RB /2011 – Akcjonariusze posiadający co najmniej 5% liczby


RB /2011 – Akcjonariusze posiadający co najmniej 5% liczby
RB 11/2016 – Shareholders holding at least 5% of the votes at the Extraordinary
General Meeting of the Bank 15 February 2016 – released 15 February 2016
Pursuant to art. 70 point 3 of the Public Offering, Conditions Governing the
Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies
Act, the Management Board of Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A. with registered seat in
Warsaw hereby presents a list of Shareholders of Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A.
holding at least 5% of the votes at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Bank on
15 February 2016.
1. Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej [National Fund
for Environmental Protection and Water Resource Management]
Number of votes at the EGM attached to shares held: 12 951 960
Share of votes at the EGM 15 February 2016: 72.31%
Share of total number of votes: 56.62%.
2. Nationale-Nederlanden Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny [Nationale-Nederlanden
Open Pension Fund]
Number of votes at the EGM attached to shares held: 1 200 000
Share of votes at the EGM 15 February 2016: 6.70%
Share of total number of votes: 5.25%.
3. Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny PZU “Złota Jesień” [Open Pension Fund PZU
„Golden Autumn” ]
Number of votes at the EGM attached to shares held: 1 100 000
Share of votes at the EGM 15 February 2016: 6.14%
Share of total number of votes: 4.81%.
4. Dyrekcja Generalna Lasów Państwowych [The State Forests National Forest
Number of votes at the EGM attached to shares held: 978 300
Share of votes at the EGM 15 February 2016: 5.46%
Share of total number of votes: 4.28%.