Egzamin gimnazjalny Zestaw egzaminacyjny A


Egzamin gimnazjalny Zestaw egzaminacyjny A
Egzamin gimnazjalny
Zestaw egzaminacyjny A
Zadanie 1 (3 pkt)
01 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy rozmowy (1.1–1.3). Przyporządkuj każdej z nich
miejsce, w którym się ona odbywa (A–D). Wpisz właściwe litery w kratki. Jedno
miejsce nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
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Zadanie 2 (3 pkt)
02 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad z nastolatką. Z podanych możliwości
odpowiedzi (A, B, C) wybierz jedną, zgodną z treścią nagrania.
2.1 On Saturday mornings Lisa
A plays basketball.
B has dancing lessons.
C goes swimming.
2.2 Lisa’s favourite TV programmes are
A sports programmes.
B reality shows.
C films.
2.3 On Sundays Lisa never
A does her homework.
B gets up early.
C visits her friends.
Zadanie 3 (4 pkt)
03 Wysłuchaj rozmowy i uzupełnij luki (3.1–3.4) w notatce recepcjonistki
w hotelu młodzieżowym jednym słowem lub liczbą.
The guest stayed in the hotel from July 30
to 3.1 5 .
Room number 3.2 She left a 3.3 T–shirt.
The guest’s name: Anna 3.4 2
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Zadanie 4 (4 pkt)
04 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery krótkie wypowiedzi. Do każdej z nich dobierz
właściwą reakcję (A–E). Wpisz właściwe litery w kratki 4.1 – 4.4. Jedna reakcja
nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
If I were you I’d ask someone to teach me.
You must be kidding! She hates him.
Because I don’t like her.
Thanks, I will.
That’s a good idea. What about tomorrow morning?
Zadanie 5 (4 pkt)
Do każdej sytuacji (5.1–5.4) dobierz właściwą reakcję. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.
5.1 Zastanawiasz się nad wyjazdem nad morze. Jak poinformujesz o tym
A Let’s go to the seaside together.
B I think I’ll go to the seaside.
C You should go to the seaside.
5.2 Nie możesz sobie poradzić z automatem do napojów. Jak poprosisz
przechodnia o pomoc?
A Do you know how this machine works?
B I have to ask somebody for help.
C This machine is out of order, isn’t it?
5.3 Widziałeś/aś ostatnio bardzo dobry film i chcesz go polecić koleżance. Jak to
A Have you seen that film yet?
B Can you recommend me a good film?
C You must see that film. It’s brilliant.
5.4 Chcesz się dowiedzieć, jakie plany na wieczór ma twój kolega. Jak to zrobisz?
A Why don’t we go to the cinema tonight?
B Are you doing anything special tonight?
C Can you plan something for tonight?
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Zadanie 6 (4 pkt)
Dopasuj do każdej wypowiedzi (6.1–6.4) jedną z podanych reakcji językowych (A–E).
Wpisz właściwą literę w każdą rubrykę tabeli. Jedna reakcja została podana
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
Would you like some juice?
I think I can manage to swim across this river.
I’m really sorry to be late again.
I think it’s a good idea to ask Jane for help.
It’s alright. Sit down.
Oh, yes. I’m really thirsty.
Yes, she always knows what to do.
I have no idea who can help.
Don’t do it! It’s dangerous.
Zadanie 7 (4 pkt)
Zapoznaj się ze zdjęciem. Odpowiedz po angielsku na pytania 7.1–7.2. Udziel
odpowiedzi pełnymi zdaniami.
7.1 What are the people in the picture doing?
7.2 Do you like going to the zoo? Why?
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Zadanie 8 (4 pkt)
Uzupełnij odpowiedź Marysi na wiadomość, którą otrzymała od Jenny. Wybierz
właściwe, poprawne pod względem gramatycznym i leksykalnym uzupełnienie
luk 8.1 – 8.4.
Hi Marysia
Why haven’t you written for so long? Has anything happened to you?
I’m worried. What about our holiday plans? I’d like to know when you are
coming to Britain. Write soon.
Dear Jenny
Sorry I haven’t written for so long. I’m fine, but last week something awful
happened to me. On Wednesday morning, I 8.1 to school
as usual when suddenly a group of boys came up to me and they snatched
my bag away. They ran away very quickly so I didn’t even notice 8.2 they looked like. Later that day I found my bag in the bushes by the street, but
my mobile phone wasn’t there. I’ve been a little scared since then. The police say
they know the gang and they hope 8.3 them.
As to our holiday plans, I’d like to come to Britain at the beginning of July.
I can’t 8.4 to meet you.
Write soon
8.1 A walked
B was walking
C have walked
8.2 A what
B how
C who
8.3 A catching
B catch
C to catch
8.4 A wait
B stay
C keep
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Zadanie 9 (4 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Uzupełnij luki 9.1–9.4
w tekście zdaniami A–E tak, aby był on spójny i logiczny. Wpisz właściwą literę
w każdą lukę. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
Thursday 17th
comments 0
Jack decided to spend a day in the newly opened shopping centre near his house. He asked his parents to give him some
money and went out. On the way he met Monica, his schoolmate, and she joined him. 9.1 It was a huge
five-floor building. They didn’t have enough money to do any shopping so they just looked at some window displays and
decided to go to the cinema. It was on the fifth floor next to a Mexican restaurant. 9.2 There was no
better way to reach the top of the building. They went into the lift, the door closed and they went up very fast. Suddenly,
they heard a strange noise, and the lift stopped between two floors. 9.3 They were trapped and a little
frightened. Luckily, the security guards called for help. It took the mechanics about an hour to repair the lift. It was too
late for the film then but the owner of the shopping centre wanted to apologise to them. 9.4 They had a
delicious Mexican meal.
A To get up there one could use an amazing lift that looked like a glass pipe.
B He invited them to the restaurant instead.
C He got angry and asked them to leave the shopping centre.
D They got to the centre and were surprised at its size.
E Jack pushed the buttons but it didn’t help.
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Zadanie 10 (4 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, a następnie do akapitów 10.1–10.4 przyporządkuj
właściwe tytuły (A–E). Wpisz właściwą literę w każdą lukę. Dwa tytuły zostały
podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnego akapitu.
Life in Australia and New Zealand
10.1 In both Australia and New Zealand the weather is warm and the cities are not
crowded, so naturally people spend a lot of time outside. Although there are flats
in cities, most people like to live in a house of their own with a garden.
10.2 Playing and watching sport is a very important part of life in both countries.
Water sports are especially popular. Most places in Australia and New Zealand are
close to the sea, so almost everyone learns to swim. Surfing and sailing are also
10.3 In both countries you can find a mixture of English, Maori and Aboriginal
cultures, and this often seems funny or surprising to visitors.
English is the main language in both countries, although in New
Zealand Maori is an official language, too.
10.4 There are lots of English place names in Australia and New
Zealand, like Brighton and Hamilton. Some older people still
talk about ‘home’ and mean Britain, and you can still find
things that really belong to Britain more than Australia or
New Zealand. At Christmas, for example, you can buy and send
Christmas cards with pictures of snow and wood fires, even
though the temperature may be 25 degrees Celsius.
Favourite pastime
Old traditions
Living conditions
Geographical situation
Different nations
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Zadanie 11 (4 pkt)
Przeczytaj wiadomości 11.1–11.4, które dostał Mark i dopasuj do nich zdania
A–F. Wpisz właściwą literę w każdą lukę. Dwa zdania nie pasują do żadnej
11.1 Mark, don’t forget about
the volleyball match tonight.
Please don’t be late.
11.2 Mark, I think you should say
sorry to Tricia. It wasn’t fair to call
her a liar.
11.3 Mark, send me Sue’s phone
number, please. I have to
call her and I can’t find it
11.4 Mark, I’ll help you with that geography
project but you have to find some photos
of African wildlife.
The person suggests a meeting.
The person offers to do something.
The person reminds Mark about something.
The person asks Mark for information.
The person apologises to Mark.
The person advises Mark to apologise to someone.
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Zadanie 12 (5 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższą ulotkę reklamującą zamek Hampton Court i zdecyduj, które
zdania (12.1–12.5) są zgodne z jej treścią (True), a które -nie (False). Wpisz znak
X we właściwe kratki w tabeli.
Welcome to Hampton Court Palace
Opening times: Monday–Sunday 10.00–16.30
✤ You need one to three hours to visit the palace.
✤ Audio guides in English, French, German, Italian and
Spanish are included in the price of your admission ticket.
Please note:
◆ We do not allow photography, filming or sketching inside the
◆ Switch off mobile phones inside the palace.
◆ Eating and drinking are not allowed in the state rooms.
You can visit the palace on any day of the week.
You can take a tour that is less than one hour long.
You don’t have to pay extra for audio guides.
You have to know English to understand the audio guides.
You can make a phone call inside the palace.
Zadanie 13 (3 pkt)
Do każdej tabliczki informacyjnej (13.1–13.3) dopasuj właściwe miejsce (A–D).
Wpisz odpowiednie litery w kratki. Jedno miejsce zostało podane dodatkowo
i nie pasuje do żadnej tabliczki.
Shake well before use.
All credit cards accepted.
Air-conditioned compartment. Don’t open the window.
river bank
carton of orange juice
booking office
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