EA - Zadania SP klasa 5


EA - Zadania SP klasa 5
WILCZYN ul. Dębowa 2
tel./fax 71-310-48-17; tel. 501-101-866
www.mat.edu.pl [email protected]
JERZYK – klasa 5 szkoły podstawowej
Czas trwania konkursu: 45 minut
Witamy Cię. Otrzymujesz od nas 96 punktów – tyle ile masz decyzji do podjęcia. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź dopisujemy Ci jeszcze 1 punkt,
za błędną zabieramy dany punkt. Gdy nie odpowiadasz, zachowujesz podarowany punkt. Pamiętaj, że każda z odpowiedzi A, B, C, D może być
fałszywa lub prawdziwa. W czasie konkursu nie wolno używać słowników, notatek, podręczników itp.
Życzymy przyjemnej pracy. Powodzenia!
1. How ................... is that car?
A) much
B) expensive
C) rich
D) money
2. Which of these can be red?
A) a crayon
B) a phone box
C) butter
D) polish
C) at job
D) at work
Sam: Is your dad at home now?
Dennis: No, he's .................... .
A) in job
B) in work
4. Look over there! Jenny ............... and her sisters ....................... .
A) reads / dance
B) is reading / are dancing
C) are reading / is dancing
D) read / dances
Ben: Can I switch off the TV?
Tim: No, I ................... a film.
A) 'm watching
B) 'm not watching
C) don't watch
D) watch
6. Famous actors are .................... than teachers.
A) rich
B) the richest
C) richer
D) poorest
7. In the classroom, all the students were talking ........................
A) cheaply
B) loudly
C) quietly
D) quickly
8. Look! That's the boy ...................... father is a famous footballer!
A) which
B) who
C) how
D) whose
9. My uncle is a mechanic. He ................. cars.
A) repairs
B) fixes
C) sends
D) mends
10. I can't drink this tea! It's ........................... !
A) hotter
B) too hot
C) too well
D) not warm enough
C) height
D) high
Laura: Joe, what's your ......................... ?
Joe: About 170 cm.
A) weight
B) tall
Katie: ....................... does your sister look ............................?
Linda: She's got long, black hair and brown eyes.
A) How / B) Which / at
C) Who / in
D) What / like
13. I'm going to the cinema tomorrow .......................... I'm going to watch a film.
A) because
B) but
C) and
D) that
14. ........................ called you today, but he didn't tell me his name.
A) Nobody
B) Anybody
C) Somebody
D) Everybody
15. Which can be a noun and a verb?
A) peel
B) brush
C) cook
D) leaf
16. Two days ago, my friend ............ his finger.
A) cutted
B) has cut
C) has cutted
D) cut
17. ............... you playing the drums at the school concert last Saturday?
A) Was
B) Were
C) Wasn't
D) Weren't
18. Hello, can you tell me ............ bus I should take to get to the centre?
A) where
B) when
C) which
D) how
19. Sharon's got a big exam tomorrow and she's feeling very ............................. .
A) scared
B) frightened
C) nervous
D) stressed
20. What can be a dessert?
A) a doughnut
B) pudding
C) soup
21. I'm thirsty. Can you .............................. me a drink, please?
A) give
B) freeze
C) fry
D) a cake
D) pour
Neil: Can we have omelettes for dinner?
Mum: No, I'm sorry. ...................................... eggs.
A) We've got too many
B) Haven't got enough
C) We've got too few
D) We've got as many
23. On Bonfire Night, people in Britain remember….................. .
A) Winston Churchill
B) Jack Frost
C) Guy Fawkes
24. New York City is ....................................… .
A) on the East coast of America
C) where the Whitehouse is located
D) St. George
B) the capital of the USA
D) sometimes called „The Big Apple”
© Copyright by Łowcy Talentów – JERSZ, Wrocław 2011