WrocławWeekly - Wroclaw Weekly Online


WrocławWeekly - Wroclaw Weekly Online
Free City Guide to Events, Music, Film, Theatre, Museum, Pubs & More
Issue #17
09.12.2005 - 15.12.2005
> we are now online: www.WroclawWeekly.pl
Festival of Polish Underground Artists
Friday 09.12.2005 – 19:00
Stare Kino (ul. Żeromskiego 53)
> Feat. Mikrokolektyw Majewski/Suchar, Kristen & Woody Alien. Also an
exhibition of street art by Dwaesha and
a performance of Darek Orwat. Ticket:
15 PLN
The Return to Kalambur
Wariacje Bernhardowskie
(Bernhard’s Variations) - Fri & Sat
Bajka o Sercu na Strychu (A Tale of
A Heart in The Attic) - Thu 10:00
Polski Theatre (2)
(ul. Świdnicka 28, reservation: 316-07-52)
Chiny (China) - Fri 19:00
Małe Zbrodnie Małżeńskie (Partners in Crime) - Sat & Sun 19:00
Unia Bez Tajemnic (A Rise in the Market) - Wed & Thu 19:00
Tuesday 13.12.2005 – 19.00
Art Cafe “Pod Kalamburem” (a.k.a.
“Kalambur“) (ul. Kuźnicza 29a)
> Antek Wajda “policja tu policja tam”
(an exhibition)
Polski Theatre (3)
Talking Back to Radio
Komedia Theatre
Radio_Copernicus Symposium
Saturday 10.12.2005 & Sunday
University of Wrocław, Instytut
Matematyczny - Multimedia Prof.Hugo-Steinhaus-Hall (pl. Grunwaldzki
> A symposium dedicated to the
aesthetic concepts and strategies in the
digital age and the examination of the
history of radio art and sonic media art
in general.
> Registration: Saturday 9:30-18:00,
Sunday 9:30-14:00
(pl. Teatralny 4, reservation: 316-07-78
thru -80)
Szalone Nożyczki (Scherenschnitt/
shear madness) - Sat 20:00; Sun 19:00
(Contemporary) Theatre
(ul. Rzeźnicza 12, reservation: 358-89-22)
Mały Kominiarczyk (The Little
Sweep) - Fri 11:00
Niskie Łąki (Low Meadows) - Tue-Thu
Polski Theatre (1)
(ul. Zapolskiej 3, reservation: 316-07-80)
(pl. Orląt Lwowskich 20c, reservation:
Pustynia (Die Wüste) - Sat, Sun, TueThu 19:00
Lalek Theatre
(pl. Teatralny 4, reservation: 344-76-77,
Piękna i Bestia (Beauty and the
Beast) - Fri 10:00
Calineczka (Thumbelina) - Fri 10:15
Szewczyk Dratewka (Shoemaker
Dratewka) - Sat 15:30; Sun 11:00; TueThu 10:00
> A tale of an apprentice shoemaker and
the Wawel Dragon in Krakow
> For adults:
Szkice z Becketta (Sketches From
Beckett) - Sat 19:00
Pieśń Kozła Theatre
(ul. Purkyniego 1, contact: 342-71-10)
Lacrimosa - Fri & Sat 20:00
(ul. Mazowiecka 17, contact: 344-28-16)
Szewczyny (Shoemakers) - Mon 12:00
CONCERT HALL (ul. Piłsudskiego 19)
Symphonic Concert: Mozart & Mahler
(Classical) - 19:00
STARE KINO (ul. Żeromskiego 53) Mikrokolektyw, Kristen, Woody Alien (Festival
Of Polish Underground Artists)
ŁYKEND (ul. Podwale 37/38) Beltaine
Celtic Group (Irish Music) - 20:00
FIRLEJ (ul. Grabiszyńska 56) Fisz - 20:00
RURA (ul. Łazienna 4) Irek “Pióro” Nowacki with “Birma” - 20:30
go 19a-21, reservation: 786-65-66)
> * Not on Wed & Thu
Must Love Dogs (USA) 11:45*, 13:45*,
17:00*, 19:00*, 21:00
The Princess and the Pea (USA: Polish
Dubbed) 8:30*, 10:15, 12:00, 13:45, 15:30,
Harry Potter and the Goblet of
Fire (UK/USA)
> Polish Dubbed: 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30,
12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 17:30,
18:30, 19:30, 20:30, 21:30, 22:30*
> Subtitled: Fri-Tue 9:00, 12:00, 18:00,
21:00; Wed & Thu 22:30
Elizabethtown (USA) 11:30, 14:00,
16:30, 19:00, 21:30*
36 quai des orfèvres (FR) Fri-Tue
15:45, 17:45, 19:45; Wed & Thu 19:00
The Brothers Grimm (USA/CZ) 19:15*,
A History of Violence (USA) Fri-Tue
The 40 Year-Old Virgin (USA) 10:00*,
14:00*, 18:45
The Exorcism of Emily Rose (USA)
16:15*, 21:00
La Marche de l’empereur (USA/
FR) 10:00
Friday 9th
Saturday 10th
SYNAGOGUE (ul. Włodkowica 9) Jewish
Music Concert - 16:38
ŁYKEND Literary-Musical Cabaret Group
“Gabinet Cieni” (Free entrance) - 18:30
RURA Salsa (Free entrance) - 21:00
IMPART (ul. Mazowiecka 17) XXXI Nocne
Spotkanie Literacko-Muzyczne (LiteraryMusical Evening Meeting) - 18.00
Sunday 11th
HALL Family Concert: “Music and Film”
(Classical) - 11:00, 12:30
ŁYKEND Tomek Lewandowski - 19:00
FIRLEJ Lena Ledoff Trio - 19:00
Monday 12th
ŁYKEND NRM (Festival Wyszehradzki)
- 19:00
RURA Piotr Baron In Jam Session (Jazz;
Free entrance) - 20:30
Tuesday 13th
RURA Jam Session (Jazz; Free entrance)
- 20:30
Wednesday 14th
HALL Young People’s Concerts: ”Christmas music” (Classical) - 9:00, 11:00
HALL Academy At The Philharmonic:
Noskowski, Beethoven & Brahms - 19:00
RURA Artur Lesicki Acoustic Harmony
(Jazz) - 20:30
Thursday 15th
FIRLEJ Andrew Pekler & Mapstation
- 20:00
RURA Mielcarek-Walarowski Duo (Jazz)
- 20:30
HELIOS (Kazimierza Wielkie-
Films for children (All Polish Dubbed):
Chicken Little (USA) Fri-Tue 10:15,
12:00, 13:45, 14:45, 15:30, 16:30; Wed &
Thu 8:30, 10:15, 12:00, 13:45, 15:30, 17:00
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the
Were-Rabbit (UK) Fri-Tue 12:15
Special Screening:
Friday 09.12.2005 - 23:15 “The night of
L’Auberge espagnole (FR)
Human Traffic (UK)
The Rules of Attraction (DE/USA)
54 (USA)
From Wednesday 14th
King Kong (New Zealand/USA) - 8:45,
10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30,
17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:30, 21:15, 22:15
(ul. Piłsudskiego 74, tel. 347-14-65)
Mars (RU) Fri & Sun 16:00; Sat 15:30;
Mon-Thu 17:45
Broken Flowers (USA) Fri & Sun 17:45;
Contact: Wrocław Tourist Information Center, Rynek 14, 50-101 Wrocław, tel. (+48 71) 344 31 11, [email protected]
Reconstruction (Denmark) Fri & SunThu 19:30; Sat 17:15
Bin jip (Vacant houses) (JP/South
Korea) Fri & Sun-Thu 21:00; Sat 18:45
Special Screening: “Jim Jarmusch”
Saturday 10th December
Broken Flowers - 20:15
Coffee and Cigarettes (USA)- 22:00
LALKA (ul. Prusa 32, tel. 792-44-05)
Factotum (USA/Norway) Mon-Thu
Komornik (PL) Mon 16:30; Tue-Thu
16:30, 20:00
“Signal” (7.12.05-4.01.06)
“Carl Johann Christian
Zimmermann (1831-1911)”
( 27.10.05-7.01.06)
“Iwona Buczkowska”
Bezsenność (ul. Ruska 51)
Live concerts and chill-out. Open everyday after 6pm.
Brama Oławska (The subway “Brama
Special Screenings:
X Wrocław Film Festival “The Newest Polish Cinema - Cinegrad”
Fri 17:00, 20:30; Sat 16:00, 20:00; Sun
14:00, 17:30
Oławska” under ul. Oławska, tel.78000-16)
Located next to Galeria Dominkanska.
Offers the look & feel of a good traditional pub. Open after 6pm, closed on Sun
& Monday.
LWOW (ul. Hallera 15, tel. 793-50-78)
Mleczarnia (ul. Włodkowica 5)
Innocent voices (Mexico/USA/Puerto
Rico) 16:00
Infernal Affairs (HK) 20:00
Příběhy obyčejného šílenství (CZ)
In front of the synagogue “Under A
White Stork.” Quiet cafe by day, lively
pub by night. Free Wi-Fi hotspot. Open
everyday at 10am.
A Japanese restaurant. Best for vegans
and business dinners. Open daily from
11:00 to 22:00.
(ul. Piłsudskiego 64, tel. 792-43-83)
The Polar Express (USA: Polish Dubbed) Fri-Wed 15:45
Hotel Rwanda (Canada/South Africa)
Fri-Wed 19:45
Chicken Little (USA: Polish Dubbed)
Fri-Wed 16:15
Lord of War (USA) Fri-Wed 20:15
Transporter 2 (FR/USA) Fri-Wed 17:45
The Constant Gardener (USA/UK)
Fri-Wed 18:00
DKF (ul. Kołłątaja 20, tel. 343-88-56)
Sciuscià (Italy) Mon 17:00 (Free
La Strada (Italy) Tue 17:00
pl. Powstancow Warszawy 5,
tel. 372-51-50
“Vuk D. Karadzic: Photography”
(18.11.05 - 26.12.05)
ul. Bernardynska 5, tel. 344-82-78
©WrocławWeekly 2005, Some Rights Reserved CC [BY-NC-ND]
Hanami (ul. Czysta 2/4, tel. 793-39-03)
Hotel Tumski
Wyspa Słodowa 10, tel. 322-60-88 /99
e-mail: [email protected]
ul. Kiełbaśnicza 20, tel. 78-77-100
Tourist Information Center
Rynek 14, tel. 344-31-11
e-mail: [email protected]
Zamek Kliczków
Kliczków 8, 59-724 Osiecznica
tel. (075) 73-40-700 thru 702
e-mail: [email protected]
Media Partner:
Gig Ant Promotion (www.Gig-Ant.pl)
Eklektik Session (www.Eklektik.art.pl)