Egzamin gimnazjalny Zestaw egzaminacyjny B


Egzamin gimnazjalny Zestaw egzaminacyjny B
Egzamin gimnazjalny
Zestaw egzaminacyjny B
Zadanie 1 (3 pkt)
01 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy rozmowy. Odpowiedz na pytania 1.1–1.3,
zakreślając literę A, B lub C.
1.1 What animal does Terry have?
1.2 What is Jill’s favourite school subject?
A Geography.
B History.
C Biology.
1.3 Where are the teenagers talking?
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Zadanie 2 (4 pkt)
02 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź młodego kucharza. Zdecyduj, które
zdania 2.1–2.4 są zgodne z jej treścią (TRUE), a które – nie (FALSE). Wpisz znak X
we właściwe kratki w tabeli.
Tom is the only young person in the restaurant where he works.
He complains about working hours and money.
His ambition is to open his own business in the future.
Tom talks mainly about the fun he has at work.
Zadanie 3 (3 pkt)
03 Wysłuchaj rozmowy i uzupełnij luki (3.1–3.3) w notatce Chrisa jednym
słowem lub liczbą.
Arrival day – 3.1 at 10.30.
Flight number – BA 3.2 .
Clothes – black jacket and an 3.3 scarf.
Zadanie 4 (4 pkt)
04 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery krótkie wypowiedzi. Do każdej z nich dobierz
właściwą reakcję. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.
4.1 A She doesn’t like sport.
B She’s nice and friendly.
C She’s my best friend.
4.2 A I think you’re right.
B I don’t think so.
C It’s really great.
4.3 A It’s alright.
B Yes, you should.
C Don’t do it.
4.4 A What a shame!
B That’s impossible!
C Congratulations!
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Zadanie 5 (4 pkt)
Do każdej sytuacji (5.1–5.4) dobierz właściwą reakcję. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.
5.1 Kolega proponuje ci obejrzenie meczu siatkówki, a ty nie masz na to ochoty.
Co mu powiesz?
A You shouldn’t watch this volleyball match.
B Sorry, but I’m not interested in volleyball.
C Why don’t we watch this volleyball match together?
5.2 Koleżance podobała się ostatnia część Harry’ego Pottera, a ty masz
odmienną opinię. Co powiesz?
A I don’t think it was very good.
B You must see it again.
C I may want to see it again.
5.3 Chcesz skorzystać z telefonu komórkowego kolegi. Jak go o to poprosisz?
A I want your mobile.
B Shall I use your mobile?
C Could I use your mobile?
5.4 Radzisz koleżance, aby uprawiała jakiś sport. Co jej powiesz?
A Do you have to do any sport?
B I think you should do some sport.
C I hope you do some sport.
Zadanie 6 (4 pkt)
Dopasuj do każdej wypowiedzi (6.1–6.4) jedną z podanych reakcji językowych (A–E).
Wpisz właściwą literę w każdą rubrykę tabeli. Jedna reakcja została podana dodatkowo
i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
Do you know how this machine works?
What do you think of John’s new girlfriend?
Go straight and then turn left, then right, then go past
the park and up the hill. And then ask somebody else.
You know what? I’m going to America for my holiday.
She looks nice, but I don’t know her.
I don’t think she’s his girlfriend.
Really? Where exactly?
Sure. Insert the coin and push this button.
Thanks. I think I’ll take a taxi.
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Zadanie 7 (4 pkt)
Zapoznaj się ze zdjęciem. Odpowiedz po angielsku na pytania 7.1–7.2.
Udziel odpowiedzi pełnymi zdaniami.
7.1 What are the boy and the girl in the picture doing?
7.2 What CDs do you usually buy and why?
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Zadanie 8 (4 pkt)
Uzupełnij odpowiedź Asi na wiadomość, którą otrzymała od Michelle, wpisując
w każdą lukę 8.1–8.4 wyraz z ramki w odpowiedniej formie.
break begin bad lucky
Hi Asia
I hear you’ve been ill. What’s the problem?
Do you have to stay in bed?
I’m really worried.
Write soon
Dear Michelle
Thanks for writing to me. I had a really bad cold two weeks ago but
something even 8.1 happened to me last week.
When I was leaving the house I slipped down the stairs and 8.2 my arm. It will be in plaster for six weeks. 8.3 , it doesn’t
hurt any more, but at the 8.4 I felt a terrible pain in my
elbow. I don’t have to stay in bed, so what about meeting one day?
Write soon
Zadanie 9 (4 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Uzupełnij luki 9.1–9.4
w tekście zdaniami A–E tak, aby był on spójny i logiczny. Wpisz właściwą literę
w każdą lukę. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
Life in the USA
The United States is the third largest country in the world.
It’s in central North America. 9.1 The USA spreads from
the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west.
The first people arrived in the USA from Asia thousands of years ago. They lived
on the land and had farms. 9.2 The first Europeans arrived in the 1600s.
They came from countries such as Britain, Spain, Germany, France and Sweden. After they arrived,
many Native American Indians died from European diseases. 9.3 The Europeans gave them
small areas to live in called reservations. The population changed again in the 1640s when Americans
brought slaves from Africa. In 1865 slavery ended.
Today there are more than 300 million people in the USA. 9.4 About 80% of people speak
American English as their first language. About 12% speak Spanish as their first language. Other
languages people speak include German, Italian, Polish and Greek. Many different people live in the USA.
Today these people are called Native American Indians.
More than 20 million of them were born in other countries.
They arrived in a ship called the Mayflower.
It’s situated between Canada in the north and Mexico in the south.
They also lost their land.
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Zadanie 10 (4 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, a następnie do akapitów 10.1–10.4 przyporządkuj
właściwe tytuły A–E. Wpisz właściwą literę w każdą lukę. Jeden tytuł został
podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego akapitu.
10.1 Matthew Cuthbert lived with his sister Marilla on their farm on Prince
Edward Island in Canada. Their farmhouse, Green Gables, was just
outside the little village of Avonlea. Matthew was nearly sixty and his
sister was five years younger. Everybody in Avonlea knew that they were
quiet people who worked on their farm.
10.2 One afternoon Matthew drove the horse and cart to the station.
‘Has the 5.30 train arrived yet?’ he asked the station master.
‘Yes,’ the man replied. ‘And there’s a passenger who’s waiting for you.
A little girl.’
‘A little girl?’ asked Matthew. ‘But I’ve come for a boy! The children’s
home is sending us one of their orphan boys. We’re going to adopt him,
you see, and he’s going to help me with the farm work.’
‘Well, perhaps the children’s home didn’t have any boys, so they sent
you a girl,’ answered the station master. ‘Here she is.’
10.3 Matthew turned shyly to speak to the child. She was about eleven, with
long red hair in two plaits. Her face was small, white and thin, with
a lot of freckles, and she had large grey-green eyes. She was wearing
an old brown hat and a dress which was too small for her.
10.4 ‘Are you Mr Cuthbert of Green Gables?’ she asked excitedly in a high,
sweet voice. ‘I’m very happy to come and live with you, and belong to
you. I’ve never belonged to anyone, you see. The people at the children’s
home were very kind, but it’s not very exciting to live in a place like
that, is it?’
(Adapted from) L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables, Oxford Bookworms 2
The girl’s appearance
The Cuthberts’ excitement
The girl’s feelings
A mistake
The Cuthberts and their home
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Zadanie 11 (5 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższe reklamy obozów sportowych 11.1–11.5 i zdecyduj, które
z nich wybiorą osoby A–F. Dla jednej z tych osób nie ma odpowiedniego obozu.
Wpisz właściwe litery w kratki.
Water sports
in a beautifully located
sports centre by the lake.
Children from 9 to 12.
Tennis and badminton for beginners.
Volleyball, basketball and football
for teenagers from 12 to 16.
Tennis or table tennis optional
for those interested.
Cycling camp for those who can
cover a distance of 30km per day.
Accommodation in tents.
Horse riding for children from
10 to 14. Some experience necessary.
Accommodation in an old farm.
Jim, fifteen years old, likes playing in a team.
Jack has never ridden a horse and he would like to learn horse riding.
Sue, ten years old, wants to play tennis. She hasn’t tried it yet.
Pete enjoys riding a bike and he is very good at it.
Mike, thirteen years old, learned to ride a horse a few years ago.
He wants to learn more and he likes the country life.
F Maggie likes swimming and she wants to learn to sail.
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Zadanie 12 (4 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższy list i wybierz odpowiedź zgodną z jego treścią.
Zaznacz jedną z trzech możliwości, zakreślając A, B lub C.
Hi Martha
Sorry I haven’t written for so long, but I’ve had a problem recently and
I really don’t know what to do.
As you know, I’ve always dreamt of being a vet. I love animals and I’m
very happy when I can look after them. I also started to have horse
riding lessons and my coach says I’m quite good at it. I enjoy riding but
I’m not thinking of a sports career. I just want to learn about horses
and how to get on with them, because it’s possible I will need to know
this when I become a vet. Unfortunately, my parents don’t want me to
become a vet or a doctor like my grandmother. They would like me to
be a lawyer like them. They say that being a vet is not a proper job for
a woman because it demands physical strength. I don’t want to complain
about my parents because I know they love me very much. I also don’t
want to disappoint them, but I think that being a lawyer is really boring.
What do you think I should do? If you were me, would you rebel against
your mum and dad?
Write soon, please.
Lots of love
12.1 Gemma writes the letter to
A inform her friend of her future job.
B ask her friend for advice.
C complain about her parents.
12.2 Gemma has horse riding lessons because she
A is planning a sports career.
B gets on well with horses.
C may need it in her future job.
12.3 Gemma’s parents are
A vets.
B lawyers.
C doctors.
12.4 Gemma doesn’t want to be a lawyer because
A it’s not interesting for her.
B she wants to be a doctor.
C it’s not a good job for a woman.
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Zadanie 13 (3 pkt)
Odpowiedz na pytanie do każdego tekstu (13.1–13.3). Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.
Where are you?
I can’t wait any
longer. I don’t want
to miss the 1st
lesson. Couldn’t you
get up early enough
to be on time? John
13.1 When did John write this message?
A In the evening.
B In the morning.
C At night.
Dear June, good luck at your
new school! Hope you have
nice teachers. Don’t forget
about us when you make new
13.2 Who wrote these wishes?
A June’s teachers.
B June’s parents.
C June’s friends.
Clear glass only!
13.3 Where is this sign?
A On a recycling container.
B On a window display.
C On a box with glasses.
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