Dwujęzyczna Szkoła Podstawowa z Oddziałami Przedszkolnymi


Dwujęzyczna Szkoła Podstawowa z Oddziałami Przedszkolnymi
Dwujęzyczna Szkoła Podstawowa z Oddziałami
Przedszkolnymi Smart School w Zamościu
CLIL Lesson Scenario
Date: 22.05.2015
Grade: III
Teacher: Paweł Pikus
CLIL Unit title: MEDIA
Background of the CLIL Unit: Correlation of integrated education content of media (i.e. the
press, advertising, history of writing) with the English language.
Lesson title: How do they make adverts?
Lesson length: about 3x45min
National Curriculum correlation:
„The purpose of School is:
3) to develop aptitudes and cognitive ability of the child;
4) to shape the child's positive attitude towards learning and developing curiosity in exploring the world around them and in
the pursuit of truth;
6) to develop literacy, knowledge and skills in Maths needed in school and life situations and in solving problems;
7) to care that the child can acquire the knowledge and skills needed to understand the world, including guaranteeing them
access to various sources of information and opportunities for using them;
Maths. A 3rd-grader can:
2) write and read the numbers between 1000;
3) compares any two numbers between 1000 (in words and using characters <,> =);
7) solves Math problems that can require one action (including tasks for comparing the differential, but without comparing
8) takes the easy calculation of cash (price, quantity, value) and copes in everyday situations that require such skills;
Art education. A 3rd-grader can:
1b) understand media information and use it in their creative activity (being aware of the copyrights of the author);
2a) undertake creative activities, using such means of expression as shape, color, texture of the composition (using certain
materials, tools and techniques of art)
2b) carry out simple projects in the field of formulations, including shaping their own image and environment and the
spreading of culture in the school environment (using specific tools and examples of media messages);
3a) distinguishes between such fields of human creative activity as architecture, visual arts and other specific art disciplines
and media reports (television, Internet), as well as arts and crafts and folk art.
Music. A 3rd-grader can:
2a) create simple sound illustrations to the texts and images and movement improvisations to music,
2b) improvises voice and instruments according to established principles.”
General Aims:
Students can create a press advert;
Ss know and differentiate between types of advertising;
Ss understand the steps of creating an advert;
Ss can list the rules of creating a successful ad;
22 – 400 Zamość, ul Poniatowskiego 4
tel. 84 638 19 10
[email protected]
Dwujęzyczna Szkoła Podstawowa z Oddziałami
Przedszkolnymi Smart School w Zamościu
4 C’s plan:
What is advertising? types of adverts, steps of creating a press ad; how an
advertising agency works; media influence;
Explaining how advertising works; listing and classifying types,
discussing effect of adverts; assessing good and bad sides of advertising;
deciding on the best slogan; creating own ads;
Communication Language of learning: key vocabulary/phrases; language of description;
expressing opinion; speculating; defining;
Language for learning: Asking questions/answering in groups;
presenting results; clarifying meaning; searching information in the text;
Language through learning: language of discussion; dictionary skills;
extending presentation skills;
Differences in choice and techniques of presenting advertised products;
students' observations of advertisements around them; comparing and
contrasting the influence of media on people's lives;
Areas of content selection:
General studies
Advertising and its effect on viewers, types of adverts, features of a good
advert, steps of creating ads, inventing slogans
Math tasks of varied difficulty on adding, subtracting, multiplying and
The process of forming an advert;
Sound illustration to the miming scenes;
Creating an advert of a favourite product;
Acting out short TV commercials;
Assessment: Asking questions, giving feedback on groups' presentations of tasks, discussing
good / bad points of the art projects;
• realia: newspapers, leaflets, magazines;
• multimedia presentation
• video clip
• Ss' worksheets
• stationery for the projects;
22 – 400 Zamość, ul Poniatowskiego 4
tel. 84 638 19 10
[email protected]
Lesson Procedure:
Dwujęzyczna Szkoła Podstawowa z Oddziałami
Przedszkolnymi Smart School w Zamościu
Stage and
Justification for the activity (according to 4 C’s)
Watching a video clip about
how an advertising agency
works - answering
Acquiring knowledge about advertising, Explaining
how the agency works;
Referring to Ss homework observation of an advert.
Listing types of adverts, expressing opinion about
ads, describing ads;
10 min
Presentation on press ads;
Discussing steps of forming adverts, spotting cultural
differences in adverts from around the world,
explaining the purpose of advertising particular
45 min
Group work - linguistic,
mathematical and tactile
Designing slogans, solving math problems,
expressing meaning through movement;
30 min
Art project - Ss own advert
Creating a poster using various art techniques;
10 min
Discussion - rules of
creating a good advert.
Summarizing and evaluating Ss own work, planning
steps of creating an advert;
22 – 400 Zamość, ul Poniatowskiego 4
tel. 84 638 19 10
[email protected]
Dwujęzyczna Szkoła Podstawowa z Oddziałami
Przedszkolnymi Smart School w Zamościu
Homework Assignment
Advertising 22.05.2015
Go to a shopping centre, look into your favourite magazines or look at the street
advertisements while coming back from school. Find an advert of a popular toy.
Answer the questions about the advert.
Name of the toy: ..............................................
Where it is: ............................................
1. Is the text big / small/ colourful / interesting / catchy?
The text is: .................................................................................................
2. Are the pictures colourful / eye-catching / interesting / funny / clear?
The pictures are:..........................................................................................
3. Are there many pictures ?
Yes / No
4. Are there many words?
Yes / No
5. What do you like about this advert?
Group 1 - Maths Intelligence
Task 1 Read and calculate.
A) Ania
and Zosia are going to a competition for the best advertisement to SkarżyskoKamienna. How long does the journey take from Warsaw West to Skarżysko-Kamienna?
B) Kuba goes from Warsaw Central to Warka and Jaś from Warsaw Central to Kielce. How
much shorter does Kuba travel than Jaś?
Comes to
Goes from
Warsaw East
Warsaw Central
Warsaw West
22 – 400 Zamość, ul Poniatowskiego 4
tel. 84 638 19 10
[email protected]
Dwujęzyczna Szkoła Podstawowa z Oddziałami
Przedszkolnymi Smart School w Zamościu
Task 2 Match the words to make advertising slogans.
........... do it.
I’m ..................... it.
Connecting ...........................
Always .......................
Think .............................
Group 2 - Linguistic Intelligence
Task 1 Write advertising slogans for:
a) new shoes
b) a new football
c) a new TV set
Task 2 Read and calculate.
Maciek is going shopping. Look at his shopping list and the leaflets of two shops.
a) In which shop is it cheaper to buy the products?
b) How much money does he save?
c) How much change has he got out of 50 zl?
Shop 1
Rubber 2zl
Notebook 3zl
Sharpener 5 zl
Pen 5 zl
Ruler 4 zl
Pencil 1 zl
Shop 2
Maciek’s Shopping List
Rubber 3zl
Notebook 2zl
Sharpener 4 zl
Pen 6 zl
Ruler 3 zl
Pencil 1 zl
Please buy:
4 pencils
5 notebooks
2 pens
1 rubber
1 ruler
Thanks, Mum.
22 – 400 Zamość, ul Poniatowskiego 4
tel. 84 638 19 10
[email protected]
Dwujęzyczna Szkoła Podstawowa z Oddziałami
Przedszkolnymi Smart School w Zamościu
Group 3 - Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence
Task 1 Order the sentences to make advertising slogans. What products do they
it / just / do ......................................
lovin’ / it / am / I ...........................................
gives / it / wiiings! / you .........................................
Task 2 You are actors. Act out TV adverts of these products. Use instruments to make
sounds to the scenes:
(don’t tell the class what they are!)
• A new football
• A new car
• A new school
Let the class guess the products!
22 – 400 Zamość, ul Poniatowskiego 4
tel. 84 638 19 10
[email protected]