EA - Zadania SP klasa 6


EA - Zadania SP klasa 6
ul. Białowieska 50/26, 54-235 Wrocław
tel./fax 071-310-48-17
tel.kom. 0-505-138-588; 0-501-101-866
e-mail: [email protected]
JASKÓŁKA – klasa 6 szkoły podstawowej
Czas trwania konkursu: 45 minut
Witamy Cię. Otrzymujesz od nas 100 punktów – tyle ile masz decyzji do podjęcia . Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź dopisujemy Ci jeszcze 1 punkt,
za błędną zabieramy dany punkt. Gdy nie odpowiadasz, zachowujesz podarowany punkt. Pamiętaj, że każda z odpowiedzi A, B, C, D może być
fałszywa lub prawdziwa. W czasie konkursu nie wolno używać słowników, notatek, podręczników itp.. Życzymy przyjemnej pracy.
1. I`ve got ... sister and ... brother.
A) one; two
B) one; one
C) a; a
D) an; an
2. ... some butter on this bread.
A) There are
B) There is
C) Where is
D) Where are
3. ... orange juice is there in the fridge?
A) Is there
B) Are there
C) How much
D) How many
4. ... school yesterday?
A) Did you walked to
B) Did you walk to
C) Were you walk to D) Were you at
5. I can ... badminton.
A) playing
B) play
C) to play
D) to playing
6. When you play tennis you need ... .
A) rackets
B) a court
C) a net
D) a rink
7. Why are you ... ?
A) angry with me
C) angry to me
D) angry because I
8. I`ll come to you next Sunday by ... .
A) coach
B) train
C) underground
D) ferry
9. Jane lives ... Chapel Street.
A) at
B) on
C) in
D) with
B) angry on me
10. First 13 states declared ... from Britain in 1776.
A) dependence
B) independence
C) department
D) industry
11. Sam`s birthday`s on the 5th . We are having a ... .
A) birthday party
B) surprise party for him
C) barbecue
D) sleepover
12. Can I ... your watch, please?
A) lend
B) rent
C) borrow
13. “Where is the post office?”- “ It`s .. the hospital.”
A) next to
B) opposite
C) near
D) let
D) on the left
14. This is ... pen, but that bag is ... .
A) your, my
B) your, mine
C) mine, your
D) my, yours
15. Today isn`t ... yesterday.
A) as warn
B) warm as
C) as warm as
D) warm
16. Oscar is ... than Mark, but Brandon is ... .
A) happy, happier
C) happier, the happiest
B) nicer, the nicer
D) nicer, the nicest
17. “Can I help you?’ – “ Can I try these shoes ..., please?”
A) in
B) on
C) by
D) to
18. I like to ... money for something special.
A) safe
B) save
C) alike
D) unlike
19. I ... my mother on Saturday.
A) have to
B) have help
C) help
D) have to help
20. The American flag is called the ... .
A) Union Jack
B) Stars and Stripes
C) Union Stars
D) Union States
21. There are many English-speaking countries such as ... .
A) Australia
B) Canada
C) New Zealand
D) the USA
22. The main event of ... Day is a special meal of roast turkey, ham, corn-on-the-cob, sweet potatoes,
cranberry sauce.
A) Independence
B) Boxing
C) Thanksgiving
D) Haloween
23. The USA declared independence from Britain on ... 1776.
A) 4th June
B) 4th July
C) 14th June
D) 14th July
24. The Great Fire of London was in ... .
A) 1966
B) 1866
D) 1666
C) 1766
25. The President of the USA lives in the ... in ... .
A) White House; New York
B) Buckingham Palace; New York
C) White House; Washington DC.
D) Buckingham Palace; Washington DC.
Zapraszamy do:
 konkursu ENGLISH HIGH FLIER 2006 w nowym roku szkolnym 2006/2007,
 udziału w obozie „Konie, matematyka i języki“ w Serpelicach w czasie wakacji 2006. Obóz przeznaczony jest
dla ambitnych uczniów szkół podstawowych od klasy 3 i uczniów gimnazjów, którym nie przeszkadza
„odrobina nauki“ na tym obozie.
Szczegóły: www.mat.edu.pl
© Copyright by Łowcy Talentów – JERSZ, Wrocław 2006