WrocławWeekly - Wroclaw Weekly Online


WrocławWeekly - Wroclaw Weekly Online
Free City Guide to Events, Music, Film, Theatre, Museum, Pubs & More
Issue #39
12.05.2006 - 18.05.2006
> we are now online: www.WroclawWeekly.pl > [email protected]
InFocus: ThisWeek
Abstraction in Film
12.05.2006 - 17:00 (Friday)
Galeria ENTROPIA (ul. Rzeźnicza 4)
Free admission
The presentation and the screening under the title of “Abstraction in Film/Film
in Abstraction” (“Abstrakcja w Filmie/
Film Abstrakcyjny“) by Błażej Chwoła
“La leçon” of E.Ionesco
12.05.2006 - 19:00 (Friday)
ARKA Theatre (ul. Mennicza 3)
The premiere of the Polish version of “La
leçon” by E.Ionesco, previously presented in the Polish-French hybrid version
at “Journées de la francophonie.” To find
out more, please view our video podcast
here: http://www.wroclawweekly.pl/index.php/la-lecon/. After the premiere,
the performance will continue on the 13,
14, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27 & 28.05.2006.
Project “Open Your Mind”
12.05.2006 - 20:00 (Friday)
KALAMBUR (ul. Kuźnicza 29a)
info: www.openyourmind.akcja.pl
13.05.2006 - 19:00 (Saturday)
FIRLEJ (ul. Grabiszyńska 56)
Tickets: 20/25PLN
A captivating audio performance at the
Feat.: Paweł Czepułkowski - South / Igor
Gawlikowski - West / Michał Litwiniec
- East / maot - North
info: www.karbido.com
Music Spectacle “Era Wodnika”
15.05.2006 - 19:00 (Monday)
BEZSENNOŚĆ (ul. Ruska 51)
Feat.: Bogna Woźniak, Sambor Dudziński, Michał Litwiniec and Filip Danielak
Unusual Cinema
16.05.2006 - 20:00 (Tuesday)
RURA (ul. Łazienna 4)
Ticket: 5PLN
WroFilm and Jazz Club Rura present the
screening of “unusual” films. This time,
the selection features the “legendary” films of Witold Świętnicki & the
new production of Krzysztof Różnicki
A Large-Sized Abstraction: Against
Theory & Politics
Galeria ENTROPIA (ul. Rzeźnicza 4)
The exhibition by Olga Lewicka. Open
Mon-Fri / 13:00-19:00. Until 16.05.2006
(Contemporary) Theatre
(ul. Rzeźnicza 12, reservation: 071/ 35889-22)
Historia przypadku (Tiny Dynamite)
- Sat 20:00; Sun 18:00; Tue & Wed 19:00
Oczyszczeni (Cleansed) - Mon 19:15
Uciekający samolot (The Runaway
Plane) - Thu 18:15
Polski Theatre (1) (ul. Zapolskiej 3,
reservation: 071/ 316-07-80)
Bajka o sercu ze strychu (a Tale of
a Heart in The attic) - Fri 10:00
Wariacje bernhardowskie
(Bernhard’s Variations) - Sat & Sun
Przypadek Klary (Klara’s Relationship) - Thu 19:00
Polski Theatre (2) (ul. Świdnicka 28,
reservation: 071/ 316-07-52)
Mayday - Fri 16:00
Małe zbrodnie małżeńskie (Partners in Crime) - Sat & Sun 17:00
Polski Theatre (3) (pl. Orląt Lwowskich
20c, reservation: 071/ 341-29-54)
Nasz człowiek (Our Man) - Fri 19:00;
Sat & Sun 20:00
Komedia Theatre (pl. Teatralny 4,
reservation: 071/ 316-07-78 thru -80)
Szalone Nożyczki (Scherenschnitt/
Shear Madness) - Sun 17:00
Lalek Theatre (pl. Teatralny 4, reservation: 071/ 344-76-77, 344-12-16)
Kopciuszek - Fri & Tue 10:00; Sun 11:00
Słowik - Sat 11:00
Piękna i Bestia (Beauty and the
Beast) - Wed & Thu 10:00
Pieśń Kozła Theatre
(ul. Purkyniego 1, tel: 071/ 342-71-10)
Lacrimosa - Thu 20:00
Ad Spectatores
(Browar Mieszczański, ul. Hubska 44-48,
contact: 502-210-735)
“Da-da-du-du-wie-czór-nie-spodzianek” - Fri & Sat 21:00
“Mój boski rozwód” - Thu 21:00
ARKA Theatre (ul. Mennicza 3)
Lekcja (La leçon) - Fri-Sun 19:00
Friday 12th
HALL (ul. Piłsudskiego 19) Symphonic
Concert - Smetana, Beethoven, Ravel,
Tchaikovsky & Bernstein (Classical)
- 19:00
FIRLEJ (ul. Grabiszyńska 56) Indukti (Progressive Rock) - 20:00
KALAMBUR (ul. Kuźnicza 29a) Project
“Open Your Mind” (Music spectacle)
- 20:00
admission) - 20:00
RURA Adam Wendt Power Set (Jazz)
- 20:30
Thursday 18th
HALL Academy at the Philharmonic
(Classical) - 19:00
FIRLEJ Filip Wojciechowski (Jazz/Project
Chopin) - 19:00
RURA Jam Session w/ Not Only (Jazz;
Free admission) - 20:30
(ul. Piłsudskiego 64, tel. 071/ 792-43-83)
Komornik (PL) 16:15
Memoirs of a Geisha (USA) 17:00,
Underworld Evolution (USA) 18:00
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
(S.Korea) 20:00
HELIOS (Kazimierza Wielkiego 19a-21,
ŁYKEND Róża Wiatrów (Shanties; Free
(ul. Prusa 32, tel. 071/ 792-44-05)
HALL Family Concert (Classical) - 11:00,
Monday 15th
(ul. Hallera 15, tel. 071/ 793-50-78)
Bambi 2 (USA: Polish Dubbed) 16:15
The Three Burials of Melquiades
Estrada (USA/FR) 17:45
C.R.A.Z.Y (Canada) 20:00
Wednesday 17th
Sunday 14th
(ul. Piłsudskiego 74, tel. 071/ 347-14-65)
Modigliani (FR/DE/USA/UK/Rumania)
Fri & Sun 13:30; Sat 19:00
Jasminum (PL) Fri & Sun 15:45, 20:00;
Sat 13:00, 17:15; Mon-Thu 15:30, 19:45
Memoirs of a Geisha (USA) Fri & Sun
17:30; Sat 14:45; Mon-Thu 17:15
Colour Me Kubrick (FR/UK) Fri & Sun
21:45; Mon-Thu 21:30
Klimt (Austria/DE/UK) Sat 21:15
Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon (FR/JP/UK)
Sat 23:00
BEZSENNOŚĆ (ul. Ruska 51) “Era Wodnika” (Music spectacle) - 19:00
ŁYKEND (ul. Podwale 37/38) wROCK
2006 (Free admission) - 20:00
FIRLEJ Karbido - 19:00
RURA (ul. Łazienna 4) Salsa (Free admission) - 21:00
Special Screening:
15.05.2006 - 20:00 “The Film of Bygone
reservation: 071/ 786-65-66)
Astérix et les Vikings (Denmark/FR:
Polish Dubbed) 10:30, 12:15, 14:00,
15:45, 17:30, 19:15, 21:00
Lassie (USA/Ireland : Polish Dubbed)
10:15, 12:15, 14:15, 16:15
Big Momma’s House 2 (USA) 13:45,
15:45, 17:45, 19:45
Adams æbler (Denmark/DE) 14:30,
18:15, 21:00
Masz na imię Justine (PL/Luxembourg) 11:45, 21:45
Mission Impossible 3 (USA/DE) 10:30,
12:00, 13:00, 14:30, 15:30, 17:00, 18:00,
19:30, 20:30, 22:00
Hi Way (PL) 11:15, 13:15, 15:15,
17:15, 18:15, 19:15, 20:00, 21:45
Jasminum (PL) 12:15, 14:15, 16:15, 20:15,
Wszyscy jesteśmy Chrystusami (PL)
10:00, 12:15, 16:45, 19:00, 21:15
Ice Age 2: The Meltdown (USA: Polish
Dubbed) 10:45, 12:30, 14:15, 16:00, 17:45,
19:30, 21:15
Saturday 13th
Hwal (S.Korea) Fri-Sun, Tue-Thu 16:15,
20:00; Mon 16:15
De battre, mon coeur s’est arreté
(FR) 18:00
Contact: Wrocław Tourist Information Center, Rynek 14, 50-101 Wrocław, tel. (+48 71) 344 31 11, [email protected]
(ul. Łazienna 4, tel. 071/799-09-07)
16.05.2006 - 20:00
The Wrofilm presentation of “unusual”
films. Feat. the films by Witold Świętnicki & the new production of Krzysztof
Różnicki (“Chesus3”).
“Olgierd Truszyński”
“Pressed Glass” (29.03.06-06.05.06)
Bezsenność (ul. Ruska 51) Club divided
into two areas, the main room hosting
DJs and live concerts with a chill out
room for socialising and relaxation.
Open everyday after 6pm.
Mleczarnia (ul. Włodkowica 5) This
cafe is filled with charming wooden
decor, candle sticks and picture frames.
By night, a lively pub. Free wi-fi hotspot.
Open everyday at 10am.
Hanami (ul. Czysta 2/4, tel. 071/ 79462-06) A Japanese restaurant. Not only
sushi but also grilled fish and other
Japanese dishes. Open daily from 12:00
to 22:00. Reservation recommended.
La Luz (ul. Krainskiego 14: a.k.a.Baszta)
Artistic homey wine bar with eclectic
music & Mexican food in a 13th century
tower located between Ostrow Tumski
& Rynek. Open Mon-Sat 11am, Sun 5pm.
GALERIA ENTROPIA (ul. Reźnicza 4)
ul. Oławska 27/29, DH ŁADA 4th floor
tel. 071/ 344-41-56 > TOŁPA® PEAT
SPA offers you a luxuourious in-city
12.05.2006 - 17:00
The presentation & screening of “Abstraction in Film/Film in Abstraction”
(“Abstrakcja w Filmie/Film Abstrakcyjny“)
contact: +48 889 263 821 > For the
personalized physical training and
exercise, stretching help & the massage
to relieve stress.
LA LUZ (ul. Krainskiego 14, tel. 0-661-
927-476, www.laluz.pl)
15.05.2006 - 20:00
Lisbon Story (dir. Wim Wenders, 1994)
(ul. Bernardynska 5, tel. 071/ 344-82-78)
“Dusan Jurkovic 2002-2005: Contemporary Slovakian Architecture” (10.05.06-18.06.06)
“Józef Hałas” (20.04.06-18.06.06)
“Kijo Rokkaku” (27.04.2006 28.05.2006)
NATIONAL MUSEUM (pl. Powstancow
Warszawy 5, tel. 071/ 372-51-50)
“Zdzisław Beksiński - Photography
(1953-1959)” (24.04.06-28.05.06)
©WrocławWeekly 2006, Some Rights Reserved CC [BY-NC-ND]
Hotel Tumski
(Wyspa Słodowa 10, tel. 071/ 322-60-88
/99; [email protected])
(ul. Kiełbaśnicza 20, tel. 071/ 78-77-100)
Tourist Information Center
(Rynek 14, tel. 071/ 344-31-11;
[email protected])
Zamek Kliczków
(Kliczków 8, 59-724 Osiecznica
tel. 075/ 73-40-700 thru 702
[email protected])