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Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
53 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570 • Phone: 508-943-0467 • Fax: 508-943-0808
E-mail: [email protected] • Parish WebSite: www.saintjosephbasilica.com
PALM SUNDAY also known as Passion Sunday, remembers
Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem near the end of a public
ministry spent almost entirely outside Israel’s capital city.
When Jesus entered the city with his entourage, people laid palm
branches on the road before him and greeted him as the longawaited Messiah, shouting, “Blessed is the king who comes in
the name of the Lord!”
Their celebrating didn’t last long. As they heard his teachings and
saw his behavior, both religious leaders and people on the
streets turned against Jesus. Within days, the adoring crowds
were shouting, “Crucify him!”
Lenten Cross in St. Joseph Basilica
Krzyż Wielkopostny w Bazylice Św. Józefa
NIEDZIELA PALMOWA nazywana jest również Niedzielą Męki
Pańskiej. Jest ona wspomnieniem uroczystego wjazdu Jezusa do
Jerozolimy. Mimo, że wjazd Jezusa do Jerozolimy miał charakter
wjazdu triumfalnego, faktycznie był początkiem Jego męki. Ci
sami ludzie, którzy krzyczeli na cześć Jezusa „Hosanna,
hosanna...”, kilka dni później krzyczeli: „Ukrzyżuj go...” Jezus
przyszedł, aby przepowiadać królestwo Boże ubogim. Sam był
ubogi i ogołocony ze wszystkiego. Nie zmienił tego triumfalny
wjazd do Jerozolimy. Siła i moc Jezusa oraz Jego Kościoła tkwi w
Bogu, a swój wyraz znajduje w miłości aż do końca. Pomyślmy
dzisiaj, kim dla mnie jest Jezus Chrystus? Czy w moim życiu nie
jestem podobny do tłumu Jerozolimskiego, tzn. najpierw wołam
„hosanna”, a potem skazuję Jezusa na krzyż moim
Sunday Vigil: 4:00 p.m.
Sunday: 7:00(Polish), 8:15, 9:30, 11:00(Polish)
Holy Day Vigil: 5:00 p.m.
Holy Day: 7:00, 8:15(Polish), 9:30, 7:00 p.m
Weekdays: 6:30 (m-f) & 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat.)
Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor Rev. Ryszard W. Polek
In residence
Rev. Joseph Bielonko
Adm. Secretary Terry Miller
Finance Secretary Ewa Mamro
Cemetery Mgr. Kevin Rekowski
Dir. of Rel. Ed.
Mary Jolda 508-949-2985
Robert Wójcik
Al Richard & Joseph Ziak
Saturday —
Eve of Holy Days —
Thursday before First Friday —
First Friday —
Sunday —
Everyday —
3:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
7:00 a.m.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0378 Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal —
Secretary —
Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Miss Heather Duclos
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April 5, 2009 - 5 kwiecien 2009 r.
Masses for the week - Msze Sw. Podczas Tygodnia
Sunday Vigil-April 4
r.s. Francis (45 yrs.) And Stasia (3 yrs.) Kujawski
-int. Daughter and family
Sunday-April 5 _ Palm Sunday _
Za wypominki
r.s. Stanley Kaliszewski -int. wife Irene
r.s. Leonard and Frances (Spiewak) Jacob
-int. Leonard Jacob and family
1) For the members of the Sacred Heart Society
2) s.p. Andrzej Chmielewski (1 rocz. sm.) -int. rodziny
Monday-April 6
r.s. Jay Zmetra -int. parents
2 pm
Christopher Heights
Tuesday-April 7
r.s. Alice Knych (3rd anniv.)
-int. husband, son and family
Wednesday-April 8
r.s. Bernard Bastek, Sr. and Frances Dusoe
-int. Stephanie Kos
r.s. Kurowski and Kaczala families and Frances
Larocque -int. Nellie Kaczala and son
Thursday-April 9 - _ Holy Thursday _ Wielki Czwartek _
Mass for those who cannot attend in the evening
7 pm
The Lord’s Supper and Procession to the Repository
Friday-April 10 _ Good Friday _ Wielki Piatek _
No Morning Mass
3 pm
Liturgy of the Cross
5:30 pm Adoration at the Holy Sepulcher & Gorzkie Zale
7:30 pm Adoracja przy grobie Pana Jezusa (po Polsku)
Saturday-April 11 - _ Holy Saturday _ Wielka Sobota _
7 pm
Easter Vigil
For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
_Easter Sunday-April 12 - Wielkanoc _
Resurrection Mass - Rezurekcja
For the priests of Saint Joseph Basilica
-int. New Britain Pilgrimage
For the Benefactors of Saint Joseph Basilica
For the Children and Youth of our parish
Za chorych i cierpiacych w naszej parafii
For the sick and suffering of our parish
III - Ania Leary and Christopher Cryan
Weekly $4592.75 (incl. $333.75 in loose money); Diocesan Obligations
$103; Fuel $969; Catholic Relief Services $657 (incl. $1250 in loose
For the week of April 5 through April 11, 2009
Sacred Heart Altar
Candle I - For the intention of the Sacred Heart Society
The second collection this weekend is designated for the
Diocesan Obligations
April 5, 2009
Christ Jesus humbled himself, becoming
obedient to the point of death, even death on a
cross. – Philippians 2:8
Holy Thursday. Mass and distribution of Communion for those
who cannot participate in the evening services.
Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7 pm (bilingual). This sacred
liturgy commemorates the establishment of the sacrament of the
Eucharist and the Priesthood. We invite
parishioners, all the school children and their
parents to participate in the solemn liturgy. Rite
of Reception of the Holy Oils, Washing of the
Feet of the twelve apostle representatives, and
procession on to the Repository will take place. It
has been a tradition to visit area Catholic
churches during the evening to say a prayer at the Repository. Keep
this tradition on-going with your children as a family. Our Basilica
will be open until 10 p.m. for your private prayers and reflection.
Good Friday. No morning Mass. The traditional
outdoor Stations of the Cross have been replaced
by the live Passion Play at 12 noon in Sacred
Heart Church. __At 3 pm the Liturgy of the
Lord’s Passion will begin at Saint Joseph
Basilica with adoration of the relics of the Holy
Cross and distribution of Communion. ___At
5:30 pm adoration services at the Holy Sepulcher in the Basilica
led by the Sacred Heart Society and the choir, followed by the
singing of Gorzkie Zale. At 7:30 pm, reflection/adoration will take
place in the Polish language.
Reminder: Good Friday is a day of Fast and Abstinence, which means
only one full meatless meal and two light meals may be taken.
_Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land. The offering given
at the adoration of the Cross is designated for the Holy Land which
sustains various ministries and assists the Franciscan Friars in the
works and to preserve the Holy Land’s precious Christian
Community. Bishop McManus asks that you keep the people of
the Holy Land in your prayers, and that we join our fellow
Catholics in the United States in making a generous contribution to
nourish the faith in this land.
Holy Saturday. No Morning Mass. The Easter
Vigil will begin at 7 p.m. with the blessing of new
fire, paschal candle and water followed by the
Resurrection Liturgy. During this important
celebration the Basilica Choir, accompanied by
musical instruments, will assist the liturgy. Holy
Water will be available at the conclusion of the
services and on Easter Sunday.
_Easter Sunday. The Resurrection Celebration
(bilingual) will take place at 6 a.m. with a solemn
procession from the Holy Sepulcher followed by
the Mass. We kindly ask all parish organizations
to take part in the services on this most solemn
day of the year. The 9:30 Mass is the special
children’s Mass and we invite all the parents to participate with
their children.
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April 5, 2009 - 5 kwiecien 2009
Swieconka. Traditional Blessing of Food will take place on Holy
Saturday in the school cafeteria every half-hour from 9 a.m. to 12
noon and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. If anyone wishes to have a priest
bless the food at their home, please call the rectory by Wednesday.
On Monday, April 6th, we will have the Sacrament of Penance for
all the faithful of Saint Joseph Basilica at 6 p.m. We encourage and
invite everyone to be reconciled with God and one another and
joyfully celebrate the resurrection of our Lord on Easter Sunday.
The presence of several priests from different parishes will be
available for your convenience.
The sacrament of the sick will be administered in the Basilica this
Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. followed by the singing of the Gorzkie
Zale. Members of the Sacred Heart Society will assist the elderly
and persons in wheelchairs. Parishioners are encouraged to bring
their loved ones to church for this special sacramental opportunity.
St. Joseph School Gym. I am delighted to report that St. Joseph
School received a one million donation to build the gym. The donor
is a man of faith who practices stewardship in his life and is
committed to the Catholic education of the children. He wants to
remain anonymous for the time being. The gym will carry his
name. We owe a special gratitude to him and the children will pray
for him especially during the First Friday Masses.
This major development gave new impetus to our project. I
appointed Mr. John McNally as General Chairman considering he
has excellent administrative skills and national visibility. With this
gift, we will begin the advanced gifts campaign across this country.
Several committees will be formed such as General Planning
Committee, Fund Raising, Finance, Publicity, Construction,
Ground Breaking and Alumni Research. Those interested in serving
on any of these committees please call the rectory or Mr. John
McNally, 508-949-0099.
May God bless those who will serve on the committees and our
generous donor.
Diocesan Declamation Contest. On Saturday, March 28, 2009,
twelve 6th, 7th and 8th grade students represented St. Joseph School
at the annual Diocesan Declamation Contest at St. Peter-Marian Jr.Sr. High School in Worcester. The students compete with students
from all diocesan schools. Ten St. Joseph School students
participated in the Reading Event category presenting readings in
Children’s Literature, Poetry, Prose, and Play Reading. For the first
time, students from Grade 6 were invited to compete in Children’s
Literature and Poetry.
Grade 6: Justyna Sudyka was awarded 2nd place in Children’s
Literature for her presentation of There’s No Place Like Space.
Kate Drabato received 3rd place in Poetry for her interpretation of
poems from Falling Up.
Grade 7: Katie Konieczny was awarded 2nd place in Children’s
Literature for her presentation of The True Story of the Three Little
Pigs. Sandra Milosek and Alexander Gardner were awarded 2nd
place in Play Reading for their presentation of Open to
Also representing St. Joseph School in the competition were:
Riley Yager of Grade 7 and Grade 8 students Daniel Gago,
Matthew Huberdault, Eric Marsh, Dawid Ochocki, Blair Reilly and
Nicole Tetreault. These students received a certificate of
recognition for outstanding effort.
MATH KANGAROO Competition. On Thursday, March 19,
2009 students from Massachusetts schools including seven from St.
Joseph School participated in the XI International Math Kangaroo
Competition. The purpose of this competition is to encourage
students to master their mathematical knowledge, give them
confidence in their ability for comprehending mathematics and help
them to understand how mathematics applies in nature's laws and
human activities. Students around the world competed against each
other at their grade level beginning with grade 2 through 12. St.
Joseph School was privileged to host this annual competition for
the second time which was coordinated by Ewa Mamro with help
from Sr. Jeanne, Sr. Mary Ann and Cindi Gardner. Students, who
considered this year’s test questions to be more difficult than last
year’s, are anxiously awaiting their score which should be available
in the middle of May. We would like to commend the students on
participating in this event and their parents for encouraging the
students to discover different ways to challenge their minds. St.
Joseph School students who participated in this competition were:
Gordon Ellis gr. 5, Robert Fanning gr. 2, Vito Fasulo gr. 2, Alex
Gardner gr. 7, Oktawia Gielarowiec gr. 4, Bartosz Mamro gr. 2,
Tomasz Mamro gr. 3 and Hannah Yash gr. 4. Congratulations and
good luck!
AUCTION. The Saint Joseph School and Home Association and
Dinner & Auction Committee would like to thank all parents,
parishioners and friends who supported the 2009 Dinner & Auction
at Point Breeze last weekend. For all of you who made donations
or attended the event, the Saint Joseph School family is stronger as
a result. The restaurant was filled to capacity and emanated energy
and excitement for what lies down the road for the school. Thank
you for all your support! – Tina Gorski-Strong, HSA Chair
Easter Sunday Collection for Educational Excellence. With the
steadily increasing enrollment in St. Joseph School, especially in
the lower grades, new technology and new enthusiasm among the
parents and parishioners, we are turning a new page in the
development of our school. The second collection on Easter
Sunday is traditionally dedicated to Educational Excellence at St.
Joseph School. Despite our personal opinions and preferences
about education the world takes only the best educated with a
properly developed character based on solid values. A dollar sign
is attached to all our achievements, and therefore I ask parents,
parishioners, visitors and friends to generously respond according
to their means to this Easter Sunday collection. The students of St.
Joseph School will take up the collection. May God bless your
The collection for Partners in Charity as of March 31st is $13809.
We still need $6441 to reach our goal. There is still a significant
number of people who have not contributed and we ask you to
submit your donation at your earliest convenience. Thank you for
your cooperation. – Betty Sabaj and Carolyn Swierzbin, co-chairs
Calendar: April 5-First Eucharist Parent/Student Session after 9:30
a.m. mass in gym. April 6-Religious Ed classes 5:30-6:30 pm. Pick
up students in Church. April 8-Make up session for First Eucharist
6:30 pm to 8 pm in cafeteria. April 15-Confirmation Parent/Student
Informational Meeting 7 pm to 8:30 pm in Cafeteria for all 10th
grade students in public and Catholic high schools.
Page 4
Rel. Ed Classes Registration for 2009-2010 school year will be in
the Religious Education Office on April 6 from 6:30 pm to 7 pm;
April 13 from 5 pm to 7 pm; April 27 from 5 pm to 7 pm. All
students need to re-register. Fees are due with registration. $30 for
one child and $20 for each additional child.
Passion Play Replaces Walking Stations of the Cross. This year,
the scheduled Walking Stations of the Cross will be replaced by the
live performance of the Passion Play by the Webster Youth Group.
The Passion Play will now be performed at 12 noon on Good Friday,
April 10th at Sacred Heart Church. All those who intended to
participate in the Walking Stations of the Cross are encouraged to
attend the Passion Play, which will include the stations. (Actors will
report for one final practice at 8:30 a.m. on Good Friday).
Film Next Youth Skit. For anyone interested in participating in the
next Youth Mass skit, we will meet at Memorial Beach (Webster
Lake) on Saturday April 11th from 9 am-noon. (If it rains, we will
meet at the Youth Center.) New “actors” are always welcome!
Please let Mrs. Valcour know if you are interested so she can
provide you with all the details. – Mary Ellen Valcour 508-943-9544
or [email protected]
Reminder: If you would like to donate to the Special Gifts Booth for
the Festival, please call Betty Sabaj (508-943-8570) or drop a note
into the church basket so the gift may be listed on the ticket. The
deadline is April 13, 2009. Thank you for your support. – Betty Sabaj
Mar. 30-$50 Frederick Kitka, Sr., Webster; Mar. 31-$500 Eugenia Kos,
Webster. Congratulations! We take pride in recognizing all the sellers of
the calendars for their dedication in promoting this fundraiser. The May
calendars are now available and may be purchased from your favorite
NOTE: Bingo will not be played on April 5 and 12 due to the
solemnity of the Easter Week. The next play date is April 19,
Please remove all winter baskets and decorations by April 12. Any
decorations remaining after this date will be discarded by cemetery
personnel. Reminder: Flowers are to be placed or planted in front of the
monument only.
The Polish Naturalization Independent Club Inc. of Worcester is
sponsoring a dance on Saturday April 25, 2009 to raise money for
scholarships. Hot/Cold buffet will be served. Signal/Blue Band of New
Britain will provide the music. Cost of ticket $20/person. Hours-7:30 pm to
1 am.
Dzisiaj o godz. 2:00 po południu rozpocznie się nabożeństwo dla
ludzi chorych oraz w podeszłym wieku, połączone z obrzędem
sakramentu namaszczenia chorych. Prosimy o pomoc w dotarciu
tym osobom do kościoła. Po nabożeństwie, o godz. 3:00 rozpoczną
się Gorzkie Żale.
Niedziela Palmowa rozpoczyna w liturgii Wielki Tydzień.
Najważniejsze dni Wielkiego Tygodnia to Święte Triduum
Paschalne: Wielki Czwartek, Wielki Piątek i Wielka Sobota.
WIELKI CZWARTEK. Rano o godz. 7.00 Msza św. cicha z
możliwością przyjęcia Komunii Świętej dla tych, którzy nie mogą
uczestniczyć w wieczornym nabożeństwie. Uroczysta Msza św.
Wieczerzy Pańskiej (w j. angielskim i polskim) będzie wieczorem
o godz. 7.00. W czasie tego nabożeństwa będzie obrzęd przyjęcia
olejów świętych, obrzęd umycia nóg, przeniesienie Najświętszego
Sakramentu do Ciemnicy i adoracja do godz. 10.00 w nocy.
Zachęcamy do prywatnej modlitwy i adoracji. Wielki Czwartek jest
liturgicznym wspomnieniem ustanowienia sakramentów eucharystii
i kapłaństwa i dniem szczególnej wdzięczności za obecność Boga w
tych sakramentach.
WIELKI PIĄTEK. W tym dniu nie odprawia się Mszy św. O
godz. 12.00 w południe zapraszamy na Przedstawienie Męki
Pańskiej w miejsce tradycyjnej Drogi Krzyżowej ulicami miasta.
Przedstawienie przygotowała młodzież z duszpasterstwa młodzieży
w Webster i odbędzie się ono w kościele Serca Pana Jezusa. O godz.
3.00 po południu rozpoczynamy liturgię Wielkiego Piątku z
czytaniem Męki Pańskiej, adoracją Krzyża i Komunią Świetą.
O godz. 5.30 rozpocznie się Adoracja przy Grobie Pańskim w j.
angielskim prowadzona przez Sodalicję Serca Pana Jezusa i chór.
Następnie odśpiewamy Gorzkie Żale. O godz. 7.30 zapraszamy na
adorację w j. polskim. Zapraszamy do wspólnej modlitwy.
Przypominamy, że w Wielki Piątek obowiązuje tzw. post ścisły,
który oznacza trzy bezmięsne posiłki w ciągu dnia, w tym jeden do
syta. Obowiązuje on osoby od 14 do 60 roku życia. Ofiary składane
przez nas w Wielki Piątek przeznaczone są na renowację zabytków
chrześcijaństwa w Ziemi Świętej.
WIELKA SOBOTA. Nie ma rannej Mszy św. Aż do nabożeństwa
wieczornego trwamy w adoracji przy Grobie Pańskim.
Nabożeństwo Wigilii Paschalnej rozpocznie się o godz. 7.00
wieczorem od poświęcenia ognia i wody. Następnie uroczysta Msza
św. Wigilii Paschalnej. Woda święcona będzie dostępna po liturgii
i przez Niedzielę Wielkanocną.
Błogosławieństwo pokarmów - na stół wielkanocny będzie w
sobotę w szkolnej cafeterii, co pół godziny począwszy od 9 rano aż
do 12 w południe i następnie od 1 do 3 po południu.
Błogosławieństwo pokarmów, które następnie spożywa się podczas
pierwszego posiłku w Niedzielę Wielkanocną przypomina nam o
uczcie niebieskiej, na którą Zmartwychwstały Pan zaprasza nas
Uroczysta Msza św. z procesją od grobu Pana Jezusa zwana
Rezurekcją, (w j. polskim i angielskim) będzie celebrowana o godz.
6.00 rano. Zapraszamy wszystkich do uczestnictwa w tej liturgii,
zwłaszcza organizacje parafialne. Połączone chóry parafialne będą
przewodniczyć śpiewom liturgii Wigilii Paschalnej i Rezurekcji.
Pozostałe Msze św. w tym dniu będą wg porządku niedzielnego.
Niech nas nie zabraknie, gdy cały Kościół świętuje największy cud
Chrystusa – Zmartwychwstanie, które stało się podstawą naszej
Zapisy na nowy rok szkolny 2009-2010 odbędą się w biurze nauki religii
w dniach: 6 kwietnia w godz. 6:30-7:00; 13 kwietnia 5:00-7:00, 27 kwietnia
5:00-7:00. Wszyscy uczniowie powinni się na nowo zapisać. Przy zapisie
pobierana jest opłata $30 oraz $20 za każde następne dziecko.
Druga kolekta dzisiaj przeznaczona jest na zobowiązania parafii wobec
Tradycyjnie, druga składka w Uroczystość Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego
przeznaczona jest na pomoc naszej szkole św. Józefa i będzie zbierana
przez uczniów.

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