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Dziekan Wydziału Chemii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego zaprasza na
Krajow y Naukow y Ośrodek Wiodący (KNOW) w dziedzinie Chemii (UW-PW)
Wydział Chemii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Centrum Nauk Biologiczno-Chemicznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
zapraszają na cykl wykładów dla doktorantów Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
i Politechniki Warszawskiej
Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry
prowadzony przez
Prof. Purnendu K. Dasgupta
(University of Texas at Arlington, USA)
Głównymi zagadnieniami serii wykładów będą:
1. Focus on ionic analysis by chromatography: Ion chromatography: Yesterday, today
and tomorrow
2. The inorganics of air pollution: Standard methods and emerging techniques for the
continuous measurement of trace gases and particle composition
3. Environmental analysis: A Case study with arsenic
4. Cyanide: Friend, foe or neutral? Analytical approaches to cyanide
5. Exploitation of drops and thin films in analytical chemistry.
Wykłady odbędą się w audytorium Centrum Nauk Biologiczno-Chemicznych UW przy ulicy
Żwirki i Wigury 101 w Warszawie w dniach 22, 23, 24, 27 i 28 maja w godzinach 11.00 –
W dniu 29 maja przewidziany jest test umożliwiający formalne zaliczenie cyklu wykładów
doktorantom z uzyskaniem 1,5 punktu ECTS
Purnendu (Sandy) Dasgupta was born in 1949 in Kolkata, India. He received a
BSc (Honors) in chemistry in 1968 and an MSc in inorganic chemistry in 1970,
both from the University of Burdwan in India. He went to Louisiana State
University at Baton Rouge for his PhD in 1973, and received his degree in
analytical chemistry under the tutelage of Philip W. West in 1977. He joined the
faculty of the Department of Chemistry at Texas Tech University in 1981 and rose
through the ranks to be elected a Paul Whitfield Horn Professor of Chemistry in
1992, the youngest person to be so honored at that time. After 25 years at Texas
Tech, he left for the University of Texas at Arlington where he is presently Jenkins
Garrett Professor of Chemistry.
Google scholar credits him with over 400 papers and book chapters, (11,000+
citations and a Hirsch index of 55), in addition to 23 US patents, including one on
electrodialytic reagent generation technology on which current ion chromatography is based. His recognitions include the Dow Chemical Company Traylor
Creativity Award, the Ion Chromatography Symposium Outstanding
Achievement Award (once in 1989, once in 2005), the Benedetti-Pichler Memorial
Award in microchemistry, Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS)
Scientist of the Year Award 2004-2005. He is an Editor of Analytica Chimica Acta, a
major international journal in analytical chemistry. His current research interests
include capillary scale liquid chromatography, especially ion chromatography,
novel detection and data transform schemes in chromatography. The research in the Dasgupta lab is targeted towards finding the best
solution to a problem and is not married to any specific technique. Laboratory-built instrumentation is as commonly used as
commercial chromatographs, mass spectrometers, etc. Students are necessarily trained in electronics and computer-interfacing and
writing appropriate instrument control/data acquisition software. The present flagship project in the lab is building an ion
chromatograph for Mars exploration.
Zgłoszenia uczestnictwa w cyklu wykładów przyjmuje mgr Katarzyna Jabłonka-Salach, tel.(22) 552 6523
[email protected]