010/2011
Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2010/2011
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Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2010/2011
Zadanie 1 (0-8 punktów)
Przeczytaj uważnie artykuł. Połącz nagłówki 1- 8 z odpowiednimi częściami artykułu A –
G, wpisz odpowiedzi w puste miejsca. Jeden nagłówek nie pasuje do części artykułu.
The Life and Work of J. Tolkein.
Many authors become masters of a particular genre of fiction. But very few can claim to
have had such an effect that they virtually have created the genre for themselves. One
such author is J R R Tolkein. From his prolific imagination was created not only Middle
Earth; the stage for his giant fantasy The Lord of the Rings, but also a whole genre of
fantasy fiction which has since become known as "sword and sorcery".
Before Tolkein's work was published, fantasy was set in what was very near to the present
for the authors. Also, the genre was very close to horror, and authors such as Lovell and
Bram Stoker moved easily between the two. The the great American writer Edgar Allen
Poe had recently brought out a work of what we would today call horror stories, but he had
entitled it Tales of Mystery and Imagination, suggesting that he thought of it as fantasy.
Tolkein's distinctive contribution was to create a pseudo-medieval world and to populate it
with wise wizards, bold knights, and a massive cast of other characters, including dwarfs,
elves, and most of the other creatures of our folk memory. He also created his own
contribution, the hobbit. Hobbits were small people, who had distinctive hairy feet. They
were characterised by honest common sense and rather complex social lives. In all his
works, it is evidently the hobbits with whom Tolkein sympathises the most.
What madeTolkein's work so compelling was that it was a perfectly realised work of
fantasy. Every detail in his stories rings true. This is because Tolkein spent so much time
working and thinking about Middle Earth that the actual part which we have on paper is
only a fraction of his research. His later books show clearly to what extent he had created
this entire world, complete with detailed maps and even the languages of the major
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Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2010/2011
However, although Middle Earth is a towering work of fantasy, it has roots in reality. The
Middle Earth of Tolkein is close to his own native Oxfordshire, both in the landscapeof the
Shire, and above all in the reactions and behaviour of its characters. The ethos is that of
pre-war England, possibly because Tolkein could conceive of no other mode of behaviour,
but more probably because his book can be read on many levels, and in only the most
basic of the levels is the great struggle between light and darkness completely.
It must be remembered that Tolkein was writing in a time when one Great War had just
finished, and another was about to begin. In his book, he stresses the bravery, and
endurance of the small people without whom victory is impossible. This was the lesson
that Tolkein felt had to be learned from the horrors of the Great War - the desicions which
shape the destiny of nations are taken by an elite group, but they are implemented by the
common people of the country.
Though his book brought him world-wide fame, Tolkein continued to live modestly at
Oxford University, where he worked. He was a close friend of another great writer of his
day, C.S. Lewis, who also taught there. However, while Lewis was more relaxed about his
fame, Tolkein never really got used to it, and he was quite embarrassed by the admiration
of the many tourists who came to see him.
1. How to make fantasy seem real.
2. A new best-seller.
3. Fantasy before Tolkein
4. The Master of Middle Earth.
5. A quiet man
6. The real Middle Earth
7. A new fantasy creature.
8. The experience of war
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Zadanie 2. (0-16 punktów) Wstaw podane wyrazy w odpowiednie luki w tekście, tak aby
tekst stanowił logiczną całość. Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów.
London may soon be changing the __________ (1)of shoppers
in the city and helping the environment by banning the
__________(2) of the ubiquitous plastic shopping bag.
Estimates are that Londoners and tourists use 1.6 billion plastic
bags each year, many of which are __________(3) away after
just one use. Shoppers may soon have to buy __________(4)
bags in an attempt to reduce the strain on landfill sites, where
the bags take 400 years to __________(5) down. Local
authorities have asked the British government to ban
__________(6) from giving away free plastic bags. A
spokesman said stores should sell reusable bags and pass the
__________(7), we need to do far more to reduce the amount
of waste we are sending to landfill and London as a city is
determined to take an ambitious lead on this __________,(8)”
he said.
Retailers are up in __________(9) at the idea and have
promised to fight the government to stop the ban from going
__________(10). The British Retail Consortium said there was
no need for the ban as it would simply __________(11)
inconvenience to shoppers. A spokesman told reporters: “We
think it’s __________(12) and misguided [because] retailers
are already committed to reducing the environmental impact of
bags by 25 per cent by the __________(13) of next year.” He
was worried the ban would affect sales, saying: “If somebody is
going to go into a supermarket or convenience store, it's hard
to __________(14) in practical terms, unless they have brought
a bag with them, how they will be able to buy more than a few
__________.(15)” A recent survey found 92 percent of
Londoners supported a __________(16) ban on plastic bags or
a tax on them.
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Zadanie 3. (0-12) Odgadnij brakujące słowa. Dla ułatwienia podane są niektóre litery.
The day was (0) bright and sunny. Our local postman was (1)d_ l_ _ _r _ _g a parcel to our
next-door (2) n_ _g_ _ _u _ when suddenly he smelt gas and a moment later heard a loud
(3)_xp _ _s _ _ n in another flat. The door flew open. (4) I_ m _ d _ _ _ _l _ many other
doors opened and a crowd (5) g _ _ h _ _e _ in the corridor. However, no one was (6)
b _ _ _ _ enough to go and check what had happened. It was the postman who went
inside. For a moment he (7) d _ s _ _ p _ _ _ _d in a cloud of dust, and when he (8)
r _ _ ur _ _d he was helping an elderly lady, who was in shock. (9) L _c _ _ l _ she wasn't
hurt. In her hands she was holding a (10) v _lu _ _l _ gold watch and a box of matches.
She kept repeating that the gas really didn't want to (11) l_g _t easily that morning. We
were (12) d_ s _ _p _ _n _ _ d when the postman did not receive a medal for saving her
Zadanie 4. (0-5) Wyraź treść zdań tak, by ograniczyć powtórzenia
je w logiczną całość (jedno lub maksymalnie dwa zdania).
i połączyć
Przykład: We were tired. We were angry. We decided to stay at home.
We were tired and angry so we decided to stay at home.
1. George is a very talented boy. He can dance. He can sing. He can play the piano.
2. Our house needed repair. Dad painted the house. He changed the windows.
3. Our dog doesn't like cornflakes. It doesn't like milk. It doesn't like sausages.
4.This hotel is very comfortable. You can sleep here. You can eat here. You can go to the
hairdresser's here.
5. John was just getting on the bus. He saw his friend Tom. He got off to talk to him.
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Zadanie 5 (0-10) Uzupełnij zdania podanymi wyrazami z ramki wstawiając odpowiednią
cyfrę w luki tekstu.
The wild black lemur, which only lives in north-west Madagascar, is in.............. (1).One of
the problems is that the islanders, who need the rainforest for agricultural land, are
chopping down the.............. (2)in the rainforest.
Madagascar, which is the fourth-poorest country in the world, would like to bring more
tourists to see its beautiful................ (3)The Lokobe Rainforest Reserve, which is open
only to scientists at the moment, covers an................. (4)of 740 hectares. Research
scientists, who have studied the movements of the black lemurs for seven years,
have.................(5) that they carry the seeds of trees from one part of the forest to
the..................(6) Tourists, who bring................(7). and pollution with them, might
.................(8) the lemur and the forest. The problem in Madagascar, which is now common
all over the..................,(9) is how to balance the needs of the local people with the needs
of the local.................(10)
Zadanie 6 (0-5 punktów)Połącz nazwisko autora z tytułem.
1. Lewis Carroll
A.”A Christmas Carol”
2. Jane Austen
B.”Pride and Prejudice”
3. Agatha Christie
C.”Lord of the Flies”
4. Charles Dickens
D.”The Mousetrap”
5. William Golding
E.”Through the Looking-Glass”
1 ..........
2 ..........
3 ..........
4 ..........
5 ..........
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Zadanie 7 (0-10) Wyraź treść poniższych zdań w inny sposób, zaczynając od podanych
Przykład – If you want to open a bottle, you need a bottle opener.
To open a bottle you need a bottle opener.
1. When we are thinking about the problem we should consider two things.
2. What a pity I'm not talented ! I wish _________________________________.
3. Here they use wood to make everyday tools.
Here wood ____________________________________________.
4. If we come back to your first question, I must say I really don't know the answer.
Coming back__________________________________________.
5. The Vikings founded the town of York. The town of York____________________.
6. It is a risky thing to go there. To _________________________________.
7. They will build a new shopping center here.
A new shopping center _____________________________________.
8. It is crazy to pick berries in the middle of the night.
Picking ____________________________________________.
9. I think you should stay at home. You had _______________________________.
10. You will not force me to drink this stuff ! You will not make __________________!
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