must, have to, be allowed to


must, have to, be allowed to
To be allowed to = can
Ex. 1
Wstaw odpowiednią formę wyraŜenia “to be allowed to”
1. I…………………………………… see my friends tomorrow.
2. Last week I………………………………………(not) play outside.
3. She……………………………………(not) eat sweets after she brushes
her teeth.
4. We …………………………go to the cinema yesterday.
5. I…………………………… watch TV after 12 p.m.
Ex. 2
UłóŜ zdania z wyraŜeniem “to be allowed to”
Speak English, shout, talk in lass, ask questions, cheat, use a dictionary, write on
a bard, fight with other pupils, play game in break time, use red pens.
must- zobowiązania narzucone przez mówiącego
nasze przypuszczenia, kiedy jesteśmy prawie pewni
NIE uŜywamy must w czasie przeszłym (- had to)
have to- zobowiązania narzucone z zewnątrz
Ex. 3
Wstaw must lub have to
1. You ………………… go to school yesterday.
2. I………………… wear a crash helmet.
3. A hundred years ago, most people ……………… go to work on foot
because there weren’t many cars.
4. You ………………… eat fruit and vegetables.
5. He ……………… wear a uniform at school.
Ex. 4
UłóŜ zdania z must i have to
Wash your hands, be polite to teachers, find your yellow socks, stop eating
banana sandwiches, go to school everyday, mend your bicycle tyre, save your
pocket money.

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