lecia Studium 9 września 2011, Hotel Orbita, ul. Wejherowska 2


lecia Studium 9 września 2011, Hotel Orbita, ul. Wejherowska 2
Uroczyste otwarcie JUBILEUSZU 20 – lecia Studium
9 września 2011, Hotel Orbita, ul. Wejherowska 2, godz. 11.00
Grand opening of 20th Anniversary celebration, 9 September 2011,
Wejherowska Str., 54-239 Wrocław, 11.00 a.m.
6-8 września warsztaty w języku
6-8 September - workshops in English
06.09.2011 (wtorek) klasa I, godz. 900 – 12oo sala wykładowa
„Copy dentures — clinical and laboratory procedures" - a method of producing replacement
dentures, clinical and laboratory procedures.
06.09.2011 (wtorek) klasa II, godz. 1300 – 1700 pracownia
„Surveying and Designing RPD 's" (Removable Partial Dentures) - a workshop with six
cases and examples of what is required to desing and construct a partial denture with
support, retention and connection.
07.09.2011 (środa) klasa III, godz. 900 – 1400 pracownia
„Precision attachment for the fixe prothesis". The use of parallelomett to aid in the
setting of a precision attachment when waxing up a crown.
08.09.2011 (czwartek) klasa II i III, godz. 900 – 1300 pracownia
„Implants and impressions to aid the accuracy of dental casts". What is situated in the
mouth is also accurately positioned on a dental cast (model).
Mr W. Grant Taylor, University Teacher, Glasgow Dental Hospital & School,
Glasgow University, Scotland, UK.
Mr Michael T. Broad, Dental Instructor, Glasgow Dental
Hospital&School, Glasgow University,
Scotland, UK.

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