International Association of Teachers of English


International Association of Teachers of English
International Association of Teachers of English
as a Foreign Language in Poland
Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Języka Angielskiego w Polsce
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to join us
on Saturday March 15th, 2014 at 9.30 a.m.
at the Teacher Training College in Wrocław (NKJO)
ul. Skarbowców 8a, 53-025 Wrocław
for a workshop entitled
‘Thinking in the EFL class’
run by Tessa Woodward
In this practical workshop, Tessa will give you a taste of her book with Helbling publishers
entitled ‘Thinking in the EFL Class’. She will give a brief introduction and then involve you
straightaway in trying out experientially some of the ideas in it so you can experience them as
a student would. These language class ideas are useful in secondary and tertiary classes. They
will help you to set an atmosphere conducive to thinking (your own as well as your students!).
They require little preparation and no new technology (unless you WANT to use technology
to do them). During the workshop there will be plenty of fun, lots of practical trying out, and time
to discuss the activities after each one, their advantages and disadvantages and the changes
you may want to make to adapt them to your style of teaching and your language classes.
Tessa Woodward is a teacher, teacher trainer,
and the Professional Development Co-ordinator
at Hilderstone College, Broadstairs, Kent, UK.
She also edits The Teacher Trainer journal for
Pilgrims, Canterbury, UK. She was President of
IATEFL from 2005-6 and is now one of IATEFL’s
international ambassadors. She is the author of
many books and articles for language teachers
and for teacher trainers. Her latest book is
Thinking in the EFL Class (2011) Helbling
Languages. She has another one in the pipeline
called ‘Something to Say’ and co-authored with
Seth Lindstromberg. At work she is very
interested in how adults learn. In her free time
(which she hopes to have more of this year!)
she loves horse riding, walking, writing, singing
and being with friends.
The workshop is free for IATEFL members.
Early registration fee for non-IATEFLers is 20 PLN and should be paid by March 3rd, 2014
into IATEFL bank account in Bank Zachodni WBK o/Warszawa
(a copy of proof of payment should be sent to [email protected] via email):
Account no.: 16 1090 1883 0000 0001 0194 5244
Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Języka Angielskiego w Polsce - IATEFL Poland
ul. Michałowskiego 4
31-126 Kraków
with the annotation: “Szkolenie językowe IATEFL Poland – Region Wrocław 15.03.2014”
The late registration fee for non-IATEFL members is 30 PLN and can be paid on the spot.
All the workshop participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance.
Some refreshments will be provided during a 30-minute break.
The event is scheduled to last until approximately 1 p.m.
During the workshop you will be able to buy books published by Helbling Languages from the EGIS
Please confirm your attendance by e-mail to [email protected] or
[email protected] by Monday 10th March 2014 at the latest.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the workshop!
Joanna Leszkiewicz
Agnieszka Mirowska
Tomasz Gładysz
Wrocław Region Representative
Teacher Training SIG Coordinator
Head of the Teacher Training College
ul. Skarbowców 8a, 53-025 Wrocław

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