Zapadalność na infekcje dróg oddechowych oraz częstość


Zapadalność na infekcje dróg oddechowych oraz częstość
Zapadalność na infekcje dróg oddechowych oraz
częstość hospitalizacji dzieci urodzonych
przedwczesnie i poddanych profilaktyce zakażeń
wirusem R
Incidence and the hospitalization frequency for respiratory tract infections in premature
infants receiving the RSV infection prophylaxis
Justyna Milczewska, Joanna Żydak, Barbara Kassur-Siemieńska, Anna
Introduction. RSV infection is very frequent in infants and younger children. Infants with
prematurity, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and congenital heart disease are particularly
vulnerable to this infection. They are recommended to receive the prophylaxis (monoclonal
antibodies anti-RSV - palivizumab). Aim. The aim of our study was to estimate the
incidence of respiratory tract infections in premature infants who underwent the RSV
infection prophylaxis. Methods. 27 infants aged 3-19 months were included in the study.
They were born prematurely (24-35 Hbd), with birth weight of 520-2390 g. Nineteen
patients suffered from bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The studied children received the RSV
infection prophylaxis (monoclonal antibodies - palivizumab) since December 2005 till
March 2006 and since November 2006 till March 2007. The incidence of respiratory tract
infections during the winter season 2005/2006 was estimated. Results. In the study group,
in 7 children no respiratory tract infections were observed. In 16 children 1-3 infections
occurred and their course was mild. Pneumonia requiring hospitalization was stated in 4
patients. Conclusions. The results of our study confirmed the results of previous studies
that showed statistically significant reduction of the frequency of hospitalizations in
children receiving palivizumab.