Remote sensing as the information source for thematic cartography


Remote sensing as the information source for thematic cartography
V o lu m e X X I X , No. 1, 1982
Remote sensing as the information source for thematic cartography
A b s t r a c t . T ypes of m aps elab o rated a t th e Polish Rem ote Sensing
C en tre (OPOLiS) on th e base of rem o te sensing d ata, a re p resen ted in this
paper. In form ation obtained from airb o rn e th e rm a l im ageries, colour in fra red
photographs ta k e n from aeToplanes and satellites, airb o rn e m u ltisp e ctral photograp h s as w ell as photographs and scan n er im ageries ta k e n fro m th e S aly u t 6
and L an d sat satellites, w ere applied for elab o ratio n of these m aps.
The devełopm ent of techniąues and devices for collecting data on
geographical environm ent has also been considered a t the In stitu te of
Geodesy and C artography, w here in 1971 a special laboratory on rem ote
sensing applications for elaboration of d ifferen t types of them atic m aps
was created. Panchrom atic photographs w ere the p relim in ary source of
Inform ation; th ey w ere tak e n for topographic purposes, and also, m ore
fre ą u e n tly for the needs of p a rticu la r them atic elaborations. In this
period, also arch iv al photographs w ere applied; th eir contents com pared
w ith the contents of new photographs, enabled to determ ine tem poral
changes w ith in geographical environm ent.
One of the first them atic elaborations, based only on aerial photo­
graphs, w as the m ap showing indirect resu lts of developm ent of m ining
industry, a t th e highly industrialized U pper Silesian D istrict. This m ap
showed: dam ps, em bankm ents, excavations, tailing ponds, devastated land
and w aste larid. The com parison of photographs tak en in the period of
1955— 1970 enabled to determ ine the changes in this region. The changes
have expressed first of all: in increasing of the area of open pits and
excavations, developm ent of roads, and decreasing of ru ra l and forested
1. T hem atic maps based on airborne therm al im ages
Two years later, the In stitu te was eąuipped w ith devices for taking
th erm al im ageries. These were: the th erm al cam era Therm ovision 680
and the th erm al scanner T herm oprofile TH P-1. Both devices w ere m ade
by the Sw edish AGA com pany. The elaboration of them atic m aps showing
th erm al conditions of d ifferen t objects and areas was sta rte d then, a fter
the com pletion of research w orks, concerning m ethods of collecting and
in te rp re tin g th erm al im ageries.
D uring the first period of utilization of this techniąue on collecting
inform ation, a series of m aps presenting tem p eratu re d istribution on the
surface of riv ers and lakes, into w hich heated w ater was discharged from
open cooling system s of large pow er plants, was elaborated.
The m ap usually elaborated a t the scalę of 1 : 25 000 and p rin te d in
m any colours generally presented w ith a black-and-w hite therm ogram ,
and som etim es even w ith scores of th erm al profiles, showed tem p e ra tu re
distribution of w ater surface w ith the accuracy of 0,5°C.
T herm al images and panchrom atic photographs w ere com m only
applied for investigations and cartographic presentation of ice phenom ena
occurring in riv ers into w hich w ater was discharged by in d u strial plants.
Such m aps covered the p a rt of the V istula River, w here the influence of
h eated w ater could be noticed. On the m aps, the rangę of this influence
and the p a rt of the riv e r covered w ith ice and slush ice, rare , dense and
p artially m elting due to w arm w ater, w ere presented.
M icroclimatic investigations w ere the following branch of application
of th erm al im ageries. The resu lts of these investigations w ere also show n
in the form of m aps. Till the present m om ent, th erm al m aps of the ground
of th re e large cities: W arsaw , Cracow and Przem yśl and of two in d u stria l
p lan ts and th eir vicinities have been elaborated a t the In stitu te of Geo­
desy and C artography. The m ethod of rea l ranges p resentation and the
m ethod of basie fields, w ith an average tem p e ra tu re value, w ere utilized
for the cartographic elaboration. The m aps w ere elaborated a t the scalę
of 1 : 25 000.
T herm al images acąuired from Iow altitudes, from the board of
a helicopter, w ere applied as the inform ation source concerning dam ^ges
of the city heating netw ork. The inform ation concerning bad insulation
of pipes or outflow of hot w ater, enriched the contents of the m aps of
the city heating netw órk. Such m aps w ere utilized for protection or localization of the place of damage.
A nother branch of the application of airborne th erm al im ageries was
the detection and m apping of subsurface fires of shallow coal deposits
or subsurface fires of damps. C artographic elaboration of the place of
fire usually consisted of a black-and-w hite therm ogram , a colour m ap
of tem p eratu re distribution on the surface of the dam p or of th e area
round the burning coal deposit and one or several profiles, presenting
ground tem p eratu re along the determ ined line, w ith accuracy o2 0,5°C.
A irborne th erm al images w ere also applied for determ ining the rangę
of the influence of the su lp h u r m ine a t G rzybów on th e geographical
environm ent. The su lp h u r a t the investigated m ine is exploited by the
m ethod of underground m elting. O verheated w ater is forced deep under
the E a rth ’s surface; it dilutes su lp h u r deposits and the m elted sulphur
is pum ped out to the surface. D uring th e technological process not all
w ater is pum ped out. P a rt of it ru n s aw ay before contacting the deposit
and another p a rt — a fte r diluting some am ount of sulphur. The phenom enon of ru nning aw ay of w arm , polluted w ater takes place both in
deeper geological layers as w ell as in subsurface ones. This w ater e x tracts
over th e im perm eable lay e rs and occures several or over a dozen m eters
u n d e r th e te rra in surface. The w ater tem p e ra tu re is considerably higher
th a n the tem p e ra tu re of surrounding layers, and due to the conductivity
effect the w ater heats overlay layers.
A irborne th erm al im ages can present, in par.ticular conditions, usually
su b tle differences in tem p e ra tu re s of areas heated by w arm and chem ically polluted w ater and of surrounding areas. The resu lts of the
in te rp re ta tio n of th erm al im ageries w ere presented in the form of a m ap
showing the rangę of influence of su lp h u r exploitation by m eans of the
underg round m elting m ethod on the pollution of the ground w ater.
2. M apping of flood areas
The sim plest rem ote sensing techniąue — panchrom atic photography
w as applied in elaborating m aps of th e flood rangę. T hree m aps of this
kind w ere d rafted in the period of 1977— 1979: tw o of them w ere based
on airborne photographs and th e th ird one w as elabor'ated on the basis
of the L andsat im ageries. The flood, w hich occurred in spring of 1979,
in N orth-E ast Poland, was tak en on several successive satellite images.
They enabled to analyse the developm ent of the flood as w ell as its
economic results. The m ap elaborated on the basis of satellite im ages
presents th e m axim um rangę of the flood. D iagram s show ing th e height
of th e flood w ater, statin g the tim e w hen the satellite im ages w ere taken,
are also appended to this m ap. It is proper to add, th a t th e m ap show ing
th e first stage of th e developm ent of th e flood, i.e., th e m axim um rangę
of w a te r in the u p p er courses of th e riv e rs of N o rth -E ast Poland, was
elaborated and p resen ted to the Flood Control C om m ittee, 4 days a fte r
the satellite passed over the flooded areas.
3. Them atic maps based on false-colour aerial and satelite photographs
Alm ost sińce the beginning of its activities in the field of rem ote
sensing application for them atic carto g rap h y the In stitu te of Geodesy
and C artography. has applied the colour in fra re d photographs. They
w ere utilized alm ost exclusively for the investigation of vegetation cover.
The investigations in this field w ere directed on detection of pine damages, caused by the influence of industry, as w ell as by biotic factors,
nam ely by the influence of pest insects. The investigations carried out
a t the In stitu te of Geodesy and C artography allow ed to find the relatio n ship betw een the degree of tree dam ages, estim ated by ground m ethods
and its image on airborne photographs. It m ade possible to ex trapolate
th e results of destructive ground investigations onto large areas; this
extrapolation was not only m echanical, b u t it w as possible on photographs
to determ ine in details the line separating areas characterized w ith
various level of tre e damages.
F u rth e r research w orks carried out in this field enabled to increase
the num ber of details on m aps of j>ine tree stand dam ages, w hich had
been elaborated by the utilization of ground observations.
T raditionally, according to existing principles, four zones of dam ages
w ere distinguished on the m aps of stand damages: the zone free from
dam ages, the zone of slight dam ages, the zone of strong dam ages and
the zone of m ortal dam ages of trees.
As far as the determ ination of zones I and IV did not create research
problem , the classification bf trees into zones II or III was som ehow
difficult to perform . Colour infrared photographs allow ed not only to
elim inate doubts, but also im proved accuracy of determ inating zones,
introducing additionally 4 subzones for each of these two zones. T h erefore, m aps elaborated on the basis of the results of in te rp re ta tin g colour
in frared photographs are m uch m ore accurate th an the m aps elaborated
by conventional m ethods.
The m ethod of in te rp re ta tin g colour infrared photographs was used
for m apping forested areas being under the influence of gases and dusts
em itted by in d u strial plants, for tree stands suffering from low ering of
ground w ater level caused by activities of strip mines, and for tre e
stands invaded by a large gradation of pest insects.
Colour infrared photographs considerably accelerated the process of
elaborating m aps w hich w ere used for planning recultivative activities.
False colour photographs taken from the board of the Soviet space
c raft Soyuz-6 w ere applied in order to elaborate a m ap presenting
th e level of tree stand damages, of the U pper Silesian D istrict. The scalę
of the satellite photographs enabled to elaborate a m ap a t- th e scalę of
1 : 100 000. Thus, it is a considerably sm aller scalę th an in the case of
m aps elaborated on the basis of airborne photographs. N evertheless,
satellite photographs tu rn e d to be a good enough source of inform ation
for the purpose of a generał m ap, w hich provided some description of
the state of the p in e tree stand in this highly industrialized region. On
the basis of these photographs it was possible to distinguish only two
zones of dam ages w ithin pine forests; nam ely the zones of nuli
and m ortal dam ages. The resolution of satellite photographs and m asking
influence of the E a rth ’s atm osphere did not allow to observe the subtle
differences in th e colour of th e tre e crow ns of differen t dam age levels.
4. M apping o£ w ater połlution using m ultiband photography
The possibility of m apping w ater połlution occurred w ith the beginning
of taking m ultispectral airborne photographs. As the re s u lt of the
research w orks carried out a t the In stitu te of Geodesy and C artography,
th e correlation betw een optical density of m u ltisp ectral photographs and
w ater tran sp aren cy has been stated. The relatio n has also been found
betw een w ater tran sp aren cy and th e contents of generał suspension, the
am ount of chlorophyll and some chem ical substances w hich a fte r dissolution in w ater cause the change w ithin the contents of reflected sun
These relations w ere utilized for investigating and m apping out of
połlution distribution w ith in Coastal and inland lakes. The elaborated
m aps show in fact, only the tem p o rary state of połlution distrib u tio n
w ithin the w ater reservoir, b u t th ey give sufficient inform ation on the
dim ension and intensity of this phenom enon a t a given m om ent.
M ultispectral satellite im ageries w ere applied in investigations of
połlution occurring w ithin larg e r w ater reservoirs, for exam ple, the
Szczecin Bay. Also in this case, the relatio n betw een the in te n sity of
reflected electrom agnetic rad iatio n and w ater tran sparency, w as d e te r­
m ined. Since the satellite photographs are tak e n continuously, and the
flight of a satellite over the Szczecin B ay is not alw ays synchronized
w ith contact investigations, at th e In stitu te of Geodesy and C arto g rap h y
was elaborated a m ethod for correlating resu lts of ground m easurem ents
w ith the value of reflected radiation, th a t is registered by a scanner
located on board of the L andsat, in case w hen these ground investigations
are carried out only once a t the m om ent of th e flig h t of the satellite.
Then, the images are tak e n independently on the in -situ investigations,
or w hen such investigations are not carried out a t all.
This m ethod was utilized for elaborating m any satellite im ages- covering the Szczecin Bay, the resu lts of w hich are show n in the form of
several them atić m aps presenting the połlution of this reservoir. The
com parison of m aps allows to draw some conclusions concerning th e
dynam ics of the expansion of the połlution w ithin the closed basin, into
w hich the O dra River and several sm alłer, stro n g ly polluted riv ers flow .
5. M apping of air połlution by m eans of satellite im ageries
S atellite im ageries, perm an en tly delivered to the In stitu te of Geodesy
and C artography, w ere utilized for elaborating m aps of atm ospheric
połlution in Poland. Sm okes em itted by in d u strial plants are clearly
visible both on L andsat im ageries as well as on the satellite photographs
w hich are taken from Soviet spaceships. The utilized digital data processnig of photographs allows to enhance th e contrast of photographed
5 P ra c e IG iK z. 1 to m X X IX
objects, which m akes in te rp re ta tio n of plum es of smokes easier. The
know ledge of e x tern al o rien tatio n of th e L andsat scanner and th e shadow
of the smoke, which is usually visible on the photograph, enable to calculate the altitu d e to w hich smokes and dusts em itted by in d u stria l
p lan ts are raised.
Soviet satellite photographs are taken, in tu rn , according to the p rin ciples of stereophotogram m etry. Thus they enable to create the 3-dim ensional m odel of the photographed area w ith very w ell visible plum e of
smoke hanging over it. The m easurem ent of the p arallax allows to
determ ine the „z” coordinate a t any given place w ithin the sm oke plum e.
S atellite photographs of Poland, obtained from both sources, enabled
to elaborate a m ap depicting directions and ranges of smokes em itted
b y ind u strial plants, a t various w ind directions, but generally, a t high
pressure areas w ith th e inversion layer fre ą u e n tly occurring up to the
altitu d e of 600 m etres. Such a situation causes th a t in certain cases th e
em itted smokes reach the distance of 150 kms.
In spfte of the fortuitous choice of th e satellite photographs, th e
elaborated m ap depicts the distribution of smokes and the influence of
th e te rra in relief on its directions. It is w orthw hile considering, th a t th e
axis of the plum es of smokes w hich w ere in te rp re te d on the basis of
satellite photographs, fre ą u e n tly ru n d ifferently th a n th e axis calculated
on th e basis of the models of dispersion processes of gases and dusts,
applied in m eteorology.
For the South-W est p a rt of Poland a m ap presenting the rangę of
in d u strial and m unicipal dust im ission was also elaborated. W inter sa­
tellite photographs w ere utilized as the source of inform ation for this
purpose. These photographs tak e n w ithin six days a fter the last fali
of snow, exceptionally clearly presented the vicinities of cities and larger
in d u stria l plants w hich w ere under the influence of fali of dust. The
m icrophotom etric analysis even allowed to distinguish areas w ith various
in tensity of dust cover.
U ntil now, the elaboration of such a m ap for the entire te rrito ry of
P oland tu rn e d out to be impossible. M eteorological conditions in this case,
a re exceptionally im portant, both at the m om ent of taking photographs,
as well as during the peroid prior to it.
6. Land use maps
A irborne and satellite photographs w ere also applied in elaborating
land use m aps, both a t large scales and generał maps.
F or elaborating large scalę m aps, airborne photographs are utilized,
ta k e n by m eans of d iffe re n t techniąues and a t d ifferen t periods of tim e.
Such m aps u sually show changes w ithin the land use occurring due
to large investm ents, both in d u strial and m unicipal, connected w ith the
design of new housing districts in large cities.
S atellite photographs w ere, in tu rn , applied in elaborating a generał
m ap of land use in Poland, as well as in elaborating land use m aps for
p a rtic u la r adm inistrative districts of the firs t level (voivodships). In th a
firs t case, analog in te rp re ta tio n m ethods w ere applied, and in th e second
case — the digital m ethod.
In order to elaborate a land use m ap for the whole co u n try the
L andsat im ageries a t th e scalę of 1 : 250 000 and the Soviet satellite
photographs tak e n in spring and au tu m n of 1978 w ere applied. On the
basis of this data ten m ain land use categories w ere distinguished,
nam ely: arabie land, green fields, coniferous forests, deciduous forests,
m ixed forests, u rb an areas, in dustrial-storage areas, w aste land, riv e rs
and w ater reservoirs.
A fter the generalization of contents and changing th e cartographic
projection, this m ap was published as the second in the histo ry of the
Polish cartography, land use m ap covering the whole country. It should
be noticed, th a t w hile the first m ap was elaborated by a several-person
group w ithin four years, the second m ap was elaborated by a four-person
group only w ithin four m onths.
The w orks carried out in the field of digital processing of satellite
photographs are discussed in detail by K ry sty n a L ady D rużycka and
Jacek D om ański in the present Proceedings of the In stitu te of Geodesy
and C artography.
T ra n slatio n : Jacek D om ański
Les donnees de la te led śtec tio n pour les besoins de la carto g rap h ie th e m a tią u e
sont utilisees dans 1’In stitu t de Geodesie et de C arto g rap h ie depuis plus de 10 ans.
A u deb u t ce n ’e tą ie n t que des photos aerienn es en blanc et noir, puis on a adopte d’a u tre s techniąues d’acquisition des doiinees. L’une des p rem ieres c’e ta it la
te ch n ią u e de rea lisa tio n de photos en in fraro u g e th erm al. A l’aide de cette te ch niq ue on a realise a 1’In stitu t plu sieu rs cartes m o n tra n t la re p a rtitio n de la te m p e ra tu re des eaux des fleuves et dans les reservoirs rec ev an t des re je ts d ’eau
chau d e p ro v en a n t de centrales electriąu es et on a elabore des cartes des conditions
m icro clim atiąu es dans de grandes villes et dans des usines im p o rtan tes. L a m em e
te ch n ią u e a ete utilisee pour ac ą u e rir des in fo rm atio n s su r les defauts du reseau
de chauffage u rb ain. Ces inform ations ont enrichi le contenu des cartes illu s tra n t
la disposition du reseau de ce chauffage. Les photos aeriennes th erm ales o n t ete
ćgalem ent utilisees pour d etec ter et ra p p o rte r su r les cartes des incendies so u te rrain s ainsi que po ur d eterm in er le ray o n d’actio n de la d e n a tu ra tio n des eau x
so u terrain es p a r les composes soufres dans les m ines u tilisa n t la m ethode de la
fusion souterraine.
U ne a u tre tech n iąu e larg em en t ap p liąuee dans la ca rto g rap h ie th e m a tią u e
p a r 1’In stitu t e ta it celle des photos en in fraro u g e en fausses couleurs. Ces photos
etaie n t utilises un iąu em en t pou r ra p p o rte r su r les cartes des endom m agem ents
biotiąues et ab iotiąues dans les fo rets de pins ainsi que p o u r d eterm in e r des su rfaces fo restieres au x d ifferen ts e ta ts de risque industriel.
Les photos aeriennes m acrospectrales etaie n t utilises de le u r to u r p o u r l’elab o ratio n des cartes illu stra n t la po llutio n des reserv o irs d’eau.
D ans la cartographie th em atiq u e on a egalem ent u tilise les photos de satellite.
aussi b ien am ericaines que russes, pour 1’elab o ratio n des cartes d ’ex p lo itatio n de
la te rre au x echelles 1 : 500.000 et 1 : 100.000 ainsi que de la carte illu s tra n t l’e tat
de la pollution de 1’air en Pologne.
T ra d u it p a r: M. B ohdan Jakubow ski
j >o p m a u ;m m flJIH t e m a t m h e c k o K k a p t b i
P e 3
,Z t a n u b ie
^ M C T a im M O H H O r o
3 0 ii^ M p 0 B a n M H
a jia
T e . M a T ir ie c K o r o
K ap rap o B a-
liHfl if c n o j ib 3 y K ) T C H b M H C T M T y T e r e o f l e 3 M n u K a p T o r p a ( J ) M M c B b i r n e 10 j i e T . I T e p B O HanaJIŁHO ÓbIJIM 3T0 II OH Tli M C K JIIO H M T ejIbH O 'l e p i l O - Ó e j I b i e aa p O C H H M K M , n 0 3 > K e SbIJIlI
B B C f le iib i A p y n i e ie x H H K M n o j i y Ti e n n a Aannbix. 0 ; ( n o i i 113 nepBbix 6 b i j i a T e x H H K a
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sto m
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T e M n e p a T y p w BO^bi b peKax u B 0 ; i 0 x p a i i M J i i i m a x , o 6 p e M e n e H H b i x c 6 p o c a M n T e n j i o i i
B O flb l M3 T e n JlOSJieKTpOCTanm i l i , COCTaBJieilO K a p T b l MHKpOKJIMMaTMHeCKHX yCJIOBMM
b 6 o J ib n iM X r o p o a a x u K p y n H b i x n p O M b i i u j i e H i i b i x n p e f l n p j « m i a x . 3 i a T e x iiM K a n p i i T e x iiH K H
M e iiH J ia c b
ceTM ,
M 3 r o T 0 B j ie n 0
T aK JK e
K O T o p o ii
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n o jiy n e n iia
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o 6 iia p y jK e iiiiH
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O T o n ji e H M a .
3 a rp H 3 iie iin ji
M ero n y
Z tp y rO M T e x H M K O B m w p o K O
n o B p e a tfle H M H x
H a K O iie n ,
r p y iiT O B O M
r 0 p 0 ,ą c K 0 K
T e n jiO B b ie a a p o c iiH M K u
B O flb i
T e n .n o -
p a c n p e f le n e n n e
n 3 o 6 p a > K a io n iM X
u K apT H pÓ B aH H H n o fln o B e p x iio c T H b ix
n p e fle n a
T a x , p a 6 o T a K )iH M x n o
M iic jio p M a m iii
c o fle p j K a im e
flo n o jm e n o
n o jK a p O B , a
c o e A H iie n iiH M ii
ro -
iip M M e n a T aK ?K e flJ ia
in a x -
IG iK ,
n o ^ 3 e M n o i i B b in jia B K ii.
n p M M e H H e M O ił b T e M a T M Ti e c K O M K a p T M p o B a H M M
M H (J)p a K p a C H O M
o S j ia C T Il
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IIB C T a M M .
M c n 0 J i b 3 0 B a . n i c b o h h i i o h t m i ic K . : iK ) 'iM T e iib i io f l j ia K a p T i i p o B a i i i t H 6 i i 0 T M ’! e c K i i x m a 6 n o T M M e c K M x n o B p e J K f le iiM M
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CTpaH CTB, n a x o ; iH m iix c a
j ie c a x , a
co ctoh h m h x
Tanm e s r a
o 6 o 3 H a 'i e H i t H j i e c n b i x
B c b o i o o ' i e p e « b MnorocneKTpajibiibie a s p o c u M M k M iicno;ib3yiOTCH
jieniiji KapT, ii3o6pajKaioiuMx 3arpa3HeHMe BOflOxpannjinm.
T e M a T ii n e c K O f i K a p T o r p a c ł w i M
6 b ijm
n c n 0 J ib 3 0 B a n b i
T a K H c e K O C M ira e c K M e
, K aK aM ep u K aH C K M e, T aK w cO B e rc K M e , f lj ia c o c T a B jie u iiH
M a c n iT a S e
1 : 500 000
1 : 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 , a T aK JK e f ljia
Tołstikow a
K a p T b i 3 e M a e n 0 jiŁ 3 0 B a in ia
c o c T a B J ie im a
K a p T b i, n p e f l C T a B j i a -
jo m e f i c o c T O a u iie 3 a rp a 3 H e H M H a T M O C C ^ e p n o ro B 0 3 f ly x a b n o j i b i n e .
n p o M b m ij ie H u o ii y r p 0 3 w .
£)ane teledetekcyjne do potrzeb k arto w a n ia tem atycznego są w y k o rzy sty w an e
w In sty tu cie G eodezji i K arto g rafii od ponad 10 lat. Początkow o b yły to n iem al
w yłącznie czarno-białe zdjęcia lotnicze, później zostały w prow adzone in n e te ch n ik i
pozyskiw ania danych. Je d n ą z pierw szych była tech n ik a w y k o n y w an ia zdjęć
w podczerw ieni term aln ej. Za jej pomocą w ykonano w In sty tu cie w iele m ap o b ra ­
zujących rozkład te m p eratu ry wód w rzekach i zbiornikach obarczonych zrzu tam i
ciepłej w ody z elektrow ni cieplnych, opracow ano m apy w aru n k ó w m ik ro k lim atycznych w dużych m iastach i w ielkich zakładach przem ysłow ych. Tę te ch n ik ę
stosow ano także do zdobyw ania in fo rm acji o uszkodzeniach m iejskiej sieci ciepłow ­
niczej, któ rym i wzbogacono treść m ap ob razujących przebieg m iejsk iej sieci ogrzew ­
czej. W reszcie lotnicze obrazy te rm aln e stosow ano do w y k ry w an ia i k a rto w a n ia
pożarów podpow ierzchniow ych, oraz do u stalen ia zasięgu skażenia wód podpow ierzchniow ych zw iązkam i sia rk i w k o palniach p racu jący ch m etodą podziem nego
w ytapiania,.
In n ą tech n ik ą stosow aną szeroko w k arto w a n iu tem atycznym w IG iK b yły
zdjęcia w podczerw ieni o b arw ach nierzeczyw istych. W ykorzystano je niem al w y ­
łącznie do k arto w a n ia uszkodzeń biotycznych i abiotycznych w lasach sosnow ych,
a tak że do w yznaczenia obszarów leśnych zn ajd u jący ch się w różnych sta n ac h
zagrożenia przem ysłow ego.
Z kolei w ielospektralne zdjęcia lotnicze w ykorzystano do opraco w an ia m ap
ob razujących zanieczyszczenie zbiorników wodnych.
W k arto g rafii tem atycznej w ykorzystano rów nież zdjęcia sa telitarn e, zarów no
am ery kańskie, ja k i radzieckie. W ykorzystano je do opracow ania m ap u ży tk o w an ia
ziem i w skali 1 : 500 000 i 1 : 100 000, a także do opracow ania m apy o b razu jącej sta n
zanieczyszczenia pow ietrza atm osferycznego w Polsce.