December 21, 2003 - St Ferdinand Church


December 21, 2003 - St Ferdinand Church
St. Ferdinand Church
PHONE: 773/622-5900
Photo by Romuald Gluch
December 21, 2003
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Page Two
Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 21, 2003
The sanctuary lamps this week are lit for:
^Bernice & Joseph Lewandowski
^Lee Duckett
MONDAY, Late Advent Weekday
7:00 AM— Memorial Mass Society
8:00 AM—Joseph & Bernice Lewandowski rq. Family
TUESDAY, Late Advent Weekday
7:00 AM—Philip, Lillian & Michael Gangi
rq. Josephine Gangi
8:00 AM—Joseph, Grace & Pasquale Gangi
rq. Josephine Gangi
WEDNESDAY, Late Advent Weekday
7:00 AM—Ben Zablocki rq. Family
7:00 AM—(Chapel)Mass in Polish
8:00 AM—Casimir Talaga (4th Anniv.) rq. Lorraine Talaga
THURSDAY, The Nativity of the Lord
See the Christmas Mass Schedule on this page.
FRIDAY, Stephen, first martyr
7:00 AM—Frank & Theresa Drexler
rq. Granddaughter, Rosemarie Ramel
8:00 AM—Martin & Viola Family rq. Daughter
7:00 PM—Mass in Polish
SATURDAY, John, apostle and evangelist
7:00 AM—Mass in Polish
8:00 AM—Abundio & Sisinio Azul rq. Daughter & Sister
1:00 PM—Wedding Liturgy
Tomasz Stok³osa and Ewa Kapryœ
3:00 PM—Wedding Liturgy
Czes³aw Skwajnos and Lidia Barnaœ
Sunday Anticipated Mass
5:00 PM—Michael Flynn rq. Patricia Flynn & Family
SUNDAY, Holy Family
7:30 AM—Peter S. Aloisio rq. Jeffrey P. Aloisio
7:30 AM—(Chapel) -o b³og. Bo¿e z okazji urodzin dla
Stanis³awa Idzikowskiego
9:00 AM—Davy - Meile Families rq. Family
10:30 AM—(Chapel)Margaret M. Janz rq. Daughter, Margery
10:45 AM—^Eugenia Raœ w 9 rocz.œm.;
^Krzysztof Kuzdrza³ w rocz.œm.;
^Kazimierz Szef, Anna G³¹biñska;
^Andrzej Kruszewski
12:15 PM—(Chapel) Mass in Italian
12:30 PM—Frank LoScuito rq. Wife
3:00 PM—Mass in Polish
5:00 PM—Michael Flynn rq. Patricia Flynn & Family
6:30 PM—Mass in Polish
If you would like to present the gifts of bread and wine
at Sunday Mass, please see any of the ushers before
Mass. They will be very happy to accommodate you.
S. Buzinski
Our Blessed Lord has called
home our parishioners John DiOrio and
Aleksander Papienrik for whom we
promise our prayers.
May they and all our other
deceased parishioners enjoy peace and
happiness in God’s Sacred Presence.
3rd publication Tomasz Stok³osa and Ewa Kapryœ
Czes³aw Skwajnos and Lidia Barnaœ
Grzegorz Bobala and Ma³gorzata Wedrychowicz
2nd publication Rafa³ Wilczek and Beata (Nowak) Majewski
Daniel Frys and Barbara Krawiec
1st publication Carl Witte and Agnieszka Popadyniec
Congratulations and best wishes to the couples
who were married here last week:
Jennifer Phillips and David May
We pray for God’s blessings on them as they
begin their new life together.
Advent Reconciliation Service
Tuesday, December 23rd at 7:00 p.m.
4:00 PM
Christmas Eve:
Christmas Day:
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
12:30 PM
12:15 PM
There will be no evening Masses on Christmas Day.
December 21, 2003
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Page Three
Christmas, 2003
Dear Parishioners,
Throughout this season of Advent we have experienced a special time of spiritual preparation when we
ready ourselves to welcome Jesus once again into our hearts, our lives, and our families. During these final
days of preparation, let us be mindful of God’s great love for us that He sent His only Son to dwell among
us so many years ago, and in a new and unique way this year and every Christmas, now and forever.
This week at St. Ferdinand Parish we have opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and to celebrate with one another the great feast of Christmas. In this past year some of our parish families have
moved away or are now being served at parishes closer to their homes. Some parishioners have been
reunited with God in heaven. We have also welcomed many children and adults into God’s family of faith,
and we have celebrated the Sacraments each and every week with thousands of fellow believers. We have
much to be thankful for, many to pray for, and we are challenged once again this Christmas to always be
like Christ to one another.
We wish to thank each of our many parishioners for your previous support through the sharing of your
time, talents and treasure. Particularly this year, we need the generous support of all of our families
through the Christmas collection. Since early May of this year have experienced a significant decline in
offertory support that will cause our parish community to face many financial challenges in 2004. As you
prepare your Christmas offertory gift for the Lord Jesus and His Church this year, we ask that you be as
generous as possible.
On behalf of all the Priests, Deacons, Sisters and Staff of St. Ferdinand Church, we wish you a blessed,
holy and happy Christmas season!
Rev. David J. Cortesi, Pastor
Mr. Daniel P. Costigan, Business Manager
Adopt a Family this Christmas
Advent Reconciliation Liturgy
On Tuesday, December 23rd, the parish will celebrate the sacrament of Penance in a communal liturgy appropriate to the season of Advent. The celebration will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Church.
Again, we wish to encourage all who have been
away from the church or the sacraments to take this
opportunity to return. All will be asked to acknowledge their sinfulness before God and the gathered
community, to seek mercy, and to receive the
church’s absolution. In this way we can enter into
Christmas reconciled with God, neighbor and self.
Please pray that through this celebration some
will be brought home, released from the burden of
sin and guilt, and begin healing in Christ.
This will be your last opportunity to go to confession before Christmas.
Bulletin reminder: All notices for the January 4th bulletin need
to be in the rectory no later than 9 AM on Monday, December
22nd. Due to the upcoming holidays, the publisher has moved up
our deadlines for the next several bulletins.
You may drop your bulletin notices off at the rectory in an envelope labeled “bulletin” or you may fax them to 622-5903. The email address for bulletin notices is [email protected].
If you and your family would like to
share your blessings in the spirit of the
holidays with another parish family,
then you might consider adopting a
family for Christmas. The St. Vincent
dePaul Society coordinates the Adopt a
Parish Family for Christmas program. Call Ralph
Barnhart at 777-2349 for the details.
Come to our Family Mass
on Christmas Eve
The children are ready. They have
rehearsed their readings. They have
learned their songs. The Church has
been swept, and polished, and decorated. All that is missing now is YOU.
Please celebrate
with other families at the 4:00 Family Mass on
Christmas Eve in the Church.
Whether you are a family of one or
two, or twenty-two, all are welcome. Bring everyone, brothers &
sisters, aunts & uncles, grandmas &
grandpas too.
Page Four
Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 21, 2003
FIRST READING: Micah 5:1–4a
RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Psalm 80:2–3, 15–16, 18–19
SECOND READING: Hebrews 10:5–10
GOSPEL: Luke 1:39–45
God’s Crooked Lines
An old saying reminds us that God writes
straight with crooked lines. We are caught off-guard and surprised when
the most unexpected places and people are the locus of God’s presence.
The anxious planners and manipulators are disconcerted when they find
that what they thought were the straightest lines were not the best lines.
The high and mighty are threatened. Those who see are amazed and
• Comment
Micah was a
rustic, peasant prophet. His undistinguished background and his passion
for social justice made him a soul mate
of his contemporary, Amos. We are
grateful to Micah for lyric, memorable
words that tell us that the Lord asks us
“only to do the right and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your
God” (Micah 6:8).
Today’s first reading sets before us
Micah’s surprising prophecy of the
coming Messiah. In the name of a tender God, Micah addresses insignificant
and marginal Bethlehem. This backwater five miles south of mighty
Jerusalem is the town beloved from of
old. Bethlehem, the “house of bread,”
is the ancient city of the great king,
David. Here is where the ruler will
appear, the one who will shepherd his
people by the strength of the Lord.
Furthermore, the people themselves
will remain strong and unmoved. Now,
this is saying a lot at a time when vulnerable people in a little town lived
under the constant threat of war. But
Micah says this nonetheless. And what
is more, he adds, the greatness of this
ruler will stretch to the very ends of
this earth. This ruler will be peace; he
won’t just bring peace, though that,
too. This, says Micah, is God’s will for
And, as if that were not enough, we are
treated to the Gospel that chronicles
the truth of Micah’s vision. One day, a
young woman expecting a child travels
into the hill country to offer her services to an older expectant woman, her
cousin Elizabeth. And Elizabeth
addresses Mary in the words we use to
this day to honor her: “Blessed are you
among women and blessed is the fruit
of your womb” (Luke 1:42).
•Reflection Elizabeth asks how
she can possibly be so blessed as to be
part of such a great grace and privilege. If we read on in the Gospel of
Luke, we see that Mary doesn’t answer
this question, because it is unanswerable. Rather, Mary joins in the song of
praise. To her is attributed the prayer
of praise we have come to know as the
Magnificat. If we refer back to the first
reading, we can imagine Bethlehem,
that little town, also asking itself,
“Who are we to receive the Son of
Man?” Who indeed? Bethlehem,
Elizabeth, Mary—all are the focus of
God’s attention and love. All are the
tracings of God’s lines.
And this is just the beginning. The
very earth is the focus of God’s attention. All people are invited to follow
the will of God. “Will” is a hard word
for us sometimes, for we frequently
equate it with a kind of power that
scares us. We tend to resist what we
take to be the strong will of another.
But the will of God is another matter
entirely. This “will” of God is not
God’s pushiness or need to control the
world and everyone in it. Rather God’s
will is God’s desire, God’s best wish
for us. We see in the second reading
that Jesus came to bring to fullness
God’s desire or “will.” And this will,
as we see in the first reading, is our
peace and our joy.
It is no surprise that the responsorial
psalm asks that our faces be turned to
God and that we receive the salvation
prophesied by Micah, anticipated by
Elizabeth and Mary, and finally in the
fullness of time, brought by Jesus,
whose face most surely was turned
toward his Father.
Save the date!
Saturday, February 21,2004
“A Night in Tuscany”
Annual Parish Dinner Dance
Watch upcoming bulletins for more details
Copyright © 2003, World Library Publications.
All rights reserved.
December 21, 2003
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Page Five
As members of the parish faith
community, it is our responsibility to
remember both in concrete and spiritual
Sincere thanks to all the Handmaids who
ways those who cannot celebrate with
loyally come out in the early morning to
us each week because they are ill.
Those who are sick in turn, remember
clean, fill and keep our vigil light stands
all of us daily in their prayers and in their sufferings. We
in readiness for the day. Without your
experience many blessings because of their remembering
dedication and willing spirit, the parishus. And so ... please remember in your prayers:
ioners would not have the blessed canJoseph Balicki
Sam LoDolce
dles to light as they pray.
Timothy Benson
Netta Lohrmann
Albin Bilinski
Eleanor Loscuito
Thanks especially to Rose Toth, Mary
Stephanie Bosco
Marie Lucas
Markocki, Eileen Cronin, Eileen Mele,
Alba Jennie Burroughs
Genevieve Lukes
extra “angels” who come in on
Mary Butler
Elizabeth Ann Maher
have six hundred glasses to clean ~
Benito Cabanin
Susan Maher
You girls are great!
Josephine Chiero
Francesco Mangialardo
Bishop Edwin Conway
Gianni Marconi
Anna Diks
Mary Martin
And now a plea ~ We are in serious need of volunHonor Draftz
Emilia Moreno
teers to help the Handmaids keep the candle glasses clean
Lillian Dziedzic
Iris Otto
and filled with candles. The work is not difficult, and the
Fred Forte
Deborah L. Pawlak
more volunteers we have makes the time pass quickly.
Joseph Gagliano
Timothy Rajski
Please call Eleanora Picchietti at 773/237-0021 for the
Marilyn Gibbons
Roseann Regan
details and to volunteer.
Fatima Gomez
Sophie Regner
Rocco Greco
James Rowe, Sr.
Ben Guttiula
Alicia Schippits
Mary Hain
Jack Schneider
Margaret Heft
Sr. Roberta Sweitzer, BVM
Mary Ann Johansen
Infant Cameron Scott
Catherine Keeler
Lenore Simzyk
Stanley Kochniarczyk
Raymundo Soriano, Sr.
It may be an old coat to you... but it’s
Helen Kosirog
Tony Spano
welcome warmth to a homeless person. Did you know
Tad Koziol
Estelle Stybur
there are over 50,000 homeless men, women, and chilBill Kummer
Ann Sullivan
Marie Kummer
Minerva Watson
dren in the Chicago area? They need your help to stay
June Landers
Alex Wegrzyn
healthy this winter—both mentally and physically.
James Lamberti
Diane Scarpelli Wilczenski
We’re collecting warm and clean used coats and other
warm garments for the 20th Annual Coat Drive for the
Homeless coordinated by the Mental Health Association
of Greater Chicago.
Check your closet for items you no longer need.
Donation Drop Off:
January Cold Cash On-Line Give-Away! Order on-line
Saint Ferdinand Convent
for your chance to WIN COLD CASH every day in
5936 West Barry
January! Market Day is giving away $5,000 in January.
Mondays and Wednesdays
$2,000 give away on January 1, two winners awarded
10 AM to 3 PM
$500, plus $500 awarded to their school! $3,000 give
October 20, 2003 to January 7, 2004
away from January 2 - 31, 30 winners awarded $100 —
a new winner every day!
Together we can make a difference!
Place your order at for any January
sale item to be automatically entered. Remember, place
your order before January 1st for a chance to win $500
for you and our school.
Completed order forms are due in Church by Sunday,
January 4. The next pick up is on Saturday, January 10,
10:00 - 11:00 a.m. in the school cafeteria. Any questions
contact Tammy Sammarco (773) 286-5235.
Help. For When Life Hurts.SM
125 S. Clark St. • Suite 1820 • Chicago, IL 60603
• (312) 781-7780 • Fax: (312) 920-9569 e-mail: [email protected]
Entertainment Books are now available for only $20. A
big book for a very small price. 50% off discounts for
dining, movies, sports, hotels, and much more. It makes a
great book. They can be used immediately! For information or to order, call Lucille Hanson at 708/583-1922.
Page Six
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Uroczystoœæ Bo¿ego Narodzenia zachêca nas do
zastanowienia siê, czy Jezus narodzi³ siê tak¿e
w moim sercu, czy ma tam przygotowane
mieszkanie. I pewnie odpowiemy - tak. Nie zawsze
dok³adnie zastanawiaj¹c siê, co to znaczy - przyj¹æ
kogoœ do swego serca. Co znaczy - chcieæ i pozwoliæ
komuœ zamieszkaæ. Wreszcie: co znaczy - mieæ
w swoim sercu Boga.
W swoim sercu mo¿emy mieæ wiele osób,
tych najbardziej ukochanych, najdro¿szych.
Nasze serce bowiem porównaæ mo¿na do
obszernego domu, w którym jest wiele
mieszkañ. Niektóre s¹ ju¿ zajête, wiele jest
wolnych. Przeznaczone s¹ dla naszych
ukochanych, z którymi chcemy byæ blisko.
To my decydujemy kto zamieszka w jednym z tych mieszkañ.
Ale serce jest jednak domem wyj¹tkowym.
Nie ma w nim miejsca dla osób, których
sami nie zaprosimy. Jako gospodarze tego
domu zobowi¹zujemy siê równie¿ do
zapewnienia odpowiednich warunków do
zamieszkania. Ka¿demu musimy zapewniæ takie
warunki, aby by³o mu dobrze, wygodnie. W tym
wyj¹tkowym domu powinno byæ ciep³o. Powinien
on byæ ogrzewany ciep³em pochodz¹cym z naszej
mi³oœci do ka¿dego z mieszkañców. Ciep³em, które
jest okazywane, nie skrywane. Ka¿de okazanie uczucia osobie, która w naszym sercu mieszka, jest dla
niej ogrzaniem, s³onecznym œwiat³em, jest promieniem mi³oœci. Dobrze by³oby, gdybyœmy naszym goœciom czêsto mówili, ¿e ich kochamy, ¿e s¹ dla nas
Klub Dobrego Pasterza wraz z opiekunem
ks. Romanem zaprasza wszystkie organizacje parafialne dzia³aj¹ce w naszej parafii
oraz wszystkich parafian na wspólny
op³atek w dniu 3 stycznia, do sali
McManus o godz. 6:30. Cena biletu dla
osoby doros³ej $15, dla dzieci $7.50.
W cenie biletu gor¹cy obiad, kawa, ciasto
i wino.
Dzwoni¹ dzwoneczki u sañ,
stó³ pe³en wigilijnych dañ,
pod obrusem sianko le¿y,
rodzina na pasterkê bie¿y,
bêd¹ wszyscy kolêdowaæ
z Narodzenia Pana siê radowaæ.
I my œpieszymy z ¿yczeniami
bia³ym op³atkiem ³¹mi¹c siê z Wami:
zdrowia, szczêœcia, pomyœlnoœci
i niech dobroæ wœród Was goœci.
I niech Boga wielka moc
na Was sp³ynie w tê Œwiêt¹ Noc.
Tego wszystkiego parafianom i goœciom
¿yczy Klub Dobrego Pasterza
December 21, 2003
kimœ wyj¹tkowym, ¿e - po prostu - cieszymy siê ,
¿e s¹ . Nowonarodzony Jezus - tak jak ka¿de dziecko
- pragnie ciep³a, naszego ciep³a. Jeœli zdecydowaliœmy
siê zaprosiæ Go, powinniœmy daæ Mu to co jest dla
nas najcenniejsze. Z pewnoœci¹ cenimy sobie nasz¹
przyjaŸñ. Chcielibyœmy mieæ przyjació³ i sami
chcielibyœmy byæ przyjacielem. Dlatego dajmy nasz¹
przyjaŸñ Jezusowi, a On obdarzy nas swoj¹ najcenniejsz¹, najwierniejsz¹ . Starajmy siê byæ dobrym,
kochaj¹cym przyjacielem. Gdy oddamy Mu
jedno z mieszkañ w naszym sercu, On Ksi¹¿e Pokoju - wniesie tam pokój i ciep³o.
Tak bardzo potrzebne w dzisiejszych czasach. Trzeba wiedzieæ, ¿e im wiêcej uczucia
ofiarujemy Jezusowi, tym wiêcej pokoju
i radoœci otrzymamy od Niego.
Warto siê dziœ zastanowiæ , czy naprawdê
kochamy Jezusa. Tê nasz¹ mi³oœæ do
Niego mo¿emy porównaæ z mi³oœci¹ , któr¹
odczuwamy do innych ludzi. Gdy kogo
kochasz, chcesz jak najczêœciej przebywaæ
w jego towarzystwie, myœlisz o nim, dajesz
mu to co masz w swoim ¿yciu najcenniejszego. Czy
tak jest z twoj¹ mi³oœci¹ do Jezusa? Czy chcesz
z Nim byæ ? To przebywanie z Nim to modlitwa
i Msza œw. Czy chêtnie siê modlisz? Z jakim
nastawieniem przychodzisz na Mszê? Czy czujesz,
¿e idziesz na spotkanie z Przyjacielem, czy za
ka¿dym razem, gdy prze¿ywasz Eucharystiê - Jezus
rodzi sie w twoim sercu, tak jak dziœ narodzi³ sie
w betlejemskiej stajence ?
Do Betlejem
idŸ w noc
jak król
jak ¿ebrak
jak mêdrzec
jak dziecko
i wróæ
ks. Jan Biela
B³ogos³awionych i radosnych Œwi¹t Bo¿ego
Narodzenia, szczêœliwego Nowego Roku 2004
¿ycz¹ ksiê¿a, siostry i pracownicy parafii.
Biuletynowe pr zypomnienie Wszystkie biuletynowe
og³oszenia na 4 styczeñ prosimy dostarczyæ do parafii nie
póŸniej jak na godzinê 9:00 rano w poniedzia³ek 22 grudnia.
Z powodu nadchodz¹cych œwi¹t, wydawnicwo przesunê³o
daty druku naszego biuletynu.
Og³oszenia te¿ mo¿na dostarczyæ wczeœniej lub wys³aæ
faxem na numer 773/ 622-5903, lub te¿ wys³aæ internetem
[email protected]
December 21, 2003
Fourth Sunday of Advent
SpowiedŸ przedœwi¹teczna
Poniedzia³ek, 22 grudzieñ, 6:00 p.m.
Wigilia Bo¿ego Narodzenia
10:00 PM
10:00 PM
-o b³og. Bo¿e dla rodziny Gambino; -o zdrowie, b³og. Bo¿e i
szybki powrót do domu Paw³a; ^Regina Œwiêcicka; ^Józefa,
Jan Szorc
Bo¿e Narodzenie
7:30 AM
po polsku
10:45 AM
po polsku
10:45 AM
po polsku
^Józef Madej; ^Franciszek, Katarzyna Adamusik; ^Zofia w I
rocz.œm, Jan Wid³ak; ^Piotr Musia³; ^Stanis³awa, Antoni
Wójcik; -dziêkczynna za otrzymane ³aski z proœb¹ o dalsze i o
wyjœcie z na³ogu; -z proœb¹ o zdrowie, b³og. Bo¿e dla wnuczki
Izabell, oraz o opiekê Matki Bo¿ej dla niej i jej rodziców;
^Krystyna Adamczyk w 30 dni po œmierci/ zamowi³a córka z
3:00 PM
po polsku
Nie bêdzie Mszy œw. o godz 6:30 wieczorem.
Page Seven
Towarzystwo œw. Vincentego a Paulo
dzia³aj¹ce przy naszej parafii zwraca
siê z proœb¹ do rodzin, które chcia³y
by “zaadoptowaæ “ jedn¹ rodzinê na
czas œwi¹t. Adopcja ta, polega na
tym, ¿eby przygotowaæ prezenty,
zakupiæ ¿ywnoœæ, lub ubranie dla biednej rodziny
z naszej parafii. Jeœli ktoœ z was chcia³by to uczyniæ,
proszê skontaktowaæ siê z Ralphem Barnhart tel.
777-2349 po 8 grudnia, 2003. Rafph udzieli informacji na temat danej rodziny i wtedy bêdzie ³atwiej
dobraæ odpowiedni podarunek.
Grupa “Laudamus”
serdecznie zaprasza na
zabawê sylwestrow¹.
Cena biletu $40.
Zapewniamy gor¹cy
obiad, lampkê szampana
o 12-ej, akcesoria sylwestrowe i szalone tañce
do bia³ego rana. Wszystkich chêtnych
prosimy o kontakt
z Reni¹ (773) 395-4804
Bo¿e Narodzenie, 2003
Drodzy Parafianie,
Okres adwentu jest specjalnym czasem duchowego przygotowania siê aby po raz kolejny przywiataæ Jezusa
do naszych serc, do naszego ¿ycia i do naszych rodzin. Pozosta³o tylko kilka dni, aby uœwiadomiæ sobie jak
wielk¹ mi³oœci¹ obdarzy³ nas Bóg zsy³aj¹c Jedynego Syna swego, aby zamieszka³ poœród nas dwa tysi¹ce lat
temu, w to Bo¿e Narodzenie i w ka¿de inne, dzisiaj i na zawsze.
W tym tygodniu w parafii œw. Ferdynanda mamy mo¿liwoœæ skorzystania z sakramentu Pojednania.
Dziêki temu sakramentowi bêdziemy mogli obchodziæ, w zgodzie i mi³oœci, jedni z drugimi, Œwiêta Bo¿ego
W koñcz¹cym siê ju¿ roku wiele rodzin zarejestrowanych do naszej parafii przenios³o siê do innych parafii.
Niektórzy parafianie odeszli ju¿ na zawsze do Pana. Wiele dzieci i doros³ych przy³¹czy³o siê do naszej
rodziny w wierze. W mijaj¹cym roku, razem z tysi¹cami wiernych, mogliœmy uczestniczyæ ka¿dego tygodnia
w sakramencie Eucharystii. Jest tak wiele darów, które otrzymaliœmy od Boga i za które winniœmy Mu
dziêkowaæ. Jest te¿ wiele nowych spraw, którym musimy sprostaæ i podo³aæ. Trzeba nam modliæ siê w czasie tego Bo¿ego Narodzenia, byœmy byli zawsze podobni do Jezusa w podejœciu do naszych bliŸnich.
Chcemy serdecznie podziêkowaæ ka¿demu z naszych parafian za poœwiêcony wasz czas, talenty
i skarby jakie ofiarowaliœcie na rzecz naszego Koœcio³a. W tym roku, szczególnie, prosimy ka¿d¹ rodzinê
o hojnoœæ podczas Bo¿ego Narodzenia. Od pocz¹tku maja doœwiadczyliœmy znacznego spadku ofiar i nasza
parafia stanê³a w obliczu wielkiego wezwania finansowego na nowy rok 2004. Przygotowuj¹c ofiarê na
Bo¿e Narodzenie, prosimy was, abyœcie rozwa¿yli w swoim sercu czy jest ona wspó³mierna darom jakie
otrzymaliœmy od naszego Zbawiciela.
W imieniu wszystkich ksiê¿y, diakonów, sióstr i pracowników parafii œw. Ferdynanda ¿yczymy
wam b³ogos³awionego, œwiêtego i szczêœliwego okresu Bo¿ego Narodzenia.
Ks. David Cortesi, proboszcz
Daniel Costigan, menad¿er parafii
Page Eight
Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 21, 2003
the week at st. ferdinand parish
December 22-28, 2003
•Friendship Club — 10 AM-3 PM, Convent # 2
•Troop # 51 — 7-9:30 PM, Convent #s 1, 2 & 3
•Polish School Theater Group — 6-9 PM, McManus Hall
•Polish Confession — 6-10 PM, Church
•Serduszka (Little Hearts Polish Children’s Choir) —
6:30-8:30 PM, Convent #s 2 & 3
•Jaselka Practice — 6-9 PM, Chapel
•Advent Reconciliation Service — 7 PM, Church
WEDNESDAY - Christmas Eve
•See the special Mass schedule on page 2
THURSDAY - Christmas Day
•See the special Mass schedule on page 2
•Legion of Mary — 9-11 AM, Convent # 2
•Confession — 8:45-9:30 AM, Church
•Patrician Meeting — 9-11 AM., Convent # 2
•Philipino Community — 6:30-8:30 PM, Convent # 2
SUNDAY •Kropeczki (Little Dots) — 9-10:30 AM, Music Room
•Serduszka (Little Hearts) — 9-10:30 AM, Convent #s 1
•Chapel Choir Practice — 9:15 AM, Chapel
•Polish Highlanders — 11 AM - 3 PM, McManus Hall
•Baptism in English — 1:45 PM, Church
•Christ Renews His Parish- Men — 6-10 PM, Convent # 4
•Laudamus — 7:30 PM, Church
our neighbors want you to know . . .
•Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas. The music ministry of St. Pascal Church, under the direction of Lisa
Hall, will present a concert of holiday music on Sunday,
January 4, 2004 at 3:00 p.m. in the church. Our adult
choir, youth choir, cantor ensemble and handbell choir
will provide you with an entertaining and joyous afternoon of music and laughter. After the rush of preparations, sit back and let the peace of Christmas and its
music surround you. St. Pascal Church is located at Irving
Park Road at Melvina Avenue.
•Are you having any fun? You can... if:
-you are single, Catholic and have at least two years of
college, work experience, or the equivalent;
-you like to dance, sing, laugh and enjoy life in the company of congenial, wholesome people;
-you want to stimulate your intellectual interests and
broaden your cultural tastes;
-you wish to strengthen and deepen your spiritual life,
cultivate meaningful and lasting friendships with persons of your own faith and background.
You should join the Chicago Catholic University Club.
For information write to P.O. Box 188, Riverside, IL
60546 or call Bill Bernardi at 773/545-8336.
•3 Saturday Mornings — Feeling a Little Stuck? Want
to experience Clarity and Momentum during the New
Year? Join a network of positive people and gain new Self
Confidence; Presentation skills; a renewed sense of Godgiven purpose; Develop a momentum game-plan to
accomplish great things with small steps; Share energy
and encouragement with like-minded people who expect
God’s best in life.
It’s fun, interactive and a great place to meet new people... Saturday mornings, 8:30 AM till 12 Noon, January
10th, 17th and 31st, 2004. Dominican Priory, 7200 West
Division (at Harlem), River Forest, IL 60305.
Information/Registration (312) 409-9549 or visit us at
•If you have ever thought about the priesthood and would
like to take a closer look, consider joining us at
Mundelein Seminary for a Ministry Weekend. Ministry
Weekend is time away for reflection and conversation
which can be helpful in discovering your life direction
and vocation. Adult men, age 21-40, who have completed
their undergraduate degree are invited to join us January
16-18, 2004. For more information contact your parish
priest or call Fr. Joe Noonan at (847) 970-4814.
•Attention: Young Adults! The Young Adult Ministry
Office of the Archdiocese of Chicago provides an outreach to people in their 20s and 30s, married and single.
If you would like information sent to you, your young
adult children, or young adult friends, please send
your/their names, addresses, and e-mail addresses to:
Young Adult Ministry
Archdiocese of Chicago
711 West Monroe
Chicago, IL 60661
312.466.9474 (fax)
[email protected]
December 21, 2003
Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 21, 2003
Reading: Luke 1:39-45
“And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord
should come to me? For at the moment the sound of your greeting
reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy” (Lk 1:4344).
“Any human society, if it is to be well-ordered and productive,
must lay down as a foundation this principle, namely, that every
human being is a person, that is, his [or her] nature is endowed
with intelligence and free will. Indeed, precisely because he [or
she] is a person, he [or she] has rights and obligations flowing
directly and simultaneously from his [or her] very nature. And as
these rights and obligations are universal and inviolable so they
cannot in any way be surrendered” (John XXIII, Peace on Earth,
no. 9).
Inspiration—Practicing Freedom
What obligations, if any, do we have to help those who live in our
community—including poor and low-income persons and immigrants—to participate fully in society and develop their potential?
The mission of the New America Foundation, an economic development project located in the Diocese of Oakland and funded by
the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, is to promote
the long-term economic empowerment of new Americans and to
encourage their full participation in the political, social, and cultural growth of America. This non- profit, community-based,
Page Nine
asset-building organization assists new U.S. residents, who are
among the poorest in the San Francisco Bay Area with the least
opportunities for advancement. Using an integrated three-pronged
approach, the Foundation helps new citizens, immigrants, and
refugees establish their own micro-businesses, build personal
assets, and demonstrate social responsibility.
Participants have created their own neighborhood businesses in
food service, auto repair, photography, construction, college
placement, and beauty care industries. They are building longterm financial security for their families and community by joining savings clubs, purchasing homes, hiring family members and
neighbors, and improving their financial literacy. In addition, participants demonstrate social responsibility by investing their time
and money where needed: such as committing to use environmentally safe materials, supporting area orphans and seniors, and
gathering local women for a summit on community responsibility.
Suggested Questions
What do you believe should be the rights of immigrants and
refugees in the United States? What duties should they have to the
communities in which they work and reside? What concerns you
about immigrants and refugees entering your community? How
might the infant John’s welcome of the Lord Jesus inspire us to
welcome to newcomers in the community? What actions could
you take with others that would increase peace in your community by helping individuals and families in need to achieve economic and social freedom?
This resource was developed by the Catholic Campaign for
Human Development of the United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Copyright © 2003.
Used with permission
St. Ferdinand Parish
Support Staff
Mrs. Aneta Koæma, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Wendy L. Braunsdorf, Communications Coordinator
Mrs. Lu Caravette, Sr. Gracjana Ziêba, Receptionist/Secretary
Daniel Lopez, Kevin Cawley, Robert Szarek, Evening Receptionists
Mr. Andrew Warzocha, Director of Music and Liturgy
Mrs. Betty Hotcaveg, Lector Coordinator
Deacon Irv Hotcaveg, Coordinator of
Eucharistic Ministers & Ministers of Care
Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Scheduler of Ministers of Care
to the Homebound
Parish Council
Ralph Barnhart - President, Mary Bucaro, Terri Calcitrai,
Sophie Kass, Ken Presslak, Andrew Warzocha.
Rev. David J. Cortesi and Daniel P. Costigan, ex officio.
Parish Organizations
Boy Scout - Coordinator: Mr. Vince Clemente
Christ Renews His Parish: Lay Director: Mr. Ronald Pasko
Friendship Club - President: Mrs. Rosalie Anastos
Girl Scout - Coordinator: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss
Knights of Columbus - Tonti Council: Tony Mangiaracina, past Grand Knight
Kropeczki - Sr. El¿bieta Pawlus
Ladies of St. Anne - President: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio
Laudamus - Mr. Jaros³aw Buranicz
Legion of Mary - Presidents: Mr. Justo Evangelista & Mrs. Fely Mesina
Legion of Mary, Juniors - President: Emma Camara
Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club - Mrs. Dolores Schoewe
Market Day - Coordinator: Mrs. Tammy Sammarco
Polish Club of the Good Shepherd - President: Andrzej Parada
Polish Rosary Group - Mrs. Helena Lesak
Polish Saturday School - Director: Mrs. Lucyna Olszewska
Polish School Parents’ Ass’n. - President: Krystyna Blacharczyk
Serduszka - Music Teacher - Miss Iwona Raszyk
St. Ferdinand Athletic Board - Director: Mr. Len Bertolini
St. Ferdinand Family & School Association - President: Mrs. Maureen Sobie
St. Ferdinand Parish Council - President: Mr. Ralph Barnhart
St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club - President: Mr. Stan Kowalkowski
St. Ferdinand School Board - Chairperson: Mrs. Mary Ann Barnhart
St. Vincent DePaul Society - President: Mr. Ralph Barnhart
Ushers Club - President: Mr. Mike Bisceglie
St. Ferdinand Church
5900 West Barry Avenue
Chicago, IL 60634-5128
St. Ferdinand Parish
Rev. David J. Cortesi, Pastor
Rev. William M. Holbrook, Associate Pastor
Rev. Marek Jurzyk, Associate Pastor
Rev. S³awomir Koz³owski, Associate Pastor
Rev. Roman Rataj, Associate Pastor
Rev. Joseph Kromenaker, Resident
Rev. Joseph Varkey, Resident
Irwin Hotcaveg, Deacon
Ronald Weiner, Deacon
5:00 PM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:45 AM (Polish),
12:30 PM
3:00 PM (Polish)
5:00 PM
6:30 PM (Polish)
7:30 AM (Polish), 10:30 AM, and 12:15 PM (Italian).
Saturday: 8:45-9:30 AM or by appointment in the
rectory. Sobota: 6:30 wieczorem.
St. Ferdinand School - 773/622-3022
Dr. Lucine Mastalerz, Principal
Christian OutReach (COR) - 773/622-9732
Mrs. Lu Caravette, Director
Religious Education Office - 773/622-3022 ext. 366
Mr. Joseph Kummer, D.R.E.
Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773/889-7979
Sr. Gracjana Ziêba, Superior
Business Manager - 773/622-5900 ext. 3
Mr. Daniel P. Costigan
To register please come to the rectory during
business hours:
9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
1:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Monday - Friday
Baptism of children is celebrated at 1:45 p.m. in English on
the second and fourth Sundays of the month, and in Polish
on the first and third Sundays of the month.
To register, please call the rectory.
Pre-Baptism class is required for baptism of the first child.
The class in English is held on the first Wednesday of each
month at 7:30 p.m. in the rectory, and in Polish on the
Tuesday before the first Sunday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in
Church. Please call the rectory to reserve a place in the class.
Marriages must be arranged at least four months prior to the
ceremony. Please call the rectory.

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