
be up to sth – być zdolnym do czegoś
ask sb out – zaprosić kogoś gdzieś
bring sb round – cucić kogoś
call off – odwołać (np: spotkanie, kogoś ze stanowiska)
catch up with – nadrabiać, doganiać
be cut out for/ to be – być do czegoś stworzonym
come out – (1)wyjść na jaw (fakt); (2)schodzić (plama)
come across – natknąć się na
clear up – (1)wypogadzać się; (2)sprzątać
clean up – sprzątać
let sb down – zawodzić kogoś
keep up with – nadążać z
hold on – (za)czekać
go through – (1)przechodzić przez; (2)omawiać
get back – (1)wrócić; (2)odzyskać
be fed up with – mieć dość czegoś
fall out (with sb) – pokłócić się (z kimś)
see sb out – odprowadzić kogoś (do drzwi)
see sb off – odprowadzić kogoś (na stację, przystanek itp.)
put aside – odkładać (pieniądze)
put off - zniechęcać
put sb up – przenocować kogoś
put up with – znosić
pull up – zatrzymać się (samochodem)
make up for – wynagrodzić
look up – sprawdzić (w słowniku, książce telefonicznej itp.)
set off – wyruszyć
try out – wypróbować
take after – przypominać, być podobnym do
stand for – (1)znaczyć, oznaczać; (2)znosić
eXercIsE: Fill in the blanks with appropriate phrasal verbs Michał Kluz©06
So few people bought the tickets that we had to ……………… the concert ………… .
I’m really sorry for Jake. He’s ……………………… very hard time at present.
When people faint, some cold water may ……………… them ……………… .
When the scandal ……………………… the minister was ……………………… the post.
The boss decided to promote Joe to senior manager but I’m not sure if he ………………………
the job.
6. I’ve always wondered what the letters NATO ……………………… .
7. He’s terrible. I don’t know how she ……………………… him.
8. I’ve got a few days off so I’m planning to ……………………… reading my favourite books.
9. I’m telling he’s ……………………… the job. He’s the best.
10. I stained my favourite sweater at a party the other day but I used that new detergent and
the stain ……………………… .
11. While hoovering I ……………………… that ring you had lost last week.
12. If you don’t know the number to Fred why don’t you ……………… it ……………… in the
telepone directory?
13. If it ……………………… we’ll go hiking in the mountains.
14. You can’t watch TV until you ……………………… this mess.
15. Susan is a real friend. She’s never ……………… me ……………… .
16. I won’t ……………………… your ill behaviour any more. Either you change and apologise or I
don’t want to see you again.
17. “Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr Stevenson” “………………………, please. He’s coming”.
18. I lent the cassette to someone and I still can’t ……………… it ………………… .
19. I’m sorry, I have to go to work. I’ll ………………… it ……………… you when I …………………… .
20. I’m ……………………… this life. I have to change something or I’ll go mad.
21. It was very nice that my friends ……………… me ……………… when I was flying to the UK.
22. Don’t be ……………………… by the difficulties. Everyone finds it hard at the beginning.
23. “Oh, dear. It’s so late. I must be going”. “Don’t worry I can ……………… you ……………… if
you want”.
24. I’ve lost my job. Fortunately I’d ……………………… some money for a rainy day*1.
25. ……………………… at this car park. We have to check the road map.
26. Bobby is a computer freak but even he finds it hard*2 to ……………………… the changing
27. Sue and Tim ……………………… yesterday. They’re not talking to each other.
28. Why don’t we ……………………… this new Italian restaurant by the corner?
29. After a few nice talks I had a shot*3 and ……………… her ……………… . To my surprise she
agreed to have lunch with me.
30. Before we set off I think we should ……………………… the itinerary once again.
*1 a rainy day – (idiom.) czarna godzina
*2 find something hard – mieć z czymś kłopot
*3 I had a shot – Zaryzykowałe(a)m
Fold here
1. put…off; 2.going through; 3.bring…round; 4.came out, called off; up to; 6.stand for; 7.puts up with; 8.catch up with; 9.cut
out for; 10.came out; 11.came across; 12.look…up; 13.clears up; 14.clean up; 15.let…down; 16.stand for; 17.Hold on;
18.get…back; 19.make…up for, get back; 20.fed up with; 21.saw…off; 22.put off; 23.put…up; 24.put aside; 25.pull up; 26.keep up
with; 27.fell out; 28.try out; 29.asked…out; 30.go through

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