Wrocław, 28 lutego 2008 r


Wrocław, 28 lutego 2008 r
Wrocław, 31 August 2016
The Impel Group – strategy of growth in the face of significant changes in the labour costs
The Impel Group recorded over 12% increase in consolidated revenue from sales in H1
2016 totalling PLN 977.1. a considerable impact on the growth of sales was exerted by
effective valorization of contracts following the regulations concerning imposing social
security contributions for fixed-term agreements as of January 2016.
Wojciech Rembikowski, Impel SA Financial Director says – Revenue from newly acquired contracts
and good valorization of contracts ensured stability of the Company’s results. Consolidated profit on
operating activity after H1 2016 amounted to PLN 19.1 million and was lower by 9.5% than last year.
Net consolidated profit was PLN12.9 million and rose by over 33%.
In August this year new regulations came into force which will have tremendous impact on the labour
market. The President of the Republic of Poland signed an act on amending minimum wage for work.
The act sets the hourly rate at PLN 13 (gross amount) for workers under civil law employments
contracts as of January 2017. There follows increase in labour costs, on the one hand, and increased
minimum wage resulting from increased hourly rate for fixed term contracts, and increased minimum
wage which according to proposed change will total PLN 2,000 (gross amount).
Grzegorz Dzik, President of Impel SA says: For the Impel Group this is another challenge following
imposing social security – as of 2016. We perceive this important statutory regulation a change for
further standardization of the labour market in services. A year ago we began negotiations of
contracts due to increasing costs as the costs of obligatory social security contributions rose to the
level of national minimum wage. Despite the termination of part contracts provided, where our
customers did not agree on rise in prices for services, due to our determination, we finally completed
96% of the valorization target. As of 2016 we systematically observe we notice decrease in impact on
minimum wage increased hourly rate for fixed term contracts on results. Statutory increase in wages
for fixed term contracts as of 2017 is a huge challenge, but at the same time it is a great opportunity
for the Impel Group and its employees. Both introduced changes mean an increase in costs, but also
improve security and the wages of staff employed on contracts, therefore exert positive influence on
the quality of provided services. The condition for success of valorization of prices for services,
enabling valorization of prices for services, and allowing to conform to minimum wage, will be the
knowledge of the customer concerning the statutory reasons and inevitability of growth of labour
costs on the market. We believe that the customers will accept price proposals, which result only from
Impel SA
Katarzyna Marszałek (71) 78 09 107, [email protected]
the minimum wage amendment Act – says Grzegorz Dzik, President of Impel S.A. adds in our
approach we take on on secure provision of services, and an optimal shaping od costs of contracts
due to new statutory costs of labour. We are well prepared, have necessary experience, create new
organization solutions, and conduct active communication market policy concerning changes. This is a
chance for those companies which perceive outsourcing as providing the customer benefits thanks to
optimization of outsourced process, and also seek new solutions and methods of operation.
InQ1 2016 the organizational structure of the Impel Group changed. Business areas were divided into
two segments comprises cleaning services, technical maintenance of properties and manned guarding
etc.), and BPO – support for business processes ( IT services, accounting and payroll service, tax
consulting, archiving and digitization of documents, and cash processing). The new structure aims at
generating synergy, basing on strong focus on customer and efficient management of portfolio of
contracts and internal processes.
Grzegorz Dzik, the President of Impel SA stresses that the new structure allows obtaining clarity and
effectiveness in managing the Impel Group. By simplifying the structure we gain focus on core
business of FM and newly-defined BPO area in which we see the greatest potential of strategic
development. The market makes us compete and seek new segments of operations.
In the first half of 2016, the Group increased sales in FM segment (former FM and Manned Guarded
Security of property). The revenue amounted to PLN 893.1 million i.e. higher by 12.8% compared to
the same period last year.
Bogdan Dzik, Vice-President of Impel SA Management Board and General Director of FM segment
says; We strengthen our position by acquiring prestigious contracts where combine at least two
services –cleaning and guarding. Recently we contracted practically two facilities from the Culture
Zone in Katowice, we provided services at the NATO summit at PGE National stadium, provided
security services during 73. Edition of Tour de Pologne, and provided guarding during Rihanna
concert. We develop our competence in high growth potential sectors e.g. services for prestigious
chain of 4 star hotels.
Bogdan Dzik, Vice-President of Impel SA Management Board stresses; - We see increasing awareness
of customers for the need of valorization resulting from changes of regulations in public procurement.
Advantageous change regulations in public procurement Law conducted in 2015 and 2016 enables us
to win contracts in which price is not the only choice criterion. The negative trend of minimum price
criterion and lack of valorization in previous years begins to slowly reverse, by elimination of negative
factors affecting our operations. This is a chance for the companies whose potential is recognized in
seeking solutions together with customers having potential and competence.
Impel SA
Katarzyna Marszałek (71) 78 09 107, [email protected]
Jakub Dzik, Vice-President of Impel SA Management Board and General Director of BPO segment The
revenue in BPO in H1 2016 totalled i.e. higher by over 4% compared to the same period last year.
The segment profitability rose – 12.6% vs. 8.2% in 2015. The growing revenue result from increase
cooperation with regard to existing contracts and the new ones in IT area. – It is our mission to
develop in areas which we see high profitability. Development of technology in the Group concerns
also our core products integrated in FM area. The Potential of the market in Poland is still immense,
and we want to join the leaders creating solutions for BPO market.
Impel to największa w Polsce grupa firm specjalizujących się w outsourcingu usług dla instytucji i
przedsiębiorstw. Posiada 25-letnie doświadczenie we współpracy z wymagającymi klientami, których
obsługuje w całym kraju poprzez sieć 44 oddziałów. Impel oferuje kompleksowe rozwiązania, a nie
tylko pojedyncze usługi, optymalizujące obszary organizacji pracy, doboru technologii oraz zarządzania
personelem. Grupa oferuje największą na rynku polskim liczbę usług dla biznesu w następujących
jednostkach biznesowych:
Obsługa nieruchomości: usługi porządkowo-czystościowe, catering, wynajem i serwis
odzieży/pościeli, zarządzanie nieruchomościami, serwis techniczny obiektu, remont/inwestycje,
dostawa produktów BHP, dostawa produktów utrzymania czystości, pralnictwo, outsourcing
personelu medycznego.
Zapewnianie bezpieczeństwa: fizyczna ochrona mienia, monitoring i techniczne systemy
zabezpieczeń, cash handling.
Obsługa procesów biznesowych: usługi kadrowo-płacowe, usługi księgowe, doradztwo
Grupa Impel obsługuje 6,5 tys. klientów na terenie całego kraju. Zarządza pracą 55 tys. osób.
W filozofię działania Grupy Impel wpisane jest wspieranie przedsięwzięć społecznych, kulturalnych i
sportowych oraz troska o osoby potrzebujące pomocy. Impel wspiera drużynę żeńskiej siatkówki
Impel Wrocław. Grupa wraz z Fundacją „Na ratunek dzieciom z chorobą nowotworową” i zespołem
lekarskim Uniwersytetu Medycznego we Wrocławiu wspiera budowę nowej siedziby Kliniki
Transplantacji Szpiku, Onkologii i Hematologii Dziecięcej - „Przylądek Nadziei”.
Impel SA
Katarzyna Marszałek (71) 78 09 107, [email protected]