December 08, 2013


December 08, 2013
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.;
5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. (Polish)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector: .............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor .... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Financial Secretary ........................ Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist: ..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan ........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0378
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ........... Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ...........Mrs. Cynthia Belanger
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 3
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 508-943-2228
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December 8, 2013 - 8 grudnia 2013r.
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Mary Ann Marshalkowski - int. Parents
Sunday - December 8
7:00 ś.p. Zofia Stoś - int. Rodzina Wojcik
8:15 For the parishoners of St. Joseph Basilica
r.s. Regina Berthiaume - int. Ronald & Joyce Trychon
11:00 r.s. Peter & Maria Kurda - int. Palka family
Monday - December 9 - Feast of Immaculate Conception
6:30 r.s. Richard Williams - int. Family
8:30 r.s. Bob Spiglanin - int. LJMK
2:00 Oakwood Nursing Home
5:00 r.s. Joseph T. Ostrokolowicz, Bessie T.
(Ostrokolowicz) Kozub, Genevieve A.
(Ostrokolowicz) McNamara and Chester
Ostrokolowicz - int. Peter P. Ostrokolowicz
7:00pm ś.p. Waldemar Śmieszek - int. Virginia Woznicki
Tuesday-December 10
6:30 Za wypominki
7:00 r.s. Felix Miller - int. Holy Rosary Sodality
Wednesday - December 11
6:30 r.s. Florence Chrzanowski - int. Charlotte Kulpan
7:00pm For all intentions placed in petition box praying to our
Patron, St. Joseph
Thursday - December 12
6:30 r.s. Lucy S. Raszka
- int. Theresa Rohr & Charlotte Strzelewicz
Friday - December 13
6:30 r.s. Adele V. Fulton - int. Edward Sitkowski, Roland
Malboeuf & John Hickey
7:00 r.s. Walter Kolak - int. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Saturday—December 14
7:00 r.s. Norman Duclos - int. wife & family
Sunday Vigil
r.s. Spiewak family - int. Lenny Jacob & family
Sunday - December 15
7:00 za Wypominki
8:15 For the members of the Sacred Heart Society who are
in nursing homes or homebound
9:30 For all the living and deceased members enrolled in
Friends of St. Joseph School Fund
11:00 r.s. Thomas Minarik
- int. Daughter, son & family
I-25 Club Winner for 11th week—#54 Jill Manak
OPLATKI-CHRISTMAS WAFERS-are available in the
sacristy-suggested offering $3.00.
Weekly $ 4358 (including $282 in loose money)
Diocesan Obligations $1528 (including $282 in loose money;
Fuel $81; Aid to Phillipines $50; Electronic giving $240
Weekly Budget $7000 - $743 below budget
Stewardship Note: “Therefore, every tree that does not bear
good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” Do you
bear good fruit for Christ? Or do you spend your time, talent
and treasure constantly acquiring more toys, clutter and junk.
As we are immersed in the Holiday shopping season now might
be a good time to evaluate what gifts do we give to God?
December 8, 2013
The earth shall be filled with knowledge of the LORD, as
water covers the sea.
~ Isaiah 11:9
The normal response to a surprise is amazement, gratitude, and delight. By definition, we
don't anticipate surprises. Their occurrence reminds us that we cannot always guess or shape
the future. Granted, we do what we can do; we
attend the daily tasks, as we must. For grace is
surely here in the mundane, and God is in the details. But God
is in the happy surprises, too.
Today’s readings are filled with startling developments. We
hear the clarion cry of one of those rare prophets announcing
the coming of the Lord. Isaiah proclaims startling, surprising
images of the nearly impossible reconciliation of opposites:
calf and lion, leopard and young goat, child and serpent.
Isaiah’s vision sees all the these creatures living in harmony.
The second collection this week is for Higher Energy and
Fuel Costs.
Next weekend’s second collection is designated for the
Retirement Fund for Religious.
For the new Liturgical Year, we have introduced bi-lingual
missallettes We saved on the cost of two books and avoid clutter in the book rack. The scripture readings in Polish and English are printed on opposite pages. There are also a limited
number of songs and prayers in this book.
In addition, we obtained a book of English Hymns (green
hard cover) which will be used continually for many years.
This hymnal provides an abundance of songs for the different
seasons of the Liturgical year and contains English scriptural
readings for Sundays (cycle A, B, & C ) of the Liturgical year.
The readings begin at (#858).
For your information we are now beginning the Liturgical
Year (cycle A). If you would like to order a copy, please call
the rectory.
Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Patronal Feast Day of
America falls on this Sunday, December 8th, but will be observed Monday, December 9th. Masses are listed in the bulletin.
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Seven new members will be accepted into the Children of
Mary Sodality on Saturday, Dec. 7th at the 4:00pm Family
Mass. The inductees are Lily Abbott, Ava Edwards, Elzbieta
Gronek, Remonda Mankarios, Kaileigh Strong, Jadyn Williams, Juliana Zalewski and Julia Zdrok.
Sodality officers are: President, Shauna Harney, VicePresident, Hannah Iozzo, Secretary, Alicja Stachowicz and Tresurer, Nicole Kulpa.
May all members grow in their devotion to the Mother of
God and practice all her virtues.
Today, Saturday, Dec. 7th, we welcome our school children
together with their parents to the 4:00pm Family Mass. We
begin the Liturgy with the students carrying lights through the
darkened church to the altar. Following Mass, we will gather
outside for the blessing and lighting of the Christmas Tree.
After that, the Home School Association will serve hot
chocolate and pastries in the school.
The Lottery Scratch Ticket Raffle drawing will be held in
the cafeteria following the tree lighting. Refreshments will be
125th Anniversary Book—we are pleased to inform you
that your ordered 125th Anniversary Book is ready for pick-up
on the evening of Dec. 7th in the cafeteria. There will be a few
extra books available.
Let me take this opportunity to thank Joan Comeau and
Sylvia Kitka for their tireless effort and countless hours spent to
compile many events, projects, accomplishments, etc. over the
past 25-years into one remarkable and priceless volume.
CD’s - For centuries the Christmas Season is associated with
Christmas Carols. We are delighted to introduce CD’s with
traditional and new Carols sung by our Basilica choirs, accompanied by various instruments under the direction of our Choir
Director and Organist, Robert Wojcik. This exclusive offering
can be yours for a donation of only $10.
Several months ago the Diocese of Worcester initiated a study
on the catholic schools in the diocese with emphasis on the
three catholic schools in Webster. The result of this study was
announced publicly Nov. 30th. On December 11 & 12th we
will hold several meetings with professional experts of the Diocese of Worcester, as well as representatives of various ministries, parish and school organizations to discuss the development of catholic education in Webster. We take rightful pride
that we serve our communities with catholic schools and for
that reason preserve the vibrant parishes that emanate faith and
hope. Nevertheless, the changing population, the economy, or
the indifference of some parents to catholic education created
new challenges which will be addressed.
We kindly ask people, young and old, those who have children in catholic schools, or not, to support the mission of evangelization supporting the school.
To form the mind and heart of a young person requires a
common effort. The distinctive character of a catholic school
has been a profound contribution to the local church as well as
to the community.
Please make “The Angel Giving Tree” in the sanctuary and
at the front entrance of the Basilica a part of your Christmas
giving. Your assistance to children and elderly will brighten
the season of Christmas for those in need. There is a great need
for tuition assistance for families who want their children to
attend St. Joseph School but are having a difficult time meeting
expenses in these economic times. Please place the angel on
your gift and place it under the tree in the sanctuary before
December 15th to allow time for distribution. If you prefer to
donate a monetary gift, please bring it to the sacristy or to the
Your gifts will put smiles on the faces of the needy, especially the children.
St. Joseph Polish Women’s Club-Annual Christmas Party
will take place on Tues., Dec. 10th at Bistro Eighty-Ates, Rte.
16. Cocktails are at 5:30pm and dinner at 6:00pm. The cost is
$25pp and tickets may be obtained by calling Pres., Cindi Gardner (401)418-2242, Jane Wilk (508)943-2236 or Felicia Kolodziejczak (508)943-6591.
On Wednesday, December 11th at 7:00pm the Lectors will
carry the statue of St. Joseph from Our Lady of Czestochowa
Chapel to the Sanctuary.
St. Joseph has been an inspiration to many and is perhaps one
of the most beloved saints among Catholics today. His life as a
husband, foster father, a craftsman, a traveler and a guide can
motivate us through his strength and grace to become a role
model for the Universal Church.
At various shrines and churches,dedicated to St. Joseph, there
are many requests for special favors and also messages of gratitude for blessings received.
Please remember to write your intentions legibly on forms
available in the Chapel. We thank you for your offerings.
SAVE THE DATE: St. Joseph School Annual Christmas
Pageant-Sunday, Dec., 15th at 2:00pm at the Bartlett High
School auditorium. Tickets are $5.00pp and available at St.
Joseph School. We invite everyone to come and enjoy the talents of our students.
Novena to the Infant Jesus-begins Mon. , Dec. 16th a traditional nine-day Novena of interrupted prayers. We will recite
abbreviated prayers on the weekend as well as following the
6:30am daily Mass to fulfill this requirement.
REMINDER– On Monday, Dec., 16th at 6:00pm we will
hold a Reconciliation Evening for all parishioners including
young people from the Religious Education Program. Clergy
from other parishes will assist to facilitate reconciliation for
your convenience.
Pilgrimage to Poland-we will soon be closing the registration
for the trip to Poland. There are 5 priests & 2 deacons who will
take part in this unique pilgrimage. Time is of the essence to
register. Call the rectory at (508)943-0467 for details.
Page 4
The cash calendars for the month of January are now on
sale just in time for the perfect Christmas gift, birthday gift or
special remembrance. Look for Patti and Dottie who will be
selling the calendars after Masses at the front entrance of the
Basilica or contact your favorite seller.
Compared to other games of chance, percentage-wise you
have an excellent opportunity to win during January which has
31-drawing days.
St. Joseph Basilica - donation of $100 from the Adams/
Guzman Family on the occasion of the baptism of Sadie Isabel
Guzman. May the Holy Spirit guide Sadie as she grows
spiritually as a child of God.
St. Joseph School Immediate Need Fund - $50 in memory
of Chris Swaffar given by M/M D. David Douglass.
St. Joseph School - we thank the Knights of Columbus for
their donation of 18 turkeys to needy families of our school and
also for 15 new winter jackets for students presently attending
St. Joseph School.
Mrs. Weaver and the 8th grade students prepared shopping
bags with all the fixings for the families.
Also a special thank you to M/M Haseotes Vasilios for
providing 100 quarts of apple cider and 500 apples as a means
of providing healthy wellness to our students.
Thank you to all our donors for their kindness and
Could you spare a few hours to assist in the preparing of the
interior of our Basilica for Christmas? Please call Fred &
Sylvia Kitka at (508)943-0201 for more details. Your positive
response to this request will be greatly appreciated.
On December 7 & 8 the Diocese of Worcester will be
conducting their annual appeal for the Retirement Fund for
Religious that benefits some 34,000 elderly Sisters, Brothers
and Religious Order of Priests.
At St. Joseph’s we will conduct our second collection for
the support of our Religious Brothers and Sisters on the
weekend of December 14 & 15. You may use the envelopes
in your packet.
The Annual Oplatek dinner, sponsored by the Holy Rosary
Sodality will be held on Sunday, Jan. 12th at 12:30pm at Point
Breeze Restaurant in Webster. Tickets are $12.50pp for a
buffet of fish, ham, French meat pie with vegetables and potato.
Tickets are available from President, Pat Mangen (508)4616236, Board Members or at the rectory.
Everyone is invited to come and celebrate the Christmas
Season in this traditional way.
We are grateful to the Sitkowski & Malboeuf Funeral Home,
Inc. for providing us with beautifully designed and informative
2014 calendars “Saints, Signs and Symbols”. It depicts many
scenes from the Bible, notes Holy Days and Saint’s Feast Days,
special commemorative days and should be displayed in all of
our homes. These are available in the sacristy. Donations will
be forwarded to our Religious Education program.
Religious Education Classes will be held on Mon., Dec. 9th at
5:30pm in the school.
Confirmation class will be held Sunday, December 8th at 8:30am
in the rectory with Fr. Gregory.
Sunday, Dec. 15th - 5-7:00pm Youth Group Mass and Dinner at the
Youth Center. Fr. Juan will come to the Center to celebrate Mass
which begins at 5pm.
Sunday, Jan. 5th - 11:00am Youth Group Mass-St. Louis Church;
Sledding Party - Noon until 3:00pm at the Ralph’s house.
Tuesday, Jan. 14th - 6:15-7:30pm Wii Bowling @ Christopher
Save the Date: Feb. 1 & 2 - Youth Group Spiritual Retreat. For
more information call (508) 635-4222.
Adult Bible Study - St. Anthony of Padua is again having two Bible Studies classes that anyone is invited to attend. Attendees have
been coming from many different churches in the area. Monday’s
class starts at 9:30am and is on the Exile in the Old Testament.
Wednesday's class starts at 6pm and will be on Adam and Eve. Please
call 508-949-0335 or email [email protected]
Saint Anne Shrine, Fiskdale, MA- From Dec. 8-15th everyone is
invited to the “Praying with Scriptures” program at St. Anne Shrine
where the illuminated Hand Written Bible will be exhibited. This
Bible is a team work of experts which resulted in a living document
and monumental achievement.
Exhibition of the St. John’s Bible-each day, one volume of the set
(7) will be exhibited from 10:30am - 5:00pm.
For more details please refer to flyers posted at entrances to the Basilica.
The Serra Club of Worcester County is holding a Chicken Pot Pie
sale (Ken’s famous Kickin Chicken Thanksgiving Pot Pie) on the
weekend of December 13 & 14. Small Pies (feeds 2-3) are $14.95 and
large (feeds 4-6) are $23.95. For an order form, send an email to [email protected] or call Roland Malboeuf at (508) 949-5374 to
secure a form by mail. These pies make an excellent gift. Deadline
for orders is Dec. 10th.
Windows into Heaven: Russian Icons & Treasures Display at
Knights of Columbus Museum, 1 State St., New Haven, CT. Free
admission and parking. For more information call (203)865-0400
8 grudnia 2013
"Kraj się napełni znajomością Pana, na kształt wód,
które przepełniają morze.." (Iz 11, 9)
Maryja Niepokalana, najczystsza Dziewica
Kościoła, który kiedyś cały będzie „święty
i nieskalany przed Bożym obliczem”. Oddając
Jej cześć, wielbimy Boga, który mocą zasług
przewidzianej śmierci Jezusa zachował Ją od
grzechu, oraz wyznajemy wiarę w to, że także my, grzeszni,
staniemy się czyści dzięki tej samej ofierze krzyża. Chwała
Maryi jest znakiem, że Bóg naprawdę jest w stanie przemienić
serce każdego człowieka, który, jak Ona przy Zwiastowaniu,
zechce wypowiedzieć Mu swoje: „Tak”.
Page 5
Dzisiejsza druga kolekta będzie przeznaczona na pokrycie kosztów utrzymania i energii.
Druga kolekta w przyszła niedzielę będzie przeznaczona na Fundusz Emerytalny dla Osób Zakonnych.
Z początkiem nowego Roku Liturgicznego wprowadziliśmy
nowe, dwujęzyczne Mszaliki. Dzięki temu zaoszczędziliśmy
nie musząc kupować dwóch oddzielnych książek. Czytania z
Pisma Świętego w języku polskim i angielskim są umieszczone
obok siebie.
Ponadto zakupiliśmy śpiewnik w języku angielskim, który
jest uniwersalny i będzie używany bez przez wiele lat. Przy
okazji przypominamy, że obecnie rozpoczęliśmy rok
liturgiczny A, który jest pierwszym z cyklu trzech (ABC).
Uroczystość Niepokalanego Poczęcia NMP przypada w tym
roku w niedzielę, 8 grudnia. W związku z tym, obchody tego
święta zostają przeniesione na poniedziałek, 9 grudnia. Msze
św. w tym dniu będą odprawiane według rozkładu
umieszczonego na drugiej stronie biuletynu.
Dziś, w sobotę 07 grudnia, zapraszamy nasze dzieci w wieku
szkolnym wraz z rodzicami na Mszę Rodziną o godz. 16:00,
która rozpocznie się od procesji ze świecami wewnątrz
kościoła. Po Mszy w procesji przejdziemy na zewnątrz świątyni
aby uroczyście pobłogosławić i zaświecić światła na
świątecznej choince.
Po oficjalnych uroczystościach HSA zaprasza na gorącą
czekoladę i słodycze do szkolnej kafeterii. W czasie tego
spotkania odbędzie się losowanie Loterii. Będą również
dostępne do odbioru Księgi Jubileuszowe, a także do nabycia
płyty CD z kolędami w wykonaniu naszego chóru.
Sakrament spowiedzi jest sprawą bardzo ważną dla nas
wszystkich, a zwłaszcza w okresie przedświątecznym, jest
niezbędny, nawet dla tych, którzy nie mają poważnych
grzechów. W poniedziałek, 16 grudnia o godzinie 18:00
zapraszamy wszystkich parafian oraz wszystkie dzieci i
młodzież, które uczęszczają na katechezę. Do pomocy zostali
zaproszeni księża z sąsiednich parafii. Prosimy rodziców i
dziadków, aby zachęcili członków rodziny, do skorzystać z tej
okazji, aby otrzymać przebaczenie grzechów dzięki dobroci i
miłosierdzia Bożego.
Jeśli możesz poświęcić kilka godzin, aby pomóc w
dekorowaniu wnętrza naszej Bazyliki na Boże Narodzenie,
zadzwoń do Fred i Sylvia Kitka na 508 943-0201. Czekamy na
Zajęcia katechetyczne odbywają się jak zwykle w
poniedziałek. Najbliższe spotkanie 9 grudnia.
Bierzmowanie. Najbliższe spotkanie 8 grudnia o godz. 8:30
na plebanii.
Poświęcone opłatki są już dostępne w zakrystii. Sugerowana
ofiara to $3.
Od kilku miesięcy diecezja Worcester monitoruje działalność
szkół katolickich na swoim terenie. Pośród tych szkół znalazły
się również i nasze trzy szkoły w Webster. W tym tygodniu w
dniu 11 i 12 grudnia odbędzie się kilka spotkań z ekspertami z
diecezji Worcester i przedstawicielami różnych organizacji
parafialnych i szkolnych w celu omówienia wizji rozwoju
edukacji katolickiej w Webster. Jesteśmy dumni z tego, że
służymy naszej społeczności poprzez szkoły katolickie, dzięki
którym wspólnoty parafialne ożywiają się głęboką wiarą i
nadzieją. Niemniej jednak, zmiany społeczne i gospodarcze, a
czasami także i obojętność, a nawet niechęć niektórych
rodziców do edukacji katolickiej, stwarzają nowe wyzwania, z
którymi musimy się zmierzyć.
Uprzejmie zwracamy się zarówno do ludzi młodych jak i
starszych, tych którzy mają dzieci w wieku szkolnym lub nie,
aby w miarę swoich możliwości wspierali misję
ewangelizacyjną Kościoła poprzez wspieranie szkół
Formowanie umysłów i serc młodego pokolenia wymaga
wspólnego wysiłku. Wyjątkowy charakter szkoły katolickiej ma
ogromny wkład w tworzenie lokalnego Kościoła oraz lokalnej
W środę, 11 grudnia o godzinie 19:00, jak co tydzień
spotykamy się na Nowennie do świętego Józefa. W tym
tygodniu figurę św. Józefa w procesji niosą lektorzy. Św. Józef
był inspiracją dla wielu w przeszłości i jest to chyba jeden z
najbardziej lubianych świętych wśród katolików również i
dzisiaj. Wiadomości na Jego temat w Biblii są stosunkowo
krótkie i raczej niejasne, i nie pozostawiają nam zbyt wiele
informacji o tym, kim był i co kierowało jego niezachwianą
ufnością w Boga. Jego życie jako męża, opiekuna,
rzemieślnika, podróżnika i przewodnik może nas jednak
motywować poprzez swoją siłę i łaskę, by stać się ważnymi i
silnymi wiarą członkami Kościoła powszechnego.
Prosimy pamiętać, aby intencje pisać czytelnie na
formularzach dostępnych w kaplicy Matki Bożej. Dziękujemy
za Wasze ofiary.
Zapraszamy na coroczne Przedstawienie Bożonarodzeniowe,
które odbędzie się w Bartlett High School auditorium w
niedzielę 15 grudnia o godz. 14:00. Bilety w cenie $5 od osoby
są dostępne w naszej szkole. Zapraszamy wszystkich do
podziwiania talentów aktorskich naszych uczniów.
Jesteśmy wdzięczni Funeral Home Sitkowski & Malboeuf,
Inc za dostarczenie nam pięknie zaprojektowanych kalendarzy
na rok 2014. Zawierają one wiele scen z Biblii, wspomina
świętych i dni świątecznych itp. Kalendarze są dostępne w
zakrystii. Ofiary składane przy okazji zakupu kalendarza
zostaną przekazane na funkcjonowanie naszego programu
edukacji religijnej .

Podobne dokumenty