Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.;
5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. (Polish)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (mon-fri); 7:00 a.m. (tue, fri, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector: .............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor .... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Financial Secretary ........................ Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist: ..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan ........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0378
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ........... Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ...........Mrs. Cynthia Belanger
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 115
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 508-943-2228
Page 2
May 10, 2015
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil
4:00pm In thanksgiving for 50 years of marriage
Robert and Dorothy Jezierski
Sunday - May 10—Mother’s Day - Dzien Matek
7:00 O błogosławieństwo Boże dla wszytkich Matek
Bazyliki św. Józefa
8:15 For the repose of the souls of our deceased Mothers
requested through Mother’s Day envelopes
9:30 For God’s blessings for all living Mothers requested
through Mother’s Day envelopes
11:00 Za dusze zmarłych Matek z parafii św. Jozefa.
Monday - May 11
6:30 r.s. Frank & Agnes Biernat - int. Robert Walkowiak
2:00pm Brookside Nursing Home
Tuesday– May 12
6:30 For our family members, living & deceased
- int. Sr. Jeanne, Sr. Valenta & Sr. Mary Ann
7:00 r.s. Sophie Rogala - int. Daughter
Wednesday - May 13—Vigil Mass
6:30 Za wstawiennictwem św. Józefa o siłę i wiarę dla
Kristiny w pokononiu cieżkiej choroby
- int. Strumilowska rodzina
5:00 r.s. Henry Dowgiewicz (8th anniv.) & Komorek family
- int. Gladys Dowgiewicz & family
Thursday - May 14 - Ascension of the Lord
6:30 For God’s blessings for those who contributed toward
Easter Flowers
8:30 r.s. Nancy (Zacek) Langenohl
- int. Virginia Woznicki and family
7:00pm śp. Zofia Stoś - int. córka Maria z rodziną
Friday - May 15
6:30 r.s. Agnes Walkowiak - int. Husband Robert
7:00 ś.p. Marianna i Eugeniusz Szpura - int. Halina Gawel
Saturday - May 16
7:00 r.s. Claire Ballard
- int. Charlene Seymour & Sandra Pepka
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Anthony (anniv.), Victoria & Jerome Groh
- int. Family
Sunday - May 17
7:00 Za parafian
8:15 Holy Rosary Sodality Communion Mass
9:30 r.s. Dorothy Lariviere, Ernest & Raymond
- int. Sister and nephews
11:00 ś.p. Daniel Strelczuk - int. żona z dziećmi
Zakończenie roku szkolnego dla ósmoklasistów
Polskiej Szkoly Sobotniej
I-25 Club Winner for 7th week
#137 Robert J. Batterson
Weekly $ 4487.32 including $190 in loose money); Diocesan
Obligations $1484 (including $42 (in loose money); Fuel $87
Weekly Budget $7000
10 maja - 2015r.
Stewardship Note: “This is my commandment: love one
another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay
down one’s life for one’s friends “ Do you love Jesus? Do you
consider Him your friend? Jesus says that if we love Him we
should be willing to offer whatever we have to Him, not because we want praise & glory, but simply because we love Him.
For the week of May 10 through May 16
In loving memory of Ronald Hanc on his birthday
Given by Mother, Dorothy
May 10, 2015
It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and
appointed you to go and bear fruit.
- John 15:16
Last Sunday we heard the familiar passage
from John’s Gospel in which Jesus uses the
metaphor of the vine and the branches. In that
passage we were told that if we remained in
Christ we would bear much fruit. Today’s
Gospel tells us just what that fruit is: love. Today’s second
reading and Gospel together create a great hymn to love. The
chorus of this hymn is simple—God loves us so much that Jesus was sent into the world so that we would have life. The
Lord Jesus, who last week told us to remain in him, this week
tells us to remain in his love. In a world marked by division
and terrorism, the Lord’s final words in today’s Gospel are a
great challenge: “This I command you: love one another.”
Second collection this weekend
is for Higher Utility and Energy Costs.
Next week’s second collection will be designated
toward the CRS financial assistance to the people of Nepal.
Today our country pays special tribute to all mothers. Here
at St. Joseph Basilica Masses this day are offered for all mothers, living and deceased and for the intentions you submitted
your remembrance envelopes.
The most precious gift you can offer your mother is the gift
of prayer and service to God and others. It is a joy for every
mother when she sees her children following in her foot steps
participating in Divine Worship and reflecting values she instilled in our minds and hearts.
Happy Mother’s Day!
May devotions will be held at 7:00pm on a daily basis and
on Sunday after 11:00am Mass.
The people of Nepal are in dire need of our assistance after
the devastating earthquake in their country. The Catholic Relief Services are working with Caritas Nepal to identify the
most pressing needs in the hardest hit districts.
To help in this relief effort we will have a second collection
on the weekend of May 16 & 17 to assist the people of Nepal.
Also please remember the suffering and needy in your prayers.
Page 3
Last Sunday was a special day in our parish when twenty
students received the Eucharist for the first time. Our Basilica
was filled to capacity with family and friends. Each child actively participated in this very solemn, uplifting and joyful experience.
God gave us perfect weather with beautiful sunshine. Flowers blooming outside and splendid decorations especially at the
altar of our Blessed Mother created a natural background. The
musical selections sung by our childrens choirs under the direction of Robert Wojcik, accompanied by various instruments
were very impressive.
Thank you to the many who contributed much effort and
time to make this day memorable for the children, especially
the Felician Sisters, Father Gregory, Nancy Bush, Betty Sabaj
and Jackie Skrocki. This year The First Communion Class received a special rosary blessed by Pope Francis in the St.
Clementine Hall and prayer books from the National Shrine of
Washington, DC. By receiving the scapular the children were
dedicated to the Blessed Mother. We spent much time in the
planning of this special day but the positive comments from
parishioners and friends justified our efforts.
Divine Mercy Sunday will be observed on May 10th at
3:00pm with the singing of the Chaplet and Benediction.
Please join us to pray for needed graces in our lives.
Our traditional outdoor Candlelight procession will be held
on Wednesday, May 13th at 7:00pm., combined with the Novena and Devotion to St. Joseph.
We kindly request that the Children of Mary take part in this
beautiful tribute to our Lady by wearing their distinctive dress
as they carry the Statue of the Blessed Mother. We invite parishioners to join the children in praying the rosary.
Eucharistic ministers are asked to carry the statue of
St. Joseph.
On Sunday, May 17th, our parish will begin the observance
of Forty Hours Devotion at 9:30am Mass as we begin the Peregrinatio of the John Paul II Triptych which was blessed by
Archbishop Leonard Blair last month at Sacred Heart Church in
New Britain, CT. The Triptych will be carried into our Basilica
by the Honor Guard of the Knights of Columbus.
Sun., May 17 at 4:00pm Homily and Stearns’ Vespers
Mon.,May 18 private day for individual Adoration and
prayer service with Benediction at 7:00pm ;
Tues., May 19 at 7:00pm conclusion of Devotions with Litany to All Saints and Procession.
We invite the First Communion Class to take part dressed in
their formal attire, the Children of Mary in their capes, Altar
Servers, parish organizations with their identifying medals and
banners, all parish ministries, Knights of Columbus and our
school children in their “Sunday Best” to gather with visiting
clergy as we conclude Forty Hours Devotion.
God’s Blessings to Robert and Dorothy (Socha) Jezierski as
they celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary this weekend at
our Basilica where they were wed on May 8, 1965. May your
lives continue to be filled with God’s love, joy and good health.
We are grateful to all our parishioners who have responded to
our Partners in Charity Appeal. Through your generosity we
have collected $21, 567 or 87% of our goal. If you are considering to make a pledge (form in pews) complete form and place
in the collection basket.
Science Fair Winners—Grade 5 - First “Does Hydrogen
Peroxide Help Seed Germination” Szymon Mamro; Second
“What Door Handle at SJS Has the Most Germs” Juliana
Zalewski; Third “Which Ice Melt Works the Best” Benjamin
Duval; Honorable Mention “Evaporating Liquids” Riley Peters;
“Which Cheese will Grow Mold the Fastest” Jacob Boynton &
“Window Wraps” Hayden Dery.
Grade 6—First “Which Detergent Works Best “ Dedrick
Baublitz; Second “Which Does Sound Travel Through the Fastest—Water, Grape Juice or Apple Juice” David Mankarios;
Third “Is All Water the Same” Christopher Mahlert; Honorable Mention “Which Coke is Best for the Body-Diet of Regular?” Adrianna Duby.
Grade 7 - First “Which Insulation Prevents Heat from Escaping the Best” Abigail Duval; Second “Rethink Your Drink”
Ann Marie Taylor; Third “How to Clone Cabbage” Aleksandra Piascik; Honorable Mention “The Gaming Effects on your
Heart Rate” Antoni Piascik & “Cleaning Tarnish” Jessica
Grade 8—First “Does the Saturation of Water Affect the
Growth Speed of Sugar Crystals” Noah Boudreau; Second “Is
Nitrogen Better Than Air in Car Tires Alicja Stachowicz; Third
“Does the Ball Design Affect the Distance Traveled when
Launched from a Catapult” Noah Desilet; Honorable Mention
“How Efficient is a Hydrogen Fuel Cell” Bartosz Mamro.
Congratulations!- to our winners for their outstanding effort
and also to all of our bright students who spent much time in
preparing their projects for this competitive arena.
It is time to prepare our St. Joseph Garden of Peace Cemetery for the upcoming Memorial Day. We have a large area to
concentrate on as we try our best to ready this site for the influx
of summer visitors.
We need your help. Please plant flowers only in front of the
monument (not more than 12 inches). It is not advisable to
place flowers in breakable vases as this hinders the landscaping
company in keeping the grounds in order.
Kindly do not place mementos on the wall of the Columbarium or plastic items at the bottom of niches. With the spaciousness of this area the wind tends to strew these items in unforeseen places. Flags should be placed in front of the monuments.
Your assistance in creating an orderly and neat resting place
for our loved ones is appreciated.
Page 4
May 1 - $50, Rita Augustynski, Webster; May 2 - $50, Dottie
Hanc and Girls, Webster; May 3 - $100, Jan & Don Kasierski,
Dudley; May 4 - $50, Matthew Kusek, Dudley; May 5 - $75,
Cole R. Wagner, Webster; May 6 - $50, Timothy West, Oxford;
May 7 - $50, John Canty, Webster; May 8 - $50, Sue Werbecki,
Webster; May 9 - $50, Richard Parslow, Webster.
We invite you to join our enthusiastic players for an evening
of camaradarie on Friday, May 15th in the school cafeteria.
Doors open at 5:00pm and games commence at 6:45pm. A
light snack and pastry, with free coffee, will be available.
Members of the St. Anne Society will assist our players.
St. Joseph. Polish Women’s Club – is holding their annual
Guest Night on Tues., May 12th at 7:00pm in the school
cafeteria. All mothers and grandmothers are invited to join us
as we celebrate Mother’s Day.
A light supper will be served and a short entertainment
program will be provided. Please RSVP to Pres., Cindi
Gardner at (508) 461-9054 by Mon., May 11th if you will
The SJPWC has been in existence for 62 years and continues
to support the SJS students, faculty and Felician Sisters that
staff the school. Scholarships, class trips and other programs
are provided annually for the students. We encourage you to
join us!
Holy Rosary Sodality - invites members to the Annual
Communion Mass on Sunday, May 17th at 8:15am followed by
a light brunch in the school cafeteria.
This Sodality was organized in 1888 to promote devotion to
Mary by praying the rosary and also supports the Children of
Mary. If you would like to join this Sodality, please contact Pat
Mangen at (774) 289-7648 or Betty Sabaj at (508) 943-8570.
St. Joseph School Gymnasium Fund - in memory of
Barbara Marcotte $100 given by Wilson Language Training
Corp.; in memory of Emily Jajko $150 given by M/M John
Gogolinski, Annette Starzec and M/M Chester Starzec.
St. Joseph School - additional $100 to help the needy
students family.
Friends of St. Joseph School Fund - in memory of Pauline
Dziembowski, given by Carolyn Swierzbin and M/M Jan
Kolodziej; in memory of Stasia Nalepa, given by John and
Carolyn Swierzbin.
Parishioners should have received their Money Raffle
Tickets. Please return stubs with check made payable to
St. Joseph Festival. Your early response prior to May
24th will qualify you for the Early Bird Drawing
Volunteer sign up sheets at entrances of Basilica
Country Store items to be placed in containers at entrances
Sort items for Garage Sale
Students will meet on Mon., May 11th in the school at 5:30pm
for the last class of the year.
Wii Bowling - Wed., May 13th at Christopher Heights6:15pm
Camp Weekend Retreat - May 15– 17 - Grds. 3-5: Sat.,
1-9:00pm; Grds 6-8: Sat., 9:00am—Sun., 11:00am; Grds. 9-12:
Fri., 6:00pm—Sun., 11:00am.
VBS Training & preparation session, May 16-Grds.6-12 at
Sunday, May 17th 3-5pm in Sacred Heart Church Hall - we
invite all adult volunteers and youth camp counselors to plan
for Camp in June. If you would like to volunteer or be a counselor, please contact Laura Kenney at (508) 943-2478.
“Camp Catholic” Vacation Bible School” - June 22-26th
from 9am—12:00pm daily. Each day will have its own faith
based theme and will include music, a scripture story, crafts,
games and a snack. We welcome children in Pre-K and up.
Children in grades 6-12 are eligible to be camp counselors.
Adult volunteers are also needed to help during camp. More
information to follow. Sign-up sheets at entrances of Basilica.
Reminder: Fr. Joseph Szwach Mass- 60th Anniversary of
his Ordination on Sun., May 24th at 2:00pm at St. Andrew
Church, Dudley; reception to follow at LaSalle Center,
Southbridge. Please contact Cindy at (508) 943-1903 for details.
Mass and Divine Mercy Devotions Every Wednesday
Evening - at St. Andrew Bobola Church, Dudley, MA at
6:30pm. Please join us for praying the Chaplet and venerating
a first class relic of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska and encourage
others to accompany you. Now is the time for mercy.
Adult Education at St. Anthony of Padua - Bible Explorer Series begins on Mon., May 11th 11:00am-topic The
Ark of the Covenant. Anyone is welcome. Call Linda at (508)
949-0335 for details.
“Reflections on the Prophets” at St. Louis Church Hall on
May 21st at 6:30pm. No fee-bring a bible and a friend. Light
refreshments available.
Bernadette Circle #709, D. of I., - May 17-Newport Playhouse “Cheaters” Show, Cabaret. Cost is $85. Bus leaves
Webster at 9:00am.
Call Janet at (508) 887-2215 for more
Dedication of the Outdoor Shrine of Our Lady of
Lourdes Patroness of the Sick—St. Ann’s Church, N. Oxford,
on Sat., May 16th at 11:00am. Blessing, recitation of the Rosary, Litany to Our Lady with refreshments to follow.
Monastic Experience Weekend - on May 29-31st we invite
single men (18-40 years old) to experience from within the
rhythm and balance of Benedictine monastic prayer and community life in a house of Benedictine monks at St. Mary’s Monastery in Petersham, MA. If interested, please call (978)7243350.
Dedication of Two New Saints, St. John Paul II and St.
Peregrine - at St. Anne Shrine Outdoor Pavilion & Hall of
Saints, Fiskdale, MA on Sat., May 30th-Vigil Mass at 4:00pm.
Refer to flyers at entrances of Basilica for more information.
Page 5
10 maja 2015
„Nie wyście Mnie wybrali, ale Ja was wybrałem
i przeznaczyłem was na to, abyście szli i owoc przynosili.” (J 15, 16)
Wezwanie do „trwania w miłości Chrystusa”
to wyraz tęsknoty Boga za człowiekiem, której
potrzebujemy doświadczyć. Sami z siebie
bywamy zmienni. Zmienne są nasze
nastawienia i słaba jest nasza wiara, zwłaszcza
w godzinie próby. Jeżeli więc Jezus mówi: Kochajcie, tak jak
Ja ukochałem, to znaczy: kochajcie boską, bezgraniczną
miłością. Wie, że tylko ona się liczy. Chrześcijanin bez
miłości, Kościół bez miłości jest jałową ziemią.
Dziś w całym kraju zwracamy szczególną uwagę na nasze
matki. W naszej bazylice wszystkie Msze są ofiarowane w ich
intencji jak również w intencjach umieszczony w specjalnych
Jednym z cenniejszych prezentów, jakie możemy złożyć
naszym matkom jest modlitwa ofiarowana za nie, zarówno
kiedy wciąż są pośród nas, jak i kiedy odeszły już do
wieczności. Z wdzięczności za otrzymane od nich dobro,
możemy również dzielić się tym dobrem służąc Bogu i bliźnim.
Dla każdej matki, ogromną radością jest świadomość, że jej
dziecko podąża jej śladami i hołduje takim samym wartościom.
Szczęśliwego Dnia Matki
Ubiegła niedziela była szczególnym dniem dla dwudziestu
dzieci, które w naszej Bazylice po raz pierwszy przyjęły
Komunię św. Dzieciom towarzyszyli najbliżsi i zaproszeni
goście, którzy zapełnili po brzegi nasza świątynię. Atmosferę
uroczystości i niezwykłości tworzyła również oprawa
muzyczna w wykonaniu chórów dziecięcych pod dyrekcją
Roberta Wójcik i przy akompaniamencie jego zespołu.
Dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy dołożyli starań i poświęcili
wiele czasu przygotowując uroczystość. Chcemy szczególnie
podziękować Paniom Betty Sabaj, Nancy Bush, Jackie
Skrodzki, oraz siostrom Felicjankom.
W tym roku dzieci otrzymały różańce poświęcone prze Ojca
Świętego w Rzymie, oraz modlitewniki z National Shrine w
Waszyngtonie. Dzieci przyjęły również szkaplerze, polecając
się opiece Matki Bożej.
Wszystkim dzieciom oraz ich rodzicom życzymy, aby to
szczególe wydarzenie zbliżało ich do Boga i do siebie
nawzajem we wzajemnej miłości.
Saint Joseph Polish Woman’s Club zaprasza na coroczną Noc
Gości we wtorek, 12 maja o godz. 19:00 w szkolnej kafeterii.
Zaproszone są wszystkie mamy i babcie. W programie
przewidziany jest niewielki program artystyczny i poczęstunek.
Bardzo prosimy o potwierdzenie uczestnictwa jak najszybciej
dzwoniąc do Cindi Gardner: 508 461 9054.
Miesiąc maj wnosi w nasze życie religijne szczególną
obecność Matki Najświętszej. W naszej parafii właśnie w maju
rozpoczynamy serię nabożeństw poświęconych Matce Bożej
Fatimskiej. Po raz pierwszy w tym roku spotykamy się już w
najbliższa środę, jak zwykle o godz. 19:00. Nabożeństwo
zostanie odprawione w połączeniu z Nowenną do św. Józefa.
UWAGA! W najbliższą środę wyjątkowo nie będzie
odprawiana Msza św. ku czci św. Józefa o godz. 19:00!
Coroczne Nabożeństwo Czterdziestogodzinne rozpoczniemy
w najbliższą niedzielę po Mszy św. o godz. 11:00. Adoracja
zakończy się uroczystymi Nieszporami o godz. 16:00
W poniedziałek, po całodziennej prywatnej adoracji
spotykamy się o godz. 19:00 na Nabożeństwie
Eucharystycznym połączonym z Litanią do Matki Bożej.
We wtorek gromadzimy się również o godz. 19:00 na
Czterdziestogodzinnego. W tym dniu na uroczystą procesję
zapraszamy wszystkie dzieci pierwszokomunijne, ministrantów
i organizacje parafialne.
Nasz cmentarz parafialny pomału przygotowuje się do
obchodów Memorial Day. Aby przygotować to szczególne
miejsce na czas letni potrzebujemy waszej pomocy i
współpracy. Prosimy, aby dekorując groby pamiętać, że kwiaty
i dekoracje nie powinny znajdować się dalej niż jedna stopę od
pomnika. Prosimy również nie umieszczać kwiatów w
naczyniach, które mogą zostać przypadkowo łatwo zniszczone
podczas koszenia trawy lub innych prac. Bardzo prosimy nie
umieszczać plastikowych dekoracji ani na kolumbarium ani
obok niego. Niewielkie plastikowe elementy bardzo często są
rozwiewane przez wiatr na cały cmentarz i bardzo utrudniają
prace porzadkowe.
Oto pierwsi zwycięzcy w majowym Cash Calendar: 1 maja $50, Rita Augustynski, Webster; 2 maja - $50, Dottie Hanc and
Girls, Webster; 3 maja - $100, Jan & Don Kasierski, Dudley; 4
maja - $50, Matthew Kusek, Dudley; 5 maja - $75, Cole R.
Wagner, Webster; 6 maja - $50, Timothy West, Oxford; 7 maja
- $50, John Canty, Webster; 8 maja - $50, Sue Werbecki,
Webster; 9 maja - $50, Richard Parslow, Webster.
Holy Rosary Sodality zaprasza wszystkich członków na
doroczna Mszę Wspólnotową na niedzielę 17 maja o godz.
8:15.. Po Mszy św. odbędzie się spotkanie połączone z małym
poczęstunkiem w szkolnej kafeterii.
Parafianie powinni już otrzymać kupony na Loterię
Pieniężną. Wypełnione kupony wraz z czekiem wypisanym na
St. Joseph Basilica prosimy zwracać do biura parafialnego.
Odpowiednio wcześnie zwrócony kupon będzie kwalifikowany
do losowania nagród „Early Birds”.
Dzisiejsza druga kolekta jest przeznaczona na pokrycie kosztów utrzymania i energii.
Druga kolekta w przyszła niedzielę będzie przeznaczona na pomoc ofiarom trzęsienia ziemi w Nepalu.
St. Joseph Basilica #511990
53 Whitcomb Street
Webster, MA 01570
508 943-0467
Fr. Gregory Chodkowski
508 612 8526
EMAIL: [email protected]
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