Info o stypendium


Info o stypendium
Ambasada RP w Tokio zaprasza studentów Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego do udziału w
tegorocznej edycji programu EPRIE (Exchange Program for Regional Integration in East
Asia and Europe).
Program ten skierowany jest do uczestników studiów magisterskich i doktoranckich, w wieku
25-35 lat, narodowości polskiej, niemieckiej, francuskiej, japońskiej, chińskiej i koreańskiej,
którzy biegle władają językiem angielskim oraz interesują się zagadnieniami polityki
zagranicznej i współpracy międzyregionalnej. Tegoroczny temat programu to: „nations and
Termin składania dokumentów do BWZ: 14 kwietnia 2015 r.
Wymagane dokumenty:
1. Formularz zgłoszeniowy oraz dokumenty wymagane przez stronę japońską
(informacja na stronie:
2. Pozwolenie na wyjazd
2015, JULY 17 to 27, in Japan and South Korea
70 years after the end of World War II and 50 years after the Treaty on Basic Relations between
Japan and the Republic of Korea the relations among neighbors in East Asia are tense and far
away of being “normal”. The Exchange Program for Regional Integration in East Asia and
Europe (EPRIE) aims to activate a transnational dialogue through a comparison of the
situations of historically burdened neighbors in Europe (Germany, France, and Poland) and
East Asia (China, Japan and South Korea).
Special topic in 2015 will be “nations and identities”, where concepts of nations, states and
identities will be discussed. Transnational concepts will be also considered. Which factors play
a relevant role for the creation of a national or a regional identity? Which factors can foster
mutual understanding? Experts from science, politics, and civil society will introduce their
perspectives and discuss it with the participants.
We are seeking advanced graduate students, early postdoctoral researchers, and young
professionals, who have special interest in the topic. Candidates should be of German, French,
Polish, Japanese or Korean nationality and be between 25 and 35 years old. Because English
will be the language of the program, candidates are expected to speak English fluently.
Prosperous Applicants are invited to join us for a unique intercultural experience in this
summer school, which will be held in Japan and Korea. In addition to gaining specialized
knowledge through a comprehensive content, participants will develop intercultural
competences. Through intensive dialogue in international groups, the seminar will encourage
participants to build an enduring network to facilitate long-lasting cooperation.
All basic expenses during the program (like hotel, transfers, and meals) will be covered.
However, participants are expected to cover the costs for their journey from their home
destination to the conference location in Tokyo and back from (Seoul; South Korea)
The organizer of the program is the Korea Verband, a politically independent association in
Berlin. The program is supported by Robert Bosch Stiftung, a private German foundation
engaged in international understanding, and the Japan office of Friedrich-Ebert Foundation in
Application period will be from March 15 to April 19, 2015. Further information like
application and recommendation forms can be found on EPRIE website ( Only
complete applications are accepted.

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