From the announcement of the National Electoral


From the announcement of the National Electoral
From the announcement of the National Electoral Commission
of 27 October 2015
on the results of the elections to the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
held on 25 October 2015
The elections were conducted by: the National Electoral Commission, 41 district electoral commissions and
27 859 constituency electoral commissions. 229 653
voters were appointed members of district electoral
460 Deputies were to be elected from among 7858
candidates registered on 387 lists of candidates by
17 electoral committees.
The number of persons having the right to vote equaled 30 629 150.
15 563 499 persons were given ballot papers, 9731
of which – on the basis of presented letters of attor-
ney and 145 702 – on the basis of a certificate of voting right. 45 538 voters were sent electoral packets.
The voter turnout equaled 50.92%.
15 597 073 ballot papers were removed from ballot
boxes, including 37 964 ballot papers removed from
envelopes provided for ballot papers.
The number of invalid ballot papers equaled 1738.
The number of valid ballot papers equaled 15 595 335.
The number of null and void votes equaled 394 664,
which is 2.53% of the total number of votes.
The number of valid votes equaled 15 200 671, which
is 97.47% of the total number of votes.
The following lists of candidates received the following number of valid votes nationwide:
lists no. 1 registered by the Law and Justice Electoral Committee (Komitet Wyborczy Prawo i
Sprawiedliwość) received 5 711 687 votes, which
is 37.58%;
lists no. 2 registered by the Civic Platform Electoral Committee (Komitet Wyborczy Platforma
Obywatelska RP) received 3 661 474 votes, which
is 24.09%;
lists no. 3 registered by the Together Party Electoral Committee (Komitet Wyborczy Partia Razem)
received 550 349 votes, which is 3.62%;
lists no. 4 registered by KORWiN Electoral Committee (Komitet Wyborczy KORWiN) received
722 999 votes, which is 4.76%;
lists no. 5 registered by the Polish People’s Party
Electoral Committee (Komitet Wyborczy Polskie
Stronnictwo Ludowe) received 779 875 votes,
which is 5.13%;
lists no. 6 registered by the United Left – Democratic Left Alliance+Your Movement+Polish Socialist Party+Labour United+Greens Coalition Electoral Committee (Koalicyjny Komitet Wyborczy
Zjednoczona Lewica SLD+TR+PPS+UP+Zieloni)
received 1 147 102 votes, which is 7.55%;
lists no. 7 registered by “Kukiz’15” Voters Electoral
Committee (Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców “Kukiz’15”) received 1 339 094 votes, which is 8.81%;
lists no. 8 registered by Ryszard Petru’s Modern
Electoral Committee (Komitet Wyborczy Nowoczesna Ryszarda Petru) received 1 155 370 votes,
which is 7.60%;
lists no. 9 registered by Single-Member Constituencies – Nonpartisan Voters Electoral Committee
(Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców JOW Bezpartyjni)
received 15 656 votes, which is 0.10%;
lists no. 10 registered by Zbigniew Stonoga Voters
Electoral Committee (Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Zbigniewa Stonogi ) received 42 731 votes,
which is 0.28%;
lists no. 11 registered by the Social Movement of
the Republic of Poland Voters Electoral Commit-
tee (Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Ruch Społeczny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) received 3941 votes,
which is 0.03%;
lists no. 12 registered by the United for Silesia Voters Electoral Committee (Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Zjednoczeni dla Śląska) received 18 668
votes, which is 0.12%;
lists no. 13 registered by Self-Defense Electoral
Committee (Komitet Wyborczy Samoobrona) received 4266 votes, which is 0.03%;
lists no. 14 registered by Grzegorz Braun “God
Bless!” Voters Electoral Committee (Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Grzegorza Brauna “Szczęść
Boże!”) received 13 113 votes, which is 0.09%;
lists no. 15 registered by Congress of New Right
Electoral Committee (Komitet Wyborczy Kongres Nowej Prawicy) received 4852 votes, which
is 0.03%;
lists no. 16 registered by the German Minority Voters Electoral Committee (Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Mniejszość Niemiecka) in the constituency
no. 21 received 27 530 votes, which is 0.18%;
lists no. 17 registered by Citizens to Parliament
Voters Electoral Committee (Komitet Wyborczy
Wyborców Obywatele do Parlamentu) in the constituency no. 19 received 1964 votes, which is 0.01%.
Lists of electoral committees entitled to participate
in the division of mandates received the following number of mandates in the State:
lists no. 1 submitted by the Law and Justice Electoral Committee received 235 mandates;
lists no. 2 registered by the Civic Platform Electoral Committee received 138 mandates;
lists no. 5 registered by the Polish People’s Party
Electoral Committee received 16 mandates;
lists no. 7 registered by “Kukiz’15” Voters Electoral Committee received 42 mandates;
lists no. 8 registered by Ryszard Petru’s Modern
Electoral Committee received 28 mandates;
lists no. 16 registered in the constituency no. 21 by
the German Minority Voters Electoral Committee
received 1 mandate.

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