
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
Instytut Filologii Angielskiej
al. mjr W. Kopisto 2b
35-315 Rzeszów
tel. (017) 872 12 14
[email protected]
Revolution, Evolution and Endurance
in the English Language
and Anglophone Literature and Culture
organized by
the Institute of English Studies
celebrating 20 years
of English Philology in Rzeszów
November 12-13, 2015
first circular
Call for papers
In 1995 the Chair of English Philology was founded at the Pedagogical University in
Rzeszów. Since then, the former has evolved into the Institute of English Studies,
while the latter has become incorporated into the University of Rzeszów. Having
passed – as an Institute – through various stages of evolution, as well as a somewhat
unexpected revolution, we would like to celebrate the current state of affairs in the
best way possible: by organising a conference.
The ultimate aim of our conference is to provide a wide forum for discussion upon the
question of revolution, evolution and endurance as observed/reflected/enjoyed/
feared in the language, literature and culture of the English-speaking countries of the
world. The topics suggested include (but are by no means limited to):
evolution in language (diachrony vs. synchrony);
evolution/endurance in a language and across languages;
revolutionary methodologies in language studies;
sociolinguistic revolution;
morphological productivity: evolution or endurance?;
the evolution of teaching methodologies;
interference between languages.
 the evolution of the literary canon;
 evolution/revolution in the theoretical approaches in literary studies;
 depiction of revolution/evolution/endurance and their heroes in selected
literary texts;
 writers as revolutionaries/revolutionary writers;
 tradition vs. avant-garde in literature;
 information technology revolution and literature (new media, new messages,
new meanings; interactive literature, digital poetry);
 revolutionaries of style and storytelling,
 the evolution of the literary language (hybridization, creolization, etc.).
revolution and its destructive/formative/transformative potential;
social and cultural revolutions/evolution;
evolution/revolution in Anglophone history and culture;
enduring myths in Anglophone history and culture;
the endurance of Anglophone culture/tradition;
the endurance of national cultures in the era of globalization;
the evolution of mediated performances of ethnicity;
evolving ethnic/national/state boundaries;
revolutionary concepts and/or auteurs in performative arts;
cultural paradigm shifts – revolution or evolution?
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Prof. Joanna Durczak (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin)
Prof. Mirosława Ziaja-Buchholtz (Nicolaus Copernicus Univeristy, Toruń)
Prof. Bogusław Bierwiaczonek (Jan Długosz University, Częstochowa)
Prof. Piotr P. Chruszczewski (University of Wrocław and International Communicology,
Washington, D.C.)
Prof. Przemysław Łozowski (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin)
Prof. David Singleton (Trinity College, Dublin; University of Pannonia, Hungary) and
Dr Simone Pfenninger (University of Zurich)
Participants are invited to submit proposals for 20-minute presentations. Abstracts of
a maximum 300 words should be submitted by July 15, 2015, pasted into the
registration form provided, to [email protected]. All proposals will
be reviewed by the organizing committee. Participants will be notified of acceptance
by July 30, 2015.
Full versions of the articles intended for publication should be submitted to the
above address ([email protected]) by February 15, 2016. Papers
accepted for publication will appear in a reviewed volume published either by Peter
Lang within Studies in the English Language and Anglophone Literature and
Culture series or by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
All participants, both speakers and non-speakers, are requested to complete the
attached registration form and return it by 15 July 2015 to the conference email
Venue and accommodation
The conference will be held at the Institute of English Studies, University of Rzeszow,
ul. mjr W. Kopisto 2B, Rzeszów. The conference fee does not include the cost of
accommodation. There are a number of hotels in Rzeszów that we could recommend.
We will be more than happy to make reservations on your behalf once you have
informed us about the type of room you would like to stay in and the duration of your
The conference fee
The conference is scheduled to commence on Thursday in the early afternoon and
finish on Friday evening. The conference fee for the speakers (covering
refreshments, dinner on Thursday, lunch on Friday, participation certificate and
publication expenses): 350 PLN or €95 (€85 conference fee plus €10 for bank
transfer fees).
The conference fee for non-speakers (covering refreshments, dinner on Thursday,
lunch on Friday, and participation certificate): 250 PLN or €60 (plus €10 for bank
transfer fees).
The conference fee should be paid by bank transfer to the University of Rzeszów
account by September 30, 2015.
Conference account number:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
PBS Oddział Rzeszów
48 8642 1126 2012 1119 9353 0001
Mark your payment: “IFA Rewolucja, Ewolucja YOUR FULL NAME”
For transfers from abroad:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
PBS Oddział Rzeszów
IBAN: PL 48 8642 1126 2012 1119 9353 0001
Mark your payment: “IFA Rewolucja, Ewolucja YOUR FULL NAME”
Best regards and looking forward to seeing you in Rzeszów.
Organizing committee
dr hab. Agnieszka Uberman, prof. UR
dr Bożena Duda
dr Elżbieta Rokosz-Piejko
dr Marta Dick-Bursztyn
dr Anatol Szewel
mgr Donald Trinder

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