Using of GIS in Architecture and Urban Design (Short Report)


Using of GIS in Architecture and Urban Design (Short Report)
Baczyńska K. (2003). Using of GIS in Architecture and Urban Design (Short Report).
In: M. Gajos, U. Myga-Piątek (ed.).
Geographical Information Systems. Interdisciplinary Aspects. University of Silesia,
Croatian Information Technology Association – GIS Forum, SILGIS Association, Sosnowiec, Zagreb, 11-16.
Geographical Information Systems - Interdisciplinary Aspects
University of Silesia - GIS Forum - SILGIS Association, Sosnowiec - Zagreb 2003
Jadwiga Baczyńska
Municipal Building’s Project Office in Kielce, Poland
Using of GIS in Architecture and Urban Design
(Short Report)
System is a group of related parts, which work together forming a whole.
The subject of design process for architects and urban planners is a space: space of
the city, space of the building, space of the country or region, it depends on the
scale of project. Space Information System is both a tool and an environment for
design process. There are two realities of the system: real and virtual, and
according to this there are two kinds of elements: digital and analog ones.
Connection between these two realities is fluent thanks to computer tools.
Architects and town planners use SIS both in real and virtual form.
According to the table 1, for Architecture and Urban planning the second and third
level of SIS is useful.
One of the definitions of Architecture includes function, construction and
form (FCF) as main elements of architectural object. In urban planning is the same,
but the range of the project is bigger. For example: function A and function B,
distance and connection between them could be both kitchen and living room or
centre and housing area. In GIS subject both urban and architecture is very detailed
scales. Construction solves all technical problems. Form is the most difficult from
GIS point of view. Sociological and psychological viewing is necessary, but firstly
aesthetic character of the space should be able to create with GIS.
Experience of the real city is very important in design process. Human being
gets the city by his mind, senses and feelings: he can see the city, hear it, smell it
(trees and cars), feel it (touching of the wind and rain, warm of walls in the evening
and cold of the underground during the day). Space perception depends on seasons,
sun position, weather, colours and space shape and proportion, speed of moving.
Model is always simpler then reality. Imagination and space viewing,
knowledge and talent, individual skills and experience let to read more or less from
the space model. Visualizations or 3d-models help to understand the project
properly, but perception of these and perception of the real space are two different
For designer the model is very necessary and important to see and feel design
space. For participants in discussion, model is used as an argument for somebody,
who makes a decision, most often – investor, but priority is “to show” not “to let
Baczyńska K. (2003). Using of GIS in Architecture and Urban Design (Short Report).
In: M. Gajos, U. Myga-Piątek (ed.).
Geographical Information Systems. Interdisciplinary Aspects. University of Silesia,
Croatian Information Technology Association – GIS Forum, SILGIS Association, Sosnowiec, Zagreb, 11-16.
Jadwiga Baczyńska
SIS levels
Space area
1. GIS
Information System Regional
2. LIS
Land Information planning
3. BIS
Information System
Conception of politics of
country’s space arrangement
-Space arrangement of region
MPZP-space arrangement plan
> 1:5000
< =1:5000
> =1:500
Decision of allowing to be built < 1:500
Table 1 SIS levels classification
Time necessary to build a good model or to prepare visualizations is still too
long. Programs and their libraries are not good enough to get the best effects. If the
ready solutions are used, work is faster, but not creative. The shortest work gives
the shoddy effects. Program libraries should be more flexible, infinitely. They
should be like a mathematical model of continuity: between every two different “x”
there is always another “x”. Till now libraries are only a group of examples.
Fig. 1 Hierarchy and structure of GIS
New technology in printing gives possibilities of very detailed picture in very
little size. Printing 3d models is able in very detailed form, never gets by hand.
Handmade drawings and models have got their own character and value, but
nowadays, when time of work is the most worth, handmade models are very
seldom. 3d model printer produces layer by layer the real 3d model. For hand made
pictures or models the scale was defined by the human body size: length of fingers,
arms, and eyesight reach. Now scale is no more a “size” of the product (drawing,
model) but it is an amount of details. “Zoom” functions and precision of outer tools
(printers, screens) allow producing the same picture or model both very small and
Baczyńska K. (2003). Using of GIS in Architecture and Urban Design (Short Report).
In: M. Gajos, U. Myga-Piątek (ed.).
Geographical Information Systems. Interdisciplinary Aspects. University of Silesia,
Croatian Information Technology Association – GIS Forum, SILGIS Association, Sosnowiec, Zagreb, 11-16.
Using of GIS in Architecture and Urban Design (Short Report)
very big with the same amount of details. The only reason for define the scale are
designers’ habits.
Design process
Fig. 2 Scheme of design process with GIS
GIS products can be classified into three groups: 2d, 3d, 4d. All of them
could be exploit in real and virtual form. The “real” are: posters, physical models
and movies. The “virtual” includes: computer drawings, computer models, and
digital films. All of them could be showed on the screen, but only 2d and 3d are
printable into the real form. Digital films can be showed in real space as a “demo” show of lights in steam. It is very new kind of art, proposed by VJ – visual jockeys.
As you go along the form of information is less and less important. Both virtual
and real is useable; the border is more and more fluent.
Nowadays we have formats for “real” 2d-products like: A0, A1, A2, B1,
B2… ect. They are measured in mm/mm [inch/inch]. In future probably 3dproducts will have their own formats measured in mm/mm/mm [inch/inch/inch].
Movies are measured in seconds, sometimes in screen size - mm/mm [inch/inch],
additionally in dpi. In future 4d format can be created and measured in
mm/mm/mm/sec. ‘Demo’ can be create for a building or urban interior in a real
scale to see it from human position. All of upper products: 2d, 3d, 4d, real and
virtual can be both input and output of GIS.
Computer system structure depends on the structure of the reality the system
is for. Computer system can be a n-dimensional structure with elements: point,
line, area, cube, grid, structure, structure of structures, but GIS as a computer
system used for architecture and urban planning in Poland is only a part of such
system. The simple connection between graphical information and text allowed
creating the simple database of land and landing owners. Digital maps are more
and more popular, but there are still a lot of areas with no digital maps, even in
towns and cities. Designers use raster maps and prepare cad drawings based on
them or commission preparing of digital map especially for the one project. In view
of this there are pieces of digital maps, few snippets not forming a whole.
Good example of space information system for architecture and urban design
is information prepared for competition in 2002 “FOKSAL”. This is a complete
information needed for design process, prepared in HTML format, including raster
(jpg, gif, tif), drawings (dxf), text (doc, acrobat reader format), tables (xls), and
sound. On the other hand there is quite a lot of designs and some of urban plans
and studies made by hand. "Studium" – a printed digital map pained by hand with
Baczyńska K. (2003). Using of GIS in Architecture and Urban Design (Short Report).
In: M. Gajos, U. Myga-Piątek (ed.).
Geographical Information Systems. Interdisciplinary Aspects. University of Silesia,
Croatian Information Technology Association – GIS Forum, SILGIS Association, Sosnowiec, Zagreb, 11-16.
Jadwiga Baczyńska
water paints, made in 2002 is able to see in one of a little town in central-southern
Economic situation in Poland does not allow using the newest tools.
Software and hardware is too expensive for average designer. There is a legislation
note: “Monitoring of changes - SIS organization (Conception of politics of
country’s space arrangement, point VII. 2. 3), but this is the higher level of Polish
legislation, not enough to cause the realization. Education program for architecture
students should include GIS subjects.
Albin J., Buczek G.: Otwarty zasób map. Urbanista 2003 nr 6, Warszawa.
Alexander Ch., Ishikawa S., Silverstein M., Jacobson M., Fiksdahl-King
J. Angel Sh., 1967: A pattern language. Towns. Oxford University Press, New
Baczyńska J., 1996: Zastosowanie Systemów Informacji Przestrzennej w
Architekturze i Urbanistyce, Uniwersytet Śląski, Sosnowiec.
Bielecki Cz., 1996: Gra w miasto. Fundacja Dom Dostępny, Warszawa.
Dembowska Z., 1971: Analiza systemów i modele matematyczne w
planowaniu przestrzennym. PAN, Warszawa.
Dictionary of Contemporary English, 1990: Longman, PWN, Warszawa.
Gądek Z., 1971: Kształtowanie wieloużytkowych obiektów
architektonicznych. Politechnika Krakowska, Zeszyty Naukowe nr 1, Kraków.
Gaździcki S.,1994: Systemy Informacji Przestrzennej. PAN, Warszawa.
Markowski T.: Konkurencyjność miast – prokonkurencyjne zarządzanie.
Urbanista 2003 nr 2, Warszawa.
Pietraszewski W., 1983: Podstawy informacyjne planowania przestrzennego.
PWE, Warszawa.
Projekt rozporządzenia Ministra Infrastruktury z dnia 30 czerwca 2003 r. w
sprawie sposobu ustalania wymagań dotyczących nowej zabudowy i
zagospodarowania terenu w przypadku braku miejscowego planu
zagospodarowania przestrzennego.
Stanowisko Krajowego Zjazdu Izby Urbanistów we Wrocławiu z dnia
14 czerwca 2003 r. w sprawie stanu gospodarki przestrzennej w Polsce po
uchwaleniu ustawy o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym,
Urbanista 2003 nr 3, Wrocław.
Szelińska E.: Skutki utraty ważności planów miejscowych. Urbanista 2003
nr 2, Warszawa.
Tatarkiewicz W., 1982: Dzieje sześciu pojęć. PWN, Warszawa.
Ustawa z dnia 27 marca 2003 r. o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu
przestrzennym (Dz. U. nr 80, poz. 717)
Baczyńska K. (2003). Using of GIS in Architecture and Urban Design (Short Report).
In: M. Gajos, U. Myga-Piątek (ed.).
Geographical Information Systems. Interdisciplinary Aspects. University of Silesia,
Croatian Information Technology Association – GIS Forum, SILGIS Association, Sosnowiec, Zagreb, 11-16.
Using of GIS in Architecture and Urban Design (Short Report)
Jadwiga Baczyńska
Municipal Building’s Project Office, Kielce, Poland
Using of GIS in Architecture and Urban Design
S u m m a r y
SIS is a system of systems: GIS, LIS and BIS. Using of them depends on the
range (the scale) of the project. For architecture and urban design process LIS and
BIS are the most useful systems.
There are three kinds of visual products in design process with GIS: 2d
drawings, 3d models and 4d movies. To create products of good quality, program
libraries should be more flexible, infinitely, continuous. Scale is no more a “size”
of the products but an amount of details. Architecture design process concern
function, construction and form. Form is the most difficult from GIS point of view.
Experience of the real space is different then experience of the virtual space,
because of simplicity of the model. Mind, feelings and senses give to human being
abilities of space perception. GIS used for architecture and urban planning in
Poland is only a part of an ideal system. Legislation, economical tools and
education programs could be very helpful in implementation of GIS.
Keywords: architecture, urban planning, reality, virtuality, scale, format
Jadwiga Baczyńska
Biuro Projektów Budownictwa Komunalnego S. A., Kielce, Polska
Zastosowanie Systemów GIS w Architekturze i Urbanistyce
S t r e s z c z e n i e
Systemy Informacji Przestrzennej klasyfikuje się na Systemy Informacji
Geograficznej, o Terenie i Budowlanej. Ich zastosowanie zależy od skali projektu.
W architekturze i urbanistyce wykorzystywane są głównie poziomy Systemów
Informacji o Terenie i Budowlanej. W procesie projektowym z wykorzystaniem
GIS powstają trzy rodzaje wizualnych produktów: rysunki (2d), modele (3d) i
filmy (4d). Do podniesienia jakości powyższych produktów potrzebna jest
ciągłość, elastyczność i nieskończoność bibliotek systemowych. Najtrudniejszym
do odzwierciedlenia w systemie GIS jest zagadnienie formy, która obok funkcji i
architektonicznourbanistycznego. Główną przyczynę stanowi różnica w percepcji przestrzeni
wirtualnej i rzeczywistej. Człowiek doświadcza otaczającą go przestrzeń poprzez
bogactwo umysłu, uczuć i zmysłów, a system jest znacznym uproszczeniem
rzeczywistości. Systemy GIS używane w Polsce do projektowania
Baczyńska K. (2003). Using of GIS in Architecture and Urban Design (Short Report).
In: M. Gajos, U. Myga-Piątek (ed.).
Geographical Information Systems. Interdisciplinary Aspects. University of Silesia,
Croatian Information Technology Association – GIS Forum, SILGIS Association, Sosnowiec, Zagreb, 11-16.
Jadwiga Baczyńska
architektoniczno-urbanistycznego są cząstkowe. Aby umożliwić powszechne
wdrożenie GIS dla potrzeb projektowych, należy stworzyć i zastosować
odpowiednie narzędzia prawne, ekonomiczne i edukacyjne.
Słowa kluczowe: architektura, urbanistyka, rzeczywistość, wirtualność, skala,