WrocławWeekly - Wroclaw Weekly Online


WrocławWeekly - Wroclaw Weekly Online
Free City Guide to Events, Music, Film, Theatre, Museum, Pubs & More
Issue #97
22.06.2007 - 28.06.2007
> we are now online: www.WroclawWeekly.pl > [email protected]
Eklektik Session Special
22.06.2007 - 21:00 (Friday)
DROGA DO MEKKI (ul. Ruska 51)
Ticket: 10PLN
Another kind of jam session, featuring
DJ, VJ’s and the key members of the
local Drum’n’Bass & Trip-Hop bands.
This special edition also features guests
from Berlin: M.PATH.IQ (DJ) and BIG MAN
(MC). More info at: www.eklektik.art.pl
Chaos Day
23.06.2007 - 15:00 (Saturday)
CRK (ul. Jagiellończyka 10cd)
Ticket: 10PLN
A day and a night with noise music. For
more information: http://www.sitka.
pl/23/ (in Polish)
A Painter’s Aporia
26.06.2007 - 18:30 (Tuesday)
Galeria ENTROPIA (ul. Rzeźnicza 4)
Free admission
In September last year, Wojciech Gilewicz installed his paintings around the
city. This exhibition is the retrospective
presentation of the project. The exhibition is open till 06.07.07
It’s a 10-day marathon of cultural events.
In this issue of WroclawWeekly we listed
some of the events. For the complete
programme, please see http://www.
wroclawnonstop.pl/ (in Polish)
Quad Biking
ActivePoland.com / tel. 071/354-47-42
A great opportunity to test your driving
skill on a challenging track. You will ride
through the forests and military training
fields. Read more at:
(Contemporary) Theatre
(ul. Rzeźnicza 12, tel. 071/ 358-89-22)
Zwycięstwo (Victory: Choices in
Reaction) - Fri-Mon 18:15
Kartoteka (The Card Index) - Thu
Polski Theatre (1)
(ul. Zapolskiej 3, tel. 071/ 316-07-80)
Śmierć w Wenecji (Death in Venice)
by Wrocław Pantomime Theatre - Fri-Sun
One (They) - Tue 19:00
Polski Theatre (2)
(ul. Świdnicka 28, tel. 071/ 316-07-52)
Małe zbrodnie małżeńskie (Petits
crimes conjugaux) - Fri 19:00
Mayday - Sat, Sun, Tue & Wed 19:00
Polski Theatre (3) (pl. Orląt Lwowskich 20c, tel. 071/ 341-29-54)
Dziady. Ekshumacja - Thu 19:00
> “Obcojezycznosc” (Dance Vibratione:
WrocławNonStop) - Sat 21:00
> “Lunatycy” & “Mur” by Niezależna
Manufaktura Taneczna / “Magnolia” by
Dada von Bzdulow (Gdansk) / “Tańce,
których nikt nazwać nie chciał (The
Dance That No One Wanted to Name)”
by Teatr Tańca Arka (Dance Vibratione:
WrocławNonStop) - Mon 19:00
Komedia Theatre (pl. Teatralny 4, tel.
071/ 316-07-78 thru -80)
Kochane pieniążki (Funny Money)
- Fri 19:00
Psychoterapia czyli seks w zyciu
czlowieka (Psychotherapy, or sex
in human life) - Sat 20:00, 22:00, 24:00
Mayday 2 - Sun 16:30
Lalek (Puppet) Theatre (pl. Teatralny
4, tel. 071/ 344-76-77, 344-12-16)
> For children:
Piękna i Bestia (Beauty and the
Beast) - Sat 15:00; Sun 11:00
Pieśń Kozła Theatre
(ul. Purkyniego 1, tel. 071/ 342-71-10)
Lacrimosa - Wed & Thu 20:00
Ad Spectatores (Stage 1)
(Browar Mieszczanski, ul. Hubska 44-48,
contact: 502-210-735)
Radca Goethe prowadzi śledztwo
I - Fri 22:00
Radca Goethe prowadzi śledztwo
II - Sat 22:00
Ad Spectatores (Stage 2)
(East side of the main railway station
PKP, ul. Piłsudskiego 103)
Radca Goethe prowadzi śledztwo
I - Sun 22:00
Radca Goethe prowadzi śledztwo
II - Mon 22:00
Tydzień w Bresslau - Tue 21:00
Ad Spectatores (Stage 3)
(Chamber stage at the main railway
station PKP, ul. Piłsudskiego 103, tel.
Song stories from home - Mon &
Tue 19:00
ARKA Theatre (ul. Mennicza 3)
Dziady (Forefathers’ Eve) Part II
- Thu 19:00
Scena Kalambur (ul. Kuźnicza 29a)
> “Mu” by Ewa Staron & “Helikopter”
by Jacek Krawczyk (Dance Vibratione:
WrocławNonStop) - Fri 20:00
OPERA Wrocławska
OLD MARKET HALL (“Starej Giełdy,” Pl.
Solny 16) Janko Rašeta (Guitar), Wrocław
Modern Quartet, Jan Krawczewski (Contrabass) (Classical: Free) - 19:00
ALIBI (ul. Grunwaldzka 67) ChoNaBibe
- Al-Fatnujah (Beatbox: 10PLN) - 20:00
Tuesday 26th
BWA AWANGARDA (ul. Wita Stwosza 32)
Robotobibok (Jazz/Electronica: At the
opening reception of “Academy of Fine
Arts in Wroclaw - Graduation Exhibition”) - 20:00
RURA Jam Session w/ Four Q (Jazz: Free)
- 20:30
Wednesday 27th
WYSPA SŁODOWA Dreadzone, Dezerter,
Blade Loki, Lost Road, 336 miejsc (WrocławNonStop: Free) - 17:00
RURA Jam Session w/ Cool Cats (Jazz:
Free) - 20:30
Thursday 28th
(Hala Ludowa, tel. 071/370-88-80)
Napój miłosny (L’Elisir d’Amore)
by G. Donizetti - Fri-Sun 21:00
FIRLEJ (ul.Grabiszyńska 56)
“Jonasz” - A Spectacle (WrocławNonStop) - Tue 19:00
WYSPA SŁODOWA Siddhartha, Izrael,
DArchangel, Muchy, Blue Raincoat, Joint
Venture Sound System (WrocławNonStop: Free) - 17:00
RURA Jam Session: “Tribute to Herbie
Hancock” (Jazz: Free) - 20:30
Friday 22nd
CONCERT HALL (ul. Piłsudskiego 19)
Symphonic Concert - “Film Music” (Classical: 60/40/25/15PLN) - 19:00
FIRLEJ (ul. Grabiszyńska 56) Kanał Audytywny (Jazz/Hip-Hop/Trip-Hop/Downtempo: 22/15PLN) - 20:00
RURA (ul. Łazienna 4) The Crackers
(Funk: 14/9PLN) - 20:30
DROGA DO MEKKI (ul. Ruska 51) Eklektik
Session Special (Drum’n’Electronic:
10PLN) - 21:00
Saturday 23rd
CRK (ul. Jagiellończyka 10cd) “Chaos
Day” (Noise: 10PLN) - 15:00
HALL Film Songs (60/40/25/15PLN)
- 18:00
HOLY CROSS CHURCH (Kościół św Krzyża
/ pl. Kościelny) Concert - L. van Beethoven / A. Bruckner / J. Brahms (Classical)
- 20:00
FIRLEJ Tarwater (Electronica: 15/10PLN)
- 20:00
Sunday 24th
HALL Symphonic Concert - “Film Music”
(Classical: 60/40/20PLN) - 18:00
(ul. Piłsudskiego 74,
tel. 071/ 347-14-65)
A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints
(US) 15:00
Azuloscurocasinegro (ES) Fri-Sun
La Môme (FR) Fri-Sun 18:30; Mon-Thu
Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále
(CZ) 21:00
> Retrospective “Eric Rohmer”
Ma nuit chez Maud (1969) Mon 19:00
Le Genou de Claire (1970) Tue 19:00
Le Beau mariage (1982) Wed 19:00
Pauline à la plage (1983) Thu 19:00
HELIOS (Kazimierza Wielkiego 19a-21,
tel.071/ 786-65-66)
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver
Surfer (US) 13:30, 18:45, 20:45
Zodiac (US) 12:15, 15:15, 18:15, 21:15
Because I Said So (US) 11:30, 17:30,
Hostel 2 (US) 10:15, 12:00, 13:45, 15:30,
17:15, 19:00, 20:45, 22:30
Mr. Brooks (US) 10:45, 13:00, 15:15,
17:30, 19:45, 22:00
Ocean’s 13 (US) 10:45, 13:15, 15:30,
17:45, 20:15, 22:30
Hot Fuzz (GB) 19:30, 22:30
Contact: Wrocław Tourist Information Center, Rynek 14, 50-101 Wrocław, tel. (+48 71) 344 31 11, [email protected]
White Noise 2: The Light (US/CA) 21:45
Pirates of the Caribbean: At
World’s End (US) 9:00, 11:00, 12:00,
14:00, 15:00, 17:00, 18:00, 20:00, 21:00
> Films for children (all Polish dubbed):
Happy wkręt (Happily N’Ever After)
(DE/US) 15:45
Rodzinka Robinsonów (Meet the
Robinsons) (US) 10:30, 12:30, 14:30,
16:30, 18:30
Franklin i skarb jeziora (Franklin
et le trésor du lac) (FR) 9:30, 11:15,
12:45, 14:15, 15:45, 17:15
LALKA (ul. Prusa 32,tel.071/792-44-05)
Parę osób, mały czas (PL) Fri-Sun
Knallhart (DE) Fri-Wed 18:00
Výchova dívek v Čechách (CZ) FriSun 20:00; Mon-Wed 16:00, 20:00; Thu
La Sagrada familia (CL) Thu 19:30
LWOW (ul.Hallera15,tel.071/793-50-78)
Artur i Minimki / Arthur et les Minimoys (FR/US: Polish Dubbed) 16:00
El Laberinto del fauno (ES/US/MX)
Thank You for Smoking (US) 20:00
(ul. Piłsudskiego 64, tel. 071/ 792-43-83)
Code Name: The Cleaner (US) 16:00
The Queen (FR/GB/IT) 17:00
Scoop (US/GB) 18:00
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
(FR/ES/DE) 19:00
Testosteron (PL) 20:00
(ul. Kraińskiego 14, tel. 0-661-927-476)
3 Women (US, Robert Altman, 1977)
- Mon 21:00
MLECZARNIA (ul. Włodkowica 5)
“Zbliżenie” - XII Independent Film Projection - Sun 20:00 / 7PLN
Museum of Architecture
(ul. Bernardynska 5, tel.
071/344-82-78/79, 343-36-75)
> “Light and Form. Modern Architecture
and Photography in Hungary 19271950” (27.04.07-02.09.07)
> “JEMS Architekci. 9 Designs & 9 Realizations” (31.05.07-02.09.07)
> “Endless Horizon: Paintings of Stanislaw Kortyka” (15.06.07-02.09.07)
BWA Awangarda
(ul. Wita Stwosza 32, tel. 071/790-25-82)
> “Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw
- Graduation Exhibition” (10.06.07-
©WrocławWeekly 2007, Some Rights Reserved CC [BY-NC-ND]
Galeria DESIGN
(ul. Świdnicka 2-4, tel. 071/790-11-93)
> “Gerard Gosselin / Une chanson du
geste?” & “Roger Bonnard / Entre nous”
(ul. Rzeźnicza 4, tel. 071/344-46-34)
> “Wojciech Gilewicz / A Painter’s Aporia” (26.06.07-06.07.07)
Galeria Szkła i Ceramiki
(pl. Kościuszki 9/10, tel. 071/790-25-81)
> “Maciej Kasperski / Ctrl C, Ctrl V”
La Luz (ul. Kraińskiego 14)
> “Ewelina Turkot & Sylwia OlszewskaTracz / Erotic Art - Double Exhibition”
National Museum (pl. Powstancow
Warszawy 5, tel. 071/372-51-50)
> “Stefano della Bella - etching virtuoso” (25.04.07-24.06.07)
> “Klasycy i dziewice”(16.05.07-19.08.07)
Hotel Tumski
Wyspa Słodowa 10
tel. 071/322-60-88/99
[email protected]
ul. Kiełbaśnicza 20, tel.071/ 78-77-100
Hotel Mercure Panorama
pl. Dominikański 1, tel.071/323-27-00
[email protected]
The Stranger Hostel
ul. Kołłątaja 16/3, tel.071/344-12-06
[email protected]
ul. Włodkowica 5, tel.071/787-75-70
[email protected]
Cinnamon Hostel
ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 67
[email protected]
Tourist Information Center
Rynek 14, tel.071/344-31-11
[email protected]
Zamek Kliczków
Kliczków 8, 59-724 Osiecznica
tel.075/73-40-700 thru 702
[email protected]