Moduł 1a) - Wykłady obowiązkowe (po 15h) Prof. dr hab. M. Kot, prof


Moduł 1a) - Wykłady obowiązkowe (po 15h) Prof. dr hab. M. Kot, prof
Moduł 1a) - Wykłady obowiązkowe (po 15h)
Prof. dr hab. M. Kot, prof. zw. PG
Metody ilościowe badań naukowych
(Program wykładu po angielsku będzie podany w terminie późniejszym).
Prof. dr hab. Ł. Sułkowski, UJ
Metody jakościowe badań naukowych
1. Epistemologia i metodologia nauk o zarządzaniu
2. Paradygmaty nauk o zarządzaniu
3. Metodologia badań jakościowych
4. Antropologia organizacji
5. Metody interpretatywne zarządzania
6. Krytyczne metody zarządzania
7. Action research
8. Metodyka badań jakościowych w zarządzaniu
9. Organizacja badań jakościowych w zarządzaniu
10. Światowe i polskie standardy badań jakościowych w pracach doktorskich
Ł. Sułkowski, Epistemologia i metodologia zarządzenia, PWE, Warszawa 2012,p1485614236
(Wykład będzie w j. angielskim, program po angielsku podany będzie w terminie
Dr hab. B. Pogonowska, UE Poznań
Metodologia nauk ekonomicznych
1. Zakres badań metodologii nauk. Historycznie niezmienne i historycznie zmienne kryteria
naukowości / The scope and the fields of science’ methodology. Temporal nonvariable and
temporal variable criteria of science
2. Typy dyscyplin naukowych. Specyfika materii sfery gospodarowania / Types of scientific
disciplines. The nature of economics sciences
3. Główne stanowiska epistemologiczne: pozytywizm, hipotetyzm / The main
epistemological trends: positivism, hypothetism
4. Główne stanowiska epistemologiczne: nurt socjologiczno-historyczny, anarchizm
metodologiczny, ponowoczesność i konstruktywizm w metodologii nauk / The main
epistemological trends: sociological-historical trends, methodological anarchism,
postmodernity and constructivism in science’ methodology
5. Wnioskowania dedukcyjne i niededukcyjne (problem niezawodności konkluzji) / Deductive
and nondeductive inferences
6. Respektowanie elementarnych zasad logiki. Przykłady błędów formalnych / The main
logical standards of research practise
7. Kryteria poprawności definicji / The correctness of definitions
8. Współczynnik metodologiczno-teoretyczny: założenia ontologiczne i epistemologiczne
teorii ekonomicznych / The methodological-theoretical factor of scientific theories:
ontological and epistemological assumptions of economics sciences
9. Problem założeniowości i wartościowań w naukach ekonomicznych / The values and
normative beliefs presuposed in economics
10. Etyka badań naukowych w ekonomii. Odpowiedzialność badaczy ekonomistów. / Ethics
of economics researches. The problem of responsibility
Literatura/ Recommended textbooks :
Podstawy metodologiczne prac doktorskich w naukach ekonomicznych, Maria Sławińska i
Hubert Witczak (red. nauk.), Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa 2008.
Moduł 1b) – Propozycja wykładów do wyboru (po 15h)
Professor LUCIANO SEGRETO (University of Florence, Italy)
“The world we live in –Beyond globalization process”
Short description of the lecture (up to 10 sentences):
The course aims to offer a general overview of the new international economic order
following the end of Cold War. Questions to be raised go from the role of the State in
globalization process to the new international division of labor, from the rise of the
emerging countries to the deep restructuring of the most advanced economies, from the
financialization process to the new balance between commodities producers and
consumers. The course will merge different approaches methodological and theoretical
approaches, from the business history approach (to understand the role of big firms and
multinational enterprises in the last decades) to the international political economy
approach (to evaluate the interaction of different economic and institutional actors, both at
the national and/or supranational level).
Students will familiarize with the complexity of a changing world, where old
hierarchies are continuously challenged, and apparently, unexpected results are vice-versa
the concrete effect of the new balance of power in the world markets.
Syllabus of the lecture subjects (enlisted):
1.What do they have in common
2.An overview of the international economic scenario at the end of Cold War and the
unexpected recovery of the US
3.Japan. The cost of the challenging and the lost decades
4.The European Hybrid. Varieties of Capitalism in the Old Continent
5.After Saigon’s fall: the triumph of capitalism in Asia
6.B for Brazil or for bluff?
7.Russia: from socialism to authoritarian capitalism via de-industrialization?
8.India between poverty and high-tech
9.China: the new giant or the partial power?
10.The world of commodities: producers vs. consumers?
11.The financialization of the world economy
Prof. dr hab. inż. M. Sikorski, prof. nadzw. PG
Value networks in on-line services development and management
Course summary:
Companies and industries nowadays use the internet not only as a communication channel,
but as an environment in which networking with potential
business partners plays an important role. As a result, virtual networks ofbusiness
partners working is specific value chains are increasingly common in on-line services, in ebusiness and in e-commerce. The nature of specific value networks depends on business
goals of specific partners, and to which degree companies (B2B –Business-to-Business) or
individual customers are involved (B2C –Business-to-Consumers). Through regular
interactions values are transferredamong business partners within a specific business
model.Subsequently, from value transfer trust-based relationships emerge, are based on
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) concept, resulting in increased customer loyalty
and in a positive attitude to a specific brand. During thiscourse specific techniques will be
presented, usefulfor analyzing and modeling value networks in on-line interactions. Analysis,
design and prototyping will besupported by case studies and group assignments, whichrelate
theoretical part of this course to existing practicesin e-business environment.
Course outline:
1.E-business environment and e-business alliances.
2.Service value chain in IT-supported work environment.
3.Service dominant logic in e-business and everyday life. Values and value
networks related to various industrial products and services.
4.Interactions as a vehicle for value transfer: interactions (B2B) interactions (B2C).
5.Customer Relationship Management (CRM) as a basis for contemporary e-business.
6.Understanding value streams and value networks.
7.Techniques for modeling business networks and value networks.
8.Case studies and teamwork –task assignments.
9.Implications for design management of on-line services.
10.Current trends in developing value-based on-line services
Dr hab. J. Wasilczuk, prof. nadzw. PG
Types of entrepreneurship
The aim of the subject is to increase the awareness of diversity in the types of
Entrepreneurship it is not only term connected with having a firm, but also the way of
functioning and behaving. On the other hand, even if we perceive
the entrepreneurship in term of business, there are still a lot of different types of them.
Some entrepreneurs are the lonely wolf, while the others like to act together for example
with the family.The different types of entrepreneurship cause the problems with finding the
right methodology for research, there is no entrepreneurship paradigm.
1.Entrepreneurship –basic definitions, statistics, countries specificMore than 100 definitions
of entrepreneurship Data gathered by OECD, GEM –the biggest worldwide research Some
countries are more entrepreneurial –Poland is among the more entrepreneurial
2.Types of entrepreneurship –why we shouldn’t put every entrepreneur into the
one sack both personal traits and way of behavior can be used in different activities:
business ones and non-business
3.Business types of entrepreneurship according to the type of organization (selfemployment, franchising, family, half time entrepreneurship) –problems posed by each of
4.Self-employment –broad and wide definition. Characteristic, some statistics. Franchising –
example of operating in net, what are the benefits and obstacles of being together
5.Types of entrepreneurship according to the faze of operating (nascent entrepreneurship,
young entrepreneurship, mature one)
6.Types of entrepreneurship according to business relation (intellectual, academic, business,
social entrepreneurship)Final mark:Essay –3 to 4 pages.
 Kirby D., Entrepreneurship, McGraw Hill, 2003.
 Hisrich R., Peters M., Shepherd D., McGraw Hill, Entrepreneurship, 2008.
 Wasilczuk J. (Ed.), What do we know and would like to know about entrepreneurship
in Poland, Wyd. PG, 2009.
 P. Davisson, Researching Entrepreneurship (International Studies in
 Entrepreneurship), Springer, 2005.
 Every paper about entrepreneurship published in Entrepreneurship Theory and
 Practice (Ebsco)
Dr hab. inż. T. Korol
Risk Management in Industry
Course objective:
The goal of the course is to learn various types of riskin the industry (from ecological &
environmental through financial & managerial to information safety & market risk), methods
of risk hedging, and the role of financial management in minimizing and controlling the
probability of risk.Students will be prepared to use the statistical models of risk assessment
(e.g. discriminant analysis, decision trees, probit & logit models). They will also learn how
toevaluate and manage the
factors influencing financial situation of the enterprises.
Furthermore,students will learn how to perform risk analysis in various sectors of
industry (including such risks as ecological, environmental, financial &economical).This
course is directed toward students interested in understandinghow the risk can be
quantified, managed and prioritized at the industry enterprises.
1.Decker A., Galer D.: Enterprise Risk Management, CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Platform, 2013.
2.Bluhm Ch., Overbeck L.: An introduction to credit risk modeling, Chapman & Hall/CRC
Financial Mathematics Series, 2003.
3.Shimko D.: Credit Risk Models and Management, 2ndEdition, Risk Books, 2004.
4.Altman E.: Corporate financial distress, John Wiley & Sons, Nowy Jork 1993.
5.Eric A. Helfert: Financial Analysis Tools and Techniques -A Guide for Managers, McGrawHill Inc., 2001.
6.Madura Jeff.: International financial management, 8ed, Ohio, Thomson-South Western
Course topics:
Topic1. The Role of Risk Management. Types of Risk.
Topic 2. Business Activities in a Market Economy.
Topic 3. Methods of Risk Hedging.
Topic 4. The Role of Financial Management in Controlling the Risk
Topic 5. The Tools of Risk Management. Statistical Forecasting Models.
Topic 6. Measuring the Efficiency of the Enterprises. Asset and Liability Management.
Topic 7. The Symptoms and Causes of Going Concern.
Topic 8. Discussion of Multifactor Analysis –Map of Risk (ecological, environmental, financial,
economical, information safety, market risk etc.).
Dr hab. inz. Marek Wirkus, prof. nazdw. PG (WZiE)
Managing industrial projects
Course description:
1. Definition of the project; Industrial projects characteristics -types of projects.
2. Project Management, knowledge base; existing methodologies and standards.
3. Stakeholders -key people involved in the projects. The duties and competence of the
project manager.
4. The life cycle of the project -phase of the cycle; Themain processes in the project life cycle.
5. Objectives and criteria for project evaluation.
6. Project start-up, project charter, scope management, WBS (case study).
7. Time planning: network diagram, total slack, critical path; scheduling -Gantt charts (case
8. Cost planning process: cost estimating, budgeting; (case study).
9. Elements of the risk management, risk matrix (case study).
Prof. dr hab. inż. Edward Szczerbicki (WZiE)
Soft modelling approaches and techniques for smart decison support systems
development, management, and engineering"
Program wykladu (15 godz):
1.Modern knowledge-based smart decision support systems (2 godz)
2.Modelling and simulation processes (3 godz)
 Modelling and models
 Validation and verification
 Modern simulation platforms
3.Soft modelling and Artificial Intelligence versus hard modelling (2 godz)
4.Neural networks (1 godz)
5.Fuzzy logic (2 godz)
6.Concurrent engineering (2 godz)
7.Cyber Industry and new engineering revolution (1 godz)
8.Experience modelling and engineering for knowledge based systems enhancement (2godz)
dr hab. inż. Piotr Grudowski, prof. PG (WZiE)
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence in Modern Economy
Topics will include:
1. TQM – history, foundations and key principles, development trends - ~ 7 hours.
2. Models of Excellence – history, examples, structures, evaluation - ~ 5 hours.
3. Applications of TQM&BE in various sectors of economy. Opportunities for doctoral theses
- ~ 3hours.