

Free City Guide to Events, Music, Film, Theatre, Museum, Pubs & More
Issue #186
06.03.2009 - 12.03.2009
> get more online: www.WroclawWeekly.pl > [email protected]
Polish Animation
06.03.2009 - 18:00 (Friday)
Galeria ENTROPIA (ul. Rzeźnicza 4)
Free Admissions
The screening and the presentation on
the contemporary Polish animated films
by Mariusz Frukacz at the occasion of
the publication of his new book “24 klatki na sekundę (24 frames per second)."
Jazz nad Odrą
“Jazz nad Odrą" is the biggest international jazz festival in Wrocław and this
year it celebrates its 45th festival. The
details of the program can be found on
their website (http://www.jnofestival.
pl/ - in PL and partially in EN) or see the
“Concerts" section below.
Journées de la Francophonie
To commemorate the establishment of
the intergovernmental organization of
“Francophones,” every year, SCAC (Service de coopération et d’action culturelle)
in Wrocław organizes “Journées de la
Francophonie” festival. The guiding theme of the festival is thus “Francophonie”
– it is not only about France and French
culture, but it also covers the culture,
history and arts of French-speaking
countries. The major events this week
is the Canadian & Swiss film projections organized by Alliance Française
Wrocław (see “OnScreen" below) and the
photo exhibition “Le Paris polonais" at
Klub Śląskiego Okręgu Wojskowego (ul.
Pretficza 24). For more info, please see:
or their website:
http://frankofonia.wroclaw.pl (PL/FR)
Desire Under the Elms
06 & 07.03.2009 - 19:00 (Fri & Sat)
Pieśń Kozła Theatre (Song of the Goat
Theatre / ul. Purkyniego 1)
Tickets: 30/20PLN
The new production - Eugene O’Neill’s
“Pożądanie w Cieniu Wiązów (Desire
Under the Elms)" - by this award-winning
theatre company is directed by Grzegorz
Bral and features Dawid Żakowski, Bogdan Koca and this year’s BAFTA Scotland
nominee Anna Kerth.
For more info and booking: office@
piesnkozla.pl or tel. 342-71-10 (EN/PL)
(Contemporary) Theatre
(ul. Rzeźnicza 12, tel. 071/ 358-89-22)
Bat Yam - Tue & Wed 19:15
Produkt (Product) - Thu 19:00
Polski Theatre
(ul. Zapolskiej 3, tel. 071/ 316-07-80)
“Niewiarygodne Przygody M. Koziołkiewicza" by Wrocław Pantomime
Theatre - Fri 11:00
“Galapagos" by Wrocław Pantomime
Theatre - Sat & Sun 19:00
Polski Theatre / Kameralna
(ul. Świdnicka 28, tel. 071/ 316-07-52)
Smycz - Sun 19:00
Okno na parlament (Out of Order) Tue & Wed 19:00
Polski Theatre / Świebodzki (pl.
Orląt Lwowskich 20c, tel. 071/ 341-29-54)
Nirvana (Based on “Tibetan Book of
Death") - Sat & Sun 19:00
Komedia Theatre (pl. Teatralny 4, tel.
071/ 316-07-78 thru -80)
Psychoterapia czyli seks w życiu
człowieka (Psychotherapy, or sex
in human life) - Fri & Thu 20:00
Mayday 2 (It Runs In The Family) - Sat
20:00; Sun 17:00, 20:00
Lalek (Puppet) Theatre (pl. Teatralny
4, tel. 071/ 344-76-77, 344-12-16)
Ostatnia Ucieczka (Last Escape) - Fri
Mozart listy pisze - Sat 18:00
>> For Children:
Calineczka (Thumbelina) - Fri 10:00,
Art of Reading: “Opowieści z ul.
Broca (Contes de la rue Broca)" +
“Kręciek i plankton (Vercoquin et
le plancton)" - Sat 15:00; Sun 11:00;
Tue 10:00
Piękna i Bestia (Beauty and the
Beast) - Wed & Thu 10:00
Pieśń Kozła Theatre
(Song of the Goat Theatre / ul. Purkyniego 1, tel. 071/ 342-71-10)
Pożądanie w cieniu wiązów (Desire
Under the Elms) - Fri & Sat 19:00
Ad Spectatores (At The Main Railway
Station PKP, ul. Piłsudskiego 103)
Sny - Fri 20:00
Bez czułości - Sat & Sun 20:00
CAPITOL Musical Theatre
(ul. Piłsudskiego 67, tel. 071/789-04-00)
Operetka - Fri & Sat 19:00
Imponderabilia - Tue & Wed 20:00
ARKA Theatre (ul. Mennicza 3)
Oskar i Pani Róża (Oscar et la dame
rose) - Mon-Wed 10:00
Dziady (Forefathers’ Eve) Part II Thu 10:00
OPERA Wrocławska (ul. Świdnicka35)
“Straszny dwór (The Haunted Manor)" by S. Moniuszko - Fri & Sat 19:00;
Sun 17:00
“La Traviata" by G. Verdi - Tue 19:00
“Carmen" by G. Bizet - Wed 19:00
>> For Children:
“Alicja w Krainie Czarów (Alice in
Wonderland)" by Robert Chauls - Thu
Friday 6th
WFF (Wytwórnia Filmów Fabularnych /
ul. Wystawowa 1) “Punky Reggae Live
2009" - Farben Lehre, Tabu, The Bill,
Leniwiec, Hurt, Acid Drinkers (Reggae/
Punk/Polish: 40/35PLN) - 17:00
HALL (ul. Piłsudskiego 19) Henning
Kraggerud (violin), Lise Berthaud (viola)
& Wrocław Philharmonic Orchestra Program: W. A. Mozart /F. MendelssohnBartholdy (Classical: 40/25PLN) - 19:00
IMPART (ul. Mazowiecka 17) “Jazz nad
Odrą" - Lars Danielsson, McCoy Tyner
Quartet (Jazz: 120/100/80PLN) - 19:00
CZTERY PORY ROKU (ul. Mickiewicza 62)
Waldemar Śmiałkowski (guitar/vocal) &
Andrzej Czamara (guitar/vocal) (Jazz)
- 19:00
RURA (ul. Łazienna 4) “Jazz nad Odrą" Artur Dutkiewicz Trio (Jazz: 25/15PLN)
Contact: Wrocław Tourist Information Center, Rynek 14, 50-101 Wrocław, tel. (+48 71) 344 31 11
- 21:00
XO (ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 19 / Under
the Helios Cinema) “Jazz nad Odrą" Guru’s Jazzmatazz feat. Solar and The 7
Grand Players (Jazz: 65PLN) - 22:00
IMPART “Jazz nad Odrą" - Inga Lewandowska/Kuba Stankiewicz, Artur Lesicki
Acoustic Harmony, Ryszard Gwalbert
Misiek & Friends (Jazz: 30PLN) - 23:00
Saturday 7th
HALL Wrocław Lutosławski Quartet
- Program: C. Debussy/E. Chausson
(Classical: 30/20PLN) - 18:00
STUDIO RADIO WROCŁAW (ul. Karkonoska 10) Cantores Minores Wratislavienses - “Music & Architecture: Concert No.
156" (Classical) - 18:00
IMPART “Jazz nad Odrą" - Ronnie Cuber
& The Baritone Saxophone Band with
Gary Smulyan and Howard Johnson, Joshua Redman Trio (Jazz: 120/100/80PLN)
- 18:00
WFF (Wytwórnia Filmów Fabularnych)
“Independent Dub Day 2009" - Aba
Shanti - I (GB), Adrian Sherwood & Little
Roy (GB/JM), Dubblestandart (AT), Igor
Boxx - Skalpel In Dub, Wszystkie Wschody Słońca (Dub: 55PLN) - 19:00
RURA “Jazz nad Odrą" - Miloopa (Jazz/
Drum’n’Bass: 25/15PLN) - 21:00
IMPART “Jazz nad Odrą" - Kasiuk & The
Funky Horns, Zbigniew Lewandowski
Brand New Quintet, VIBRASLAP (Jazz/
Funk: 30PLN) - 22:30
Sunday 8th
HALL “Women’s Day Concert" - Mario
Stefano Pietrodarchi (accordion) &
Śląska Chamber Orchestra - Program: W.
Lutosławski /A. Piazzolla /B. Britten /G.
Holst (Classical: 30/20PLN) - 11:00
IMPART “Jazz nad Odrą" - Jason Moran:
“In My Mind - Monk at Town Hall 1959"
(Jazz: 80/60/40PLN) - 18:00
Monday 9th
ŁYKEND “wROCK 2009" (Rock: Free) 19:30
Tuesday 10th
ŁYKEND Wrocławski Salon Jacka Kaczmarskiego (Polish: Free) - 20:00
RURA Jam Session - SOC Band (Jazz:
Free) - 20:30
Wednesday 11th
RURA Jam Session - Wrocław Jazz
School (Jazz: Free) - 20:30
Thursday 12th
FIRLEJ (ul. Grabiszyńska 56) Komety
+ Muzyka Końca Lata (Alternative:
20/15PLN) - 20:00
RURA Tymon Tymański Yass Ensemble “Free Tibet" (Jazz: 30/25/18PLN) - 20:30
>> http://www.acf.pl/
WARSZAWA (ul. Piłsudskiego 64)
Bikur Ha-Tizmoret (IL/FR/US) 16:00
Gomorra (IT) 17:45
Zamiana (PL) 20:15
Rusalka (RU) 16:15, 20:15
Doubt (US) 18:15
LWOW (ul. Hallera 15)
Mała Moskwa (PL) 16:00
Gry wojenne (PL) 18:00
33 sceny z życia (PL) 20:00
LALKA (ul. Prusa 32)
Parlez-moi de la pluie (FR) Fri-Sat,
Mon-Thu 16:00
Bobule (CZ) 18:00
Rumba (BE/FR) Fri-Sun, Tue-Thu 20:00
Agoniya (dir. Elem Klimov, 1981, USSR)
- Mon 20:00
All films are in original French with Polish
subtitles / Admission Free
> Canadian Film Projection:
“La vie secrète des gens heureux"
- Fri 10:30
“Maurice Richard" + “Le Chandail"
- Fri 17:00
> Swiss Film Projection:
“Comme des voleurs" - Wed 17:00
HELIOS >> www.heliosnet.pl
Arkady: http://multikino.pl/arkady/
Pasaż Grunwaldzki:
BWA Awangarda (ul. Wita Stwosza
32, tel. 071/790-25-82)
> Laura Pawela “It Hurts Me Too"
> Maria Kiniorska, Michalina Kostecka
& Maria Zuba “Pożoga Dance" (23.01.0915.03.09)
Galeria DESIGN
(ul. Świdnicka 2-4, tel. 071/790-11-93)
> “Goodbye Design" (06.03.09-27.03.09)
Studio BWA (ul. Ruska 46a, 2nd Floor)
> “Dziewczynki są mądre, a ładny
chłopiec jest chłopcem jest chłopcem
jest chłopcem" (12.03.09-20.03.09)
Galeria Szkła i Ceramiki
©WrocławWeekly 2009, Some Rights Reserved CC [BY-NC-ND] // [email protected]
(pl. Kościuszki 9/10, tel.
> “Porcelana Inaczej 2008"
Museum of Architecture
(ul. Bernardynska 5, tel. 071/344-8278/79, 343-36-75)
> “Marian Fikus: 45 Years of Creativity"
> “Bruno Taut. Master of Colorful
Architekture in Berlin" & “ Living in a
World Heritage Site?-Berlin’s Modernist
Housing Estates" (12.02.09-19.04.09)
FIRLEJ (ul. Grabiszyńska 56)
> Ela Staszczyk “Manekiny (Photography)" (03.03.09-31.03.09)
Galeria Pod Plafonem (Dolośląska
Biblioteka Publiczna, Rynek 58)
> XY “Paintings Again" (26.02.09-12.03.09)
Cultural Centre “ZAMEK"
(pl. Świętojański 1, Leśnica)
> Katarzyna Szeszycka “malarstwo +
video art" (24.02.09-18.03.09)
> Hotel Tumski
(Wyspa Słodowa 10, tel. 071/322-6088/99) [email protected]
> ART HOTEL (ul. Kiełbaśnicza 20, tel.
071/ 78-77-100) http://www.arthotel.pl
> Hotel Mercure : Panorama
(pl. Dominikański 1, tel.071/323-27-00)
[email protected]
> The Stranger Hostel
(ul. Kołłątaja 16/3, tel.071/344-12-06)
[email protected]
(ul. Włodkowica 5, tel.071/787-75-70)
[email protected]
> Cinnamon Hostel (ul. Kazimierza
Wielkiego 67, tel.071/344-58-58)
[email protected]
(ul. Ruska 47-48A, tel.071/793-29-38)
http://www. akademiaruchu.com.pl
> Wrocław INFO
(Sukiennice 12, Rynek)
[email protected]
> Zamek Kliczków
(Kliczków 8, 59-724 Osiecznica
tel.075/73-40-700 thru 702)
[email protected]